........in recent weeks has been using an inordinate amount of ordnance at night. The shock waves bounce off our house in Cape Carteret and never before have we witnessed anything resembling this.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Camp LeJuene.......
........in recent weeks has been using an inordinate amount of ordnance at night. The shock waves bounce off our house in Cape Carteret and never before have we witnessed anything resembling this.
NC: Day of Resistance

Asheville, NC Day of Resistance
Location: Pack Square
Time: 12p
Sponsoring Organization: Mountain Area Citizens' Political Action Committee
Organizer Contact: Andrea or Cody Boyer, ashevilleresistancerally@gmail.com, 828-423-3105
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/211041029042416/
Burke County, NC Day of Resistance
Location: Old Burke County Courthouse Lawn
Time: 1pm
Sponsoring Organization:
Organizer Contact: Jonathan Baird jbaird@thefreehold.us
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Burke-County-2nd-Amendment-Rights-group/39380954738007
Charlotte, NC Day of Resistance
Location: The Great Outdoors, 112 N Cherry St, Cherryville NC
Time: 12p-3p
Sponsoring Organization:
Organizer Contact: Ashley, ncrebel.resistance@gmail.com
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/ncdayofresistance
Lenoir, NC Day of Resistance
Location: Downtown Pavilion Stage, Lenoir, NC
(nearby 248 Main Street, NW)
Time: 2p-4p
Sponsoring Organization:
Organizer Contact: Kevin Long, lenoir_nc_day_of_resistance@yahoo.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/messages/145303245601232#!/LenoirNcDayOfResistance
Marion, NC Day of Resistance Rally
Location: Marion County Courthouse Lawn, Main Street and East Court Street
Time: 12pm
Sponsoring Organization:
Contact: Donny Loftis, 828-674-1404, naildriver1954@gmail.com
Location: Pack Square
Time: 12p
Sponsoring Organization: Mountain Area Citizens' Political Action Committee
Organizer Contact: Andrea or Cody Boyer, ashevilleresistancerally@gmail.com, 828-423-3105
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/211041029042416/
Burke County, NC Day of Resistance
Location: Old Burke County Courthouse Lawn
Time: 1pm
Sponsoring Organization:
Organizer Contact: Jonathan Baird jbaird@thefreehold.us
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Burke-County-2nd-Amendment-Rights-group/39380954738007
Charlotte, NC Day of Resistance
Location: The Great Outdoors, 112 N Cherry St, Cherryville NC
Time: 12p-3p
Sponsoring Organization:
Organizer Contact: Ashley, ncrebel.resistance@gmail.com
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/ncdayofresistance
Lenoir, NC Day of Resistance
Location: Downtown Pavilion Stage, Lenoir, NC
(nearby 248 Main Street, NW)
Time: 2p-4p
Sponsoring Organization:
Organizer Contact: Kevin Long, lenoir_nc_day_of_resistance@yahoo.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/messages/145303245601232#!/LenoirNcDayOfResistance
Marion, NC Day of Resistance Rally
Location: Marion County Courthouse Lawn, Main Street and East Court Street
Time: 12pm
Sponsoring Organization:
Contact: Donny Loftis, 828-674-1404, naildriver1954@gmail.com
Free Section on Craigslist: Unused Wedding Vows (Lucama NC)
Via Cousin John
I have a free set of wedding vows that belonged to my wife who never used them, or followed or obeyed them in any way. As my first marriage, I should have realized there might be some problems ahead when I found out that she had already been married 3 times before.
Obama campaign caught in major NC vote fraud scheme
February 19, 2013 North Carolina's Civitas Institute has revealed that the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Obama campaign conspired to register at least 11,000 people via the internet in violation of state law. This has been confirmed through records requests filed with all of North Carolina's 100 counties. The counting is not yet complete.
North Carolina does not allow online voting, but according to Civitas, SBE staff authorized an Obama campaign website, Gottaregister.com, to use a web-based registration program. The SBE's chief lawyer responded to the charge with a plainly disingenuous 1984-newspeak answer:
Wright repeatedly denied that the SBE allowed online voter registration, insisting that it was “web-based voter registration”[ii] instead, as if there could be a “web-based” process that wasn’t online.
