Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Susan at Confederate Monument and mass grave, Warrenton Cemetery, Warrenton, VA
2009: Dixie with Confederate
Monument in background. My mother bought the plot, then took my father
to see it, but Daddy complained that since there were no trees it would
be too hot!
This is an old
picture, and the monument area has been refurbished. There are stones
around the complete circle with the names of each individual grouped by
state. The office has a map with name/location of all Confederate
soldiers buried in the cemetery
Rapper Shot Repeatedly in Grocery Store By Another Rapper Thug While Filming Rap Video
Typically, art imitates life. But, with Rap music, the opposite is true... life imitates art, and oftentimes, with dire consequences.
Recently released video from a Bronx bodega, where two aspiring rappers where filming a no-budget video, shows one rapper pumping multiple, close range shots into his rap partner, then pistol-whipping him as he laid on the floor in critical condition — all without spilling his drink.
More @ Freedom Outpost
France offers Iraq Christians asylum after Mosul threat
The French government
says it is ready to offer asylum to Iraqi Christians forced to flee by
Islamist militants in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
Iraq is home to one of the world's most ancient Christian communities.
Two top ministers said, "We are ready, if they so desire, to help facilitate asylum on our territory."
More @ BBC
IRS Abolishes Mandatory Expiration Dates For Illegal Immigrants’ Taxpayer Status
Via avordvet
“On the screen, I’ve got figure 6 from the 2012 IG report showing most frequently used addresses for ITIN tax refunds. As you can see, nearly 24,000 tax refunds totaling $46.4 million were issued to the same address in Atlanta,” Johnson said. “Bottom-line these ITINs are costing taxpayers dearly because they can be used to fraudulently get tax refunds…Look at figure 3 on the screen. Over 1,000 ITINs were assigned to individuals using the same address in Atlanta. You agree that there’s still a problem?”
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) quietly changed regulations to allow more undocumented immigrants to keep their taxpayer status through a program that is rife with fraud and abuse, and to delay deactivation of immigrant taxpayer status until 2016.
The IRS now prevents peoples’ Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) from automatically expiring after five years as previously mandated. Now immigrants can keep their ITIN so long as they pay taxes at least once in a five-year period. (RELATED: IRS Loophole For Illegals’ Children Costs Taxpayers Billions
Texas Rep. Sam Johnson
“On the screen, I’ve got figure 6 from the 2012 IG report showing most frequently used addresses for ITIN tax refunds. As you can see, nearly 24,000 tax refunds totaling $46.4 million were issued to the same address in Atlanta,” Johnson said. “Bottom-line these ITINs are costing taxpayers dearly because they can be used to fraudulently get tax refunds…Look at figure 3 on the screen. Over 1,000 ITINs were assigned to individuals using the same address in Atlanta. You agree that there’s still a problem?”
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) quietly changed regulations to allow more undocumented immigrants to keep their taxpayer status through a program that is rife with fraud and abuse, and to delay deactivation of immigrant taxpayer status until 2016.
The IRS now prevents peoples’ Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) from automatically expiring after five years as previously mandated. Now immigrants can keep their ITIN so long as they pay taxes at least once in a five-year period. (RELATED: IRS Loophole For Illegals’ Children Costs Taxpayers Billions
CDC Activates Defcon 1 – Nigerian Ebola Patient Was Not Initially Quarantined – Nurse Dies and Five Others Infected As Result – Region Death Toll Now 932 With 45 Deaths In Past 72 Hours….
Via Susan
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has activated emergency response containment status to Level 1 – CDC central command center now activated. WHO in emergency meeting considering declaration of “P.H.E.I.C” (Public Health Emergency Of Immediate International Concern)
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has activated emergency response containment status to Level 1 – CDC central command center now activated. WHO in emergency meeting considering declaration of “P.H.E.I.C” (Public Health Emergency Of Immediate International Concern)
The World Health Organization now shares 1,711 confirmed cases with 932 deaths. 45 people died in the past 72 hours.
More than 30,000 people of Liberian
descent live in Minnesota. Hundreds of U.S. Liberians are desperately
trying to purchase tickets to get their family out of Africa and into the United States.
