All I wanted every Christmas was a new gun and holster set. :)
Friday, December 13, 2013
Sharpsburg Memorial Illumination
On Saturday, December 7th, several Va Flaggers traveled to Sharpsburg, MD for the 25th Annual Sharpsburg Memorial Illumination.
Every year, hundreds gather to honor each of the 23,110 soldiers killed, wounded, or captured during the Battle of Sharpsburg. A candle is set and lit for each one. As the sun sets, the sight is one that is hard to describe...and offers a glimpse of the magnitude of the sacrifice of the men who fought there.
It was our second year attending, and as was the case last year, we were invited by a local Boy Scout Troop to assist the hundreds of volunteers who set up and light the 23,110 candles, and wanted to ensure a Confederate representation during the event.
With the temperature hovering around 30 degrees and a stiff wind, lighting the candles was a challenge, to be sure.
More @ Virginia Flaggers
A conspiracy so vast -- it's not just the NSA, now the FBI, your local police are also spying on US citizens
Via Jeffery
Readers of this page are well aware of the revelations during the past six months of spying by the National Security Agency (NSA). Edward Snowden, a former employee of an NSA vendor, risked his life and liberty to inform us of a governmental conspiracy to violate our right to privacy, a right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.
The conspiracy he revealed is vast. It involves former President George W. Bush, President Obama and their aides, a dozen or so members of Congress, federal judges, executives and technicians at American computer servers and telecoms, and the thousands of NSA employees and vendors who have manipulated their fellow conspirators. The conspirators all agreed that it would be a crime for any of them to reveal the conspiracy. Snowden violated that agreement in order to uphold his higher oath to defend the Constitution.
The object of the conspiracy is to emasculate all Americans and many foreigners of their right to privacy in order to predict our behavior and make it easier to find among us those who are planning harm.
Readers of this page are well aware of the revelations during the past six months of spying by the National Security Agency (NSA). Edward Snowden, a former employee of an NSA vendor, risked his life and liberty to inform us of a governmental conspiracy to violate our right to privacy, a right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.
The conspiracy he revealed is vast. It involves former President George W. Bush, President Obama and their aides, a dozen or so members of Congress, federal judges, executives and technicians at American computer servers and telecoms, and the thousands of NSA employees and vendors who have manipulated their fellow conspirators. The conspirators all agreed that it would be a crime for any of them to reveal the conspiracy. Snowden violated that agreement in order to uphold his higher oath to defend the Constitution.
The object of the conspiracy is to emasculate all Americans and many foreigners of their right to privacy in order to predict our behavior and make it easier to find among us those who are planning harm.
More @ Fox
Victim managed to kill one of attackers before death
A botched Tuesday evening robbery left two dead men as the result of fatal gunshot wounds.
Lt. Curtis Muhannad with the Selma Police Department said Selma resident Willie “Dusty” Berry, 77, died as the results of gunshot wounds suffered during an attempted robbery as he returned to his home at Highland View condominiums in the 2700 block of North Broad Street on Tuesday evening.
“We believe that as he exited his vehicle and attempted to enter his residence that was approached by two black males and an attempted robbery occurred then,” Muhannad said “We believe the elderly man was shot first in his abdomen. He was armed and was able to fire a shot striking the first suspect, a Lester Jones Jr. of Orrville, in the head.”
Muhannad said Jones Jr. was left unconscious on Berry’s porch, as Berry attempted to make his way to a neighbor’s residence
“The elderly man sought to get to a neighbor’s house and was struck another two times by the second suspect,” Muhannad said. “And then the second suspect fled on foot while the elderly man was able to advise a neighbor that he had been shot.”
More @ Selma Times Journal
Ohio Moves to Eliminate Defenseless Victim Zones
While this legislation is not comprehensive, it is a “good first step” in the direction of removing silly infringements on the second amendment in Ohio.
The Judiciary committee, headed by Chairman Jim Butler, will be hearing testimony on Representative Ron Maag’s (R-Lebanon) HB 231 on November 20th at 4 p.m.
Some notable changes in the law are:
More @ Ammoland
Mount Soledad Cross Will Be Purged from Veterans Memorial
After 24 years of litigation, a federal court revealed in an emotional hearing that it has ordered the famous Mount Soledad Cross removed from a veterans memorial, holding it is a violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Since 1913, a cross has stood as the centerpiece of the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in San Diego, surrounded by nearly 3,000 granite plaques, individually honoring war heroes from every American war, from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and Afghanistan.The structure is a 29-foot Latin cross, which was erected in 1954. For much of this time, it was in a city park in the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego. Then, in 1989, the ACLU filed a lawsuit, arguing that allowing a cross on government land violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. This memorial has been embroiled in litigation ever since.
