What Can I Do?
Joel Rosenberg
In 1978, former Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt created the State Abortion Fund to pay for abortions with public money up to 20 weeks into pregnancy. In 1995, the state legislature narrowed the parameters of the fund to allow publicly funded abortions only for women below the federal poverty line who aren’t eligible for Medicaid and limiting the funding to rare cases when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or the life of the mother is in danger.
They also scaled back the pricetag from $1.4 million annually to $50,000 per year.
Now, a provision in the Republican budget plan would eliminate the abortion fund entirely and another section of the budget would extend the prohibition on taxpayer funding of abortions to the health insurance programs for public employees paid for at taxpayer expense.
Under the order, all companies (and their officers) would be required to list their political donations as a condition to bidding for government contracts. Companies can bid and lose out for the sin of donating to Republicans. Or they can protect their livelihoods by halting donations to the GOP altogether—which is the White House's real aim. Think of it as "not-pay to play."
Whatever you call it, the order amounts to the White House brazenly directing the power of government against its political opponents—and at a time when the president claims to want cooperation on the budget and other issues. Senate Republicans from Mitch McConnell to Susan Collins are fuming, warning this is one political sucker punch too far, an unabashedly partisan move that will damage Senate work.
Minority Leader McConnell in an interview calls the order the "crassest" political move he's ever seen. "This is almost gangster politics, to shut down people who oppose them. . . . I assure you that this going to create problems for them in many ways—seen and unseen—if they go forward."
That might not matter to a White House that's already monomaniacally focused on 2012. Democrats are obsessed with the money game, in particular rubbing out any GOP opportunities that came with the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision to restore some corporate free-speech rights. Democrats last year tried to ram through the Disclose Act, designed to muzzle those new corporate rights, while allowing unions to continue spending at will.
Via Weasel Zippers
The Dalai Lama spoke to a crowd of about 3,000 students at USC's Galen Center on Tuesday. Wednesday he is scheduled to accept an award in Long Beach and speak at UC Irvine. (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)
As the leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the 14th Dalai Lama says he practices compassion to such an extent that he tries to avoid swatting mosquitoes "when my mood is good and there is no danger of malaria," sometimes watching with interest as they swell with his blood. I have just come from the historic Anderson Cemetery in Ringgold and the damage is severe. There isn’t a tree in the cemetery that isn’t broken or uprooted, one huge tree that saw our ancestors fighting in the gap is now laying on its side, two men could not reach around this tree! The root ball is taller than two mini-vans! I am posting 178 photos to my face book page right now for anyone to see.
With the local officials understandably focused on other things, I thought this would be a job that the Sons of Confederate Veterans could help out on. When I arrived at the cemetery this evening there was a local man cutting the trees by himself. There are many trees down, stones toppled, some stones pulled up with the roots. Too much devastation to describe, so check out my Facebook page for the pictures.
What I am thinking is that any compatriots who wish to help can meet me at the Waffle House at exit 345 (Tunnel Hill-Ringgold exit) for breakfast at 8:00 a.m. this Saturday morning and then proceed to the cemetery at 9:00, that way any who are not familiar with the area can follow us to the cemetery. As of right now I have not spoken with anyone else who is going, but all hands are welcome, bring saws, shovels, anything you can think of. All hands welcome. Please repost to any one or group that might have some strong, willing, backs to help.
Steve Hall (Tunnelhill@windstream.net )
Past Commander - Lt. Col. William Luffman Camp # 938, Chatsworth, Georgia
Associate Member and Past Adjutant - Joseph E. Johnston Camp # 671, Dalton, Georgia
Honorary Member - Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp #469, Rome, Georgia
Here's the recipe, which nobody (thus far) has mixed up:
Pronounce and live under two simple First Principles: Each individual owns their own body and property rights are to be respected. From these two principles all else flows. We outlawed slavery 150 years ago and declared it an unsupportable and barbaric practice. From this first principle all others must flow. While drugs (whether currently legal or not) are bad for you, it's your body. While certain sexual practices are dangerous, it's your body. While eating until you weigh 500lbs is very bad for you, it's your body. While choosing to not spend anything protecting against medical disaster by spending all your money and not buying insurance is probably unwise, it's your body. Decrying something as unhealthy or a bad idea does not give you the right to enforce your view at gunpoint via the law. MORE.How do you go from pushing Congress for a permanent assault weapons ban to letting military-style guns “walk” into the hands of Mexican drug cartels? If you are U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, extreme swings in regulation aren’t just costing gun sellers peace of mind – they are costing lives on both sides of the border.
