Friday, October 31, 2014
“The most desperate cavalry charge I have ever witnessed.”
Via Carl
As Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman’s armies prepared to leave Atlanta and embark on their march to Savannah in early November 1864, a Federal captain wrote of the efforts to extinguish anything of military value to the South. He especially observed Federal engineers “detailed to destroy the depots and public buildings in Atlanta.”
Moving toward the city, Sherman’s forces tore up the rails of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Since Sherman planned to break from his supply line and live off the land, he no longer needed the rails.
Along the W&A from Dalton to Atlanta,
today’s I-75 corridor, any structure deemed of military value received
the torch — like a large part of Marietta’s square, which burned on Nov.
13. Coining a phrase that he would repeat during the advance on
Savannah, Sherman — while watching the buildings of Marietta burn — told
one of his aides, “I never ordered burning of any dwelling – didn’t
order this, but can’t be helped. I say Jeff. Davis burnt them.”
As Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman’s armies prepared to leave Atlanta and embark on their march to Savannah in early November 1864, a Federal captain wrote of the efforts to extinguish anything of military value to the South. He especially observed Federal engineers “detailed to destroy the depots and public buildings in Atlanta.”
Moving toward the city, Sherman’s forces tore up the rails of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Since Sherman planned to break from his supply line and live off the land, he no longer needed the rails.
Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman reviews Brig. Gen. Judson
Kilpatrick’s cavalry in Marietta. Harper’s Weekly, Jan. 7, 1865.
Mexican Judge Orders Release of US Marine Andrew Tahmooressi
A Mexican judge finally ordered the release of US Marine Andrew Tahmooressi tonight.
UT San Diego reported:
A Mexican federal district judge in Tijuana on Friday ordered the immediate release of a U.S. Marine veteran behind bars in Baja California on federal weapons charges.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
WHO urges sneeze protection while CDC retreats
While the Centers for Disease Control has removed from its website a warning that Ebola can be spread through sneezing, the World Health Organization has just issued new guidelines for health workers that specify protective equipment should be worn to protect the mouth, nose and eyes from contaminated droplets and fluids.
Meanwhile, Friday, the CDC website removed a “Fact Sheet” posted Thursday that stirred controversy by admitting after weeks of apparent denial that Ebola can be spread by coughing and sneezing.
The WHO said the Guidelines Development Group it convened included participation of a wide range of experts from international organizations, including the CDC, Doctors without Borders and the Infection Control Africa Network.
More @ WND
CNN Interviews Yazidi Girl Kidnapped and Raped by Islamic State Terrorists
A 19-year old Kurdish Yazidi girl who was kidnapped by the Islamic State recounted a harrowing tale of how IS members systematically enslave and rape young girls captured by the terrorist group.\
“They came to the village and said, you have to convert to Islam or we will kill you,” the girl, identifying herself as Jana, said.
Yazidis, who practice a syncretic religion tied to Zoarastrianism and ancient Mesopotamian religions, are considered “devil-worshippers” by IS fundamentalists.
Jana told CNN’s Ivan Watson that hundreds of girls were rounded up by IS members and taken to a three-story house in Mosul, Iraq, where they were offered as sex slaves for IS men.
More @ The Washington Free Beacon
CA: Parents Pull Son from Class Because School Is Teaching Islam
Via LH
Parents of a boy enrolled in Manhattan Beach Middle School are pulling their son out of class because the school is teaching children the tents of Islam, Los Angeles news station KTLA reports.
The father said, “The audacity of this school, to think that they can
sit these children down and teach ’em whatever religion they please;
it’s preposterous. This is illegal, basically. You can’t teach religion
in schools any more, but apparently, in this particular school, at
least, that’s not the case.”
Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.
The father continued, “What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam.”
The parents assert that the students should be taught the history behind the religions, whether it is Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or others, but not the tenets of the faith.
Parents of a boy enrolled in Manhattan Beach Middle School are pulling their son out of class because the school is teaching children the tents of Islam, Los Angeles news station KTLA reports.
Parents said they discovered that what their children were learning about Islam was more about the tenets of the faith than the history of the religion, according to KTLA. One question asked the students to write down teachings from the Koran.