More @ Breitbart
Louis Farrakhan Organization Received $103K in Farm Subsidies
Via Cousin John
By now Americans should be well aware of the President’s fondness for people and groups aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Indeed, Obama’s appreciation of all things Islam does not stop there. Thanks to Adam Andrzejewski‘s watch dog organization, Open the Books, we discover that Louis Farrakhan, rabid Nation of Islam leader, has a little pet project, Muhammad Farms, which received $103,529 in aid between 2008 and 2011.
Hmmm. Farm subsidies in urban Chicago. That’s novel.
To be fair, the group did receive $26,357 under the Bush administration.
Andrzejewski writes in the Muhammad Farms report:
Within the geographic borders of the City of Chicago, 930 entities received an aggregated total of $6.129 million in federal government farm subsidy payments.
Federal farm subsidy program dollars are flowing into the “urban areas”- where there are no farms.
By now Americans should be well aware of the President’s fondness for people and groups aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Indeed, Obama’s appreciation of all things Islam does not stop there. Thanks to Adam Andrzejewski‘s watch dog organization, Open the Books, we discover that Louis Farrakhan, rabid Nation of Islam leader, has a little pet project, Muhammad Farms, which received $103,529 in aid between 2008 and 2011.
Hmmm. Farm subsidies in urban Chicago. That’s novel.
To be fair, the group did receive $26,357 under the Bush administration.
Andrzejewski writes in the Muhammad Farms report:
Within the geographic borders of the City of Chicago, 930 entities received an aggregated total of $6.129 million in federal government farm subsidy payments.
Federal farm subsidy program dollars are flowing into the “urban areas”- where there are no farms.
More @ The Black Sphere
Tea Party: Boehner 'declared war'
Via avordvet
Tea Party Patriots said Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has “declared war on the Tea Party” with his “smug and pretentious rant” against certain right-wing organizations.
The group made the charge in a fundraising email to supporters, seeking to win donations over the public feuding.
the past two days, Boehner has repeatedly attacked the conservative
groups that championed the October effort to defund ObamaCare and are
now opposed to the recent budget deal negotiated by Rep. Paul Ryan
(R-Wis.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.)
He has criticized the groups for being more interested in raising money than actually solving problems.
The letter quotes Boehner's statement that “outside groups” were “using our members and ... the American people for their own goals.”
“The last time we checked, we are the American people,” the letter said.
The letter goes on to refer to Boehner as a “ruling class politician” who only pretends to be conservative while remaining a “tax-and-spend liberal” at heart.
Tea Party Patriots said Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has “declared war on the Tea Party” with his “smug and pretentious rant” against certain right-wing organizations.
The group made the charge in a fundraising email to supporters, seeking to win donations over the public feuding.
He has criticized the groups for being more interested in raising money than actually solving problems.
The letter quotes Boehner's statement that “outside groups” were “using our members and ... the American people for their own goals.”
“The last time we checked, we are the American people,” the letter said.
The letter goes on to refer to Boehner as a “ruling class politician” who only pretends to be conservative while remaining a “tax-and-spend liberal” at heart.
More @ The Hill
Phony Fact-Check Site PolitiFact Caught Rewriting Its Own History
My plan was to write this piece first thing this morning but The Washington Examiner's Sean Higgins went ahead and did it for me. Thursday, the fraudulent fact-check site PolitiFact awarded its "lie of the Year" to Barack Obama for his, "If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance" ObamaCare sales con. But in order to do so, PolitiFact had to rewrite its own history after they spent three years aiding and abetting Obama by spreading this exact same lie:
[I]n an October 2008 column -- just
before the election -- PolitiFact actually rated Obama's promise as
"true." It said at the time: "Obama is accurately describing his health
care plan here. He advocates a program that seeks to build on the
current system, rather than dismantling it and starting over."
In other words, it rated him on the basis
of whether he was accurately stating his own campaign promise, a hurdle
no politician could fail to clear.
More @ Breitbart
Jeff Sessions: Senate GOP to Filibuster Paul Ryan's Budget Deal
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the ranking GOP member of the Senate Budget Committee, said Thursday that Senate Republicans plan to filibuster the budget deal that House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) cut with Senate Budget Committee chairwoman Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).
