Friday, April 8, 2011
"The time to Get Out of Dodge has arrived says Survival Blog editor James Rawles, the survival retreat consultant and doomer author in last Monday's lead article, Move to the Mountain States—The American Redoubt. Such a proposal is not new, it's a long-standing staple among survivalists actually, but Mr. Rawles is the widely accepted center of gravity for mainline survivalism and his opinion carries real weight. In his words,
Consider my paradigm fully shifted. I'm now urging that folks Get Out of Dodge for political reasons—not just for the family preparedness issues that I've previously outlined. There comes a time, after a chain of abuses when good men must take action.
Using the phrase "voting with our feet" made famous by fleeing East Germans during the Cold War, he suggests a self-evacuation of like-minded souls and recommends the area encompassed by eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. It's terrain Tito would have chosen. Mr. Rawles has never disclosed his own location but many believe it to be in the rugged Idaho-Montana area. Interested parties can keep up with further developments at, which is easily the most complete and authoritative on-line prepper reference. Kellene Bishop at Preparedness Pro has some thoughts to offer, and Chuck Baldwin, who made the move some time ago, also has some remarks.
His article concludes with speculation about the redoubt's prospects, his reasons for choosing the states he did and what the redoubt movement is and is not. Those looking for patriotic but otherwise '60s style communes will discover Mr. Rawles has no tolerance for such nonsense, he's looking for committed, traditional Christians and Jews whose prime candidates would be the immovably independent, armed farmer-carpenters in woodland pattern coveralls who can quote appropriate lines from Common Sense while hilling potatoes. He sternly warns of troubles and setbacks and unrelenting hard work.
Expect disinformation about this redoubt from the usual suspects, with sly misreadings of everything from Galt's Gulch to Prester John, sprinkled with tales of John Noyes-like malevolency, the final product presented as a sort of Redneck Rainbow Gathering or a Red Dawn theme park for unreconstructed cold warriors. There's no lower limit to what the truly malignant may say. These are depths best left unplumbed. Somehow we believe Mr. Rawles, a former intelligence officer, has considered all this"
Silver Is Massively Underestimated. Should Be $296 An Ounce?
Gold Is Sending A Signal That The Monetary System Is In Grave Danger
"When a country's public debt exceeds 90% of GDP, that is the magic number. You get to 90%, there is no way back, and that is the number that the U.S. is going through pretty much as we speak. It is also the number which the UK has gone through; all of the PIGS are going through it, as well. They are all going past the 90% debt to GDP ratio. Obviously, Japan is miles past it already. It's up to 200%+. There does not appear, in the historical analysis, to be any great likelihood of getting back from that level of debt safely. There is this strong evidence that above 90% debt to GDP, you will experience either a cataclysmic default or some form of very serious inflation."
Chicago Cops Come Out for Concealed Carry
"........the silver lining in this is that Newell, McMahon, Chait, Hoover and Melson are about to be served up by an insider."
"Whistleblowers are people who know of corruption or criminal acts and for moral and ethical reasons risk their careers and reputations to report that to higher authorities. George Gillett has used his power to destroy Whistleblowers.
John Dodson and Darrin Gil are Whistleblowers. Gillett is what is known in the world of criminal investigations as a snitch. He is a rat who only cooperated and came forward with information after his own ass was on the line. Don't be mistaken, it was for no other reason.
Do not for a single second use the names of Dodson and Gil in the same sentence with Gillett. Gillett does not deserve the respect or honor of trying to do the right thing."
"George Gillett Jr. is expected to reveal crucial information about how a federal operation allowed weapons from the U.S. to pass into the hands of Mexican drug gangs.
A key leader in the federal law enforcement operation suspected of allowing high-powered assault weapons to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels is now cooperating with congressional investigators, providing a crucial new window into the controversial operation known as Project Gunrunner.
George Gillett Jr., assistant special agent in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' field office in Phoenix, has met with congressional investigators and is expected to provide crucial information about how dozens of U.S. guns may have been transported with the ATF's knowledge into Mexico. Agents say Gillett provided much of the day-to-day oversight of the Gunrunner operation."