The technology from Allpoint Voter Services uses remote-control pens to transmit “signatures” over the Internet, according to techpresident.com[iii]. After entering voter information in an online form, the citizen “signs” it with a stylus or a finger. The Allpoint technology records the signature and then transmits it to one of two autopens – one in California, the other in Nevada[iv]. One of the pens transcribes the signature on to a paper voter registration form. Allpoint then mails the documents to local election boards – or is supposed to, a point we’ll come back to.
To say this is not “online” registration but “web-based” is like saying a certain vehicle is not a car, it’s an automobile.
February 19, 2013 North Carolina's Civitas Institute has revealed that the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Obama campaign conspired to register at least 11,000 people via the internet in violation of state law. This has been confirmed through records requests filed with all of North Carolina's 100 counties. The counting is not yet complete.
North Carolina does not allow online voting, but according to Civitas, SBE staff authorized an Obama campaign website, Gottaregister.com, to use a web-based registration program. The SBE's chief lawyer responded to the charge with a plainly disingenuous 1984-newspeak answer:
Wright repeatedly denied that the SBE allowed online voter registration, insisting that it was “web-based voter registration”[ii] instead, as if there could be a “web-based” process that wasn’t online.
The technology from Allpoint Voter Services uses remote-control pens to transmit “signatures” over the Internet, according to techpresident.com[iii]. After entering voter information in an online form, the citizen “signs” it with a stylus or a finger. The Allpoint technology records the signature and then transmits it to one of two autopens – one in California, the other in Nevada[iv]. One of the pens transcribes the signature on to a paper voter registration form. Allpoint then mails the documents to local election boards – or is supposed to, a point we’ll come back to.
To say this is not “online” registration but “web-based” is like saying a certain vehicle is not a car, it’s an automobile.
More @ Examiner
Young America
This wood burning is reported to be a black Mammy holding a white child wrapped in an American flag from the 19th century and supposedly done in disagreement with the 15th amendment although I don't see the connection. A friend would like to sell this if any interest.
Rand Paul To Filibuster John Brennan Over Drones
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) issued a final letter to former Obama assassination czar and current nominee for director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan in which he questions the legality of using drone strikes inside the United States. Paul has inquired on two other occasions. You can read those here and here.
Paul’s letter to Brennan recounts the previous attempts to get him to answer questions that have been posed to him. So far, Paul has not received a response. All of his requests have been ignored.
“Your past actions in this regard, as well as your view of the limitations to which you are subject, are of critical importance in assessing your qualifications to lead the CIA,” Paul writes. “If it is not clear that you will honor the limits placed upon the Executive Branch by the Constitution, then the Senate should not confirm you to lead the CIA.”
More @ Freedom Outpost
Al-Qaeda's 22 tips for dodging drone attacks: the list in full
Hype And Fail
A document containing al-Qaeda's 22 tips for dodging drone attacks has been found in a building abandoned by Islamists in Mali. Here, we list all 22 tips.
1. It is possible to know the intention and the mission of the drone by
using the Russianmade “sky grabber” device to infiltrate the drone’s waves
and the frequencies. The device is available in the market for $2,595 and
the one who operates it should be a computer know-how.
2. Using devices that broadcast frequencies or pack of frequencies to disconnect the contacts and confuse the frequencies used to control the drone. The Mujahideen have had successful experiments using the Russian-made “Racal.”
3. Spreading the reflective pieces of glass on a car or on the roof of the building.
2. Using devices that broadcast frequencies or pack of frequencies to disconnect the contacts and confuse the frequencies used to control the drone. The Mujahideen have had successful experiments using the Russian-made “Racal.”
3. Spreading the reflective pieces of glass on a car or on the roof of the building.
More @ The Telegraph
Veteran received letter from VA prohibiting the ownership of firearms if deemed incompetent
Via comment by Anonymous on GUNS - Virtual State of the Union 2013
By Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D.
How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.
What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?
That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me. It is being sent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of America’s heroes. In my capacity as Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) I have been contacted by some of these veterans and the stories I am getting are appalling.

By Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D.
How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.
What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?
That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me. It is being sent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of America’s heroes. In my capacity as Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) I have been contacted by some of these veterans and the stories I am getting are appalling.
