Sunday, November 10, 2013
13 Democrats Charged With Embezzling $16 Million In Federal Grants For AIDS Charities And Other Needy Programs! Rev. Wright Daughter Among Those Charged
Via The Lonely Libertarian
Daughter of Reverend “God Damn America” Wright and 12 other Democrats are charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy.
More than one of the defendants has direct ties to President Barack Obama. The Sun Times details the charges.
Daughter of Reverend “God Damn America” Wright and 12 other Democrats are charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy.
More than one of the defendants has direct ties to President Barack Obama. The Sun Times details the charges.
Thirteen people have been charged so far, six who have pleaded guilty.
Two of them have ties to President Barack Obama. One is the daughter of his controversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Another was chief of staff to Obama’s longtime friend Eric E. Whitaker when Whitaker was Illinois’ public health chief.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
North Carolina's Ten Oldest Towns That Still Exist: Bath - New Bern - Edenton - Beaufort - Wilmington - Halifax - Hertford - Nixonton - Childsburg & Tarboro
The Captivity of von Graffenried and Lawson
Tuscaroras And (My Family) |
“While the Pamlico-Neuse region of North Carolina can boast of the state's oldest towns, it cannot claim the oldest permanent settlements. The cradle of North Carolina lies in the Albemarle Sound area where settlements, about Salmon Creek in present-day Bertie County and along the many south-flowing rivers which empty into the Sound, were begun sometime in the latter part of the 1650's.” 1
1655 Nathaniel Batts, the first known permanent settler in the region
had a house along Salmon Creek at the western end of Albemarle Sound
from which he engaged in trade with the Indians. Other settlers soon
followed, and by 1663 more than five hundred people were probably living
between Albemarle Sound and the limits of Virginia.” 2
March 24, 1663, Charles II of England granted a charter for a part of
the new world which ultimately included this new settlement on Albemarle
Sound to eight prominent Englishmen who had supported his restoration.
By October of the next year the Lords Proprietors, as these eight men
became known, had incorporated this settlement as the County of
Albemarle in the Province of Carolina.”
More @ Oldest Towns
NC: Moonshine Hauler!

Dern, would I like to trade my '69 C-10 for this, but no trades. :(
Do you want all of the attention at the Rat Shows? Then this whiskey
hauler is for you! I always have a steady stream of people circling
around this rat taking pictures! I've had it to a quite a few shows
since I finished it (if you want to call it finished) and it's always a
big hit. It's the kind of Rat that everybody remembers!
-It's a clean rust free 1929 Ford AA Flatbed. You won't find a much nicer cab and front end than this one. I tried to make it look like a rat rod but a closer look will show how clean it is.
More @ Collector Car Nation
Burnsville and the American Iliad: Battle Flags and Monuments
Mike Scruggs
The subtitle of Ludwell Johnson’s provocative 1978 book, North against South, was appropriately called: The American Iliad 1848-1877. Johnson’s dates covered most of the buildup to hostilities beginning with the 1848 election to the end of Reconstruction in 1877, a period of nearly 30 years.
He referred to the “Civil War” and “Reconstruction” era as the “American Iliad” because it has had and continues to have such tremendous influence on American culture and literature, much as the great epic poem about the ten-year Greek siege of Troy (Ilium) about 1250 BC has had on European culture and literature.
The Iliad has its historical underpinnings, but it is probably more accurately defined as epic myth or mythologized history. Because of war propaganda and the modern spinal disease of “political correctness,” recent Civil War history frequently contains strong elements of mythological narrative.
As the saying goes, “the victors get to write the history,” whether it is truth or not. In addition, the American Civil War was such a traumatic event in terms of casualties, destruction, and sweeping economic and social change that it is a defining epic of American history. Added to the war-trauma were the cruel years of political despotism and economic plunder misnamed “Reconstruction.” These events impoverished the South for many decades. According to Confederate General John B. Gordon, later Governor of Georgia and U.S. Senator, Reconstruction caused more enmity between North and South and black and white than the war.
Burnsville, a picturesque mountain town of 1,700 people is the county seat of Yancey County, North Carolina. The population of the county was estimated at 17,630 in 2010. Included in the breathtaking mountain scenery of Yancey County is the massive Mount Mitchell, at 6,684 feet, the highest elevation of the Appalachian mountain chain and the Eastern United States.