The father continued, “What I saw written in these bubbles was, ‘The one true God, Allah’ in one of the bubbles. In one of the other bubbles was ‘All people must submit to Allah,’ in another bubble. The I turned the page over and I see the five pillars of Islam.”
The parents assert that the students should be taught the history behind the religions, whether it is Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or others, but not the tenets of the faith.
More with video @ Breitbart
Government Made $20 Billion in Secret Purchases in Recent Months: $30,000 in one agency’s Starbucks purchases kept confidential
Via avordvet
The federal government has spent at
least $20 billion in taxpayer money this year on items and services that
it is permitted to keep secret from the public, according to an
investigation by the News4 I-Team.
purchases, known among federal employees as “micropurchases,” are made
by some of the thousands of agency employees who are issued
taxpayer-funded purchase cards. The purchases, in most cases, remain
confidential and are not publicly disclosed by the agencies. A sampling
of those purchases, obtained by the I-Team via the Freedom of
Information Act, reveals at least one agency used those cards to buy
$30,000 in Starbucks Coffee drinks and products in one year without
having to disclose or detail the purchases to the public.
More @ NBC
Senior With Shotgun Blasts Two FEMALE Home Invaders In Texas
Sooner or later criminals are going to learn that crime in a nation where lawful gun ownership is on the rise is a very bad idea.
First, deputies say came the sound of rocks on the window of a home in the Humble/Atascocita area.
Next came the 911 call from a frantic homeowner saying someone was trying to break into his home just after noon. A couple of minutes later came the call that the would-be burglars were in his home, and that he had a shotgun.
The next sound neighbors heard was two blasts from the shotgun.
More @ Bearing Arms
Mitch McConnell willing to kill Obamacare with just 51 votes
Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., says he would be willing to repeal Obamacare with a simple majority if he takes over as majority leader in January, his spokesman told the Washington Examiner on Thursday.
The announcement comes just days before Tuesday's midterm congressional election, in which Republicans have a strong chance of seizing the upper chamber from the Democrats and putting the Kentucky senator in charge.
More @ Washington Examiner
2014 Ford Mustang Steeda Q650 - Street Smart, Track Deadly
The 2014 Steeda packs Brand X–munching boost, 650 hp, and stunning looks
Want 500, 600, or 700 hp? No problem—dial up your favorite boost maker, add headers and a tune, and floor it! Want your Pony to pounce like a scalded cat on the strip, street, or open road course?
Swap on sticky tires, grab your helmet, and away you go. Today, finding amazing packages designed to make your car fast is easy. Proof can be found in the lineup of Q-Series Steeda Ford Mustangs.
We recently put over 2,000 miles on this '14 650hp supercharged beast and had a blast covering every mile. The stunning looks and tire-frying power kept us grinning, the Steeda suspension kept us glued to the tarmac. We even knocked down 22.9 mpg on the highway on our adventure to Mustang Week in South Carolina, and we weren't even trying.
More @ Mustang 360
The Hawaiian Tropic Effect: Why the Fed's Quantitative Easing Isn't Over
Via Michael
Imagine that the Federal Reserve wants to increase the price of suntan lotion. There are 10 bottles of Hawaiian Tropic for sale at the cabana. The Fed buys one per hour until it owns nine. Each time it acquires one, the price for the remaining bottles rises because people who don’t want to get sunburned are competing for the dwindling supply. Now that just one bottle is left, the Fed stops buying. Would you expect the price of the last bottle to fall suddenly? No—there’s still lots of demand and constricted supply. Same with bonds. The price of bonds should stay high—and yields stay low—as long as the Fed hangs onto its huge inventory.
More @ Bloomberg
Thursday, October 30, 2014
The 53rd NC Soldiers at Fort Mahone, Battle of Petersburg, April 2, 1865
Lest Darkness Fall |
Wartime photographer, Thomas C. Roche, left a profound legacy with
his images taken on
April 3, 1865. Roche captured a number of scenes of
fallen Confederate soldiers, all of whom had perished the day before at
the Battle of Petersburg, most at Fort Mahone. Roche’s intent was
doubtless to document the Northerners’ victory over a prostrate South,
highlighted by images of vanquished Confederate dead. More universally,
Roche conveys the tragedy of war, and the waste of human life and noble
spirit. He also, unwittingly provided a valuable record of the
Confederate soldier’s uniform, arms and equipment in the last days of
the war. It is this aspect that we turn our attention to now.
