Saturday, April 13, 2013
Maine hermit arrested after living in the woods for 27 years
Via Daily Timewaster
There he lived, re-entering civilization only to steal supplies from camps under the cover of darkness.
During those nearly three decades, he spoke just once to another person – until he was arrested during a burglary last week.
In between, Knight told police, he committed more than 1,000 burglaries, always taking only what he needed to survive. He became so familiar for his thievery and elusiveness that he spawned the local legend of the North Pond Hermit, who for years confounded both locals and police investigating the break-ins.
In June 2005, the Morning Sentinel published a story about the "hermit of North Pond," who, it said, "for the last 15 years has been picking his way through dozens of the 300 or so camps around North Pond."
"It's been a myth, or legend, that a hermit was responsible," Maine State Trooper Diane Perkins-Vance told the Kennebec Journal on Tuesday. "That happens to be the case."
The 47-year-old hermit now awaits his future at the Kennebec County Jail, where he is being held in lieu of $5,000 cash bail on charges of burglary and theft.
Even as law enforcement continues to piece together a story that sounds too incredible to be true, every new layer of evidence uncovered since Knight's arrest has buttressed the legend of the hermit burglar in the area of the pond, which is surrounded by Smithfield, Mercer and Rome.
On Tuesday, police uncovered the ultimate evidence of Knight's odyssey: the makeshift campsite in the woods of Rome that was Knight's home for 27 years.
"He said he just came into the woods one day in 1986," Perkins-Vance said. "He claims he hadn't had a conversation with another human being since the mid-1990s, when he encountered someone on a trail. I was the first person he talked to since the 1990s. People are like, 'No way!' But yeah, it's true."
from Troy R. Bennett on Vimeo.
Not bad at all!
Christopher Knight, 47, says he stole to survive solitary life in the woods of western Maine.
Christopher Knight went into the central Maine wilderness 27 years ago.
He built a hut on a slope in the woods, where he spent his days reading books and meditating.
There he lived, re-entering civilization only to steal supplies from camps under the cover of darkness.
During those nearly three decades, he spoke just once to another person – until he was arrested during a burglary last week.
In between, Knight told police, he committed more than 1,000 burglaries, always taking only what he needed to survive. He became so familiar for his thievery and elusiveness that he spawned the local legend of the North Pond Hermit, who for years confounded both locals and police investigating the break-ins.
In June 2005, the Morning Sentinel published a story about the "hermit of North Pond," who, it said, "for the last 15 years has been picking his way through dozens of the 300 or so camps around North Pond."
"It's been a myth, or legend, that a hermit was responsible," Maine State Trooper Diane Perkins-Vance told the Kennebec Journal on Tuesday. "That happens to be the case."
The 47-year-old hermit now awaits his future at the Kennebec County Jail, where he is being held in lieu of $5,000 cash bail on charges of burglary and theft.
Even as law enforcement continues to piece together a story that sounds too incredible to be true, every new layer of evidence uncovered since Knight's arrest has buttressed the legend of the hermit burglar in the area of the pond, which is surrounded by Smithfield, Mercer and Rome.
On Tuesday, police uncovered the ultimate evidence of Knight's odyssey: the makeshift campsite in the woods of Rome that was Knight's home for 27 years.
"He said he just came into the woods one day in 1986," Perkins-Vance said. "He claims he hadn't had a conversation with another human being since the mid-1990s, when he encountered someone on a trail. I was the first person he talked to since the 1990s. People are like, 'No way!' But yeah, it's true."
from Troy R. Bennett on Vimeo.
Not bad at all!
Rightful Liberty is Unobtanium........not so much

Between you and Rightful Liberty stand a multitude of laws made by Man.
Defending those laws stand a multitude of armed Praetorian Guards who answer to the Enemies of Liberty.
If you mean to exist in a state of Rightful Liberty, you will become, by definition, a criminal, an enemy of the state.
If you dare reach for Liberty, if you dare set out to secure Liberty for yourself or the important people in your life, you must embrace the simple fact that you will break many serious laws of Man, and many Agents of the State will take great pride in denying your killing you for the glory of the State
Most Enemies of Liberty would not hesitate to kill a kitten with a sack full of puppies if it increased their power.
