Sunday, November 17, 2013
Black Sunday for The Museum of the Confederacy
The name will be no more thanks to to Rawls, Scalawag, Traitor and VMI graduate who stated recently that nothing was in the works regarding this. A liar to boot. Too bad dueling isn't still legal.
Confederate Capital evacuated again...this time by Scalawags...
The Va Flaggers are deeply disturbed to report that plans to liquidate the Museum of the Confederacy have, indeed, moved forward.
We learned last week that Waite Rawls' plan (as outlined in the internal memo which can be found here: ) was approved by the Board of Trustees. We suspect he has been perfecting the spin he will put on the situation, and that an announcement will soon be forthcoming, most likely today.
In the memo, Rawls speaks of the "50 year transformation of MOC from shrine to modern, educational institution". No surprise here, as Mr. Rawls has repeatedly made attempts to remove the name "Confederacy" from the Museum, as reported here in 2007..
He purports that the liquidation is necessary as it "solves ongoing financial problems." and "Pays off debt to White House Endowment, Farmers' Bank, First Union Bank". It seems that the legacy of our Confederate Ancestors has been hocked...and the memory and honor of our Confederate ancestors will be traded for 30 pieces of silver.
He admits that "Appomattox, while a "mission" success, has not been enough of a financial success to bail out Richmond". One can only wonder how his obstinate, pc-driven refusal to fly a Confederate flag on the grounds, and the serious fall out as a result, factors into this part of the equation.
What the Va Flaggers DO NOT find in this document, is any mention of the MEN...the Confederate Soldiers whose honor and memory the women of the Ladies' Hollywood Memorial Association obtained the White House of the Confederacy and opened a museum there to forever memorialize our Confederate dead...
1892...RICHMOND — the theatre whereupon President Davis - acted his noblest part; Richmond, the head and heart
of the Confederacy, the defense of which called forth the most brilliant exploits of Lee and Jackson — is the place of
all others in the South where should be collected the records, memorials, and relics of the war.
Here only can be found all that belongs to the history of the Army of Northern Virginia. Here, in the White
House of the Confederacy, the women of Virginia have established a grand Memorial Hall, and they appeal to every
man and woman in the South to join them in their efforts to rescue the fragments of individual heroism and endurance,
fast floating away to oblivion, to gather in the tattered, rusty mementoes of our Lost Cause, and commit them to the keep-
ing of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society now fully equipped to guard such treasures. Let the faded cap
of the Lieutenant,* killed while leading a charge, be laid.
* Lieut. W. J. Sims, Company A, 23d Virginia Infantry. Killed Sharpsburg,
September 17, 1862.
- Confederate Memorial Literary Society: historiae et reliquiarum custodia:
in memoriam sempiternam
From their website: "The Mission
of the Museum and White House of the Confederacy
is to serve as the preeminent world center for
the display, study, interpretation,
commemoration, and preservation of the history
and artifacts of the Confederate States of
For those of you who may not be aware, the entities listed in the memo (attached) are The American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar, The Virginia Historical Society, and the National Park Service.
The American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar describes itself as "the nation's first museum to interpret the Civil War from Union, Confederate, and African American perspectives." While we have no issue with any organization interpreting the WBTS however they wish, for their purposes, ALL SOUTHERNERS should have a SERIOUS problem putting the artifacts and treasures that were donated by our Confederate ancestors and their descendants into their hands. OUR history needs to be interpreted by those who honor and respect our veterans, and our treasures protected by those who hold them dear.
These are the same folks who installed the Lincoln
statue in Richmond, and refused to accept a
Jefferson Davis statue for the grounds. For those of you who may not be aware, the entities listed in the memo (attached) are The American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar, The Virginia Historical Society, and the National Park Service.
The American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar describes itself as "the nation's first museum to interpret the Civil War from Union, Confederate, and African American perspectives." While we have no issue with any organization interpreting the WBTS however they wish, for their purposes, ALL SOUTHERNERS should have a SERIOUS problem putting the artifacts and treasures that were donated by our Confederate ancestors and their descendants into their hands. OUR history needs to be interpreted by those who honor and respect our veterans, and our treasures protected by those who hold them dear.
The Va Flaggers will continue to make a presence at the Museum in Richmond, keep our ears to the ground, and were thrilled to learn that as of TODAY a Confederate Flag is flying just a few feet from the Museum at Appomattox, on the same land where we gathered to protest the grand opening, thanks to Va Flagger Willie Wells and the Mechanized Cavalry.
God bless the men of the Mechanized Cavalry!
Meanwhile, back in Richmond, we wait for the pending announcement...with foreboding...and a sense that Richmond will soon be burning again...scorched from the lies and betrayal by those who were entrusted with the legacy of our gallant Confederate ancestors.
