"What this country needs are more unemployed politicians."
-- Edward Langley, American Artist (1925-1995)
We have been receiving several hundred calls each day for the last three weeks with customers wanting to purchase SGM Tactical magazines, MD 20 drums, and Saiga 12s. We are currently working overtime to get orders out, but there is still a 2 business day delay on shipping of all orders. Please do not call immediately after your order is made to check on the status. Calling to check on the status of your order only delays your order from being shipped. As soon as your package ships, you will receive a tracking number emailed to you on the order. If detailed tracking information is important to you, select FedEx or UPS from the drop down menu. Otherwise, the order will probably be shipped Priority mail. Priority mail is normally very reliable, but the tracking system is intended for delivery confirmation only.
Saiga 12 Shipment We just received a small shipment of Mach 1 Arsenal Converted Saiga 12s as well as a few unconverted Arsenal Saiga 12s. These have been added to the website under Saiga 12 and the firearms tab.
Magazine and Drum Back Orders We are receiving a large shipment of magazines on Friday. By Monday, we should have 90% of all backordered MD20 drums, SKS 75 round drums, SGM Tactical 12 round 12 gauge magazines, SGM Tactical 10 round 12 gauge magazines, and SGM Tactical 25 round 308 magazines. The balance will be shipped by Thursday ( 2/24/2011).
Thank you for being patient.
Mississippi Auto Arms, Inc.