I have considered a number of factors in this study, to include
jackets, pants, hats, shoes, socks, greatcoats, shirts, drawers and
vests. I have also considered rifles, accoutrements, canteens,
haversacks, blankets and bedrolls, and cups. Finally, I have noted the
ages of the soldiers, and the grooming of their hair and beards. The
purpose throughout has been to paint a picture of what the average
“Johnny Reb” in Lee’s Virginia Army looked like in the closing days of
the war. The comparisons include all fifteen fallen Confederate
soldiers in Roche’s Petersburg images. Most of these soldiers appear to
have been infantrymen, due to their accoutrements, rifles or positions
in the trenches. I have assigned each of the subjects (fallen soldiers)
with a number based on the last two digits of the Library of Congress
number used to catalog Roche’s images. Each individual soldier is shown
in pictures 1 though 15.
completing this study, I have used images of dead men, often grotesque,
to illustrate points of material culture. My intent is not to dishonor
the memory of these fallen Southerners, but to awaken interest in their
story and plight, and heighten appreciation for our Southern heritage.
FBI Most Wanted Fugitive Eric Frein Captured Alive
Via Michael
Accused cop killer and one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives Eric Frein has been captured alive, sources told ABC News tonight.
Both a federal law enforcement source and a Pennsylvania law enforcement source confirmed that Frein, 31, is in custody.
More @ ABC
2006 Ford GT 7 Miles, All Four Options
Ricardo 6-speed transmission
Aluminum space frame chassis
Rated at 0-60 in 3.7 seconds and top speed of 205 MPH
More @ MECUM
The AK 47 My Weapon of Choice
The Zastava M-70 is an assault rifle developed and
produced in Yugoslavia, nowadays Kragujevac, Serbia by Zastava Arms
company. The design of the M-70 was based on modified Soviet AK-47 and
AKM assault rifles and it became the standard issue weapon in the
Yugoslav People’s Army in 1970. The M-70 is an air-cooled, magazine-fed,
selective fire rifle. This weapon is also available as a modern
sporting rifle in the US without select fire capabilities.“
Of course nobody calls it M70, type A, B or whatever type there was. Not too many people call it AK, few call it Kalashnikov, or simply shorter and more familiar name:“Kalash“. Like we were talking about kids nickname or your favourite uncles name.
Favourite name was „gipsy woman“ or „gipsy lady“.
In the beginning of the war, all kind of weapons were in use. Some of those artefacts were used more to instil fear in enemy then to harm someone.
So in one period it was normal to see guy with his grandpa hunting rifle, two belts of bullets for bird hunting on his waist, and even green hat on his head with bird feather on it.
More @ SHTF School
Quality control

Thinking outside the box.
It would be nice to have some. Of the guns I worked with this year, perhaps 40% either arrived non-functional or partly functional, or failed within fifty rounds. While that’s skewed by the high percentage of prototypes I encounter, enough of the production guns are unusable to make me wonder. I am becoming a big fan of bayonet mounts for rifles and backup pistols.
More @ Oleg Volk
Dramatic Video Shows Man Refusing to Lie Down For Police, Despite Guns Pointed at Him
“This is one man talking to another. There is a man behind that badge, be like a man. That is a coward pointing a gun at me”
A powerful video was submitted to the Free Thought Project which shows a dramatic interaction between a man and La Quinta police.
Alejandro Natividad, a resident of Indio pulled out his phone and caught his incredible non-violent resistance on video Sunday as police were pointing guns at him.
Natividad, had committed no crime, yet when police chose to interact with him, guns were drawn and he was told to get face down on the concrete.
Natividad non-violently refused to lay down because he knew he was right, and knew that he committed no crime. But this decision did not go over well with police.