On February 25, 2009, Eric Holder told reporters that he believed a permanent assault weapons ban was needed in part to stem the tide of guns flowing into the Mexican drug war. The newly minted U.S. Attorney General said at the time, “I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum.”
Later in 2009, Holder’s underlings blew a hole in that argument. Following common sense, Arizona gun store owners contacted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to report suspicious buyers. Some paid with cash for expensive guns; others brought paper bags to conceal their purchases.
The response from ATF was bewildering. Brad Desaye, owner of J & G Gun Sales in Prescott, AZ, repeatedly asked ATF agents for direction on selling guns to suspicious buyers. “[W]e would say – ‘Do you want us to stop selling? Is there something we should do here?’ And they would say ‘No, no, no – continue selling – just tell us after the fact,’” Desaye told Fox News.
The reason ATF agents didn’t want to stop the sale of guns was novel: By letting the guns “walk” across the border, ATF officials could nab bigger criminals in Mexican drug cartels. Thus were born Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious, joint operations between ATF and Holder’s Justice Department.
Conducted in 2010, Fast and Furious made a mockery of the ban Holder said he wanted to reinstate. Unable to get Congress to make the assault weapons ban permanent, Holder and ATF went to the other extreme: actively encouraging gun store owners to sell hundreds of guns to known straw buyers for Mexican drug cartels.
"I'll give you my gun when you take it from my cold, dead hands"..is becoming an unstoppable force in the face of Gun Grabbers!
NEWTOWN, Conn --(Ammoland.com)- The April 2011 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 843,484 is an increase of 15.2 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 731,955 in April 2010.
For comparison, the unadjusted April 2011 NICS figure of 1,339,673 is an increase of 9.2 percent over the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,226,760 in April 2010.
This marks the eleventh straight month-over-month increase in NSSF-adjusted NICS figures.
Via avordvet, L&P
Fayetteville’s War Between the States Sesquicentennial
North Carolina’s Ordinance of Secession!
May 20, 2011
Historic Downtown Fayetteville
150 years after North Carolina declared Independence on May 20, 1861.
May 20th was a much-revered date in North Carolina---that of the Historic Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence in 1775.
Ada Amelia’s Diary entry of Tuesday, May 21st, 1861 states:
“the centenary celebration is near at hand. It is likely to be hereafter marked by a still more solemn
and important event in the history of the State.
It will be known, we trust, as the anniversary not only of the first, but of the second
and crowning declaration and act of independence for the old State.”
(read more of North Carolina’s role in the War Between the States at www.ncwbts150.com)
Period Military & Civilian Dress is Encouraged.
Schedule of Events:
“Arrive at Five.”
Enjoy one of Historic Downtown Fayetteville’s unique restaurants. See www.fayettevillealliance.com for a restaurant guide. Also open will be the nearby
Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Museum (210 Burgess Street) and the Historic Rail Depot/Transportation Museum (325 Franklin Street).
Both within walking distance of Historic Hay Street.
Fayetteville Light Infantry Museum
210 Burgess Street
Brief overview of North Carolina’s decision to secede from the Union,
Presented by Bernhard Thuersam, Director, Cape Fear Historical Institute (www.cfhi.net).
Sesquicentennial Reading of North Carolina’s Secession Ordinance by Mayor Archibald MacLaine,
portrayed by Bruce Tyson, Commander, Fayetteville Arsenal Camp, NC SCV.
Toasts to Secession and Independence!
Attendees retire to Historic Hay Street taverns for Secession Toasts and Historic Celebration!
Next celebration will take place on May 20, 2061.
Sponsored by:
Fayetteville Light Infantry Museum
Cape Fear Historical Institute
Fayetteville Arsenal Camp, NC SCV
Black River Tigers Camp, NC SCV
North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial Commission
Verbatim post
"I gave a little talk at a financial conference (Casey Research) that included the following very simple economic scenario:
We keep repeating the pattern above until we're in the second depression (D2). Long term low demand."