"The creation of crimes after the commission of the fact, or, in other words, the subjecting of men to punishment for things which, when they were done, were breaches of no law, and the practice of arbitrary imprisonments, have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny."
-- The Federalist, #84 (Attributed to Alexander Hamilton)
"Brian Aitken is currently serving a seven year sentence in a New Jersey prison, where he has been since August. But it isn't exactly clear what he did wrong. If anything, he went to great lengths to make sure he was complying with the law. Aitken is a victim of New Jersey's asinine gun laws, which assume gun owners to be guilty of felony weapon possession until they prove their innocence. It takes only a stubborn judge or prosecutor to make a felon of a law-abiding citizen."
--Reason Senior Editor Radley
"Last week Governor Christie publicly stated that he would decide whether or not to grant Brian Aitken a Pardon by Christmas. Brian was wrongfully convicted for legal firearms and denied due process by former New Jersey Judge James Morley."
Via TL In Exile
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lt. Col. Terry Lakin Court-Martial Live Coverage Update
We are attending the Lt. Col. Terry Lakin trial at the Fort Meade army base. We regret we are unable to file a report today because we are not allowed to bring cameras and recording devices into the courtroom. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin did plead guilty to a minor charge regarding disobeying a direct chain of command order. We met with Dr. Orly Taitz, famed Birther attorney, Maureen Dowd of the NY Times, and a reporter from World Net Daily. A full report of today’s proceedings will be filed tomorrow promptly on the Manning Report at 3pm EST at atlah.org. After which, each days proceedings will be filed the day of the event.
In His Royal Service,
A Natural Born Citizen,
Dr. James David Manning
Dr. Orly Taitz,
Fort Meade,
Manning Report,
World Net Daily
Wounded Knee
Yes, the Buffalo Soldiers, in conjunction with their Yankee counterparts, massacred our American Indians of all ages and sexes, using the expertise they perfected during the WBTS against Southern women, children, and men of all colors.
General Stan Watie
Via T
Buffalo Soldiers,
General Stan Watie,
Obamacare Class Action
As I have explained before, ours is the ONLY lawsuit that is arguing for the complete overturn of Wickard v. Filburn. The Virginia lawsuit, and all other lawsuits, start by assuming that current Supreme Court precedent is correct. They then argue that Obamacare goes beyond that precedent by grabbing even more power for Congress. While I agree that Obamacare goes further than any previous law in overstepping Constitutional limits, Obamacare is simply the latest step in Congress’ ever-increasing power grab.
I’m very pleased that at least one District Court judge has finally said “enough, no more.” However, he stopped there because that is what the Virginia plaintiffs were asking him to do. They never asked that judge to consider overturning Wickard.
All the Virginia ruling does is stop Congress where it is. But, we are NOT satisfied with the status quo. Congress has been over the line for at least 68 years.
Because our lawsuit is the only one asking for Wickard to be overturned, we must continue to prosecute our case. And that is exactly what we will do.
You may remember that the Tennessee District Court dismissed our lawsuit based upon its conclusion that we didn’t have standing to sue. (We are re-filing soon, probably in Texas. More on that later this week.) The Tennessee Court’s ruling essentially said that none of you were adversely affected by Obamacare. You read that right. The Absurd ruling from the Tennessee Court was that none of the 30,000 of you were adversely affected by Obamacare.
That ridiculous conclusion was contrary to two other Court’s rulings in Michigan and Virginia. Now we have a third ruling from a third court that demonstrates just how absurdly liberal and politically motivated the Tennessee judge was. Yesterday’s ruling included the following statements: Obamacare “adversely affects everyone” and “touches every American.” Well, there you have it. This is, of course, exactly what we had argued to the Tennessee Court.
As I said in an earlier message, the Tennessee Court’s ruling was infuriating, but he did us a favor. Now we can file in a court that has a judge that might actually follow the Constitution. This put us a little behind in our schedule, but we will make that up. (Again, I’ll write about this in more detail later this week.)