At one end of the Burnsville town square is the County Courthouse built in 1832. Two large memorial stones in front of the courthouse contain the names of Yancey County soldiers, sailors, and airmen who have died in American wars since 1860. Two Confederate Battle Flags about 18 inches high flanked the largest memorial stone on the day I visited Burnsville, November 9, two days before Veterans Day. This memorial contained the names of 144 Confederate dead. According to historian and author Terrell Garren, the total dead was actually 188. The population of Yancey County in 1860 was 8,655. By 1870, it had fallen 32 percent to 5,909. Also according to Garren, a total of 1,045 Yancey County men served in the Confederate Army. Besides the dead, 152 were listed as wounded—this usually meant seriously wounded. Another 207 had been captured, which often resulted in lasting disabilities. Garren puts the total casualties at 547 or 52 percent.
To see how Yancey County Confederate dead (144) on these monuments compared to Yancey County dead from other wars, I simply counted names. The World War II population was 17,202 in 1940, nearly twice the 1860 population. The 31 World War II military deaths recorded must have been painful, but it was less than one-quarter of the Confederate total. Adjusting for population growth, Yancey County suffered over nine times the trauma of local military deaths during the Civil War as it did during World War II. Hence the tragedy and significance of the Civil War was clearly of epic proportions in Yancey County.
With 18 percent dead of the 1,045 of those who served, Yancey was by no means the most traumatized of Western North Carolina counties. Buncombe County had 524 deaths or 19 percent of the total serving. Henderson County had 273 dead and a 21 percent death rate, and McDowell had over 29 percent dead. Catawba with 500 dead had a 33 percent death rate, and Cleveland County had 688 dead and a 34 percent death rate. Twenty-one Western North Carolina counties had 5,840 dead or 21.4 percent.
The idea that the Confederate Battle Flag symbolizes slavery is unfortunate ignorance driven by late Civil War propaganda and modern politically correct politics. To the Southern people and the Confederate soldier, the Confederate Battle Flag symbolized their Christian heritage and resistance to invasion and political and economic tyranny. It symbolized the rule of Constitutional law established by their Revolutionary forefathers, and it came symbolize the courage and blood sacrifice of the Confederate soldier in defending their homes, their families, and their belief in the justice and righteousness of their cause. Honorable people pursuing a just and civil society do not seek to dishonor and marginalize the heritage and symbols of others.
Yancey County war deaths in other wars were small compared to the Civil War and World War II. Seven were killed in Vietnam, six in Korea, three in World War I, and two in Afghanistan.
The tragedy of war hit some families very hard. Of the 144 Confederate dead listed on the memorial, there were seven with the surname Ray, and seven with the surname Honeycutt. There were six with the surnames Edwards, Wilson, and Hensley. Many of the surnames on the Confederate memorial are repeated on the World War II, Vietnam, and Korean War rolls of patriotic sacrifice.
As a Vietnam combat veteran and the great grandson of a Confederate Cavalry veteran, I am glad to see all our dead and all our veterans honored. They do that exceptionally well in Yancey County. While my wife was shopping on Burnsville’s Main Street, I took a break for some coffee and a pastry.
When the patriotic and generous lady who manages the coffee shop found out that I was a Vietnam veteran, she refused to let me pay. There is a strong tradition of military service in Western North Carolina, and many retired veterans settle here, too. Although there are no major military installations in Western North Carolina, we have a large population of military veterans.
Leonard M. (Mike) Scruggs is the author of Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, 2009; and The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths, 2011.
Michigan Muslims plot Islamic-law court
A leader in a front group for the movement that aims to turn the U.S. into an Islamic state is among the Muslims in the Detroit area talking about establishing religious courts that would grant women a divorce under Islamic law, or Shariah.
About 15 Muslim leaders – including Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Michigan chapter – discussed the issue at a monthly gathering Sept. 25.
The discussion was prompted by a story in the Arab American News that described the difficulties that Muslim women experience when their husbands refuse to grant them a religious divorce, noted the blog Creeping Sharia.
Don’t let the facts about Islam in America be covered up by slick CAIR lawyers! Join the fight to protect those who would expose the truth!
More @ WND
Cops: Black mob kidnaps, rapes teen girls: Brutal assaults captured on cell-phone videos recorded by suspects
You'd think they woud be smart enough not to get in the van.
The latest case of black-mob violence in Chicago is far from the worst. We’ll get to that one in a minute.
But when a mob of black people rushed into three Chicago-area Sports Authority stores this week and rushed out dragging entire racks of winter clothing, the local CBS affiliate dubbed that “unbelievable.”
CNN said the videos were “shocking.”