Another officer showed up and drew his pistol as well and pointed it at Natividad. At this point Natividad is incredibly nervous but continues to film and holds his ground, refusing to lay down for doing nothing wrong.
The resultant video is inspiring to say the least.
More @ The Free Thought Project
NC: Illegals assisted in Election voting = Class I Felony
Via Bill
For the past week, Project Veritas Action investigators have been undercover posing as illegal immigrants who slipped through the cracks due to Obama's DREAM Act. Our investigators approached MULTIPLE campaigns, admitting they were not U.S. Citizens but that they still wanted to vote.
PVA: Do you want to tell him your situation?
PVA: Yeah, I do have my license
Greg Amick: Un huh.
PVA: But I am not legal and I want to vote.
Greg Amick: Okay.
For the past week, Project Veritas Action investigators have been undercover posing as illegal immigrants who slipped through the cracks due to Obama's DREAM Act. Our investigators approached MULTIPLE campaigns, admitting they were not U.S. Citizens but that they still wanted to vote.
PVA: Do you want to tell him your situation?
PVA: Yeah, I do have my license
Greg Amick: Un huh.
PVA: But I am not legal and I want to vote.
Greg Amick: Okay.
More @ Project Veritas
U.S. Special Operations Vets Launch Crowdfunding Campaign to Help Kurds Fight Against ISIS 'Genocidal Caliphate'
A group of former U.S. Special Operations Veterans have launched a crowdfunding campaign, Operation Limitless Compassion, to help the Kurds fight off ISIS terrorists in Iraq. Castle International, a world-wide air ambulance company founded and operated by former special operations volunteers, is leading the way to provide pro-U.S. Kurdish fighters with desperately needed humanitarian aid, medical training, medical supplies, and combat training. Recon teams from Castle International have already deployed to northern Iraq to offer direct assistance to Kurdish fighters and more will head to the region in November. Castle International has launched two crowdfunding sites to gather donations, GoFundMe and, with a goal of raising $100,000 for the operation.
More @ Townhall
Concealed Carrying Senior Kills Robber Half His Age
A senior citizen in Dallas didn’t take kindly to a thug who tried to rob his wife.
A 36-year-old man was shot and killed Tuesday night while he was attempting to rob an elderly couple outside a Northwest Dallas grocery store, police say.
The man, who has not been publicly identified, approached a man and a woman as they walked out of a grocery store and snatched a gold necklace from the woman’s neck, police said. The incident occurred around 7:15 p.m. at the Aldi in the 3000 block of Forest Lane near Webb Chapel Road.
The man knocked the woman to the ground and tried to rob her.
More @ Bearing Arms
Baseball: The game of fathers and sons. Jack Cashill has theory about decreasing number of blacks in big leagues
I bet he is 100% correct.
Ray, the character played by Kevin Kostner, meets the young catcher John Kinsella, his long dead father brought back to youthful glory by the power of dreams and Hollywood special effects.
Uncertain as to what to do, Ray says to his father, “You wanna have a catch?” A tear in his eye, John answers, “I’d like that.”
“They throw the ball back and forth,” read the director’s notes at movie’s end. “And as we pull up higher and higher we see a father and son bathed by white floodlights and car headlights on the silent satiny green of a baseball diamond at the edge of a cornfield.”
Pass those hankies!
More @ WND
Wife of Alan Grayson, named 17th richest member of Congress, receiving food stamps to feed his kids
Not that the timing makes it any more egregious, but six days after being named the 17th richest member of Congress, it’s being reported that U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson‘s estranged wife has been issued an EBT card to help feed his children.
Lolita Grayson was approved for public assistance by the state of Florida, and their four minor children — they have five children altogether — are also enrolled in the free lunch program in Orange County schools, according to ABC affiliate WFTV.
More @ Biz Pac
Black Power: A Done Deal
Via Fred & Susan
As I write America waits, again, to see whether blacks will riot, this time in Ferguson. Will they loot, burn, kill, and rape? The usual? The police in Ferguson prepare to protect stores from looters, as rioters seem to regard their insurrections as shopping opportunities. Will it come, we wonder tensely? Will the destruction get out of hand, spread to other cities?