You should understand that the Virginia Court’s ruling doesn’t stop any part of Obamacare from being implemented. At least not yet. You see, the Court refused to enjoin the implementation of Obamacare, pending appeal. That means that implementation of Obamacare moves forward until the 4th Circuit Court rules on this decision. That will probably take at least a year.
The Virginia Court also severed the individual mandate from the rest of the Obamacare monstrosity. In other words, the best outcome from the Circuit Court (barring that court doing something very unexpected) would be to eliminate the individual mandate, but leave the rest of the law in place.
As you can see, the Virginia ruling is a victory, but it leaves MUCH still to be done. Our Obamacare Class Action lawsuit takes on these other issues. We are unique. With your continued support we will take back our Constitutional Republic.
In Liberty,
Van Irion
President, Lead Counsel, Co-Founder
Liberty Legal Foundation
Moses Ezekiel
Confederate monument designed by Moses Ezekiel and dedicated in 1914 by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson.
The tombstone of Moses Ezekiel, Sergeant of Company C,
Battalion of Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute.
My Talk to the John Hunt Morgan SCV Camp
SCV Camp on December 11, 2010
Good Morning. I am Nancy Hitt and the subject of my talk this morning is a Jewish American sculptor who spent the last 40 years of his life living in Rome, Italy.
Most of you who are in attendance here today probably know something about the life of Moses Ezekiel, as he was one of the young Cadets at VMI who Confederate Gen. John C. Breckinridge brought forward in order to fill a gap in his lines during the Battle of New Market, Virginia, on May 15, 1864.
You have probably read that Moses Ezekiel became an artist and is buried in Arlington Cemetery at the base of the Confederate Soldiers’ Memorial which he had designed.
That is about all I actually knew about Moses Ezekiel until this October when an Italian Confederate descendant by the name of Peter Rossi contacted me. Peter has been quite active in honoring Confederates and their European allies buried across Europe.
In April, SCV Europe Camp #1612 organized a memorial service and a Cross of Honor grave marking with Peter’s help for Thomas Jefferson Page and Thomas Jefferson Page, Jr., father and son who are buried in the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome.
In an e-mail to several individuals, Peter requested information about the exact location of Moses Ezekiel’s residence in Rome and his Roman burial site. I am sure that Peter is doing this research in order to plan a future Confederate ceremony honoring Ezekiel, a former long-time resident artist of Rome.
Peter lives in Lucca, Italy, which is outside of Rome; therefore, he enlisted an American, Susan Whitman Fiorentino, who lives in Rome to make this research one of her first UDC projects.
As you may have read on the John Hunt Morgan Camp listserver, I sent out a request for any information that your members might have about Ezekiel. Mr. Leland Bell responded to that request. Mr. Bell is a former John Hunt Morgan camp member and a graduate of VMI. He gave me valuable information and advice.
This is the message from Mr. Bell to me: “Hi Nancy. According to the bio in the New Market book he resided in his studio in the Baths of Diocletian for thirty years until the city wanted it back. He was then given the tower of Belisario on the Pincian Hill overlooking the Borghese Gardens. He took a studio and work rooms in the Via Faustus just off the Piazza Populo. Hope this may help. You can also contact the VMI museum. They have a great exhibit on Sir Moses. Regards, Leland.”
I took Mr. Bell’s advice and telephoned Ms. Diane Jacob, the Archivist at VMI. She generously answered some important questions for me. Yes, his long-term studio was in the Baths of Diocletian, and he was forced to move to a studio in the Tower of Belisario located on the Roman walls.
Ms. Jacob sent me the following material along with an extract from a lengthy letter written in English by Adolfo de Bosis’ wife to Ezekiel’s sister, Hannah, after his death. The fact that Ezekiel had been buried in the de Bosis crypt was found in various reports, but we still did not know his connection to this particular family.
It seemed likely that the de Bosis family was Catholic and the question remained of how a Jew would have been allowed to be buried in a Catholic Cemetery. We even considered the possibility that he was later moved into a Jewish Cemetery.