Not really: “That crime was only unbelievable or shocking to the reporters who spend all their time ignoring and denying black mob violence,” said one Chicago cop, who would rather keep his job than be identified as a source of stories on racial violence. “More organized, yes. Unbelievable? Hardly. Not to anyone who knows anything about the epic level of black-mob violence and black-on-white crime in this city.”
More @ WND
Georgia’s Alamo
the vastly outnumbered Texans’ at the Alamo, and similar to Col.
William Lamb’s vastly outnumbered and outgunned North Carolinians at
Fort Fisher the following month, Fort McAllister’s garrison was fighting
an enemy seventeen times their own strength. As is common today,
Southern defenders are often termed as merely “Confederates” rather than
identified as mostly local men defending their homes, farms, families
and State. At Fort McAllister were the First Regiment, Georgia Reserve
Companies D and E under Captains George N. Hendry and Angus Morrison,
respectively; the Emmet Rifles under Capt. George A. Nicoll; and Capt.
Nicholas Clinch’s Light Battery of artillery. All were defending their
country to the last extremity.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Georgia’s Alamo
“The sporadic crackle of musketry echoed through the woods and marshes as Union patrols probed the defenses of Fort McAllister on Tuesday,
December 13, 1864. Hunched in the fort were about 230 Confederates
commanded by [Savannah native] Major George W. Anderson, Jr. All of
them knew they faced a grim and hopeless task in repelling the expected
. . . skirmishers and shielded by forests . . . four thousand Federals
were deploying, intent on overrunning the fort at any cost. McAllister
had a number of large-caliber guns, but most were aimed at the sea.
Under the direction of engineer Capt. Thomas A. White, the Confederates
had done everything possible to strengthen McAllister, especially the
landward defenses . . . as [enemy] troops neared the sea.
realized it would be much more difficult to hold the fort against a
land assault, but vowed a fight to the last. “I determined under the
circumstances, and notwithstanding the great disparity of numbers,
between the garrison and attacking forces, to defend the fort to the
last extremity,” he later recalled. Numbering his effectives as 150
men, Anderson added that “with no possible hope of reinforcement, from
any quarter, . . . holding the fort was simply a question of time. There
was but one alternative – death or captivity.”
The attack was launched shortly after 4PM.
Ragged musketry and cannon fire dropped some of the Yankees as there
neared the breastworks. Other explosions ripped gaps in the blue line .
. . “[and torpedo-mines] were exploded by the tread of the troops,
blowing many men to atoms.” “The Federal skirmish line was very heavy
and the fire so close and so rapid that it was at times impossible to
work our guns,” Anderson said of the [enemy] assault. “My sharpshooters
did all in their power, but were entirely too few to suppress this
galling fire upon the artillerists.”
troops swarmed] onto the embankments to engage the Rebels in hand to
hand combat. “[The enemy commander wrote that] There was a pause, a
cessation of fire. The smoke cleared away and the parapets were blue
with our men, who fired their muskets in the air . . . “
surviving Confederate troops scrambled into the bombproofs, where the
close-quarter fighting continued. The combat swirled for several minutes
before the last defenders were overwhelmed. The Southerners “only
succumbed as each man was individually overpowered,” [an enemy
commander] reported.
fort was never surrendered,” Anderson recalled, “It was captured by
overwhelming numbers.”
Captain Nicholas B. Clinch, Anderson’s artillery
commander, personified the Rebels’ mettle.
Refusing to surrender, he
became engaged in a personal duel with [an enemy captain]. “The two
fought for some minutes after the fighting had ceased,” a soldier
recalled, “Both were good swordsmen and they were permitted to fight it
out.” [The enemy captain] was “severely wounded about the head and
shoulders” before other bluecoats intervened and subdued Clinch.
Bayoneted six times, sabered six times, and shot twice, Clinch was captured and survived the war.
The fort was taken at 4:30PM, the assault lasting but fifteen minutes.”
‘Progressives’ firing up ‘racism’ charge to intimidate gun owners, conservatives
Via avordvet
“Gun backers’ recall effort is flawed from the start,” the Long Beach Press Telegram claimed in a Monday editorial.
The reason, we find, has not so much to do with “legitimate media’s” hostility to gun rights. Certainly that’s the motivation behind the column, but the reason they give is something altogether different.
“Asked which legislators might be targeted, recall activists mentioned five -- each one with a Latino surname,” the editorial observed, noting “That drew a rebuke from the California Latino Legislative Caucus.”
“Californians will not stand for any campaign that is clearly racist and devoid of any political or legal legitimacy,” they quoted Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens.
“Gun backers’ recall effort is flawed from the start,” the Long Beach Press Telegram claimed in a Monday editorial.
