1937. Winterhaven Florida. Citrus worker's children.
More evidence of White Privilege.
Ponzi - we blow over
$2 trillion a year on "social spending" when for one quarter of that,
or just under $500 billion a year, we could guarantee every household in
this country a $32,000 a year after-tax income? Where did the other
$1,500 billion go?
Karl Denninger at market-ticker.org
Court of no appeals -
I can’t find anything in the Constitution that authorizes the Supreme
Court to decide upon the constitutionality of legislation... I am
perplexed that the individuals claiming to have the sole right to
declare what is, or isn’t, constitutional can derive that right from a
constitution which doesn’t grant it to them.
Paul Hein at strike-the-root.com
Illegal Aliens
If "the system is broken," they broke it. There is no
"legal ambiguity". Non-citizens in large numbers are in the United
States unlawfully. They're not here accidentally or unknowingly. The law
requires they be identified and removed. There's nothing ambiguous
about it. But
DC abandoned its duty

and now acts as counsel for the defense, a rather undemanding job in
the absence of a prosecution. They suggest Congress pardon the
illegals, who they paint as blameless bystanders victimized by mere
chance in some malevolent misunderstanding. Why would the people not
believe they've been had? Have the people no place at the table? Now
is presenting the accumulated consequences of their malfeasance as
cause for the legislature to excuse, rather than make good on, their
nonperformance. And they will. This is the real broken system.
DC should have a care about observing the law. It protects the people from DC, yes, and they really dislike that part. But it also protects DC from the people. The law is DC's
entire claim to legitimacy, yet they seem intent on repudiating it in
the most public way possible. Bad idea. It's an absolute, rock-bottom,
fundamental principle: a contract is valid only if both parties comply
with its provisions. We wouldn't want the people to think the deal is
off, now would we? Next thing you know they may not vote. Or something.
Not so lone wolves
We will consider evidence with regard to several
Obama era mass shootings indicating that multiple offenders may have
been involved and not single, or lone wolf, offenders, as claimed by now
concretized MSM/government
narratives. This evidence, together with an accompanying probabilistic
analysis, suggests that it is reasonable to suppose that at least one of
the many recent official MSM/government
mass public shooting narratives is, quite simply, false in terms of the
number of shooters involved, says Jason Kissner in this article, A Plague of Lone Gunmen in the Age of Obama?, at American Thinker.
Arctic lean-to
Lean-to shelters have become one of the
touchstones of bushcraft, particularly northern forest bushcraft. They
are often held up as superb survival shelter—in combination with a long
log fire—ideal for surviving cold conditions with limited or no sleeping
equipment. This combination is indeed very effective in keeping you
warm through the night. It is entirely possible to comfortably sleep
outside in ambient temperatures significantly lower than inside a
domestic freezer, says Paul Kirtley in this article, Arctic Lean-To Revisited, at Paul Kirtley's Blog.