More @ The Conservative Treehouse
Fort Hood colonel makes history as first Vietnamese-American to make general
Via Timothy
As Viet Luong's wife pinned the star on his chest Wednesday morning to promote him to the rank of brigadier general, history was made.
Born in Vietnam and brought to America during the 1975 fall of Saigon, Luong is the first Vietnamese-American to make general officer in the United States Army.
"The journey was arduous," said Luong, deputy commander for maneuver for 1st Cavalry Division, standing at the podium at Cooper Field.
At age 10, Luong's father, a Vietnamese marine, got their family of 10 onto a flight during Operation Frequent Wind and into a refugee camp in Arkansas. The family then settled in Los Angeles.
As Viet Luong's wife pinned the star on his chest Wednesday morning to promote him to the rank of brigadier general, history was made.
Born in Vietnam and brought to America during the 1975 fall of Saigon, Luong is the first Vietnamese-American to make general officer in the United States Army.
"The journey was arduous," said Luong, deputy commander for maneuver for 1st Cavalry Division, standing at the podium at Cooper Field.
At age 10, Luong's father, a Vietnamese marine, got their family of 10 onto a flight during Operation Frequent Wind and into a refugee camp in Arkansas. The family then settled in Los Angeles.
More @ Fort Hood Herald
Revolutionizing Citizenship of the United States
with the defeated South poised to regain voting rights and seats in
Congress, the Republican party desperately needed dependable voters and
it created a new category of black citizenship to attain this. Armed
with a newly enacted law, the terrorist wing of the party, the Union
League, was unleashed on the South with instructions to enlist freedmen
and intimidate white voters from the polls.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Revolutionizing Citizenship of the United States
. . . [T]he provision of the [Civil Rights] bill [of 1866] appeared out
of all relation to our constitutional system. Never before had Congress
been known to arrogate to itself the power to regulate the civil status
of the inhabitants of a State . . . , [the jurisdiction of disputes
relating to contracts and property and even criminal actions, and it]
seemed like a complete revelation of that diabolical spirit of
centralization, of which only the cloven hoof had been manifested
addition to the definition of “slavery” and “involuntary servitude,”
the Civil Rights Bill undertook to fix the precise meaning of the phrase
“citizen of the United States.” For general practical purposes, exact
determination of the scope of citizenship had not been found necessary
[previous to the War].
Where any opinion at all had been pronounced, it
had in most cases been in relation to the status of free Negroes.
weight of authority on this point was adverse to the claim of
citizenship for the blacks. “No person,” said Attorney-General
[William] Wirt in 1821, “is included in the description of citizen of
the United States, who has not the full rights of a citizen in the State
of his residence.”
principle had been in general the basis of the government’s practice in
all the departments. For native-born persons living within a State,
citizenship of the State was the prerequisite for citizenship of the
United States; for persons of foreign birth, naturalization alone was
necessary. The Dred Scott decision limited this rule by determining that
State citizens of African descent could not be citizens of the United
the war, however, the old view was entirely overthrown in practice.
Mr. Lincoln’s attorney-general argued away all the precedents, and gave
it as his official opinion that a free Negro, born within the United
States, was ipso facto a citizen thereof. He assumed nativity as the
broad basis of citizenship . . . [and] With that assumption the status
of United States citizenship was placed entirely beyond the reach of any
State influence whatever, and a purely national conception was
justify this sweeping enactment, the special conception of citizenship
which the history of our institutions had developed was discarded, and
the broad principle of public law was adopted in its place. All
[Northern] authorities agreed that the status of citizen implied the
reciprocal duties of allegiance and protection. A citizen of the United
States, then, was entitled to the protection of that government to
which allegiance was owed. But this protection was to operate against
all sources of oppression, and if a State government happened to come in
this category, it too must succumb.”
on the Civil War and Reconstruction and Related Topics, William
Archibald Dunning, The MacMillan Company, 1898, pp. 96-99)
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More @ Liberty Classroom
A Man Was Saved From A Bear Attack By His Justin Bieber Ringtone
Justin Bieber may need bodyguards to save him from Orlando Bloom but the peach-lipped douche needs no help when it comes to handling bears.
