Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Worst World War 2 Generals Of All Time

 The Worst World War II Generals Of All Time

A week after the infiltration, the Greeks had pushed deep into Italian-held Albania, and Prasca was replaced. The Greco-Italian conflict dragged on for three months until Mussolini convinced Hitler to intervene. The German infiltration of Greece, in turn, delayed the German infiltration of Russia - possibly changing the entire course of the conflict.

One of the best-known German generals due to his role in the debacle at Stalingrad, von Paulus was caught in an impossible situation - and nearly always managed to do the wrong thing. Von Paulus' troops were on the verge of taking the critical city from the Soviets, but he lost his nerve and decided to wait until the Volga River froze. This gave the Russians time to organize a massive counterattack.


The worst generals in World War II transcend nationality, experience level, and the size of their commands. These bad generals blundered into defeats, hampered their own troops, disdained technical advances, and cracked under pressure time and time again. Whether Allied or Axis, this is a list of the worst World War II generals.

Many of these generals had their worst defeats when their countries were at their least prepared for conflict, such as the hapless Soviet generals who faced the German infiltration of Russia in 1941. Others were experienced military men who should have known better than to take the risks they took - or not take the risks they should have. And a few were just not fit to command men in the field.

Here are some of the worst WWII generals and what they did that was so terrible. Vote up for the most terrible military commanders.

More @ Ranker


  1. Well GOD Help us if We have to go to War today. Especially considering the STUPIDITY PANDEMIC amongst our OBAMANITE Field and Flag Grade Ossifers Today, led by the Current DOD HEAD MORON, and The SQUISHY THINKERS MOD Squad Bunch at the Pentagon, who are seemingly Confused by the old style bathroom signs just down the hall.

  2. Adm. Halsey need to be on this list as well. He was so concerned with getting another Jap battleship notch on his belt that he left the invasion force at Leyte stripped to bare bones while he went off on a wild goose chase.
    The Battle of Leyte Gulf could have easily have gone the other way if not for the extraordinary bravery of the crews and pilots of a few escort carriers and destroyers.
    My father was a green young LCT skipper right out of the Academy and amphibious school and always told the story of pulling his boat under some overhanging trees and vines and praying as a Jap heavy cruiser went past with a bone in its teeth. If they had spotted him a single volly from her 8in guns would have been the end of the 688 boat, him and his crew.
    As it was he kept a piece of Jap shrapnel from a 14in battleship gun that missed his head by a couple of inches.
    A couple of inches the other way and you would have been deprived of all my witty repartee! HA!

    1. Wonderful and if you have more concerning him I would be happy to post it. Thanks.

    2. Speaking of Halsey, though meteorological reports and forecasts were hard to come by, if at all, Halsey did know of the typhoons. I seem to recall he chose the exact wrong decision as he sent the fleet to steam into the storms.

      I have thought Fletcher (and Pye, especially, but Kimmel and Spruance too) to be royal screw-ups moreso than Halsey. Granted, they all messed up one time or another. But it was Fletcher who was the worst. This even though he did 'redeem' himself at Coral Sea.

      But I only know what I have read.

    3. JWMJR,
      Is that the story of Task Force Taffy at Leyte?

  3. Been in medicine for 45 you know what we call a person who graduated dead last from the worst medical school on the planet??? DOCTOR! The same can be said for Generals. They can be the stupidest, most egocentric incompetent bastards imaginable....and yet they are allowed to make decisions and issue commands that cost the lives of COUNTLESS people sometimes.... and usually with NO CONSEQUENCES for their incompetence. The vast majority of command staff achieve their rank due to proficiency at POLITICS....not military command.

    1. The vast majority of command staff achieve their rank due to proficiency at POLITICS....not military command.

      Like the top general in the army now....:(

  4. But I only know what I have read.

    As well as we all.


  5. Politics - yep that's how Eisenhower was promoted over three more
    qualified generals. At the bottom of the barrel at West Point
    and a known pencil pusher for the most part.
    And to think Patton took orders from Eisenhower - what a laugh.
