Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Todd Starnes: CNN is a race-baiting, anti-Trump network
Via Billy
CNN host Don Lemon was among the most high-profile mainstream media minions to advance the race-baiting narrative. Click here to watch the video.

Leave it to the mainstream media to concoct some
sort of wild-eyed theory that President Trump's promise to say "Merry
Christmas" is some sort of coded language for white nationalism and
white supremacy.
More @ Fox
NC: Parent of ‘Transgender’ Teen Warns: ‘We Have to Fight This Radical Movement’
The parent of a teen girl who is “transitioning” to become a boy is urging the increasing number of families coping with the radical transgender movement to fight back rather than succumb to its ideology.
“It took us completely by surprise,” Kristie Sisson told Breitbart News in an interview. “Because Danielle had a normal childhood, did all of the typical girl things – from dressing up like the princesses, to playing with dolls, to wearing make-up, perfume, and jewelry.”Sisson says that, in the fall of 2016, just weeks before her daughter – then a high school senior – told her parents she was going to start to dress like a boy, she had taken her daughter shopping for school clothes, and Danielle had chosen girl’s clothing.
The Sisson family had moved from Long Island, New York, to North Carolina after Danielle completed public middle school. When the family moved to North Carolina, the parents enrolled Danielle in a private high school.
“She did have a hard time adjusting, because she just didn’t fit the mold – she wasn’t the tall, thin, blond like many girls in North Carolina are,” Sisson says. “But that’s not to say she didn’t have friends. I think she was well-liked, but hadn’t found that ‘best’ friend.”
More @ Breitbart
Under Trump, immigration hawks learn the 'Art of the Deal'
Via Billy
When Congress returns, negotiations over Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals — former President Obama’s directive to shield some young undocumented immigrants from deportation — will resume and intensify. President Trump gave lawmakers a March 5 deadline to codify DACA in some form, but the program’s supporters worry about the thousands of beneficiaries who could lose their work permits if it takes that long.
The familiar pattern has been for immigration hawks to hold up any bill offering legal status to a significant number of illegal immigrants until their demands for border security and interior enforcement are satisfied; legalization boosters point to the enforcement measures already in their legislation as proof these demands are insatiable and cast the restrictionists as anti-amnesty absolutists.
Under Trump, the immigration conversation has broadened. Immigration hawks in Congress are offering to combine elements of bipartisan bills that would protect DACA beneficiaries from deportation — in some cases, even bestowing a more permanent legal solution — with specific restrictionist policy proposals: limits on family reunification; penalties for municipal authorities who don’t help enforce federal immigration detainer orders, known as sanctuary cities; stronger E-Verify to add teeth to prohibitions against hiring illegal immigrants.
When Congress returns, negotiations over Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals — former President Obama’s directive to shield some young undocumented immigrants from deportation — will resume and intensify. President Trump gave lawmakers a March 5 deadline to codify DACA in some form, but the program’s supporters worry about the thousands of beneficiaries who could lose their work permits if it takes that long.
The familiar pattern has been for immigration hawks to hold up any bill offering legal status to a significant number of illegal immigrants until their demands for border security and interior enforcement are satisfied; legalization boosters point to the enforcement measures already in their legislation as proof these demands are insatiable and cast the restrictionists as anti-amnesty absolutists.
Under Trump, the immigration conversation has broadened. Immigration hawks in Congress are offering to combine elements of bipartisan bills that would protect DACA beneficiaries from deportation — in some cases, even bestowing a more permanent legal solution — with specific restrictionist policy proposals: limits on family reunification; penalties for municipal authorities who don’t help enforce federal immigration detainer orders, known as sanctuary cities; stronger E-Verify to add teeth to prohibitions against hiring illegal immigrants.
More @ Washington Examiner
Trump ends 2017 with big wins on economy, taxes, ISIS and more
Via Billy
From the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil
Gorsuch to regulation rollbacks to Wall Street gains to the passage of
the tax bill and the routing of ISIS in the Middle East – as McConnell
put it, “This has been a year of extraordinary accomplishment for the
Trump administration.”
When congressional Republicans joined President
Trump for a tax bill celebration at the White House just before
Christmas, a triumphant Mitch McConnell began ticking off the
president’s first-year accomplishments.