Russian Igor Vorozhbitsyn was en route to his favorite fishing spot when he was savagely attacked by a brown bear. The 42-year-old told Central European News, “I had parked my car and was walking towards the spot I’d marked out when there was a tremendous impact on my back and the bear was on top of me.”
Luckily, Vorozhbitsyn was saved from certain death when his phone cranked out Justin Bieber caterwauling his song “Baby.” At hearing the falsetto pre-pubescent mating cry the bear hightailed it into the woods.
“I couldn’t believe my luck when the phone went off and he fled,” Vorozhbitsyn said. “I know that sort of ringtone isn’t to everyone’s taste, but my granddaughter loaded it onto my phone for a joke.”
More @ Clash Daily
Female Campus Carry Advocate and Dartmouth Student Details Stalking: "They Found a Rape Kit in His Car"
Of course, the college turned her down.
One of those panelists was Dartmouth Student Taylor Woolrich, who detailed her long battle against a man who began stalking her after she served him a cup of coffee at a shop she worked in. The man was 40 years older than her and wouldn't leave her alone.
"Eventually it all came to a climax when he attacked, well attempted to attack my then boyfriend in high school when I was 17-years-old and told him he should never speak to me again and threw hot coffee in his face. I got an emergency restraining order.
More @ Townhall
"Luhansk faces a siege like that of Leningrad in WWII"
The steadily advancing Ukrainian army is setting its sights on the largest rebel-held city in eastern Ukraine, while Western officials on Wednesday warned that a Russian military buildup on Ukraine's border could herald a major incursion to protect the separatists.
President Vladimir Putin has resisted mounting pressure from Russian nationalists to send the army in to back the mutiny in eastern Ukraine. Even though the U.S. and NATO would be unlikely to respond militarily, the West would be certain to impose major sanctions that would put the shaky Russian economy on its knees — and could quickly erode Putin's power.
Russia already is showing signs of economic dismay from sanctions imposed earlier this year, but Putin on Wednesday showed Moscow aims to fight back, calling on government agencies to develop a list of agricultural imports from sanctions-imposing countries that could be banned for up to a year.
"When you see the buildup of Russian troops and the sophistication of those troops, the training of those troops, the heavy military equipment that's being put along that border, of course it's a reality.
It's a threat, it's a possibility — absolutely," U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday.
U.S. and NATO officials say there are now about 20,000 Russian troops massed just east of Ukraine.
More @ Townhall
Bundy Ranch August 6, 2014
Via John
To Sheriff Doug Gillespie, Clark County Nevada Sheriff's Department,
In a recent press conference, you mentioned 1) the BLM lied to you and 2) Bundy brought armed men to the ranch for protection.
While I can't speak to the validity of your first claim, we unequivocally take issue with the second. We never asked for armed men to come to our aid. In fact, everyone who arrived at the Bundy ranch (men, women, armed & unarmed) voluntarily came to support the constitutional rights that you failed to defend. Had you not neglected your duty to defend our rights, the rights of the very people for whom you swore a solemn oath to defend, there never would have been a standoff in the first place.
So while you chastise my family and pontificate about how, "Bundy should be held accountable for crossing the line", let it be known that the responsibility for this escalation rests primarily at the doorstep of the Clark County Sheriff's office.
Please allow me a moment to remind you of some of the history leading up to that day:
Hundreds of militarized agents invaded our community and terrorized us.
They seized the land by gunpoint, claiming it as their own.
They not only threatened, but actually inflicted bodily harm on anyone who stepped onto the land. Remind you, this land was cared for, cultivated, and improved upon by my family and the community for many generations.
A 57 year old cancer surviving woman was body slammed by a federal agent, for doing nothing more than exercising her first amendment rights.
As we sat in the sniper's cross-hairs, federal agents shoved M-16 rifles into the faces of our wives who were holding our infant children.
Dave was, kicked, beaten, battered, loaded into a federal truck and taken to the BLM compound to become the BLM trophy. They paraded him around in the sun, cruelly ridiculing him for hours, tightly bound (without water). After they had their fun with him, they dumped him out on the road and covered up any legal proof that they even took him.
These are just a few of the atrocities that were inflicted upon my family and the community - who was peacefully protesting. The only thing we pointed at those agents, were cameras to capture their atrocities for the world to see. In return, they released dogs on us, they tased us, they beat us, and they abused us in order to intimidate us.