***UPDATE*** Read the MOC release here:
Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers
Death of a City
“In the space of a single generation, Detroit managed to ruin itself,” is how Kevin D. Williamson opens What Doomed Detroit, his incisive look at the forces that led to the Motor City’s downfall.
The book, a volume of Encounter Broadside, is only 34 pages. Yet Williamson does more to explain what happened to Detroit than Charlie LeDuff did in 300 pages. LeDuff’s recent Detroit: An American Autopsy, does little to dissect the reasons behind the city’s fall (short of blaming bad leadership from city hall to Wall Street). LeDuff bewails Detroit like a mourner who cannot see through his tears. It is Williamson who takes up the scalpel and performs the required autopsy.
Those familiar with Williamson’s writings in National Review know him as a gifted and witty writer.
In What Doomed Detroit, however, he leaves behind his customary levity. Detroit’s story is a hard one, and Williamson tells what happened without unnecessary flourishes.
Detroit is bankrupt and at least $20 billion in debt. Half its streetlights don’t work because thieves have made off with their copper wiring. More than 120,000 homes stand vacant. Bus drivers are afraid to drive its streets, and its murder rate is 11 times New York City’s. While the city has an official unemployment rate of 16 percent, its real unemployment rate is closer to 50 percent.
More @ The Washington Free Beacon
Man burned to death on Halloween as onlookers cheered thinking it was part of the entertainment
Investigators have confirmed that a man who burned to death at a Los Angeles Halloween party accidentally set himself on fire while light a cigarette.
Video of the tragic event shows Gilbert Estrada engulfed in flames and flailing around helplessly as other party-goers continue to dance around him.
Estrada had gone to the West Hollywood Carnaval dressed as a sniper in camouflage. According to the Los Angeles Times, the costume was made from burlap sacks and straw.
More @ Daily Mail
Texas A&M law prof says it’s time to repeal Second Amendment
“Why do we keep such an allegiance to a constitution that was driven by 18th Century concerns?” she asked, according to CTNewsJunkie. “How many of you recognize that the main concern of the 18th Century was a standing army? That’s what motivated the Second Amendment: fear of a standing army.” (I guess brain-dead thinks we don't have the same concern today.)
More @ The Daily Caller
231,000 Americans: Leave Ground Zero cross alone
Nearly a quarter of a million Americans are on record in support of the presence of the Ground Zero Cross in a museum marking that terrible terror attack by Islamists on Sept. 11, 2001.
They have signed onto a brief being submitted by the American Center for Law and Justice in an attempt in court by a coalition of atheists who want the cross removed from the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York.
The cross is the result of the collapse of the Twin Towers. It is made up of steel beams twisted, sheered and re-formed by the incredible forces in the collapse of the buildings.
It was found by rescue workers in the aftermath of the terror attack and served as an inspiration for them and others.
More @ WND
Survival & Preparedness Gift Ideas
If you are new to survival or want to find good gift for survivalists or
preppers you know we have some suggestions. I updated our Survivalist Gift Guide
from 2012 with new prices (but kept the old ones, so you can see what
became more expensive and what cheaper). So make sure you check out our old guide for more gift suggestions.
We also have give away. If you share this post on Facebook or add a comment with another suggestion for great survival or preparedness related gift here on the blog you can win one of my favorite survival knife the Ontario RAT-5 Knife
Here are our suggestions for survival and preparedness gifts for this years holiday season.
More @ SHTF School
'Human Rights Abusers' Elected to UN Rights Panel
China, Russia, and Vietnam all received more votes than France or Britain for membership on the United Nations Human Rights Council — and Cuba got the most votes among Latin American countries.
"This is a black day for human rights," declared Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based human rights group, following the vote on Tuesday.
"Despite the much-vaunted 2006 reform, which scrapped the discredited Human Rights Commission and created a new and supposedly improved council, today's election of the world's worst human rights abusers means that we are back to square one. Instead of reform, we have regression."
The HRC is supposedly "responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations," according to the U.N.
But the election of China to the council "calls into question the council's credibility," said Britain's Edward McMillan-Scott, a vice president of the European Council, in comments reported by CNS News.
"Numerous reports by the U.N. itself have highlighted degrading and inhumane treatment that is routine in China: forcible abortions, religious persecution, the oppression of minorities, etc."
Of the 14 countries elected to a three-year term on the 47-member group this year, six are designated as "not free" by Freedom Watch, a Washington-based watchdog organization that grades nations according to their record on political rights and civil liberties: Saudi Arabia and Algeria in addition to China, Russia, Vietnam, and Cuba.
A simple majority of the General Assembly's 193 members is required to win a seat, but election is limited to a set number of members from each of five regions.