The boasts from the Kentucky
Republican, who's had a rocky relationship with Trump at times,
underscored how – despite the internal squabbles that captivated the
media – the Trump administration has given his party plenty to crow
about in 2017.
More @ Fox
LA County: Only 197 Concealed Carry Permits for 10.2 Million Residents
Via John "Wanna bet there are far far more illegal aliens 'carrying' than these 197 lucky citizens?"
The Auditor’s report highlighted the arbitrary nature of the “good cause” permitting system not only by discovering the low number of permits issued but also by giving close scrutiny to 25 of the permits and learning that all but one were issued to the “well-connected.”
As reported by the NRA-ILA, the Auditor found that the “good cause” requirement was arbitrarily followed, if at all, in many instances of permit issuance. This means Los Angeles County “did not completely adhere to its policies when issuing any of the 25 CCW licenses…reviewed.” They bolstered this finding by pointing out that “Los Angeles issued all but one of these licenses without the level of documentation it expects to demonstrate that the applicant has met the good cause requirement.”
The Auditor noted:
An audit by the California State Auditor shows Los Angeles County has only issued concealed carry permits to 197 of its 10.2 million residents.
This works out to about one permit issued per every 50,000 residents and highlights the freedom-crushing danger of hinging concealed permit issuance guidelines on a “good cause” requirement. The danger arises from that fact that such a policy places ultimate approval of a concealed permit application in the hands of a local law enforcement officer who arbitrarily decides who can and cannot exercise the natural right to bear arms.The Auditor’s report highlighted the arbitrary nature of the “good cause” permitting system not only by discovering the low number of permits issued but also by giving close scrutiny to 25 of the permits and learning that all but one were issued to the “well-connected.”
As reported by the NRA-ILA, the Auditor found that the “good cause” requirement was arbitrarily followed, if at all, in many instances of permit issuance. This means Los Angeles County “did not completely adhere to its policies when issuing any of the 25 CCW licenses…reviewed.” They bolstered this finding by pointing out that “Los Angeles issued all but one of these licenses without the level of documentation it expects to demonstrate that the applicant has met the good cause requirement.”
The Auditor noted:
22 of the 25 CCW licenses we reviewed were issued to applicants with professions that connected them to the law enforcement community: the individuals were former or current law enforcement officers, judges, court commissioners, retired federal agents, and deputy district attorneys. In fact, we found that of the 197 licenses that Los Angeles had issued that were active as of mid-August 2017, only nine were issued to applicants outside of that community.
Sacramento County Sheriff Scott R. Jones interprets the
“good cause” requirement differently, considering “self-defense or the
defense of others sufficient to meet the ‘good cause’ requirement.” As
result, his county has issued 9,130 permits to its population of 1.5
million residents. This translates into one armed law-abiding per
roughly 164 residents versus the ratio of one per 50,000 in Los Angeles
Three Families Find Out Just How Tax Bill Will Affect Them and It's Merry Christmas All Around
Via Billy
Before the Republican tax bill was passed, the media narrative focused on how it would only benefit the wealthy. Once it was passed (after a bit of procedural drama for good measure), that narrative went into overdrive.
No matter what statistics or examples the GOP may have pointed the media toward, that was the story, and they were sticking to it. However, as our second president pointed out, facts are stubborn things — even more stubborn than media outlets are.
CBS found out the timeless sagacity of Mr. Adams’ advice the hard way.

Before the Republican tax bill was passed, the media narrative focused on how it would only benefit the wealthy. Once it was passed (after a bit of procedural drama for good measure), that narrative went into overdrive.
No matter what statistics or examples the GOP may have pointed the media toward, that was the story, and they were sticking to it. However, as our second president pointed out, facts are stubborn things — even more stubborn than media outlets are.
CBS found out the timeless sagacity of Mr. Adams’ advice the hard way.
More @ Conservative Times
Donald Trump on track to win in 2020, British diplomats believe
Via Billy
Donald Trump is on course to win re-election in 2020, senior British diplomats believe, as he approaches his first full year in office.
They think that despite a string of negative headlines the US president has largely kept his support base onside since entering White House
Possible Democratic contenders are seen as either too old – such as Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden – or lacking in the name recognition needed to defeat Mr Trump.