When our first amendment rights were stripped down to a 20'x50' box, you did nothing. When armed men trampled my brother, beat him, and nearly took his life, you refused to protect. When women, infants, and children were held captive at gunpoint by angry and violent men, our cries for help fell on deaf ears.
When men and women literally wounded and bleeding were in need of emergency assistance, because you allowed these heavy hands to afflict us, you then refused the emergency medical services to be dispatched for our care.
When we called, you said, "there wasn't anything you could do". You said, "this fight was between the Bundys and the BLM". However, you commanded your deputies to stand by while their own families and community members were being inflicted upon and threatened with lethal weapons.
Sheriff, your response demonstrates that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of your place in our government. You have more authority and responsibility than any federal agency, and yet you cowardly forced the people to defend themselves.
Evidence in your power and responsibility was never more apparent than at the standoff. When your deputies told the federal agents to back down - the federal agents backed down. They backed down because your deputies who had constitutional and jurisdictional authority from the people, finally did what the people hired you and them to do, and insisted that these federal agents stop their abuses.
In the end, your deputies did the right thing, but, Sheriff, you should have never let it come to this. While the BLM was willing to shoot my family over land and power, we were willing to die for our families, our livelihoods, and our constitutional rights. You should have been defending these rights for us. That's what we elected you to do.
Thankfully, the American people came to our defense. They came to our defense because you failed to do your duty. For that, you should be grieved and held accountable.
I offer warning to you and other government personnel that lead or follow your example. The people are in unrest because of these types of egregious actions. The purpose of government is to protect and uphold the unalienable rights of the people, not to infringe upon them. It is our duty and obligation to defend our God-given rights if our government representatives fail to do so, or tries to discard them. We, as citizens, desire to live in peace and tranquility, but will defend our freedoms if necessary, in order to do so. I call upon you, Sheriff Gillespie, and all civil servants, to honorably effectuate the true purpose of government, to uphold the oaths and duties of your sworn offices - to truly be representative of the people, by the people, and for the people.
I leave you with the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson:
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
Ammon Bundy
I offer warning to you and other government personnel that lead or follow your example. The people are in unrest because of these types of egregious actions.
To Sheriff Doug Gillespie, Clark County Nevada Sheriff's Department,
In a recent press conference, you mentioned 1) the BLM lied to you and 2) Bundy brought armed men to the ranch for protection.
While I can't speak to the validity of your first claim, we unequivocally take issue with the second. We never asked for armed men to come to our aid. In fact, everyone who arrived at the Bundy ranch (men, women, armed & unarmed) voluntarily came to support the constitutional rights that you failed to defend. Had you not neglected your duty to defend our rights, the rights of the very people for whom you swore a solemn oath to defend, there never would have been a standoff in the first place.
So while you chastise my family and pontificate about how, "Bundy should be held accountable for crossing the line", let it be known that the responsibility for this escalation rests primarily at the doorstep of the Clark County Sheriff's office.
Please allow me a moment to remind you of some of the history leading up to that day:
Hundreds of militarized agents invaded our community and terrorized us.
They seized the land by gunpoint, claiming it as their own.
They not only threatened, but actually inflicted bodily harm on anyone who stepped onto the land. Remind you, this land was cared for, cultivated, and improved upon by my family and the community for many generations.
A 57 year old cancer surviving woman was body slammed by a federal agent, for doing nothing more than exercising her first amendment rights.
As we sat in the sniper's cross-hairs, federal agents shoved M-16 rifles into the faces of our wives who were holding our infant children.
Dave was, kicked, beaten, battered, loaded into a federal truck and taken to the BLM compound to become the BLM trophy. They paraded him around in the sun, cruelly ridiculing him for hours, tightly bound (without water). After they had their fun with him, they dumped him out on the road and covered up any legal proof that they even took him.
These are just a few of the atrocities that were inflicted upon my family and the community - who was peacefully protesting. The only thing we pointed at those agents, were cameras to capture their atrocities for the world to see. In return, they released dogs on us, they tased us, they beat us, and they abused us in order to intimidate us.