The deal passed the House 332-94, with 62 Republicans and 32 Democrats voting against it. The bill is expected to come up for votes in the Senate early next week, either Monday or Tuesday.The type of filibuster Sessions spoke of is not the traditional “talking filibuster” like the one Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) launched earlier this year to protest Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama’s drone policies. It is a procedural filibuster, The Hill reports, that would require Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to at least twice obtain 60 votes to pass the bill.
More @ Breitbart
10 Southern Pictures 1900 - 1963

President Kennedy on that dark yet sunny day in Dallas 50 years ago, minutes before he was assassinated.
November 22, 1963. "Overview of crowds of people waving as President John F. Kennedy and his wife sit in back of limousine during procession through downtown Dallas, Texas; Texas Governor John Connally and his wife ride in the limousine's jump seats."
More @ NamSouth
Gun-grabbing Notre Dame Philosopher: successfully resisting tyranny is fantasy
Gary Gutting is reputedly a philosopher, of the “I’ll just make things up as I go along” school.
In a citizen control op-ed in the New York Times strung together with logical fallacies, rhetorical faults, and broken philosophical proofs, he chucked in a howler suggesting that our modern military would simply steamroll over American gun owners, so we may as well turn in our guns.
Finally, there’s the idea that citizens need guns so they can, if need be, oppose the force of a repressive government. Those who think there are current (or likely future) government actions in this country that would require armed resistance are living a paranoid fantasy. The idea that armed American citizens could stand up to our military is beyond fantasy.I’d like to point the obviously addled Professor Gutting in the direction of Southwest Asia, towards a little country called “Afghanistan” that is roughly the size of Texas.
More @ Bearing Arms
O come let us stop adoring Mandela
Americans, who have been drowning in a steady stream of Mandela media adulation, got a dose of stark reality when they read a few of Mandela’s carefully chosen words.
Most were thankful.
Some were skeptical.
None could refute that Mandela’s own words betrayed the legacy of sainthood the elite media beatified him with.
Many, however, asked for citations on the quotes.
Columns don’t usually lend themselves to footnotes, but in the interest of satisfying many requests for some context behind Mandela’s statements, I am revisiting “The real Mandela in his own words.”
1) “If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings.” Mandela made this remark in a speech Jan. 30, 2003. It was reported by CBS News. Mandela was furious about the U.S. invasion of Iraq and directed much of his fury toward President Bush: “Why is the United States behaving so arrogantly?” he asked. “All that (expletive deleted) wants is Iraqi oil.” I guess it was Mandela’s way of thanking Bush for bestowing upon him two years earlier the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest honor, and for dubbing him “perhaps the most revered statesman of our time.”
2) “Long live the Cuban revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro.
More @ WND
The Terrorists, Socialists, and Con Men Behind ObamaCare
Via Billy
If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it…”
This refrain was repeated by Obama literally hundreds of times despite the fact that he knew it was a lie.
But this Big Lie wasn’t some off-the-cuff remark; it was the brainchild of a slick, socialist public relations firm called the Herndon Alliance—whose ultimate goal is a socialist utopia where the State is God.
If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it…”
This refrain was repeated by Obama literally hundreds of times despite the fact that he knew it was a lie.
But this Big Lie wasn’t some off-the-cuff remark; it was the brainchild of a slick, socialist public relations firm called the Herndon Alliance—whose ultimate goal is a socialist utopia where the State is God.
More @ The Western Center for Journalism
Judge says waiting period 'burdens' 2nd Amendment
A federal judge in California has ruled in a Second Amendment fight that a state-imposed waiting period to take possession of a firearm is a burden on the right to keep and bear arms.
The ruling came in a challenge brought by the Second Amendment Foundation to the state’s mandatory 10-day waiting period to obtain firearms. The case, Silvester v. Harris, continues.
It was Senior Judge Anthony Ishii of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California who said in an 11-page decision that California Attorney General Kamala Harris “argues that the WPL (Waiting Period Law) is a minor burden on the Second Amendment, [but] plaintiffs are correct that this is a tacit acknowledgement that a protected Second Amendment right is burdened.”
He wrote, “The court concludes that the WPL burdens the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”
Alan Gottlieb, the executive vice president for the SAF, said the statement is important.