Two seats on the council were available for Latin American nations. In secret balloting, Cuba got 148 votes, more than two democracies: Mexico (135) and Uruguay (93).
Vietnam got 184 votes and China and Russia each received 176, while France got 174 and Britain 171.
Next year's council will have 24 "free," 12 "partly free," and 11 "not free" member nations.
During negotiations in 2005-6 to set up the new council, the United States proposed that countries subjected to U.N. Security Council sanctions for human rights abuses or terrorism should be barred from membership. The proposal was defeated.
"The prospect of rights-violating regimes joining the HRC — and then using it to protect each other — was a major reason for the decision by the Bush administration to shun the council, a decision reversed by its successor in 2009," CNS News reported.
After Tuesday's vote, the State Department expressed "regret that some countries elected to the Human Rights Council have failed to show their commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights."
In July 2013, envoys from both Syria and Iran announced that they would attempt to run for an HRC seat in 2014.
The American Taliban
Via Billy
Next time someone calls your Confederate ancestors traitors you may ask them to contemplate…
That many Southerners (most of whom never owned any slaves) saw self-righteous New England Puritans as the Taliban (radical religious fanatics) of their time (e.g. Salem witch trials etc). It was their intention to force their will and ideology on the people of the South, an idea independent Southerners fiercely rejected…
The overwhelming majority of New Englanders had NO problem with slavery; in fact slavery began in the New England states and its citizens, particularly in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, made fortunes from the slave trade, and it continued to profit from slavery right up to and throughout the war.
Like todays Taliban, New England Yankees were prepared to kill every man, woman and child in order to impose their philosophy and in the process rape, burn, loot and torture it’s way through the Southland. Northern media and the likes of General Sherman are documented as saying such, and this government-endorsed scorched earth policy continued with virtual perfection after the war with the near extermination of the Western Indians.
That said, fast-forward 150 years and imagine a Taliban style regime now dominating the Congress having been elected by less than 40% of the popular vote and presently threatening to invade your homes and impose its will on your people. (Considering today’s political climate, that’s not so far fetched, it’s happened already and history often repeats itself). Would today’s population submit to that form of rule or would it rebel and form a new government, one having the consent of the people as stated by our Declaration of Independence?
In this new scenario, should the Taliban win, all who oppose it would be called traitors…and guess who writes the history after that! (Good becomes evil, right becomes wrong, just like in the case of the War for Southern Independence)…Deo Vindice!
That many Southerners (most of whom never owned any slaves) saw self-righteous New England Puritans as the Taliban (radical religious fanatics) of their time (e.g. Salem witch trials etc). It was their intention to force their will and ideology on the people of the South, an idea independent Southerners fiercely rejected…
The overwhelming majority of New Englanders had NO problem with slavery; in fact slavery began in the New England states and its citizens, particularly in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, made fortunes from the slave trade, and it continued to profit from slavery right up to and throughout the war.
Like todays Taliban, New England Yankees were prepared to kill every man, woman and child in order to impose their philosophy and in the process rape, burn, loot and torture it’s way through the Southland. Northern media and the likes of General Sherman are documented as saying such, and this government-endorsed scorched earth policy continued with virtual perfection after the war with the near extermination of the Western Indians.
That said, fast-forward 150 years and imagine a Taliban style regime now dominating the Congress having been elected by less than 40% of the popular vote and presently threatening to invade your homes and impose its will on your people. (Considering today’s political climate, that’s not so far fetched, it’s happened already and history often repeats itself). Would today’s population submit to that form of rule or would it rebel and form a new government, one having the consent of the people as stated by our Declaration of Independence?
In this new scenario, should the Taliban win, all who oppose it would be called traitors…and guess who writes the history after that! (Good becomes evil, right becomes wrong, just like in the case of the War for Southern Independence)…Deo Vindice!
“I Can’t Believe” This is Happening in America
Via Jeffery
My “I Can’t Believe This is Happening to America” list is growing larger by the day. It is so vast now, I can write a book. Would my book have an audience? Judging by the eagerness with which most Americans have embraced the transformational hope and change of our country to communist utopia, the answer is no.
I can’t believe New Yorkers have elected a blatant Marxist as their mayor. I can’t believe Terry McAuliffe is the governor of Virginia. The American men who fought in the Revolutionary War must be turning in their graves knowing that the hallowed ground in Virginia they defended against the British tyranny is now run by Marxist Democrats.
I voted last Tuesday, I took with me to the precinct a piece of toilet paper I found on my last trip to Romania, a “former” communist country where the apparatchiks went underground for a while and are now resurfacing with a vengeance. Twenty-four years later, the commies have not perfected the intricate art of making toilet paper – it was covered with splinters within the layers. On the bright side, this time toilet paper was available and I did not have to fight hundreds of people in line for three hours in order to purchase one roll. I showed my strip of toilet paper to the people who were checking I.D.s asking them if this was the kind of country they wanted. Most laughed, did not realize that I carried this over 7,000 miles with me, and turned back to their duties to make sure all the low information and illegal citizens voted. Why bother? It won’t happen here, we have everything, and we live in the land of abundance – for now.