When our first amendment rights were stripped down to a 20'x50' box, you did nothing. When armed men trampled my brother, beat him, and nearly took his life, you refused to protect. When women, infants, and children were held captive at gunpoint by angry and violent men, our cries for help fell on deaf ears.
When men and women literally wounded and bleeding were in need of emergency assistance, because you allowed these heavy hands to afflict us, you then refused the emergency medical services to be dispatched for our care.
When we called, you said, "there wasn't anything you could do". You said, "this fight was between the Bundys and the BLM". However, you commanded your deputies to stand by while their own families and community members were being inflicted upon and threatened with lethal weapons.
Sheriff, your response demonstrates that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of your place in our government. You have more authority and responsibility than any federal agency, and yet you cowardly forced the people to defend themselves.
Evidence in your power and responsibility was never more apparent than at the standoff. When your deputies told the federal agents to back down - the federal agents backed down. They backed down because your deputies who had constitutional and jurisdictional authority from the people, finally did what the people hired you and them to do, and insisted that these federal agents stop their abuses.
In the end, your deputies did the right thing, but, Sheriff, you should have never let it come to this. While the BLM was willing to shoot my family over land and power, we were willing to die for our families, our livelihoods, and our constitutional rights. You should have been defending these rights for us. That's what we elected you to do.
Thankfully, the American people came to our defense. They came to our defense because you failed to do your duty. For that, you should be grieved and held accountable.
I offer warning to you and other government personnel that lead or follow your example. The people are in unrest because of these types of egregious actions. The purpose of government is to protect and uphold the unalienable rights of the people, not to infringe upon them. It is our duty and obligation to defend our God-given rights if our government representatives fail to do so, or tries to discard them. We, as citizens, desire to live in peace and tranquility, but will defend our freedoms if necessary, in order to do so. I call upon you, Sheriff Gillespie, and all civil servants, to honorably effectuate the true purpose of government, to uphold the oaths and duties of your sworn offices - to truly be representative of the people, by the people, and for the people.
I leave you with the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson:
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
Ammon Bundy
McCrory demands details from feds on immigrant children
Via Michael
Gov. Pat McCrory said Tuesday that state officials have been kept in the dark about the immigrant children being placed in North Carolina, and he demanded more information – and work toward a solution – from federal officials.
Close to 1,200 children who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border during the first six months of this year have been placed with sponsors – many times relatives – in North Carolina, and the governor said he expects that number to increase "fairly dramatically" when July numbers come in. Already, the state has seen twice the number of immigrant children as it does in an average year, he said.
Gov. Pat McCrory said Tuesday that state officials have been kept in the dark about the immigrant children being placed in North Carolina, and he demanded more information – and work toward a solution – from federal officials.
Close to 1,200 children who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border during the first six months of this year have been placed with sponsors – many times relatives – in North Carolina, and the governor said he expects that number to increase "fairly dramatically" when July numbers come in. Already, the state has seen twice the number of immigrant children as it does in an average year, he said.
More @ WRAL
Murder in Rio Grande Valley: 'This Is Coming to a Town Near You'
JAVIER VEGA JR and father
The voice on the other end of the line is exasperated. "It's insane," he wants America to know. "We're in a war zone." And there's no room for apathy.
"This is coming to a town near you," he warns.
The man on the phone is a veteran of the Department of Homeland Security who works in South Texas. He reached out to me last night in the wake of an off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent's horrific murder on Friday. The 36-year-old agent, Javier Vega Jr., was shot execution-style in front of his wife, his parents, two of his sons and another child in the Rio Grande Valley. Vega's father was also shot but survived. They were on an idyllic family fishing trip before being robbed and ambushed.
The two suspects are Mexican nationals from Matamoros. "They're here illegally," my source said with a weary sigh. And not just that. They had been previously deported after committing other serious crimes, he says. "But we just drop the thugs off at the border, and they come right back."
More @ Townhall
"........four helicopter gunships and twenty Black Hawks of troops arriving over Washington from Quantico would do it."
Unstable countries are unstable, this not always being obvious in those countries, and then comes a man on a horse. The United States, methinks, is not particularly stable.