Ms. Diane Jacob of VMI sent me the follow reply:
In response to our telephone inquiry yesterday, I have the following information from our records.
Correspondence Ezekiel to VMI from the 1911 to 1917 period shows a return address of No 2 Via Campania, Torre di Belisario, Rome.
The only account we have of the temporary burial site is from an essay called “Moses Jacob Ezekiel” by Rabbi David Philipson, published by the American Jewish Historical Society, No. 28, 1922. It contains the transcription of a letter from Ezekiel’s good friend Lilian de Bosis (Mrs. Adolfo de Bosis) to his sister Hannah E. Workum in Cincinnati, in which she describes his last days. The letter is dated April 4, 1917. There is every indication in this that the vault was the only burial place before the move to Arlington, and that this temporary site was chosen carefully and because of Ezekiel’s connections to the de Bosis family.
“…It was then decided to place him temporarily in the vault which he had himself built for the Family of Adolfo de Bosis in the city cemetery of San Lorenzo at Varnis. There our little son Manlio and Adolfo’s brother Arturo, whom he had so dearly loved and cherished, awaited him…I am confident that not having left any instructions as to religious rites, simply stating he wished to be buried in the Southern Soldiers’ Cemetery, with the Masonic rites, we succeeded in interpreting the true spirit of his religious feeling essentially Jewish, yet appreciative of the beauty and helpfulness in all other religions. We simply felt that here his friends should gather round him and express each in their own way, their love and devotion. So a young rabbi from the Roman synagogue recited the ritual prayers on the day of his death; Catholic friends prayed by his side in their own way; Mr. Nathan representing the Free Masons and his Jewish friends, Mr. Lowrie his numerous Protestant friends. We wanted the rabbi to accompany the hearse to the cemetery, but that it seemed he could not do.”
This information actually answered both of Peter Rossi’s questions. The letter records his exact mailing address and gave a name to the cemetery where Ezekiel was buried. It also related that Moses Ezekiel had been the designer of the de Bosis crypt.
Adolfo de Bosis was a famous Italian poet married to an American wife, Lilian Vernon, who was the daughter of a Methodist minister. Moses Ezekiel and the de Bosis family were close friends over many years. This letter written by an American woman answered important questions, but the name of the cemetery was still vague and it needed to be identified.
Susan in Rome has been dedicated to finding that cemetery and the de Bosis crypt and it was only recently located due to her diligence. Clearly, Ezekiel had always stated his desire to be buried at Arlington. I believe this is the reason he was allowed to be buried in the de Bosis crypt in the Catholic Cemetery of Verano since his burial was always considered to be temporary and he was a well-known and highly respected artist of his day.
Moses Ezekiel died on March 27, 1917, during World War I and this is likely the reason his remains were not moved until 1921. His funeral service at Arlington Cemetery was the first ever to be held in the Memorial Amphitheater.
Moses Jacob Ezekiel was born in Richmond, Virginia, on October 28, 1844. He was the sixth of fourteen children born to Jacob and Catherine de Castro Ezekiel.
According to Ms. Jacob at VMI, Moses Ezekiel is the first recorded Jewish Cadet at VMI. He served as a Sergeant of Company C of Cadets. In spite of the fact that Yankees burned most of VMI, studies were able to continue in the Richmond Almshouse which allowed Moses Ezekiel to graduate in 1866.
He followed his graduation from VMI with the study of anatomy at the Medical College of Virginia. Ezekiel moved to Cincinnati in 1868 to study art. In 1869, he traveled to Berlin, Germany, where he studied at the Royal Academy of Art. He was admitted into the Society of Artists in Berlin and was the first foreigner to win the Prize of Rome based upon his bust of Washington.
Ezekiel spent the remainder of his life in Rome. He was a prolific artist and produced some 200 works of statuary. Ezekiel created busts of Lizst, Eve, Homer, David, Christ in the Temple and Robert E. Lee. One of the many honors he received was to be knighted by the King of Italy.