More @ WND
Talk about calling the kettle black: Administration: Issa can’t be trusted
The Obama administration on Thursday escalated its feuding with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), telling him he cannot have physical copies of ObamaCare security documents because he might leak them.
Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has requested copies of six reports prepared by a contractor that outline security vulnerabilities with the ObamaCare enrollment portal
In an letter sent Thursday, the administration argues that because of Issa's history of selective leaks to the media, he can't be trusted with the materials.
"The committee's unwillingness to commit to undertake measures to address the security risks associated with further disclosure is troubling, particularly in light of reports that sensitive materials were disclosed through various investigations," wrote Jim Esquea, the assistant secretary for legislation at the Health and Human Services Department (HHS).
Issa's office blasted back on Thursday and accused the White House of overreaching in advising the contractor who prepared the report to not respond to the subpoena.
"It's an unacceptable violation of law and a dangerous precedent for any administration to tell a private company not to respond to a lawful subpoena," Issa spokesman Frederick Hill said.
More @ The Hill
Taxpayers Have Spent $14K for Each Obamacare Enrollee So Far
List of Republicans who voted ‘no’ on Ryan-Murray budget deal
Screw the rest.
Michelle Bachmann
Joe Barton
Kerry Bentivolio
Jim Bridenstine
Mo Brooks
Paul Broun
Michael Burgess
Steve Chabot
Mike Coffman
Tom Cotton
Rick Crawford
Steven Daines
Ron DeSantis
Scott DesJarlais
Jeff Duncan
John Duncan
Trent Franks
Cory Gardner
Scott Garrett
Phil Gingrey
Louie Gohmert
Paul Gosar
Trey Gowdy
Ralph Hall
Andy Harris
Joe Heck
George Holding
Tim Huelskamp
Sam Johnson
Walter Jones
Jim Jordan
Steve King
Jack Kingston
Raul Labrador
Billy Long
Cynthia Lummis
Kenny Marchant
Thomas Massie
Tom McClintock
David McKinley
Mark Meadows
Markwayne Mullin
Mick Mulvaney
Randy Neugebauer
Richard Nugent
Pete Olson
Steve Pearce
Ted Poe
Mike Pompeo
Bill Posey
Dana Rohrabacher
Matt Salmon
Mark Sanford
Steve Scalise
David Schweikert
Jason Smith
Adrian Smith
Steve Stockman
Randy Weber
Daniel Webster
Brad Wenstrup
NC: Kinder, Gentler, and Foolish; An Important Study by the Center for Immigration Studies.
Its Application to North Carolina
Comments by Mike Scruggs
article embedded below is particularly relevant to North Carolina.
Despite having among the highest unemployment rates in the United
States, 2013 witnessed a Republican bill, NCHB 786 that will actually
attract more illegal immigrants to compete with North Carolina workers
at the expense of North Carolina taxpayers. This bill was strongly
backed by the North Carolina Farm Bureau and Republican House Speaker
Thom Tillis.
were many immigration enforcement features in NCHB 786, but sandwiched
into the bill were two outrageous provisions that amounted to a "red
carpet" treatment of illegal immigrants in North Carolina.
1. One provision would have authorized driver permits for illegal immigrants.
This was supposedly justified on the basis of public safety--that there
would be fewer illegal immigrant highway accidents, if illegal
immigrants went through drivers training. This embarrassingly and
negligent analysis, however, failed to consider many far more important
demographic factors. Reliable studies and common sense prove this
assertion to be nonsense. Fortunately, this provision did not make it through the House vote.
Nevertheless, we must question what Speaker Tillis and the bill's
sponsors were thinking. The North Carolina Farm Bureau has lots of
campaign money to throw around, but they represent the agricultural
industry, not necessarily the interest of North Carolina and especially
not North Carolina workers and taxpayers. In fact, I am ashamed to say
that the North Carolina Farm Bureau endorsed the the U.S. Senate
Schumer-Rubio bill that would have given eleven million amnesties and
brought in an additional 30 to 33 million foreign workers in the next
ten years. If passed, according to the Heritage Foundation, the amnesty
provisions alone would cost $6.3 Trillion.
According to the Congressional Budget Office and many academic studies,
it would displace American workers and lower their wages because of
increased job competition.