That anything seismic might happen is an idea doubtless inconceivable to most Americans, who still remember the America of Reader’s Digest, but is daily less improbable. Weimar America is not stable. The cracks in the foundations, the social crumbling and virulent antipathies grow daily more evident.
The economy declines, jobs leave for other climes, the petroyuan looms, college graduates crushed by debt find no work, the middle class shrinks, and the young begin to live perforce with their parents. Times of diminishing expectations are dangerous.
City after city joins the ranks of the bankrupt, semiliterate, corrupt black Bantustans which by honest naming would be called Lower Third World. Their culture is utterly alien to that of Eurowhites.
Across the open border to the south pour huge waves from the Latino slums, less alien to Eurowhites, less hostile, but nonetheless threatening to form yet another country within a country. The Third World proportion of America closes rapidly on a full third. Despite desperate attempts to impose multicultural harmony, experience shows that widely disparate peoples who do not like each other do not enjoy happy endings. My country ‘tis of three, sweet land of dystrophy….
More @ Fred On Everything
While President Zero Fiddles With Lionel Richie – Only Benjamin Netanyahu and Fatah el-Sisi Stand In Opposition To Expanding Radical Islamic Terror…
Via Susan
Last night in Washington DC the mandatory Mooch Obama school nutrition standard was set aside as our rulers dined on something a little more, well, exotic:
But don’t worry, in the event the unwashed peasants had any difficulty
understanding how the .0000001% live on taxpayer financed opulence, head
grifter in charge -Valerie Jarrett- was there to broadcast descriptions
of the magnificence to the lesser class:
Last night in Washington DC the mandatory Mooch Obama school nutrition standard was set aside as our rulers dined on something a little more, well, exotic:

More @ The Conservative Treehouse
Jet That Transported Ebola Victims From Africa To The U.S.
Via Cousin Colby
How do you pack two patients that are infected with one of the world's deadliest viruses into a pressurized aluminum tube that is filled with healthy care takers and pilots for 12 hours and not get almost everyone infected in the process? You use this old ex-Royal Danish Air Force Gulfstream III that is highly modified to convey very ill people over very long distances.
How do you pack two patients that are infected with one of the world's deadliest viruses into a pressurized aluminum tube that is filled with healthy care takers and pilots for 12 hours and not get almost everyone infected in the process? You use this old ex-Royal Danish Air Force Gulfstream III that is highly modified to convey very ill people over very long distances.
More with pictures @ Foxtrot Alpha
Genocide In Northern Iraq – Tens Of Thousands Hide In Mountains of Sinjar Dying of Thirst While Samantha Power (Responsibility To Protect) Dines On Aged Beef and Papaya…
Via Susan
You might well remember in 2011 when Senior Foreign Policy Advisor, Samantha Power, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama created the Obama Doctrine “Responsibility To Protect” (R2P) as they demanded intervention to defend al-Qaeda “rebels” in Benghazi Libya:
Yesterday Yazidi Member of Iraqi Parliament “Fiyan Dakheel”
(of the Kurdistan Alliance) collapses in tears after calling upon
Humanity to rescue the Yazidis from Genocide. Dakheel pleads with her
fellow lawmakers:
You might well remember in 2011 when Senior Foreign Policy Advisor, Samantha Power, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama created the Obama Doctrine “Responsibility To Protect” (R2P) as they demanded intervention to defend al-Qaeda “rebels” in Benghazi Libya:
…“To brush aside America’s
responsibility as a leader and -more profoundly- our responsibilities to
our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a
betrayal of who we are. Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action.”…
More @ The Conservative Treehouse
We’re All Criminals and Outlaws in the Eyes of the American Police State
Via Jonathan
Why are we seeing such an uptick in Americans being arrested for such
absurd “violations” as letting their kids play at a park unsupervised,
collecting rainwater and snow runoff on their own property, growing
vegetables in their yard, and holding Bible studies in their living
Mind you, we’re not talking tickets or fines or even warnings being issued to these so-called “lawbreakers.” We’re talking felony charges, handcuffs, police cars, mug shots, pat downs, jail cells and criminal records.
Consider what happened to Nicole Gainey, the Florida mom who was arrested and charged with child neglect for allowing her 7-year-old son to visit a neighborhood playground located a half mile from their house.