More @ Red Flag
Governor Holden’s Corrupt Promised Land
My Great, Great Grandfather Bartholomew Figures Moore, Father of the NC Bar, On Governor Holden
"Holden's impeachment is demanded by a sense of public virtue and due regard to the honor of the state. He is an exceedingly corrupt man and ought to be placed before the people as a public example of a tyrant condemned and punished."
the military overthrow of North Carolina’s government in 1865,
political opportunist William Woods Holden was appointed provisional
governor by Andrew Johnson. An organizer of the Republican party in the
State, he assumed the governor’s chair in 1868 through election
corruption and disenfranchisement of white North Carolina citizens.
Holden biographer William C. Harris wrote: “Most contemporaries
characterized Holden as a bitter, unscrupulous, and arrogant demagogue
who frequently changed his political stripes to advance his own
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Governor Holden’s Corrupt Promised Land:
Holden in his inaugural address laid down the doctrine that no part in
government should be played by those who had opposed reconstruction. He
then advocated and threatened the use of force by the State
administration. These two ideas, with his defense of the carpetbaggers,
were prophetic of the character of his administration, for it was
bitterly partisan throughout, force was employed to uphold it, and it
was entirely controlled by carpetbaggers.
the one exception of John Pool, who was, throughout his administration,
his evil genius, no one had any such upon him as was exerted by the
corrupt gang of aliens who infested the State and surrounded him. All
played on his ambition, and there lay his most fatal weakness. Into
their hands he committed his future, believing that high national honors
were soon to be his, and the result was not only disastrous to himself,
but well-nigh ruinous to the State.
first matter to receive the attention of the governor was, as was to be
expected, the filling of such offices as lay within his gift. [The]
governor busied himself with the appointments, keeping clearly in mind
their political value, and taking care that the Negroes obtained their
full share of these cheap honors.
office of magistrate in North Carolina had always been one of honor and
importance. It now became a by-word and a reproach. Governor Holden’s
appointments were notoriously poor and, in the main, the white men
appointed were not much more fitted to discharge the duties of the
office than were the Negroes. Hundreds of them could not read or write
and prisoners often had to make out the papers to which the justice
laboriously affixed his mark. Much of the later trouble in the
administration of justice was due to these ignorant and often corrupt
appointees of the governor.
towns next won the governor’s attention and, without any authority, he
commenced the appointment of mayors and commissioners of the various
towns of the State. The municipal officers of Raleigh refused to yield
to the new [city] administration which was headed by the governor’s
brother-in-law. The governor then telegraphed to General Canby for a
military force to seat his appointees. The next day he wired for the
necessary force to oust the sheriff of New Hanover who had also declined
to recognize an appointee of the governor. The sheriffs of Granville,
Randolph, and other counties refused to and in every case military force
was employed.
was not a favorable outlook for North Carolina, though the real evils
of Reconstruction were scarcely dreamed of. The leaders of [Holden’s
Republican] party were holding back until the presidential election
should be won, when they would be safe from unfriendly interference by
the national government. To that time they looked forward with more
eagerness than any slave had ever hoped for freedom and with more
longing than any weary Hebrew had ever felt for the Promised Land.”
Mosin-Nagant Model 1938 Carbine Back In Stock
I have the M44.
Extremely Popular and Highly Desirable M-38 Mosin Nagant Carbine Rifles.
7.62x54r caliber, 5 Round, Bolt Action, Arsenal Refinished by Molot
and in Excellent Condition Only 40' overall.
Fed Inflating Bubbles in Stock, Housing Markets
Via avordvet
The Federal Reserve’s massive easing program is creating bubbles in the
stock and housing markets, says economist, investment banker and
"Currency Wars" author James Rickards.
“Equity prices are higher, housing prices are higher, but they’re higher for the wrong reason,” Rickards tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview. “They’re higher because of money printing. In other words, these are new asset bubbles forming.”
Major stock indices touched five-year highs Tuesday, and home prices, as measured by the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city index, rose by the most in six years during the 12 months ended in November.
“Equity prices are higher, housing prices are higher, but they’re higher for the wrong reason,” Rickards tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview. “They’re higher because of money printing. In other words, these are new asset bubbles forming.”
Major stock indices touched five-year highs Tuesday, and home prices, as measured by the S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city index, rose by the most in six years during the 12 months ended in November.