It is curious that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.
Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments, the military, and police forces. Blacks must be admitted to universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where departments of Black Studies must be established to please them. Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite high-schools must be judged not on whether they perform their functions but on whether they have the right number of blacks.
As I write America waits, again, to see whether blacks will riot, this time in Ferguson. Will they loot, burn, kill, and rape? The usual? The police in Ferguson prepare to protect stores from looters, as rioters seem to regard their insurrections as shopping opportunities. Will it come, we wonder tensely? Will the destruction get out of hand, spread to other cities?
It is curious that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.
Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments, the military, and police forces. Blacks must be admitted to universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where departments of Black Studies must be established to please them. Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite high-schools must be judged not on whether they perform their functions but on whether they have the right number of blacks.
More @ Fred On Everything
Police hunt former head teacher of Florida Islamic school accused of raping students and leaving one needing 'surgical repair'
Via Jeffery
Police are
hunting the former head teacher of a private Islamic school accused of
the sexual abuse and rape of two middle school female students.
Ahmad, 35, who worked at Nur-Ul-Islam Academy, Florida, has been
charged with five first degree counts after the alleged abuse which left
one student needing 'substantial surgical repair'.
The girls were aged 14 and 15 when Ahmad allegedly forced them into sexual relationships, according to a lawsuit.
attorneys said Ahmed would use text messages, social media and even
code on the chalk boards in the classroom to set up meetings with the
They also claim the Academy officials knew of Ahmed's illegal conduct for years and did nothing until now.
More @ Daily Mail
Former Marine banned from daughter’s school after dispute over Islam lesson
Via Iver
"We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school but they can discuss Islam's Five Pillars?"
The three-page assignment asked questions including, "How did Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?"
A homework assignment obtained by showed the correct answer was, “With tolerance, kindness and respect."
More @ Fox
California SWAT officer who was shot in raid dies
Via Jeffery
Comments: Not kind at all.
A SWAT officer died early
Wednesday, a day after being wounded by a shotgun blast while attempting
to force open a door during a pre-dawn raid at a Southern California
home, authorities said.
Pomona Police
Officer Shaun Diamond, 45, succumbed to his injuries at a Pasadena
hospital, Chief Paul Capraro said in a statement.
suspect in the shooting, David Martinez of San Gabriel, was arrested on
suspicion of attempted murder of a police officer. He was jailed on $4
million bail, and it wasn't immediately known if he had a lawyer.
More @ Yahoo
Confirmed: Non-citizen voters boosting Democrats: Blockbuster study backs claim illegal ballots behind Obama's 2008 victory
A new study puts numbers behind the claim that the votes of non-U.S. citizens in the 2008 presidential election handed the White House to Barack Obama.
Of the non-citizens who voted in 2008, the study found “81.8 percent reported voting for Barack Obama compared to 17.5 percent for John McCain.”
More @ WND
Indistinguishable From Magic
Via Tom
In the Post-SHTF world, that awaits us all in the near future, going into “Town” might not be as terrifying an experience as it is so often portrayed. Glimmers of open and free trade could appear instead of the wide stretches of wasteland ruled by the marauding hordes we usually envision. Oh, the ruthless gangs will still be there, up to business as usual, if you scratch the surface, just a little.
But maybe it will all simmer down when everyone sees that by trying to act civil, you get more business done. There might spring up that inevitable degree of “Mutually Assured Destruction” that keeps everything corked up and we can all get along long enough to buy and sell “goods and services” without excessively having to watch our every step and word. Yet, then as now, the rule may be, “stay as far away from town as possible”. Then the real task becomes, “how to keep those electronic gizmos, that we depend on for information, navigation, and security, powered-up while we’re on the trail to and from “Town”.

In the Post-SHTF world, that awaits us all in the near future, going into “Town” might not be as terrifying an experience as it is so often portrayed. Glimmers of open and free trade could appear instead of the wide stretches of wasteland ruled by the marauding hordes we usually envision. Oh, the ruthless gangs will still be there, up to business as usual, if you scratch the surface, just a little.