“Never in the civilised world have so many been locked up for so little.”—“Rough Justice in America,” The Economist
Mind you, we’re not talking tickets or fines or even warnings being issued to these so-called “lawbreakers.” We’re talking felony charges, handcuffs, police cars, mug shots, pat downs, jail cells and criminal records.
Consider what happened to Nicole Gainey, the Florida mom who was arrested and charged with child neglect for allowing her 7-year-old son to visit a neighborhood playground located a half mile from their house.
More @ The Rutherford Institute
WSJ/NBC Poll: 79% dissatisfied with Obama and the American political system
"The American public is telling its elected representatives that the economic distress that a significant proportion of them are feeling is directly their fault," Democratic pollster Fred Yang of Hart Research told the Journal. He conducted the poll with Republican Bill McInturff.
"The public seems to have moved beyond the plaintive cry of 'feel our pain' to the more angry pronouncement of 'you are causing our pain,' " Yang added.
That pain has translated into strong feelings among the 1,000 adults polled that their children will not have a better life that they do, that the country is on the wrong track, that America is in a state of decline, that the country is still in recession — and that the nation's economy is not stronger because of unprecedented partisan gridlock in Washington.
"We’re in the summer of our discontent," Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster, told NBC News. "Americans are cranky, unhappy… It is with everything going on the world."
More @ Newsmax
NC: Tarboro requests state audit town
Via Cousin John
A troubling tip led to further scrutiny which eventually ended in a state investigation that exposed reported misappropriations of more than $500,000 of taxpayers’ money in the Town of Tarboro.
While it was Tarboro Town Council that officially requested North Carolina State Auditor Beth Wood to investigate the purchasing and expenses practices of former town manager Sam Noble, it was current town manager Alan Thornton who approached council with the matter.
“Certain things were brought to my attention a couple of years ago,” said Thornton, who became town manager after Noble retired in June 2011. “I looked into those things. After looking into it and doing some checking, I didn’t have a good comfort level with what was discovered.
“I took the information to council, and council decided to have the state auditor look into it.”
Wood’s report, which was released to the public on July 22, revealed that between 2006 and 2011, Noble made purchases, received reimbursements and charged travel expenses to the town that were “unnecessary” in the performance of his duties.

A troubling tip led to further scrutiny which eventually ended in a state investigation that exposed reported misappropriations of more than $500,000 of taxpayers’ money in the Town of Tarboro.
While it was Tarboro Town Council that officially requested North Carolina State Auditor Beth Wood to investigate the purchasing and expenses practices of former town manager Sam Noble, it was current town manager Alan Thornton who approached council with the matter.
“Certain things were brought to my attention a couple of years ago,” said Thornton, who became town manager after Noble retired in June 2011. “I looked into those things. After looking into it and doing some checking, I didn’t have a good comfort level with what was discovered.
“I took the information to council, and council decided to have the state auditor look into it.”
Wood’s report, which was released to the public on July 22, revealed that between 2006 and 2011, Noble made purchases, received reimbursements and charged travel expenses to the town that were “unnecessary” in the performance of his duties.
More @ Rocky Mount Telegram
Important Change! Deadline is now the 9th: 6th NC PATCON October 1st - 6th 2014
Due to extenuating circumstances, the deadline of the 18th must be changed to the 9th, so please submit now
Under 7, free
7-12, $12
13 and up, $20
Includes world famous East Carolina *Pig Pickin' on Saturday! :)
*Pulled pork, Southern fried chicken, black eyed peas, string beans, red beans, hush puppies, tea, water and banana pudding.
If you are planning to attend the October PATCON, please
remit your fees ASAP, but NLT 18 September. Please send check to Cape Carteret address below. I do not
deposit checks until the week before and I would appreciate all remit funds now. Thank you.
Brock Townsend
319 Holly Lane
Cape Carteret, NC 28584
319 Holly Lane
Cape Carteret, NC 28584
The funds will be used for seating,
tables, porta potties, Eastern North Carolina Barbecue with all the trimmings,
equipment and tent. We would like to encourage company sponsors to
donate money for this event. Any company donating $50 or more will be listed as a
sponsor on the website and at the PATCON.