A second provision extended the North Carolina exemption of "seasonal
workers" from the E-Verify legal status check from three months to nine
months. Unfortunately, this passed,
creating a huge free ride period for illegal immigrants and their
employers. It essentially makes illegal entry into North Carolina easy
and at minimal risk. Internal immigration enforcement in the U.S.
has practically ceased. Hence once an illegal immigrant gets in without
any E-Verify check, they are in for as long as they want. Actually, even
the three month exemption is a dangerous gap attractive to terrorists
and criminals as well as illegal workers. Governor McCrory rightly
and courageously vetoed the bill, but Speaker Thom Tillis, with the help
of the NC Farm Bureau and other special interest lobbyists managed to
overturn the Governor's veto.
was a sad day for North Carolina and North Carolina workers, especially
those who are unemployed or can only find part-time work. Nor was it a
favor to taxpayers, who must foot the considerable state and local taxes
to support an illegal population that costs far more to support than
their economic benefit to the state. The economic benefits go to the
illegal immigrant workers and their employers at the expense of North
Carolina workers, taxpayers, the rule of law, and basic principles of
fairness. It was even sadder to me to see Republican legislators
sponsoring such a provision. The problem is that most North Carolina
legislators are "low-information" voters on immigration issues, so they
are prone to shallow or negligent analysis of the economic impact of
click the CIS study, Kinder, Gentler, and Foolish below. I regret that
it applies to North Carolina more than most Southern or Republican
dominated states.
Mike Scruggs
WHAT would be the tripwire resulting in open rebellion?
Examining the Bill of Rights, and considering EXISTING laws only, and not failed attempts, you will find that every clause has been violated to one degree or another.
Documenting those violations would fill volumes; and it is important to remember that only government can violate the exercise of unalienable individual rights and claim immunity from retribution.
We omit martial law or public suspension of the Constitution as a tripwire.
The overnight installation of dictatorship obviously would qualify as “the tripwire,” but is not likely to occur.
What has occurred, what is occurring, is the implementation of every aspect of such dictatorship without an overt declaration.
The Constitution is being killed by attrition. The Communist Manifesto is being installed by accretion.
Any suggestion that martial law is the tripwire leads us to the question: what aspect of martial law justifies the first shot?
More @ WRSA
Mark Levin Refuted: Keep the Feds in Check with Nullification, not Amendments!
What Mark Levin says in “The Liberty Amendments” in support of an Article V convention is not true.1
On one side of this controversy are those who want to restore our Constitution by requiring federal and State officials to obey the Constitution we have; or by electing ones who will. We show that the Oath of Office at Art. VI, last clause, requires federal 2 and state officials to support the Constitution.
This requires them to refuse to submit to – to nullify – acts of the federal government which violate the Constitution. This is how they “support” the Constitution!
We note that the Oath of Office requires obedience to the Constitution alone. The Oath does not require obedience to persons, to any agency of the federal government, or to any federal court.
We understand that resistance to tyranny is a natural right – and it is a duty.
We have read original writings of our Framers and know what our Framers actually told the States to do when the federal government violates the Constitution: Nullification of the unlawful act is among the first of the recommended remedies – not one of which is “amendment of the Constitution”. 3
It is already proved in James Madison Rebukes Nullification Deniers, that our Framers endorsed nullification by States of unconstitutional acts of the federal government. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison summed it up as follows:
“…when powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act”4 is “the natural right, which all admit to be a remedy against insupportable oppression…”
What Mark Levin says in “The Liberty Amendments” in support of an Article V convention is not true.1
On one side of this controversy are those who want to restore our Constitution by requiring federal and State officials to obey the Constitution we have; or by electing ones who will. We show that the Oath of Office at Art. VI, last clause, requires federal 2 and state officials to support the Constitution.
This requires them to refuse to submit to – to nullify – acts of the federal government which violate the Constitution. This is how they “support” the Constitution!
We note that the Oath of Office requires obedience to the Constitution alone. The Oath does not require obedience to persons, to any agency of the federal government, or to any federal court.
We understand that resistance to tyranny is a natural right – and it is a duty.
We have read original writings of our Framers and know what our Framers actually told the States to do when the federal government violates the Constitution: Nullification of the unlawful act is among the first of the recommended remedies – not one of which is “amendment of the Constitution”. 3
It is already proved in James Madison Rebukes Nullification Deniers, that our Framers endorsed nullification by States of unconstitutional acts of the federal government. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison summed it up as follows:
“…when powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act”4 is “the natural right, which all admit to be a remedy against insupportable oppression…”
More @ Publius Huldah
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