You mean nothing to them. Your death means nothing. In many ways, your death provides the Enemies of Liberty with an opportunity to frighten others who might have otherwise considered your course.
Only the victor writes the History.
You can talk, bluster, huff and puff all you wish. You can make any statement you wish about the peril that will befall Agents of Evil should they cross your path. You can be a legend in your own mind. Draw your lines of sand as you wish, and find reason after reason why they are not defended.
To secure Liberty you will have to break the most heavily guarded laws of the land.
You will be called a mental defective. A bigot. A terrorist. A traitor.
Most of your Countrymen will call you an enemy.
Until you win.
If you can't embrace the Honor of being labeled a Traitor by Evil men and Useful Idiots, please be honest with yourself and with those who mean to go into Harm's Way to secure Rightful Liberty. Stop blustering. Stop issuing verbose and dire consequences that you will not enforce. Voluntarily move yourself to the Auxiliary. There is no dishonor in being honest with yourself and admitting that you do not have what it takes to be a man or woman taking point. I respect you more, in fact, if you admit to yourself you better serve the goals of Restoration in a capacity other than direct confrontation.
A man must know his limitations.
More @ III Percent Patriots
For the Children

"Sorry, CT, but your school was gun free "for the children" and that
condition made sure that there was no way to defend against criminals.
You feared criminals with guns and you wanted your children to be safe.
Exposing your children where they cannot be protected just is not the
way to do it. It didn't work.
You know what? I'm afraid of criminals with guns, too. That is why I carry a gun myself. I carry to defend myself and my loved ones. I don't expect anyone to do that for me. I put my loved ones in a safe place behind me where I can protect them, not in a place where I cannot protect them.
Criminals don't love your children. They won't protect them in a gun free zone just because another law is passed.
You know what? I'm afraid of criminals with guns, too. That is why I carry a gun myself. I carry to defend myself and my loved ones. I don't expect anyone to do that for me. I put my loved ones in a safe place behind me where I can protect them, not in a place where I cannot protect them.
Criminals don't love your children. They won't protect them in a gun free zone just because another law is passed.
Laws don't compel the lawless."
1,500 Page Immigration Bill to Drop One Day Before Only Hearing?
According to an ABC News report, senators from the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” pushing immigration reform are expected to drop their bill, estimated at around 1,500 pages, on Tuesday, mere hours before the only scheduled Senate hearing on the topic.
“A bipartisan group of senators plans to introduce its long-awaited immigration bill on Tuesday, Senate sources confirmed to ABC News,” Jim Avila and Jordan Fabian wrote on Friday. “Four Democrats and four Republicans, known as the 'Gang of Eight,' wrapped up months of hard-fought negotiations this week and will put forth a bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for many of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.”If the Senators actually do wait until Tuesday to roll out their lengthy proposed overhaul of the U.S. immigration system, that will give members of the Senate Judiciary Committee less than a full day to read it before the only Senate hearing on the topic. Despite ardent pleas from Senate conservatives, including ranking Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Chuck Grassley, the committee’s chairman, Sen. Pat Leahy, has only agreed to one hearing on the legislation.
More @ Breitbart
Sen. Sessions: Immigration Reform Bill 'Will Not Withstand Public Scrutiny'
Ranking Senate Budget Committee member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said in a Thursday evening statement provided to Breitbart News that the political posturing of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” immigration group, along with Senate Democratic leadership, and their plan to rush forthcoming legislation through the U.S. Senate as fast as they can is a sign the bill will not hold up in the face of public scrutiny.
“While the Gang has not briefed lawmakers or the judiciary committee about their plan, they have leaked selected details to the press which seem to confirm Senator Schumer’s recent declaration that ‘First, people will be legalized… Then, we will make sure the border is secure,’” Sessions said in the statement.Based on what has been leaked, and current ICE directives, it could become nearly impossible for ICE officers to distinguish between those illegal immigrants eligible for legal status and those ineligible for legal status – including future illegal immigrants who will simply assert they are amnesty-eligible. It is likely millions of current and future illegal immigrants who are not administrative "priorities" will benefit from this amnesty regardless of whether they meet the Gang’s criteria. That is why it is so essential that these enforcement issues be worked out first.“This is also why it is so troubling that Chairman Leahy has rejected the GOP request for multiple hearings and that members of the Gang of 8 have publicly announced their intention to oppose any amendments,” Sessions added. “To proceed along these lines is tantamount to an admission that the bill is not workable and will not withstand public scrutiny.”