Camping available Wednesday - Sunday.
No animals, please, as my Peacock is more than sufficient to annoy all but us.:)
The PATCON will be held at *94 Roberson School Rd
The PATCON will be held at *94 Roberson School Rd
Tarboro, NC 27886
*Use the front entrance for those camping. As
you cross the second set of cattle guards, camp to the right in the area
with fruit trees alongside the fence and a fire pit in the middle. For
those not camping, come in the side entrance by
the graveyard and parking will be in the area of the two tobacco barns.
I will talk for ½ hour about the state of the III, our various
projects, and the need for efficiency and focus in our efforts going
forward. I will hand out a few awards, talk about the III Society, and
leave a few minutes for Q & A. When H and I leave the PatCon we
expect to head west to Idaho, finally. The Studio has been remodeled
and needs just a few finishing touches and we’ll be opening the doors.
Any III Patriot ever in the Northern Idaho area will have a welcoming
party if you seek one.
Pig Pickin': 12:00 to 1:00
III Percent Society for America
CADD Graphics
Seasons Of War
Holly and Dixie
Kerodin - Fight To Your Weapon
Friday October 3rd 2014
10 - 4
Holly and I intend to arrive Thursday
evening with the TOC. While it will obviously still be a work in
progress, we’ll open it up for people to walk-through over the weekend.
We will be hosting our Fight to your Weapon CQB course from 10a – 4p on Friday. Alumni and III Society Members
train free. All others pay $208 for the course, of which ½ will be
donated to Brock to help support his wonderful event. If you are paying
for the CQB course, please send the money directly to Brock.
If you have been through the course already, be ready for more than a
few surprises, new techniques, as well as a refresher, and a serious
training pace. If you will be joining us on training day please bring
your primary sidearm holster, and email me
with the details of your primary sidearm – I want to have Blue Gun
trainers on-hand that properly fit your rig. First-time students will
get the standard course; you should wear your primary sidearm holster
but no need to email me your sidearm detail. Remember – no firearms in
class – secure them in your campsites/cars/whatever.
Pig Pickin': 12:00 to 1:00
Peter White: "Ten Things That Should Already Be In Progress In Your Shop" 1:00 to 1:30
Kerodin: The state of the III 1:30 to 2:00
QuietMan: Establishing and manning roadblocks 2:00 to 3:30
Moderator Peter White: Roundtable of questions 3:30 on
Saturday's Raffle

Kerodin: The state of the III 1:30 to 2:00
QuietMan: Establishing and manning roadblocks 2:00 to 3:30
Moderator Peter White: Roundtable of questions 3:30 on
Saturday's Raffle
TISAS Classic 1911 45ACP 5 BROWN GRIPS
The vast majority of modern homes constructed in the United States offer very little if any protection from bullets. Plywood, drywall and studs don't have the ability to stop pistol rounds much less high powered rifle rounds. How would you provide ballistic protection for yourself or your family in a hostile situation? In this video I test the ability of 12 inches of packed dirt, in a 5 gallon bucket, to stop a .223 PMC Bronze 55 Grain.
Pardner Pump Protector
Those H&Rs are built like tanks. The machine work, brazings, and metallurgy is very good. Quiqhar Arsenal (Hawk Industries) is the official shotgun supplier for most of China's police forces and military. Remington was impressed enough with the quality, that they allowed their H&R brand to be stamped into the guns. This was mainly done to harness some profit, which would've otherwise ripped them off as a Polytech or Norinco brand guns. Most parts are interchangeable with the 870 except the barrel. The barrel extension is what's different.
Above three items donated by NC PATCON
Barnett Jackal Crossbow Package with Reddot Sight
Hog kill with a Barnett Jackal Crossbow in Winnfield,LA
30 Yard First shot at 2:20 and around 35 yard Second shot at 3:02 and the video ended at 3:14
She expired seconds after the video ended. Reloaded and waited for her
to turn to get a decent second shot. My wife was filming while I was
reloading. Torrid SS 100gr Mech. BroadHead
Generously donated once again by
Michael Downing
Never Get Lost Kit
Includes a compass, a S.A.R. tool, Ranger pace count beads and a paperback book on how to navigate all from Ranger Joe's.
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