No sir: you are not between “the law and the university.” We live in a society of laws, laws enacted by the elected representatives of the citizens of this state, and those laws apply to you and the university. You have but one choice to make: follow the law and put the “Silent Sam” monument back in its place. If you accede to the demands of the revolutionary mob—just one step in what they call their “long march” through our institutions and our history—you will have enabled them and made their continued success possible.
Most every Thursday I gather with a group of friends for lunch at some restaurant in Raleigh. Among the group are three PhDs in history, and one who holds two masters degrees in history. All of us are former employees of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (now Natural and Cultural Resources)…and we all share very similar points of view about politics and the shape of this nation.This past Thursday while enjoying some great home cooking at Pam’s Farmhouse Restaurant with my friends I picked up a copy Raleigh’s Leftist weekly newspaper, INDYweek (March 27, 2019). I usually read it only for the entertainment reviews and ads. The political content is abhorrent (note: about fifteen years ago the publication attacked me as a right wing extremist and “racist” when the Sons of Confederate Veterans, in which I’m active, was going through a controversy over its response to attacks on Confederate heritage).
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