The details that Sen. Sessions cites as troubling include:
More @ Breitbart
Remington Sells Out To NY For $80 Million “Sniper” Rifles Government Contract

Back in February, several gun manufacturers decided to boycott law enforcement in states that are hostile to the Second Amendment, states like New York for instance. They would not be providing weapons or ammunition. Within a week that number had grown by over 700%. In the first article I provided information for several gun manufacturers that could be contacted to come on board with this boycott, including Glock, Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson and Remington. Well, now we know where Remington stands. They stand on the side of government as they have let it be known that they will be staying in New York and they have now acquired a government contract worth $80 million.
Remington informed New York state lawmakers that they were planning to spend $20 million to upgrade their manufacturing facility in Mohawk Valley. The word was that they were considering moving if New York implemented stricter gun control laws as they have in the NY SAFE Act.
Remington had been approached by several states to move.
Lawmakers spoke with Remington about their expansion. The company has received $5.5 million in state incentives over the past five years.
While that is in the past, news has come out from New York Congressman Richard Hanna regarding an $80 million contract. According to his website:
More @ Freedom Outpost
RNC Votes Unanimously Backing Traditional Marriage
The Republican National Committee voted unanimously Friday to reaffirm the party's view that marriage should strictly be the union of one man and one woman, rebuffing its chairman's call for the party to be more tolerant on social issues.
Less than a month ago, National Chairman Reince Priebus released a 98-page document that appraised his party's political liabilities in an attempt to re-brand the party and attract voters following last November's election setbacks.
However, the RNC's resolved to uphold its stance on marriage, declaring that the union between a man and a woman is “the optimum environment in which to raise healthy children for the future of America,” reports the Wall Street Journal.
Urgent: Should Gay Marriage Be Legal? Vote Here in Urgent National Poll.
The 168 RNC members, by casting their unanimous vote, shows the party faces further challenges as it looks for ways to broaden its voting base. While some Republicans agree with Priebus that the party needs to further acknowledge and attract minority groups and younger voters, others believe doing that will cause the GOP to abandon its core values.
The party's base seems to agree with the RNC's vote, according to the results of a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released this past week. The poll showed that while 53 percent of Americans favor allowing same-sex marriages, only 27 percent of Republicans approve.
Supporters of the new RNC resolution say it was made to create the party's clear line on marriage.
"At the very least we wanted to clarify the position of the party," said A.J. Spiker, who chairs the Iowa Republican Party. “(We) can certainly be welcoming without compromising on marriage and the definition of marriage."
More @ Newsmax
Government report: Historic drought not caused by global warming
Despite claims made by environmentalists and the Obama administration, a study released Thursday suggests the record-high drought that ravaged agricultural production across the Great Plains region last year was not caused by manmade global warming.
“The Central Great Plains drought during May-August of 2012 resulted mostly from natural variations in weather,” read a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s drought unit.
“Neither ocean states nor human-induced climate change, factors that can provide long-lead predictability, appeared to play significant roles in causing severe rainfall deficits over the major corn producing regions of central Great Plains.”
More @ The Daily Caller
Aye Candy: Confederate Ironclad Texas
Renders of a digital model of the Confederate casemate ironclad Texas, as she might have looked if completed as planned in 1865. Texas was laid down at Rocketts, the shipyard on the east bank of the James River below Richmond, in the late summer of 1863. Texas was similar in form to other ironclads designed by John L. Porter, but featured a very short casemate housing only four guns. The casemate was fitted with eight gunports – three each ahead and astern, each set served by a single gun on a pivot, and one gun on each broadside. Texas differed from most Confederate ironclads in having two screws, which may have been a choice forced on the builders by the availability of machinery.
