Via Reborn 
When protesters in the streets of
Myanmar began waving signs around in English demanding “R2P” or the
“responsibility to protect,” the initial reaction should have been for
many – a flashback to the last time R2P was invoked – in 2011 by the
West regarding Libya.
The violence in Libya in 2011 was part
of the wider US-engineered “Arab Spring” with opposition groups, fronts
posing as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and even armed factions
all backed by the US and prepared years in advance to carry out a
region-wide campaign of destabilization, regime change, military
intervention, and occupation.
At the time, many – including US Senator
John McCain – promised the “Arab Spring” would spread – deliberately
and as part of Washington’s desire to encircle, contain, and eventually
overthrow the political and economic orders of Iran, Russia, and China.
The Atlantic in a 2011 article titled, “The Arab Spring: ‘A Virus That Will Attack Moscow and Beijing’,” would even note:
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