More @ MoneyNews
GOA Bringing Pro-gun Victim to Testify Before Congress on Monday
Stockton, CA survivor to explain the dangers of gun-free zones
Patrick Purdy? He became a household name on January 17, 1989, when he
perpetrated what was, up till then, the worst elementary school
shooting up to that time.
On that date, five innocent children
lost their lives in Stockton, California, and 27 children were injured.
Rob Young was one of the children who were injured. Today he is a sworn
enforcement officer in the state of California. But unlike
politically-appointed police chiefs who are in the news calling for
tougher gun legislation, Rob has a different message.
You see, Rob supports the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and he is opposed to gun control!
that’s why Gun Owners of America is flying Rob Young to DC so that he
can explain to Congress the dangers that gun-free zones pose. Officer
Young has firsthand experience in this area, and he knows the dangers of
disarming law-abiding citizens.
Moreover, Officer
Young supports Rep. Steve Stockman’s legislation (H.R. 35) to repeal
the gun-free zones that are currently preventing principals and teachers
protecting students.
Liberal media pundits are
trying to convince Republicans that only strategy for defeating the
worst of Obama’s anti-gun proposals is to
accept other gun control items on Obama’s menu. Sadly, this is the
strategy of Neville Chamberlain that, if we give more and more ground,
then the “other side” will eventually back off.
appeasement failed in the 1930’s and 1940’s, and it still doesn’t work
today. If we are going to defeat the gun control legislation that
before Congress, we need to push forward solutions that will make the
“other side” back off.
We shouldn’t be
negotiating on Obama’s terms. If anti-gunners are going to try to ram
gun control down our throats -- in violation of the Constitution -- the
best defense is to force them, instead, to swallow some of our proposals
will actually work).
That’s why Rep. Stockman’s bill (H.R. 35) is so important.
Executive Director Larry Pratt, who twice
demolished CNN’s Piers Morgan in heated debates recently, will address
the crowd on Monday and make a strong case for passing H.R. 35. GOA's
Vice Chairman Tim Macy will also speak and will be introducing Officer
Rob Young to the Congress.
ACTION: Please click here to urge your Representative
(and staff) to attend this important symposium on Monday. Moreover,
ask him or her to cosponsor H.R. 35, the Safe Schools Act of 2013.
Gun Chic
Via Oleg Volk
Found on an Australian news channel on youtube
Vote for the "Flashbang" bra alone! If I dated a girl and she had one of those I think I would ask her to marry me right then and there.
Too bad they couldn't find a reporter who knew anything about guns and didn't try to be so subtle about being anti himself. Right out of the gate at 1:14 of the piece they refer to a "22 gauge shotgun". At 6:18 they call her semi-automatic pistol a "22 gauge" as well. Where can I get this magic gauge that suits both shotguns and pistols?
Love the anti, it's better for the child to have an experience at the hands of a home invader than it is to defend against the home invader.
This Saturday – A North Carolina LS Gathering in Peletier
plan to join us this Saturday, 23 February, in Peletier at the T&W
Oyster House, our gathering begins at 6PM. We have a good many members
in eastern North Carolina and this is a great opportunity for meeting
like-minded people and networking for future efforts in this part of the
State. Feel free to bring guests who share our love of political
liberty and responsible government.
LS State Chair Bernhard Thuersam will speak on past, current and future
NC LS political activities and conferences, initiating local grassroots
political activism, and electing State-focused representatives who will
resist unconstitutional federal encroachments into State matters and
the lives of North Carolina citizens.
T&W Oyster House is located at 2383 Highway 58, near Swansboro.
For information and directions, please call Tim Norman at 252.639.1187 or email timnorman1988@hushmail.com
ArmaLite Will Continue to Sell Rifles to Law Enforcement Officers in States That Ban Them for Citizens
Via hefferman1
ArmaLite caused a bit of a stir the other day when one of their employees responded to an email from one of many concerned gun owners who wrote the gun company asking them to completely stop sales to states who deny their citizens the right to own their rifles. This mainly applies to law enforcement. For instance both LaRue Tactical and Olympic Arms have said they will no longer sell their rifles to law enforcement in the states where private citizens cannot own them.