When Richmond was evacuated ahead of advancing Federal armies on April 2, 1865, Texas was still being plated with armor, and had yet to have her engines installed. The nearly-complete ironclad was abandoned where she lay.
This model is based on plans of Texas by David Meagher, published in John Coski’s superb history, Capital Navy: The Men, Ships and Operations of the James River Squadron. Meagher’s drawings of Texas are (as always) finely-drawn and detailed. I departed from them in a few places, though, that need mentioning.
Renders of a digital model of the Confederate casemate ironclad Texas, as she might have looked if completed as planned in 1865. Texas was laid down at Rocketts, the shipyard on the east bank of the James River below Richmond, in the late summer of 1863. Texas was similar in form to other ironclads designed by John L. Porter, but featured a very short casemate housing only four guns. The casemate was fitted with eight gunports – three each ahead and astern, each set served by a single gun on a pivot, and one gun on each broadside. Texas differed from most Confederate ironclads in having two screws, which may have been a choice forced on the builders by the availability of machinery.
When Richmond was evacuated ahead of advancing Federal armies on April 2, 1865, Texas was still being plated with armor, and had yet to have her engines installed. The nearly-complete ironclad was abandoned where she lay.
This model is based on plans of Texas by David Meagher, published in John Coski’s superb history, Capital Navy: The Men, Ships and Operations of the James River Squadron. Meagher’s drawings of Texas are (as always) finely-drawn and detailed. I departed from them in a few places, though, that need mentioning.
More @ Civil War Talk
Radio host charges Cuomo/DHS conspiracy against gun owners
Via Steven Peter Yevchak, Sr.
Claiming information from multiple sources that ought to require the resignations of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and State Police Superintendent Joe D’Amico, WBEN Buffalo radio host Tom Bauerle yesterday told listeners he’s had it confirmed that New York State Police are lying when they say they made a mistake when they confiscated an Erie County resident’s guns. Instead, Bauerle charges, there is a high-level conspiracy to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of New Yorkers that reaches up to the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security.
The claim by the Erie County Clerk that New York State Police had simply provided “bad information” resulting in permit revocation and the confiscation of Amherst resident David Lewis’ guns is not true, Bauerle insists. “I’ve had it confirmed; the New York State Police are lying about him not being the guy they wanted.”
Police weren’t expecting Lewis to get a lawyer, Bauerle says, especially one who knows the Second Amendment.
“They had the guy they wanted,” Bauerle maintains, calling the official excuse “nonsense” and charging Gov. Cuomo “is a monomaniac on the subject of guns.” What happened, he explains, is that the state has a special HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) unit to search private medical records without warrants, and that Lewis was simply the first person to be caught up in that net.
Claiming information from multiple sources that ought to require the resignations of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and State Police Superintendent Joe D’Amico, WBEN Buffalo radio host Tom Bauerle yesterday told listeners he’s had it confirmed that New York State Police are lying when they say they made a mistake when they confiscated an Erie County resident’s guns. Instead, Bauerle charges, there is a high-level conspiracy to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of New Yorkers that reaches up to the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security.
The claim by the Erie County Clerk that New York State Police had simply provided “bad information” resulting in permit revocation and the confiscation of Amherst resident David Lewis’ guns is not true, Bauerle insists. “I’ve had it confirmed; the New York State Police are lying about him not being the guy they wanted.”
Police weren’t expecting Lewis to get a lawyer, Bauerle says, especially one who knows the Second Amendment.
“They had the guy they wanted,” Bauerle maintains, calling the official excuse “nonsense” and charging Gov. Cuomo “is a monomaniac on the subject of guns.” What happened, he explains, is that the state has a special HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) unit to search private medical records without warrants, and that Lewis was simply the first person to be caught up in that net.
More @ Examiner
Coburn Defends Vote To Hear Gun Control Bill
Via avordvet
Why I’m Fighting to
Many Oklahomans and gun owners across the country have asked why I
have decided to participate in negotiations, and then vote to move to a
debate, they view as designed to limit their rights. I understand my
role in this debate appears surprising in light of my long record of not
only defending but expanding Second Amendment rights by, for example,
giving Americans the right to carry guns in national parks. I have also
filibustered popular bills in order to defend the rights of veterans
who have been stripped of their Second Amendment rights without due
process because they were wrongly declared mentally unfit.