There is also a belief the US president has curbed some of his most radical policy instincts since taking office, such as ignoring Nato or pulling out of Afghanistan.
The analysis is significant as it underpins the advice Theresa May is given and shapes how she approaches the UK-US “special relationship”.
Donald Trump is on course to win re-election in 2020, senior British diplomats believe, as he approaches his first full year in office.
They think that despite a string of negative headlines the US president has largely kept his support base onside since entering White House
Possible Democratic contenders are seen as either too old – such as Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden – or lacking in the name recognition needed to defeat Mr Trump.
There is also a belief the US president has curbed some of his most radical policy instincts since taking office, such as ignoring Nato or pulling out of Afghanistan.
The analysis is significant as it underpins the advice Theresa May is given and shapes how she approaches the UK-US “special relationship”.
More @ Telegraph
WATCH: Liberals LOVE The Republican Tax Plan — If They Believe It's 'The Bernie Tax Plan'
Conservative commentator Ami Horowitz recently took to the streets of the "liberal Mecca" East Village to see how die-hard progressives felt about the Republican tax reform bill that Democrats have literally declared "the end of the world." Horowitz asked several passersby for their reaction to specific measures in the bill and, shockingly, found they they uniformly loved it — well, at least when presented as the "Bernie" tax plan.
"The Republicans recently voted on a new tax proposal, and, predictably, the Democrats didn't like it," says Horowitz in the intro of the digital short. "But what if they thought the Republican plan was actually Bernie Sanders' proposal? We presented them with the Republican tax plan and pretended that it was in fact Bernie's plan."
More @ The Daily Wire
Educational Rot
Via Billy
My recent columns have focused on the extremely poor educational outcomes for black students. There’s enough blame for all involved to have their fair share. That includes students who are hostile and alien to the educational process and have derelict, uninterested home environments. After all, if there is not someone in the home to ensure that a youngster does his homework, has wholesome meals, gets eight to 10 hours of sleep and behaves in school, educational dollars won’t produce much.
There’s another educational issue that’s neither flattering nor comfortable to confront. That’s the low academic quality of so many teachers. It’s an issue that must be confronted and dealt with if we’re to improve the quality of education. Most states require prospective teachers to pass a certification test. How about a sample of some of the test questions.
My recent columns have focused on the extremely poor educational outcomes for black students. There’s enough blame for all involved to have their fair share. That includes students who are hostile and alien to the educational process and have derelict, uninterested home environments. After all, if there is not someone in the home to ensure that a youngster does his homework, has wholesome meals, gets eight to 10 hours of sleep and behaves in school, educational dollars won’t produce much.
There’s another educational issue that’s neither flattering nor comfortable to confront. That’s the low academic quality of so many teachers. It’s an issue that must be confronted and dealt with if we’re to improve the quality of education. Most states require prospective teachers to pass a certification test. How about a sample of some of the test questions.
More @ LRC
After Kozinski: Cleaning up the 9th Circuit means splitting it up
Via Billy
The resignation of Appellate Judge Alex Kozinski amid charges of sexual misconduct spanning three decades provides more proof that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is unmanageable. Whatever one makes of the allegations (ranging from groping to showing pornography to clerks and others), their sheer extent and duration indicate a level of administrative chaos in keeping with the court’s general anarchy, and its undermining of judicial process.
Congress must finally accept the decision reached 40 years ago by its Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System: The 9th Circuit must be split up. The current situation harms litigants, including accused criminals and victims awaiting final disposition of their cases, along with the businesses, civil associations, and local governments that depend on clear, consistent, and known rules.
The resignation of Appellate Judge Alex Kozinski amid charges of sexual misconduct spanning three decades provides more proof that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is unmanageable. Whatever one makes of the allegations (ranging from groping to showing pornography to clerks and others), their sheer extent and duration indicate a level of administrative chaos in keeping with the court’s general anarchy, and its undermining of judicial process.
Congress must finally accept the decision reached 40 years ago by its Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System: The 9th Circuit must be split up. The current situation harms litigants, including accused criminals and victims awaiting final disposition of their cases, along with the businesses, civil associations, and local governments that depend on clear, consistent, and known rules.
More @ Washington Examiner
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