Sunday, October 12, 2014

Group wants 2 Supreme Court justices removed after Carr sentences overturned

Via Nancy

The five people killed in the December 2000 attacks.
 The five people killed in the December 2000 attacks.

It was a brutal crime that rocked the city of Wichita and has gone down as one of the worst crimes in state history.

Fourteen years ago, two brothers were accused of going on a crime spree of murder, assault, rape and robbery, killing five people in the brutal attacks. Two years later, Reginald and Jonathan Carr were tried, convicted and sentenced to death, but recently the Kansas Supreme Court overturned their death penalty sentences and some convictions.

Now there is a movement to have two Supreme Court justices removed from the bench following their decision on the case.

"Took our breathe away. We were all completely shocked and devastated again that it felt like we were going back to that day," Amy James said.

That day for James dates back to December 2000 and is considered one of the worst in the history of Kansas as the Carr brothers wrapped up the brutal crime spree.

More with video @ KCTV

American Progressive Liberals Follow the Soviet Example


In the over fifty years since the American cultural revolution of the 1960s, the progressive liberal war upon American Christianity has matured into open conflict.  The descent began during FDR’s New Deal, and today the Democratic party platform is indistinguishable from that of the Communist Party USA of 1936.    Bernhard Thuersam

American Progressive Liberals Follow the Soviet Example

“The Bolshevik victory in Russia created an unprecedented problem of the relationship between the church and a state ideologically committed to the complete elimination of religion among its subjects.  Over the fifty years following the Revolution, the relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Soviet state evolved from their initial open conflict, through the weakening, division, and decimation of the church, toward a modus vivendi whereby the church secured a measure of legality and toleration for limited and closely policed activities; in return it pledged its unconditional loyalty to the Soviet state and positive support for the latter’s policies, at the price of alienating those members of the church who considered this compromise a surrender of the church’s spiritual mission and moral integrity. 

Eventually, by 1929, the Evangelical Christians and Baptists [also] found themselves in a position similar . . . struggling for survival during the years of antireligious terror . . . [resulting from] Marxist atheism with its militant Leninist bent . . . 

Relations between religious groups and the Soviet state were also shaped by the regime’s tendency to extend its control and direction into every type of social relations, to absorb into the all-embracing pattern of the Bolshevik dictatorship all social institutions and to destroy those of them which could not be transformed into the transmission belts of the Party will. 

With no scope left for an autonomous group life, and with the absence of effective legal restraints upon the arbitrariness of the state, the notions of “freedom of conscience” and the “separation of church and state” became constitutional fictions designed to conceal the actual state of affairs.”

(Religion and the Soviet State, A Dilemma of Power, Max Hayward and William Fletcher, editors, Frederick Praeger, Publishers, 1969, pp. 71-72) 

Danville Confederate Flag Removal...Round 2

1st White House of the Confederacy, Montgomery, Alabama. (ABOVE) On March 4, 1861, President John Tyler's granddaughter, Miss Letitia Tyler, raised the first flag of the Confederacy, the Stars and Bars, on the Capitol grounds. Today, a First National proudly flies on the grounds of the home and museum which is located directly across from the State Capitol building. The museum is a wonderful tribute to President Davis and his family, and a real treasure and asset to Montgomery's heritage and tourism.

Meanwhile, back in Virginia, at the LAST Capital of the Confederacy (BELOW), a Third National flag proudly flies on the lawn, marking the Sutherlin Mansion as the last residence of Jefferson Davis as President of the Confederate States of America. 

"The Anne Eliza Johns Chapter 164, UDC was instrumental in saving the last Capital of the Confederacy”, the old Sutherlin Mansion, home of Major William T. Sutherlin in Danville. President Jefferson Davis stayed there April 3-10, 1865 when he and his cabinet evacuated Richmond. The last full cabinet meeting was held here and this is where Davis received news of Lee's surrender. When Mrs. Sutherlin died in 1912, the mansion was threatened with demolition. The Daughters raised $20,000, Half of the funds required, which were matched by the City of Danville. In 1912, the City deeded to the UDC two upstairs rooms in the mansion for a meeting place in appreciation of their work in saving the building.

In rare move, 3 of Navy destroyer's leaders removed

Via Jeffery

 Cmdr. Curtis B. Calloway

An investigation into the command climate aboard a Norfolk, Va.-based destroyer at sea has resulted in discipline against three of its former leaders.

Cmdr. Curtis Calloway, the former commanding officer of the James E. Williams, was found derelict of duty, as was Cmdr. Ed Handley, the former executive officer who had been scheduled to take command of the ship, according to a news release from U.S. Fleet Forces Command.

In addition, Command Master Chief Travis Biswell was found to be drunk and disorderly, as well as derelict of duty.