First, let me be clear about what the Senate will and will not be considering in the coming days. The most onerous and blatantly unconstitutional provisions the gun control lobby favors – a ban on supposed “assault weapons” (any gun in the hands of a criminal is an assault weapon) and a plan to limit magazine sizes, policies I vehemently oppose – have zero chance of passing. What is up for consideration is how to improve a broken system that literally allows illegal aliens, drug traffickers, child molesters, rapists, felons, members of al Qaeda cells and mentally-deranged persons to buy firearms. If you believe the Second Amendment gives those people the right to arm themselves then we have an irreconcilable difference of opinion.
Why I’m Fighting to Protect (BT) Damage Gun Rights
Many Oklahomans and gun owners across the country have asked why I
have decided to participate in negotiations, and then vote to move to a
debate, they view as designed to limit their rights. I understand my
role in this debate appears surprising in light of my long record of not
only defending but expanding Second Amendment rights by, for example,
giving Americans the right to carry guns in national parks. I have also
filibustered popular bills in order to defend the rights of veterans
who have been stripped of their Second Amendment rights without due
process because they were wrongly declared mentally unfit.First, let me be clear about what the Senate will and will not be considering in the coming days. The most onerous and blatantly unconstitutional provisions the gun control lobby favors – a ban on supposed “assault weapons” (any gun in the hands of a criminal is an assault weapon) and a plan to limit magazine sizes, policies I vehemently oppose – have zero chance of passing. What is up for consideration is how to improve a broken system that literally allows illegal aliens, drug traffickers, child molesters, rapists, felons, members of al Qaeda cells and mentally-deranged persons to buy firearms. If you believe the Second Amendment gives those people the right to arm themselves then we have an irreconcilable difference of opinion.
More @ Political Realities
Because we know that they won't dare buy them on the street..........
'We're being inundated': Arizona group documents border battle with revealing audio, images
For all the talk in Washington about border security, the one agency charged with providing it isn't sharing a wealth of details. So a group of volunteers -- called Secure Border Intelligence -- has stepped in, working around the clock in Arizona to keep a thorough record of the front lines of the border battle.
Using tiny, motion-activated cameras hidden in the desert along known smuggling routes, the group captures images of illegal immigrants streaming into the U.S. Some carry water, others bundles of drugs slung across their shoulders. SBI also records conversations between Border Patrol pilots and agents on the ground. Excerpts from those conversations, obtained exclusively by Fox News, suggest the border may not be as secure as frequently portrayed by the Obama administration.
The following is one exchange recorded by the group:
Drone Operator: "We haven't been in that area for hours... we're being inundated where we're at."
Fixed-wing Pilot: "This is Night Owl on air four. You guys got targets out there?"
Drone Operator: "Are you kidding me? We just broke the record."
Helicopter Pilot: "We're going to need another person over here, we've got about 50 bodies out there.
More with video@ Fox
'Evangelicals could be put on watch list, denied guns'
Citing recent “inflammatory rhetoric” by Army officials, the head of the Family Research Council is warning supporters that President Obama could put evangelical Christians and Catholics on a “watch list” to prevent them from purchasing guns.
FRC President Tony Perkins said on his “Washington Watch” radio broadcast Wednesday that the Senate’s bipartisan proposal requiring background checks for Internet gun sales is “very concerning given the fact that the United States military has been increasingly showing hostility toward evangelicals and Catholics as being somehow threats to national security and people that need to be watched.”
Perkins said it was also discovered that, in an email, Army Lt. Col. Jack Rich highlighted FRC and the American Family Association as groups that do not share “our Army Values.”
In his broadcast Wednesday, Perkins tied together the Army rhetoric with the proposed Senate legislation.
“Well, what does that have to do with gun control?” he continued. “Well, what happens if all the sudden you are identified as an evangelical, Bible-believing fundamentalist and the government decides you’ve got to be put on a watch list?”