But maybe it will all simmer down when everyone sees that by trying to act civil, you get more business done. There might spring up that inevitable degree of “Mutually Assured Destruction” that keeps everything corked up and we can all get along long enough to buy and sell “goods and services” without excessively having to watch our every step and word. Yet, then as now, the rule may be, “stay as far away from town as possible”. Then the real task becomes, “how to keep those electronic gizmos, that we depend on for information, navigation, and security, powered-up while we’re on the trail to and from “Town”.
More @ Ten Smiths
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
High-Flying Confederates
A group dedicated to restoring the Confederate flag to sites around Virginia has enlisted a drone to help its cause.
“The Va Flaggers debuted a new weapon in our arsenal over the weekend,” the group announced in a Facebook post yesterday. “Further testing and fine-tuning will take place over the coming days and weeks, but we are excited about the prospects, to say the least.”
The drone was flown over Hollywood Cemetery, where it captured images of the top of a pyramid-shaped Confederate monument.
Group leader Susan Hathaway said in an email that the drone testing is being done in “to assist in our heritage defense efforts.”
More @ Style Weekly
Making and Using Genuine Colloidal Silver
Via avordvet
The new history of silver is a falsified history. Silver was once
used extensively by all health care practitioners as an antibiotic,
anti-viral, and as an anti-microbial. Nothing worked better then, and
nothing does now. The F.D.A. began its crusade against silver products
in the 1930's, because silver (as a natural substance) cannot be
patented; but the organization's antibiotic and vaccine industry
partners were able to patent their wares. Under the Food and Drug
Administration's original name, the Bureau of Chemistry, its real
mission was to legally protect the chemical industry by declaring toxic
chemicals to be "generally recognized as safe", and to eliminate the
chemical industry's competition through regulations. This history has
likewise been obscured greatly in most modern historical texts, but the
truth can be found in materials from its early period.
Silver medicine has been erased from the textbooks, and it is seldom given mention in medical literature.
Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was
surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns. He knew
nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a
seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh. Silver has been used
for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits.
Throughout the middle ages, the wealthy gave their children silver
spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses. People have known about the
benefits of silver for so long that it is incorporated into legends.
Silver is the recommended agent for killing vampires, werewolves, and
various forms of the so-called undead. According to ancient legend, a
silver dagger was all that a knight needed to vanquish evil.
Silver medicine has been erased from the textbooks, and it is seldom given mention in medical literature.
More @ The Health Wyze Report
Police State Targets Dissidents: Government To “Impose Extreme Disruption Orders On Individuals”
Via Jeffery
The battle for hearts and minds is on and the elite are getting fed up with citizen proles who believe it a right to speak freely and openly about their ideologies and criticisms of government policies.
Their attempts to control the agenda and conversation have repeatedly been met with protests, both online and off, as traditional mainstream audiences migrate by the millions to alternative media and citizen journalism.
But this obvious threat to the establishment’s status quo won’t be allowed to go on much longer. A recent interview with the head of England’s Ministry of Home Security, the British counterpart of America’s Department of Homeland Security, shows just how dangerous open thought and free speech are.
The battle for hearts and minds is on and the elite are getting fed up with citizen proles who believe it a right to speak freely and openly about their ideologies and criticisms of government policies.
Their attempts to control the agenda and conversation have repeatedly been met with protests, both online and off, as traditional mainstream audiences migrate by the millions to alternative media and citizen journalism.
But this obvious threat to the establishment’s status quo won’t be allowed to go on much longer. A recent interview with the head of England’s Ministry of Home Security, the British counterpart of America’s Department of Homeland Security, shows just how dangerous open thought and free speech are.
More @ DC Clothesline
Mission Accomplished? U.S. Marine Corps Might Lower Combat Standards For Women
Via Carl
The first three women to successfully complete the Marine’s Combat Endurance Test (CET) have been asked to leave the rigorous, infantry officers training course for failing to meet the physical standards required.