It was a cruel joke to pretend that poll watchers were making sure voting was legitimate. All illegal aliens in my county have driver licenses. There is no place on the driver’s license that says, illegal or non-citizen, you cannot vote. Dead people voted early and repeatedly. The 2010 Census said that our county’s population grew by 40 percent in the last ten years and most of that growth came from the illegal alien population. They are not hiding in the shadows as progressives/Marxists say, they are living around us with no fear of deportation or shame of criminality.
I can’t believe our government would make 12 ads portraying young people, Millennials, as promiscuous individuals whose only goal in life is to hook up and engage in dangerous sexual activities with strangers and in life-altering practices for self-gratification. This is America, they should not have to control themselves, they have the freedom to be immoral – if it feels right, do it. But not to worry, if they enroll in ObamaCare, the government will pay for all their mistakes, STDs, unwanted children, and all other purposeful missteps in life that have serious consequences.
I can’t believe
My “I Can’t Believe This is Happening to America” list is growing larger by the day. It is so vast now, I can write a book. Would my book have an audience? Judging by the eagerness with which most Americans have embraced the transformational hope and change of our country to communist utopia, the answer is no.
I can’t believe New Yorkers have elected a blatant Marxist as their mayor. I can’t believe Terry McAuliffe is the governor of Virginia. The American men who fought in the Revolutionary War must be turning in their graves knowing that the hallowed ground in Virginia they defended against the British tyranny is now run by Marxist Democrats.
I voted last Tuesday, I took with me to the precinct a piece of toilet paper I found on my last trip to Romania, a “former” communist country where the apparatchiks went underground for a while and are now resurfacing with a vengeance. Twenty-four years later, the commies have not perfected the intricate art of making toilet paper – it was covered with splinters within the layers. On the bright side, this time toilet paper was available and I did not have to fight hundreds of people in line for three hours in order to purchase one roll. I showed my strip of toilet paper to the people who were checking I.D.s asking them if this was the kind of country they wanted. Most laughed, did not realize that I carried this over 7,000 miles with me, and turned back to their duties to make sure all the low information and illegal citizens voted. Why bother? It won’t happen here, we have everything, and we live in the land of abundance – for now.
It was a cruel joke to pretend that poll watchers were making sure voting was legitimate. All illegal aliens in my county have driver licenses. There is no place on the driver’s license that says, illegal or non-citizen, you cannot vote. Dead people voted early and repeatedly. The 2010 Census said that our county’s population grew by 40 percent in the last ten years and most of that growth came from the illegal alien population. They are not hiding in the shadows as progressives/Marxists say, they are living around us with no fear of deportation or shame of criminality.
I can’t believe our government would make 12 ads portraying young people, Millennials, as promiscuous individuals whose only goal in life is to hook up and engage in dangerous sexual activities with strangers and in life-altering practices for self-gratification. This is America, they should not have to control themselves, they have the freedom to be immoral – if it feels right, do it. But not to worry, if they enroll in ObamaCare, the government will pay for all their mistakes, STDs, unwanted children, and all other purposeful missteps in life that have serious consequences.
I can’t believe
More @ CFP
Gilded New York: Book Opens The Doors To The Glorious Mansions And Opulent Lifestyles Of The City's First Millionaires In The Late 19th-Century (Photo Essay)
Via WiscoDave
The Vanderbilts: Cornelius Vanderbilt was an American tycoon,
businessman, and philanthropist who built his wealth in railroads and
shipping. He was also the patriarch of the Vanderbilt family and one of
the richest Americans in history
Gilded Years of the late nineteenth century and the start of World War I
were a glamorous era in New York City as wealthy families sought to
demonstrate their new position by building vast Fifth Avenue mansions.
town houses were turned into dazzling mansions that became filled with
precious objects, important painting collections and hosted elaborate
parties and balls.
It was the rise of many familiar names that are still talked about to this day, The Vanderbilts, The Astor's, Tiffany & Co.
families became New York’s first cultural philanthropists, and they
supported the city's cultural institutions such as the Metropolitan
Museum of Art and the Metropolitan Opera, many of which were founded
during the era.
hotels, imposing railway stations and world-class museums were built.
Those who designed these landmarks were influenced by the Ecole de Beaux
Arts in Paris.
new collection of pictures capturing the social and cultural history
of these years have been brought together in a new book, Gilded New York. A number of the images are also on display at the Museum of the City of New York.
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