Ukraine: English Map of Military Operations October 9 - 10 2014 & "Bloody Ceasefire"

Via niqnaq 

Attorney seeks to overturn federal machine gun ban on constitutional grounds

Via avordvet

A Mississippi attorney established a crowdfunding page Thursday to overturn the federal machine gun ban. Since being established, the project appears well on its way to reaching its $50,000 goal.
Support for the challenge appears enthusiastic just days into the crowdfunding appeal.
Stephen Stamboulieh via
“Now, my sights are set on ... the machine gun ban,” Stephen Stamboulieh announced on the webpage he established to finance the legal challenge. “I don't believe this is constitutional in light of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Likewise, the National Firearms Act (‘NFA’), which taxes the making and transferring of Title II weapons (machine guns, suppressors, short barrel rifles, short barrel shotguns, etc) is ripe to be attacked on Second Amendment grounds.

More @ Examiner

Amazing! Vietnam leads the world in support of Free market System

Via Townhall

 It was my belief in 1992 that we could bring more freedom to South Vietnam if the embargo was lifted, and I was proven correct.

Man Armed With Sawed-Off Mosin-Nagant Engages Officer in Shootout, Dies.

 A very refined Mosin-Nagant cut down into a pistol. Original source unknown.

A South Tucson police officer responding to a “shots fired” call about 1:30 AM early Friday morning came under fire from a suspect armed with some sort of cut-down Mosin-Nagant.
South Tucson Police say when an officer arrived he saw a man and turned his car to check him out. Next thing he knows that officer is taking fire.  Several shots hit his vehicle and one takes out one of his tires.
Police said the man had a powerful military rifle of a type the Soviets used to use.
The Mosin-Nagant design is about 120 years old but it fires a bigger bullet than the modern M-16.
South Tucson Police say their officer faced one sawed down to have a short barrel and stock.
They say their officer could not get to the rifle in his trunk so he fired his handgun and was able to kill the man from about 65 feet away.
More @ Bearing Arms

“If Kobani is finished, if the YPG fighters are all killed, there will be a big problem here. There will be war in Turkey.”

In a stunning show of bravery the Kurdish men and women holding Kobani continue to hold out—and an ISIS poster boy is reported killed
SURUÇ, Turkey—He gazes at the photograph of his daughter Evan on his cellphone as he offers to let me look. She is 18 years old with long dark wavy hair. It isn’t a snapshot but a more formally posed picture. The girl has lively eyes, a pleasant smile. It was taken shortly before she left a note for her parents telling them she was crossing the border into Syria to join the Kurdish defense militia, the YPG. That was six months ago and last week she contacted him and explained she was fighting the militants of the Islamic State in the besieged town of Kobani.

There is both sadness and pride in her father’s eyes. Ali, a 47-year-old shepherd and father of ten from a nearby village, says, “She is greater than me. I can’t be like her. I have not reached her level of commitment.”

Russia Deploying Tactical Nuclear Arms in Crimea

Russia is moving tactical nuclear weapons systems into recently-annexed Crimea while the Obama administration is backing informal talks aimed at cutting U.S. tactical nuclear deployments in Europe.

Three senior House Republican leaders wrote to President Obama two weeks ago warning that Moscow will deploy nuclear missiles and bombers armed with long-range air launched cruise missiles into occupied Ukrainian territory.

Priceless Civil War-era (sic) photo of Robert E. Lee's slave

Via WiscoDave

 The National Park Service has acquired a rare Civil War-era photograph of an enslaved woman who helped save Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's home in Arlington, Virginia
  • The photograph was purchased on in September for $700 and given to Arlington House plantation for display
  • Depicts Selina Gray, Lee's head housekeeper, and two other girls
  • As they were considered property, it is extremely rare to have a photo where the slaves are named. (We have ten though the pictures are taken after the War. My Black, North Carolina Kinfolk )
  • More @ Daily Mail

92 Percent of Mass Shootings Since 2009 Occurred in Gun-Free Zones

Via Bill & Kathy

On October 9, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) released a revised report showing that 92% of mass public shootings between January 2009 and July 2014 took place in gun-free zones.

The CPRC report was released in response to an Everytown for Gun Safety study claiming only 14% of mass public shootings took place in gun-free zones. Everytown actually claimed 86% of such incidents occurred in places where guns were allowed.

                                                                     More @ Breitbart

Kobane: Islamic State battles to encircle Syrian Kurds

Redux 30 tháng 4 for me


April 30th, 1975, aboard USS Blue Ridge:

U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Graham Martin said

"If we had done as a nation the things I think we said we should do

--if we had kept our commitments --we wouldn't have to evacuate."

The Kurdish defenders of the Syrian border town of Kobane have held back advancing Islamic State fighters, with the US supplying air support.

The Kurds repulsed a pre-dawn attack and still control the town's border crossing point with Turkey.
Correspondents say the crossing point is a vital supply and exit route.

The Pentagon reports that US planes have been bombing IS targets to the north and south of Kobane since Friday.

US and other aircraft from the international coalition also carried out air strikes on IS targets inside Iraq as well as dropping supplies to Iraqi government forces at Baiji, where Iraq's biggest oil refinery is located.

In Iraq's Anbar province, officials reportedly made an urgent appeal for military help against IS.
Haze and dust

More @ BBC