The Christian Science Monitor has details on the three, trailblazing women:
But, according to an analysis done by the Washington Free Beacon, there are interest groups in D.C. that are trying to get the Marine Corps to change the standards in the training course to help pave the way for women to fill combat roles:
The first three women to successfully complete the Marine’s Combat Endurance Test (CET) have been asked to leave the rigorous, infantry officers training course for failing to meet the physical standards required.
The Christian Science Monitor has details on the three, trailblazing women:
They were physically disqualified from the training last week for falling behind in hikes while carrying loads of upwards of 100 pounds, says Maj. George Flynn, director of the Infantry Officers Course (IOC) at Quantico, Va.
Earlier this month, the women had successfully completed the Combat Endurance Test, the first hurdle Marines must pass to become infantry officers – the quintessential front-line combat job. That accomplishment qualified them for the remainder of infantry officer training, the IOC.The Monitor points out that it wasn’t just these three women who failed, but three men also dropped out at the same stage.
But, according to an analysis done by the Washington Free Beacon, there are interest groups in D.C. that are trying to get the Marine Corps to change the standards in the training course to help pave the way for women to fill combat roles:
More @ IJ Review
Google Working on Cancer-Detecting Pill
Google is working on a cancer-detecting pill in its latest effort to push the boundaries of technology.
Still in the experimental stage, the pill is packed with tiny
magnetic particles, which can travel through a patient's bloodstream,
search for malignant cells and report their findings to a sensor on a
wearable device.
As many as 2,000 of these microscopic "nanoparticles" could fit inside a single red blood cell to provide doctors with better insights about what is happening inside their patients.
More @ Newsmax
Mystery of Amelia Earhart 'finally solved
Has the mystery of what happened to Amelia Earhart finally been solved?
A new report says a fragment of the lost aviator’s aircraft “has been identified to a high degree of certainty for the first time ever” since her plane vanished over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937.
Earhart had been attempting a record-setting flight around the world at the equator.
According to Discovery News, new research strongly suggests a piece of aluminum aircraft debris recovered in 1991 from Nikumaroro, an uninhabited atoll in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati, does belong to Earhart’s twin-engined Lockheed Electra.
More @ WND
La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID
The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Raza helpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.
“Voter ID laws are at-issue across the country, with newly Republican-controlled legislatures having passed them in numerous states after the 2010 election,” explained The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake. “Most states still request some form of ID, but don’t require it. Another 20 states don’t require identification. In case you’re wondering where your state is at in all of this, a helpful (sic) graphic from the Post’s graphics team.”
More with video @ The Daily Caller
FEDS Retaliate Against The Bundy Ranch And Southern Nevada
Via Iver
Remember the Bundy Ranch ordeal from back in April-2014?
As promised from Harry Reid who warned that this is not over, and that “something will happen”, well it appears that it is happening.
The federal government is mounting retaliations against the Bundy family and the Southern Nevada people with an official notice recently released by the Federal Registry, declaring that nearly 3 million acres of land in southern Nevada will be declared “ACEC” (read below) and placed off limits to nearly all human activity…
Remember the Bundy Ranch ordeal from back in April-2014?
As promised from Harry Reid who warned that this is not over, and that “something will happen”, well it appears that it is happening.
The federal government is mounting retaliations against the Bundy family and the Southern Nevada people with an official notice recently released by the Federal Registry, declaring that nearly 3 million acres of land in southern Nevada will be declared “ACEC” (read below) and placed off limits to nearly all human activity…
More with videos @ Before Its News
NC: Sheriff: 2 shot at Nashville courthouse, gunman caught
Via Jeffery
A gunman opened fire on two men in front of the courthouse in this small North Carolina town on Tuesday, sending panicked lunchtime shoppers ducking into shops along the normally quiet main drag.
A gunman opened fire on two men in front of the courthouse in this small North Carolina town on Tuesday, sending panicked lunchtime shoppers ducking into shops along the normally quiet main drag.
The suspect
was caught in the late afternoon after a manhunt that included dozens of
armed officers searching the woods along a state highway with a police
helicopter flying overhead. A second suspect was still on the loose
Tuesday night. Authorities didn't offer a motive but believe the victims
were targeted. Both were expected to survive.
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