I Believe In God, Justice And My Mission Against Communism

The Last Action Hero
"Harrowing escapes! Crazed parachute jumps! Marathon swims! The wild misadventures of Ly Tong, bright hope and legendary hero......"
"......In 1980......(he)...... escape(d) from the re-education camp in (North) Vietnam and a journey through five countries, verified at the time by American diplomats, that was a virtuoso display of guts and ingenuity.
On his 17-month trek, he made his way by foot, by bicycle, by train and bus through Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia, breaking out of jails, threading his way through minefields, dodging security patrols and crawling through the jungle to avoid border posts. On his final leg, he swam across the Johore Strait from Malaysia to Singapore, where he hailed a taxi and presented himself at the U.S. Embassy."
"If they think your family fought for the South, that's it."
I Believe In God, Justice And My Mission Against Communism
Wisconsin DOJ Open Meetings Expert Secretly Gave Advice To Fleeing Dem Senators
First it was police union members urging protesters to defy the Governor and legislature when it came to the takeover of the State Capitol. Then it was the Dane County Sheriff declaring that his officers would not act as "palace guards" at the Capitol.
Now it turns out that an Assistant Attorney General in the Wisconsin Department of Justice, who was considered an expert on the Open Meetings Law which is at issue in the lawsuit challenging the budget repair bill, secretly was offering legal advice to the 14 Democratic Senators who fled the state.
As reported at Wisconsin Politics:
State Representative Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) released an e-mail from Assistant Attorney General Thomas Bellavia that raises serious ethical and legal doubt on the Wisconsin Department of Justice’s ability to defend the enactment of the Budget Repair Bill and the Open Meetings Law Case in Dane County. The e-mail from a senior member of the Wisconsin Department Justice shared sensitive legal advice with fleeing Senate Democrats that he may have obtained as a part of his duties for the department.
Via Weasel Zippers
A top figure in ATF is cooperating with Senator Grassley!
"I'm happy to see that Gillett is rolling on Newell, Melson and Company. He obviously was the first to recognize that he is no longer a law enforcement agent but a criminal and thus took the smart criminal's exit from a tight situation. All the poor Gunwalker Men. Should we pity them? No way in hell"
Soros Protest In NH This Weekend
Update: People are coming from four states to protest Soros in NH…
We will tell you where you can park, eat, pick up signs near to the Omni Mt. Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods.
After Soros reorders the world economy to his liking and puts America in its place, he also plans to have a second conference in Boston, whereby he will plot to ‘reorder the media’, a root out ‘fake astroturf’. Isn’t it ironic that the king of astroturf himself is planning to squash your voice, the grassroots, by ‘reforming’ the media? If anything in the media needs reform, it’s a few more conservative outlets to go up against the bought and paid for liberal water-carriers like the old networks and cable outlets such as CNN and MSNBC.“Just down the road in Boston, a Soros-funded media conference is trying to manipulate that emerging order as well. Close to 350 left-wingers from a variety of organizations are gathering there for the National Conference for Media Reform.”
Soros is a convicted international criminal who broke the bank of England and is banned from many countries.Governor McDonnell's Missed Opportunity
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Virginia's Sons by Henry Kidd |
AKM74 M74 Bullpup AK Rifle, 5.45x39
$519.95 |
"This is an AKM74M74 Bullpup design featuring a polymer stock, with the action and magazine behind the grip and trigger to reduce the overall length. This rifle is chambered for 5.45x39 and has a 16.25 inch barrel with a picatinny style rail on the handguard which replaces the iron sights, for a scope, red dot sight or laser mount. It has a stamped receiver and a non removable birdcage flash hider, black synthetic stock, pistol grip, and handguards. Includes one hicap mag. Limited supply. This firearm was assembled by Century Arms International using both new US made parts and original used surplus parts. Does not include cleaning rod or accessories."
A Day In The Life Of A “Homegrown Terrorist”
Oath Keepers, what with all the bad news we are constantly bombarded with, I figured you could use a good laugh, especially at Mark Potok’s expense (he is one of our favorite people, even if he does have a dead marmot on his head in place of where most people have hair. Every time he goes on air to demonize us, we get a spike in Oath Keepers membership).