The email from ArmaLite to the concerned gun owner is as follows (from AR15.com):
Dear concerned gun owner,
First of all I would like to say thank you for filling my email with all this spam email.
Second, I am not sure where you got this blanket email from to send out as spam, but please stop it.
Third, The manufacture is not the one you need to convince.
You need to convince the law enforcement agencies and the common people about their mistake in electing these officials and have them removed. Again NOT the manufacture.
AR Stands for ArmaLite…
Pat Raley
Master Armorer / Sales Rep.
ArmaLite, Inc.
P.O. Box 299
Geneseo, IL. 61254
As you can imagine, once this email got posts to the various gun forums, it caused quite the uproar.
Well, now ArmaLite has formally responded in a post from their account on AR15.com.
ArmaLite caused a bit of a stir the other day when one of their employees responded to an email from one of many concerned gun owners who wrote the gun company asking them to completely stop sales to states who deny their citizens the right to own their rifles. This mainly applies to law enforcement. For instance both LaRue Tactical and Olympic Arms have said they will no longer sell their rifles to law enforcement in the states where private citizens cannot own them.
The email from ArmaLite to the concerned gun owner is as follows (from AR15.com):
Dear concerned gun owner,
First of all I would like to say thank you for filling my email with all this spam email.
Second, I am not sure where you got this blanket email from to send out as spam, but please stop it.
Third, The manufacture is not the one you need to convince.
You need to convince the law enforcement agencies and the common people about their mistake in electing these officials and have them removed. Again NOT the manufacture.
AR Stands for ArmaLite…
Pat Raley
Master Armorer / Sales Rep.
ArmaLite, Inc.
P.O. Box 299
Geneseo, IL. 61254
As you can imagine, once this email got posts to the various gun forums, it caused quite the uproar.
Well, now ArmaLite has formally responded in a post from their account on AR15.com.
More @ Guns Save Lives
Chicago Police Superintendent McCarthy Crosses The Line On Guns
Via avordvet
embattled police superintendent dug himself deeper into a pit of
controversy today by claiming that lawful firearm owners are agents of
political corruption. Appearing on a Chicago Sunday morning talk show, superintendent Garry McCarthy
expressed his conviction that firearm owners who lobby their elected
representatives or who donate money to political campaigns are engaged
in corruption that endangers public safety. McCarthy went on to express
his belief that judges and legislators should rely on public opinion
polls when interpreting our Constitution.
After totally dismissing the citizen's right to redress grievances, McCarthy trained his constitutional wisdom on the 2nd Amendment. Despite recent court decisions to the contrary, McCarthy opined that the 2nd Amendment limits citizens to owning smooth-bore muskets. McCarthy went on to say that he believes that the 2nd
Amendment supports mandatory liability insurance for firearm owners and
the mandatory application of GPS tracking devices to civilian owned
" Garry McCarthy 's
understanding of our Constitution barely qualifies him as a meter maid,
never mind the chief of the nation's third largest police department,"
commented ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson.
"What on earth would possess McCarthy to assert that constitutional
rights should be meted out based on public opinion polls? Let's not
forget that public opinion polls once opposed a woman's right to vote
while it would be a safe bet that, at one time, polls would have shown
lynching as an acceptable form of justice. It has been said that our
Constitution exists to protect the minority from the tyranny of the
majority. McCarthy's view of our Constitution is dangerous and
unbecoming of a civil servant."
More @ PR Newswire
A New Revolution: Patriot “Daughters” Go to War
“I had just started the membership process in January. All my paperwork is verified and documents done, but I have stalled the process until this gets resolved because when I questioned this as a prospective member, not only the changes themselves, but also the process of how they were done, I was promptly chastised and then banned from the DAR Facebook pages, and all my questions deleted.”
~Jennifer Jones Beauford, Texas.
For the past month or so, I have received statements like Jennifer’s by members and prospective members of the “National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution” (DAR). Jennifer’s comment summarizes the controversy that has been surrounding the 123-year old organization for over a year.
Until now, my sources had been hesitant about revealing their identity to other news outlets. Fox News allegedly dropped this story because members reportedly refused to reveal their identity and wanted to remain anonymous. They didn’t want their concerns to appear as an attack on the NSDAR, but rather wanted the focus to remain on exposing the troubling changes taking place within the current administration. However, in the midst of my writing this article, several courageous women have come forward and granted me permission (for the first time) to use their names. Their hope is that other women will be made aware of the battle they are waging on behalf of their Judeo-Christian values and what they see as the proliferation of “revisionist history” within their organization.