More @ WND
ICE union head calls on Sen. Rubio to leave ‘Gang of Eight’
The president of the union representing Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and staff called on Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio to leave the “Gang of Eight” currently negotiating immigration reform, in a statement issued Friday.
Chris Crane, the head of National ICE Council, slammed the Gang of Eight and the White House for failing to meet with his union of more than 7,000 members and further requested that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio leave the Gang of Eight.
“Senator Rubio was asked during a recent interview that ‘if you don’t get enforcement first, or securing the borders first, is that a deal killer for you?’ And he replied, ‘Absolutely. … Because we will be right back here again,’” Crane said in the statement obtained by The Daily Caller. “But the outline from the Gang of 8 offers legalization, or amnesty, before enforcement is accomplished.
Senator Schumer admitted as much: ‘we’ve come to a basic agreement, which is that first, people will be legalized. … Then, we will make sure the border is secure.’ “I would then respectfully call on Senator Rubio to follow through on his commitment to the American people — and his pledge to accomplish enforcement before legalization — and to leave the Gang of 8,” he said.
More @ The Daily Caller
Cardenas on Obama: ‘I Don’t Think He Gets It After 5 Years’ (Budget & Gun Control)
“They’re not real cuts. They’re a diminution of programs as opposed to savings in programs — and these savings are not something that his administration has ever accomplished in five years. It’s a waste of time.”
Obama earlier this week unveiled a budget proposal for fiscal 2014 that would limit tax deductions for top-earners, increase the estate tax, raise taxes for many lower-income households — and even lift taxes on tobacco. It would make modest cuts in Social Security by linking annual cost-of-living adjustments to a “chained” Consumer Price Index.
Now that the Senate has proposed its first budget in five years, “at least we have a set of numbers to work from — but unless the administration is willing to significantly move with Congress, it looks like it’s dead on arrival,” Cardenas said of the Obama proposal.
Cardenas said the gun-control debate also reflected the president’s inability to “get it.”
“We do have a crisis in crime in America, but the reason for crime rates and violence has nothing to do with gun ownership,” Cardenas told Newsmax. “They have to do with low enforcement. They have to do with mental attitudes. They have to do with the breakdown of the American family. They have to do with runaway drug consumption.
“These are the basic societal ills that lead to violent crime, and those are the ills that need to be discussed. This administration is not willing to do that because they consider a number of the impacted folks part of their constituency — and frankly, for their sake and the sake of America, we need to uncover and discuss the real reasons for crime — and they’re not gun ownership.”
More @ Newsmax
Time to move on
I love the hypocrisy of the liberals who post on's forums. While on the one hand, they praise Alabama's major cities which are in the South, they as a whole condemn the rest of the South for slavery and segregation.
No one alive today has ever been a slave on a plantation or master of a plantation. Most of those who were old enough to hold positions of power and dictate policies under segregation are dead and gone. The majority of the living today were born since then.
Very, very few of the living today ever had to live through either of those periods of time, yet they continue to beat the dead horse of slavery which is 150 years in the past and segregation, which is 50 years behind us. All while there are an estimated 30 million people in the world today which are still slaves in Africa and other third world countries.
They do nothing about this but, continue to worry over a done deal in the South stinking up the place with their hypocrisy. It's okay to remember those times and for everyone to honor them as they see fit however, always remembering they are the past and a part of history.
Those that hate the South in general and the State of Alabama in particular I would remind you that as a state Alabama alone has made great strides since those times socially and economically.
Alabama has influenced such companies as Mercedes, Honda, Hyundai and most recently Airbus to located plants here. We are doing great compared to the Rust Belt states so, the South is rising again.
So instead of these liberal nay-sayers accentuating the positives in this state and the South, they remain the ones living in the past with all their negativism and always looking back and never forward. When they free the 30 million slaves in the world today then we will all be impressed by them and their " superior intellect and knowledge."
They will then have the time to beat the dead horse of slavery and segregation in the South and then catch up with the rest of us by solving a problem which was answered years ago.
Billy E. Price
The liberals don`t like being told that slavery & segregation are in the past. There is no political gains to made from it in the present if they did.
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