Today, I wish to talk about several of his works closer to home. Our own Bill Hayes sent me some Bernheim family material to help in my research.
The Brothers Isaac and Bernard Bernheim were German Jewish immigrants to Kentucky. They made their fortune in whiskey distilling and were very philanthropic. They donated the 14,000 acre Bernheim Forest to the people of Kentucky. They commissioned the Abraham Lincoln statue in front of the Louisville Free Public Library on York Street. Oh well….
The Bernheim brothers were responsible for the Thomas Jefferson statue that stands in front of the Jefferson County Court House at 5th and Jefferson Streets. They commissioned Moses Ezekiel to design this magnificent bronze work of art.
Ezekiel designed Thomas Jefferson standing upon the liberty bell holding a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson is surrounded by four symbolic winged female figures while the base is inscribed with Jefferson’s own words. It was completed in 1901.
In 1910 a reproduction was cast for the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, Virginia, without the Jefferson inscriptions engraved upon the base.
Edna Macon of Owensboro informed me of another Ezekiel work located in Kentucky. Ezekiel was the architect for the Confederate Memorial Gateway at the Hickman Cemetery.
There is so much more that can be said about Sir Moses Ezekiel and his work as a sculptor, but this brief presentation is not able to cover all of his many accomplishments. Books and the internet contain additional information for the curious among you.
I want to especially thank Raphael Waldburg-Zeil for his encouragement in this project. He is the editor of the European SCV newsletter and co-editor of the S.C. SCV division newsletter.
I hope you all will take a closer look at my poster board which contains photographs of the two different Thomas Jefferson bronze statues, the Hickman Gateway, and Ezekiel’s famous statue of Stonewall Jackson at VMI.
I have included two photographs taken by Susan of the Adolfo de Bosis crypt at the Verano Cemetery. Unfortunately, the crypt which was designed by Ezekiel and was his first resting place is badly in need of cleaning and repair.
Also you will find a photo of Ezekiel as a young VMI cadet and his Arlington grave marker under the Confederate Soldiers’ Memorial which he designed.
The next time you are arrested and taken in ball and chains past the Court House, just ignore your predicament and remember that unreconstructed rebel who designed our own Thomas Jefferson bronze work of art. Many thanks and God Save the South!
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin Update
"In September, a military judge ruled the president's birth certificate is irrelevant in Lakin's case. His lawyer will therefore not be able to raise the issue as a defense for why Lakin, a flight surgeon, did not report for what would have been a second tour of duty in Afghanistan.
As a result, his civilian defense attorney, Neal Puckett, says he is not optimistic about Lakin's prospects of being acquitted. He is "probably going to be convicted of something," Puckett said. If convicted of all the charges against him, Lakin faces dismissal from the Army and more than 3 1/2 years in prison."
Even our military has been infiltrated with Collectivists. Traitors to the Republic all.
As a result, his civilian defense attorney, Neal Puckett, says he is not optimistic about Lakin's prospects of being acquitted. He is "probably going to be convicted of something," Puckett said. If convicted of all the charges against him, Lakin faces dismissal from the Army and more than 3 1/2 years in prison."
Even our military has been infiltrated with Collectivists. Traitors to the Republic all.
18 Year Veteran,
Birth Certificate,
Greeley CO,
9 TRILLION Dollars Missing From Federal Reserve, Fed Inspector General Can't Explain
"Rep. Alan Grayson asks the Federal Reserve Inspector General about the trillions of dollars lent or spent by the Federal Reserve and where it went, and the trillions of off balance sheet obligations. Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman responds that the IG does not know and is not tracking where this money is." bloomberg.com
Alan Grayson,
Elizabeth Coleman,
Trillions Of Dollars
What Right Do Visa/Mastercard/Paypal Have To Cut Off Wikileaks?
Don't miss this. It's at its best, in the latter half.
Via The Bonnie Blue Blog
Via The Bonnie Blue Blog
Big Brother,
False Flag,
Freedom Of Speech,
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