More @ Politi Chicks
Rape Survivor: A Call Box Above My Head While I Was Being Brutally Raped Wouldn't Have Helped
Amanda Collins is a young rape survivor. While in college in 2007, she was raped 50 feet away from the campus police department office at the University of Nevada-Reno and was lucky to get out alive. Her attacker was James Biela, a serial rapist who raped two other women and murdered another. He attacked her at gun point in a gun free zone. At the time of the attack, Collins was in possession of a concealed weapons permit but was not in possession of her firearm due to university policies prohibiting carrying concealed weapons on campus. She was also a second degree blackbelt at the time and walked to the parking garage with a large group of people. Today, Collins did an interview with NRA News host Cam Edwards to tell her horrific story. She explained why Colorado Democratic Rep. Joe Salazar's comments about call boxes and rape whistles being sufficient self defense for women on campus will only result in more uncessary victims.
"If I had been carrying that night, two other rapes would have been prevented and a young life would have been saved," Collins said.
More @ Town Hall
20 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is Heading For Big Trouble In The Months Ahead
Via Billy
The following are 20 signs that the U.S. economy is heading for big trouble in the months ahead..
#1 Freight shipment volumes have hit their lowest level in two years, and freight expenditures have gone negative for the first time since the last recession.
#2 The average price of a gallon of gasoline has risen by more than 50 cents over the past two months. This is making things tougher on our economy, because nearly every form of economic activity involves moving people or goods around.
#3 Reader's Digest, once one of the most popular magazines in the world, has filed for bankruptcy.
#4 Atlantic City's newest casino, Revel, has just filed for bankruptcy. It had been hoped that Revel would help lead a turnaround for Atlantic City.
#5 A state-appointed review board has determined that there is "no satisfactory plan" to solve Detroit's financial emergency, and many believe that bankruptcy is imminent. If Detroit does declare bankruptcy, it will be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
#6 David Gallagher, the CEO of Town Sports International, recently said that his company is struggling right now because consumers simply do not have as much disposable income anymore...
The following are 20 signs that the U.S. economy is heading for big trouble in the months ahead..
#1 Freight shipment volumes have hit their lowest level in two years, and freight expenditures have gone negative for the first time since the last recession.
#2 The average price of a gallon of gasoline has risen by more than 50 cents over the past two months. This is making things tougher on our economy, because nearly every form of economic activity involves moving people or goods around.
#3 Reader's Digest, once one of the most popular magazines in the world, has filed for bankruptcy.
#4 Atlantic City's newest casino, Revel, has just filed for bankruptcy. It had been hoped that Revel would help lead a turnaround for Atlantic City.
#5 A state-appointed review board has determined that there is "no satisfactory plan" to solve Detroit's financial emergency, and many believe that bankruptcy is imminent. If Detroit does declare bankruptcy, it will be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
#6 David Gallagher, the CEO of Town Sports International, recently said that his company is struggling right now because consumers simply do not have as much disposable income anymore...
"As we moved into January membership trends were tracking to expectations in the first half of the month, but fell off track and did not meet our expectations in the second half of the month. We believe the driver of this was the rapid decline in consumer sentiment that has been reported and is connected to the reduction in net pay consumers earn given the changes in tax rates that went into effect in January."
More @ Before it's News
GRNC Alert 2-21-13: Gun Fight Pending Attack by Obama Radicals
Friday,February 22, will witness an unprecedented attack on your rights as Obama mobilizes his army of left-wing activists to push for federal gun bans. “Roll Call” recently ran a piece entitled, “Organizing for America Plans 'National Day of Action' to Mobilize Grass Roots on Guns.” It went on to say:
“Organizing for Action is planning its first official mobilization in support of President Barack Obama’s proposals to curtail gun violence. The nonprofit that inherited Obama’s campaign infrastructure and 2 million strong volunteer army will hold a ‘national day of action’ on Feb. 22, officials said Tuesday.”
