Sunday, October 10, 2021
Democrats Attempt to Provoke Violence & The fascist Biden junta, through the DOJ, just declared war on America
Via David
In the years running up to the 2020 election, I posited that the Democrat Party was doing all it could to keep their mob angry, but only to a certain point. They wanted their base simmering, just short of a boil, but ready at a moment’s notice to goose step off to action wherever needed. It was a delicate line they walked, they needed people mad without inspiring violence that could be blamed on them, they had to avoid creating another James Hodgkinson. Now their objective has changed…slightly. Democrats appear to be doing all they can to provoke violence against their own. Anything, absolutely anything, for the cause.
What do I mean by “provoke”? I firmly believe the left-wing establishment would like nothing more than one of their own coming under some kind of violent attack by someone they can accuse of being a “right-winger!”
More @ Townhall
This will not end until every single Marxist is dead or driven from this country. They're the ones who want a war. They're the ones who want to round you up and kill you. They're the ones who won't leave you alone. I don't care how nice you are, I don't care how much you want peace, you cannot ever have peace while people like the fascist Biden regime are alive, because they don't want you to have peace, and they're not going to leave you alone until you submit or die.
We knew they hated us. We knew they wanted us dead or locked up. So don't be shocked by this.
Garland’s letter is a moral, political, and constitutional abomination. To say there are serious problems with the Attorney General’s Orwellian letter would be an understatement. The letter asserts, for instance, that “there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” It claims as fact a “rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel.” Neither the NSBA nor the Justice Department have provided any credible or meaningful evidence to support this unfounded claim, nor does Garland’s passive-aggressive letter specify what it classifies as “criminal conduct” or “domestic terrorism.” (Not surprisingly, Garland’s letter neglects to mention that some school board members and the teachers’ unions have been harassing and threatening parents for months. See here, here, here, here, and here.)
This shit has been planned out, probably for quite some time.
More @ 4RWWS
As long as Biden is in the White House, the surrender has already taken place through bribery. Only military leadership stepping in and acting in accordance with the Constitution and choosing to defend the nation will save it from a quick, but painful defeat. With Mark Milley at the head, that wouldn’t happen, either. He would much rather kill Americans than Chinese.
Until now, the war has been theoretic, but that time is past. The war is present and ongoing. Like any war, there are a lot of soldiers sitting around waiting for orders. There are no orders forthcoming, because there are no generals, real generals, who recognize that the oath they took was for this exact time in history and for no other reason on earth. While there might not be any true American generals in the military, there might be some direction, if one takes the time to try and discern it from the noise. Like tuning in a radio, there’s a lot of static before one reaches the signal they need. Telling the difference is key.
More @ 12 Round
Reuters Destroys Covid Myths: Delta Does Not Make Children Sicker, Vaccines Not as Strong as Natural Immunity
Via Billy

The Reuters cited a “summary of recent studies” that Americans who have been following the actual science on Covid-19 have been waiting to see reported by a mainstream news media outlet.
While the studies cited come with a disclaimer that they raise issues that merit further research, they also echo findings in other medical studies and in the public health data.
The first studies reported on the effects of Covid-19 further substantiate that Delta is not more dangerous for young people than the Alpha variant. Furthermore, it states that “very few children needed to be hospitalized and long periods of illness were uncommon”:
More @ Trending Politics
John Durham Investigating Pentagon Cybersecurity Contractors in Collusion with Dem Operatives to Damage Trump
According to a report from RealClearInvestigations, Special Counsel John Durham has shifted the focus of his investigation into the origins of the Russiagate conspiracy to Pentagon cybersecurity contractors who may have misused their government security clearances to provide Democratic operatives with damaging (albeit false) information about former president Donald Trump.
Last month, Durham indicted former Hillary Clinton attorney Michael Sussman for allegedly giving false information to the FBI during a meeting in which he tried to connect the former president to the Kremlin-connected Alfa Bank. Now, according to RCI, Durham is investigating whether certain cybersecurity experts who held “lucrative government contracts” misused their security clearances to unearth information on Trump in order to pass it on to Sussman.
More @ RTM