Wednesday, December 27, 2017

After Kozinski: Cleaning up the 9th Circuit means splitting it up

Via Billy

In light of the resignation of Appellate Judge Alex Kozinski, how should Congress reshape the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals? One idea is to move the current Ninth Circuit

The resignation of Appellate Judge Alex Kozinski amid charges of sexual misconduct spanning three decades provides more proof that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is unmanageable. Whatever one makes of the allegations (ranging from groping to showing pornography to clerks and others), their sheer extent and duration indicate a level of administrative chaos in keeping with the court’s general anarchy, and its undermining of judicial process.

Congress must finally accept the decision reached 40 years ago by its Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System: The 9th Circuit must be split up. The current situation harms litigants, including accused criminals and victims awaiting final disposition of their cases, along with the businesses, civil associations, and local governments that depend on clear, consistent, and known rules.


  1. Long, long over due.
    The Ninth has been a circus for decades and has way too much influence.

  2. The libtards will never allow this to happen.


  3. You think? I'd like to give a big shout out to Harry Reid for making it so much easier to confirm Trump's judicial nominees. The 9th Circuit is about to fall.

    1. The 9th Circuit is about to fall.

      Pretty please with sugar on top. :)