If that doesn’t scare you, it should
What you are seeing is “Barry the Community Organizer” doing what he does best: Attacking your rights using millions of rabid radicals who will stoop to any level of deceit in order to control you. The grass roots initiative began with his State of the Union address, in which he packed the house with families of victims of mass killings. Next, Obama went on the road to sell his plan at schools in Atlanta and elsewhere.
Now MoveOn.org is joining the fray by running TV ads that proclaim, “The NRA doesn’t speak for me.” In case you didn’t know it, these are the same folks that you brought you “ACORN”; MoveOn.org is funded by the left wing “Tides Foundation” which is itself funded by none other than freedom-hating billionaire George Soros.
Your voice needed now more than ever
You have politicians scared. As a founding member of the Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban, which now comprises 38 state and national organizations, GRNC members have been blasting Congress with a coordinated message that we will punish any legislator who supports gun control. So to counter your influence, “Barry” plans to “out-grassroots” you. Will you let him?
Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse Confederate Flag Conserved
Raleigh, NC Feb. 19, 2013 – During the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse on May 12, 1864, a Union soldier ripped the battle flag of the 1st Regiment North Carolina State Troops from its staff during hand-to-hand combat with the color-bearer. The flag’s missing left border attests to the ferocious fighting in the Virginia battle.
This historic banner is part of the Confederate flag collection, one of the nation’s largest, at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. Conservation of these banners requires expensive, specialized textile treatment. To help fund this need, the museum has formed a partnership with the 26th Regiment North Carolina Troops, Reactivated, the state’s largest Civil War re-enactment group
Raleigh, NC Feb. 19, 2013 – During the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse on May 12, 1864, a Union soldier ripped the battle flag of the 1st Regiment North Carolina State Troops from its staff during hand-to-hand combat with the color-bearer. The flag’s missing left border attests to the ferocious fighting in the Virginia battle.
This historic banner is part of the Confederate flag collection, one of the nation’s largest, at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. Conservation of these banners requires expensive, specialized textile treatment. To help fund this need, the museum has formed a partnership with the 26th Regiment North Carolina Troops, Reactivated, the state’s largest Civil War re-enactment group
During a Jan. 19 presentation at the North
Carolina Museum of History, the 26th Regiment North Carolina Troops,
Reactivated, unveiled the seventh flag it has helped conserve: the
battle flag of the 1st Regiment North Carolina State Troops. CREDIT:
North Carolina Museum of History
“This flag is a silent witness of one of the most horrific days of battle in the Civil War, but it has not been seen by the public for nearly 100 years,” said Jackson Marshall, Associate Director of the Museum of History. “Once again, the museum owes a debt of gratitude to the 26th Regiment members for donating the funds needed to conserve and exhibit the flag.”
Organized in Warrenton, the 1st Regiment participated in many of the major engagements fought by the Army of Northern Virginia. The regiment suffered enormous casualties at the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse. During the fighting, Pvt. George W. Harris of the Pennsylvania Volunteers seized the 1st Regiment’s battle flag carried by color-bearer Sgt. John Reams of Northampton County. Harris received a Medal of Honor for his deed — Reams was captured and imprisoned in Maryland and New York until he was paroled when the war ended.
The 1st Regiment’s flag was sent to the U.S. War Department in Washington, D.C. It was returned to North Carolina in 1905 and generally kept in a storage vault awaiting conservation.
“This flag is a silent witness of one of the most horrific days of battle in the Civil War, but it has not been seen by the public for nearly 100 years,” said Jackson Marshall, Associate Director of the Museum of History. “Once again, the museum owes a debt of gratitude to the 26th Regiment members for donating the funds needed to conserve and exhibit the flag.”
Organized in Warrenton, the 1st Regiment participated in many of the major engagements fought by the Army of Northern Virginia. The regiment suffered enormous casualties at the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse. During the fighting, Pvt. George W. Harris of the Pennsylvania Volunteers seized the 1st Regiment’s battle flag carried by color-bearer Sgt. John Reams of Northampton County. Harris received a Medal of Honor for his deed — Reams was captured and imprisoned in Maryland and New York until he was paroled when the war ended.
The 1st Regiment’s flag was sent to the U.S. War Department in Washington, D.C. It was returned to North Carolina in 1905 and generally kept in a storage vault awaiting conservation.
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