Humor is often the very best weapon, especially in the theater of the absurd we now see playing around us. As the below article lays out, there is no shorter path to being labeled a “domestic terrorist” or “extremist” than telling the truth, consistently standing for freedom, or asserting that people should simply act like free men and women. And God forbid you should advocate that we actually follow the Constitution. If you do that enough, you will end up on Mark Potok’s official hit list:
Paul Krugman’s 'Civil War' Fantasies
When James M. Buchanan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1986 the first thing he said at his George Mason University press conference was that the award "does not make me an instant expert in everything." Buchanan was well aware – and amused – at how previous recipients of the award had made fools of themselves by viewing the award as a license to pontificate about anything and everything, whether they knew anything about the subject or not.
No such modesty and sense of reality occupies the mind of a more recent Nobel laureate, Paul Krugman. As a New York Times columnist he has always done what all New York Times columnists do – pretend that he does in fact know everything about everything. A case in point is his March 29 New York Times blog entitled "Road to Appomattox Blogging." After mentioning how the Times has a special "Disunion" blog to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the start of the war, Krugman gives a hilarious, elementary-schoolish rendition of his "take" on the "Civil War."
State Capitol Commemorates 150th Anniversary of North Carolina’s Secession Vote
With Re-enactment, Period Music and Lectures in Living History Program May 21
RALEIGH – On May 20, 1861, delegates from across the state met in the House Chamber of the State Capitol and voted to sever North Carolina’s ties with the Union. On Saturday, May 21, 2011, the Capitol will present “North Carolina Secedes,” a living history program commemorating the historic vote and a look at the state’s early wartime preparations.
The free event will take place from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and is open to the public. It is part of the North Carolina Civil War Sesquicentennial, a commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War in North Carolina (
The re-enactment of the Secession Convention’s vote will take place in the historic House Chamber at 11 a.m. Contemporary accounts of the day recall that following the unanimous vote, a handkerchief was dropped from the west portico as a signal to the crowd below that North Carolina had seceded and joined the Confederacy. Stephen Dodson Ramseur’s artillery unit was posted on the grounds for the occasion and announced the historic moment by firing its cannons and infantry. Approximately 100 re-enactors from the 26th North Carolina Regiment will portray Ramseur’s battery and re-enact the infantry firing on the southwest grounds.
In the afternoon, the event will feature a drill and dress parade, a field music concert and lectures on the state’s military organization, war flags, and the early uniforms and equipment of both North Carolina and Union soldiers. Additionally, a facsimile of North Carolina’s Ordinance of Secession will be on display inside the Capitol.
For those hoping to get a glimpse of Confederate camp life, the 26th NC ( will be encamped at Historic Oak View County Park on the east side of Raleigh. On Sunday, the group will present “Preparing for War: The 26th NC in 1861” at the park from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Visit
The State Capitol’s mission is to preserve and interpret the history, architecture and functions of the 1840 building and Union Square. The Capitol is bounded by Edenton, Salisbury, Morgan and Wilmington streets. For more information, visit
Administered by the Division of State Historic Sites, the State Capitol is part of the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources, the state agency with the mission to enrich lives and communities, and the vision to harness the state’s cultural resources to build North Carolina’s social, cultural and economic future. Information on Cultural Resources is available 24/7 at
The Muslim Brotherhood in America Knowing the Key Doctrines of Islam
The Muslim Brotherhood in America
Knowing the Key Doctrines of Islam
Part 5 of 6
Mike Scruggs
Every American should be familiar with the key doctrines of Islam. It is essential for both family and national security. Unfortunately, the fashionable American infatuation with multiculturalism, relativism, and diversity, and the increasingly heavy social and intellectual chains of political correctness make acquiring a discerning knowledge of Islam unpopular and socially risky. But learning the truth about Islam is becoming essential to the survival of the American Republic and truth itself.
One of the least reliable places to learn about Islam is the U.S. government. Political correctness and a counterfactual fictional version of Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance are highly institutionalized in our federal bureaucracy, and this has become even more crushing in the last two years. Even the FBI and the CIA are plagued with political correctness, and many reports that contradict the dangerous PC myths about Islam are either rebuked or ignored. This has allowed the Brotherhood to infiltrate deeply into these two critical defenders of national security, especially where expert knowledge of Middle Eastern languages and cultures are critical. Politically correct sensitivity training for military personnel could blindside commanders to potential threats like the 2009 Fort Hood massacre. Most media and academic institutions are also thoroughly bound by social and intellectual straightjackets concerning Islam.
Allah is the Arabic word for God, but the character of Allah in the Koran is far different from the God of Judeo-Christian scriptures. Christianity and Islam have surface similarities, but in depth they are really polar opposites. Many Muslims who have converted to Christianity believe that the Allah of Islam, the Koran, and the teachings of Muhammad (the Sunna) is an extreme distortion of God. Many orthodox Christian theologians believe that Allah is a pagan god that has acquired some thoroughly adulterated Judeo-Christian attributes. It is obvious to these Christian Bible scholars that portions of the Koran are inaccurate, often grossly inaccurate, borrowings from Old and New Testament scriptures. Muslims, of course, believe that it is the Christian and Jewish scriptures that have become corrupted.
Most Americans know something about Jihad. It is holy warfare to spread Islam and is a pervasive major doctrine of Islam. The doctrine of Jihad comes directly from the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad. The claim that jihad is a spiritual struggle has little validity in the Koran or Sunna. As the Ayatollah Khomeini said, “Kill all the unbelievers just as they would kill you all!” Osama bin Laden did not hijack Islam and invent jihad. He quotes the Koran correctly and is obedient to its violent teachings of conquest and vengeance.
Another key doctrine of Islam that Americans must know is Taqiyya. It is an Arabic word meaning “concealment.” Under this doctrine Muslims are allowed to lie to protect themselves and are encouraged to lie to advance Islam. Although many Sunni Muslim apologists refer to it as a Shiite doctrine, it is established in verses of the Koran and the Sunna and thus applies to both Shiite and Sunni Muslims. It is generally manifested as dissimulation, lying, or deceiving non-Muslims in the cause of Islam. Its sanction in the Koran and Sunna have been used to justify lying under oath in a U.S. Court or making the misleading statement to the media that “Islam is a religion of peace.” Peace in the definition of Sharia only occurs when all accept the supremacy of Sharia. This kind of peace would include the overthrow and replacement of the U.S. Constitution by Islamic Law. At least three U.S. presidents have been grossly deceived by this subtle but colossal contradiction to the real truth. Consequently, the last place to look for truth about Islam is a Muslim imam or mullah. Nor would you discover truth by listening to Muslim Brotherhood front organizations like the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
One reason that Americans are so easily deceived by Muslim propaganda is that so many no longer know or accept the doctrines of Biblical Christianity. Many have bought into multiculturalist universalism and the notion that there are many paths to God and to salvation. However, that is not what the Bible teaches. A cardinal doctrine of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone. It is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Multiculturalist universalism is actually heretical apostasy. In John 14: 6, Jesus said, “I am the way the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except through me.” Acts 4: 12 says, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Nor are all religions praying to the same god. In 1 Timothy 2: 5, we have, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Although Muslims often try to gain the confidence of Christians by insisting that “we are praying to the same God,” they consider such universalism blasphemy.
The doctrine of abrogation is extremely important to understanding the Koran. The Koran is inconsistent on many issues. Later verses abrogate (cancel) earlier inconsistent verses. Unfortunately, this means that most of the peaceful verses written in Mecca have been abrogated by the later violent verses written in Medina. Muslims frequently quote abrogated peaceful verses of the Koran to deceive non-Muslims.
NC Academy Head Suspected of Being Faker
--Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 78, 1788
(Don't know about that, Alex.)
String him up.
OAK RIDGE, N.C. --" Well before he became commandant of North Carolina's only military boarding academy, William Northrop regaled people with stories of serving in the jungles of Vietnam -- how he was wounded in battle, how some comrades committed suicide, how he used amphetamines on patrol.
But his war stories may be pure fiction.
There is no record Northrop ever served in the military, let alone Vietnam."