The reason, we find, has not so much to do with “legitimate media’s” hostility to gun rights. Certainly that’s the motivation behind the column, but the reason they give is something altogether different.
“Asked which legislators might be targeted, recall activists mentioned five -- each one with a Latino surname,” the editorial observed, noting “That drew a rebuke from the California Latino Legislative Caucus.”
“Californians will not stand for any campaign that is clearly racist and devoid of any political or legal legitimacy,” they quoted Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens.
More @ Examiner
Meanwhile in Texas: Abortion Appointments Canceled, Clinics Closing All Across State
Texas women undergo an average of 80,000 abortions a year. That number, however, is likely to be slashed by next year as the pro-life House Bill 2 takes full effect. Thanks to this newly enforced legislation, which, among other restrictions, bans abortions after 20 weeks and requires abortion clinics to obtain admitting privileges from local hospitals, a dozen abortion clinics in the state are set to close -- nine of which have already shuttered.
Get ready for a whole lot more encouraging numbers. This is just one of the positive headlines making its rounds on the web, from LifeNews, “Abortions Stopped at 16 Texas Clinics Under New Law, Saving 50 Babies Daily.”
More @ Townhall
Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Lobby Takes Another Huge Hit With 23 Reelection Failures
Nearly two-dozen members of Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns lost reelection earlier this week, delivering another blow to the anti-gun group that has been losing members at a rapid pace for more than year. Here is the list of members who were defeated:
More @ Townhall
HSLDA Asks for Help for Swedish Family
The trials of Swedish parents Annie and Christer Johannson, bereft of their son Domenic for four years, represent the worst nightmare of any parent—state seizure of a child and then forced adoption
In 2009 Domenic was taken from his parents for the flimsiest of reasons under the most dramatic of circumstances. On June 26 police raided a Turkish airliner ready to take off, seizing the boy.
Although school was not in session when the seizure occurred, the parents had been in disagreement with local authorities over the issue of home education. However, when they went to court and disclosed their plans to emigrate, the court took note without any conditions. But, when the parents boarded the plane with the intention of moving back to the Annie’s homeland of India, authorities on the isolated and parochial island of Gotland asked Stockholm police to intervene and take the child. Although no warrant or court action authorized the seizure, officials have kept the couple’s only son for over four years.
For over two years the parents have had absolutely zero contact with their son.
More @ HSLDA
How these 'Secret 6' spies saved America
Foreign and domestic espionage has been in the news a lot this year, but despite the latest technology and intense training, the best performance of American spies is still considered to be the work of six amateurs who were pivotal in winning the American Revolution.
The amazing story of this indispensable group is outlined in “George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring that Saved the American Revolution,” by Fox News host Brian Kilmeade. Far from highly trained operatives, six unassuming colonists, ranging from a merchant to a tavern owner to a New York socialite, risked life and limb and ultimately reversed the tide of the war.
More @ WND
Colorado Woman Who Championed Obamacare Loses Insurance Plan
“I was really shocked … all of my hopes were sort of dashed,” Wagner said. “’Oh my gosh President Obama, this is not what we hoped for, it’s not what we were told.’ “
She was shocked further to learn that for the same coverage she would pay 35 percent more and have a higher deductible.
“Our premium for next year is going up to over $1,000 a month for two of us and we’re two fairly healthy individuals,” Wagner said.
More with video @ CBS
Prescription drugs, mental health and unstable people in survival scenarios
A reader wrote me and spoke about a family who are friends but he found out they are all on prescription medication that keeps them normal. He asks for advice how to deal with this and what can be expected from people like this during collapse.
Today I want to talk more about prescription drugs and medicine. I’m sure many of you who need medication on regular basis have already big stock of them. Know that some prescription medication like antibiotics can be bought as animal medication and so on. But here are some more thoughts on this.
People who have been dependent on some drugs, stuff like sedatives, antidepressants or something similar usually had two choices, first choice was to try to find sources of medicine (black market etc.) or to try to get by with substitutes (alcohol, marijuana or something stronger like heroin).
Second choice was in short to „get over it“ and live.
More @ SHTF School
Up in Arms
Via NC Renegade
Last December, when Adam Lanza stormed into the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, with a rifle and killed twenty children and six adult staff members, the United States found itself immersed in debates about gun control. Another flash point occurred this July, when George Zimmerman, who saw himself as a guardian of his community, was exonerated in the killing of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, in Florida. That time, talk turned to stand-your-ground laws and the proper use of deadly force. The gun debate was refreshed in September by the shooting deaths of twelve people at the Washington Navy Yard, apparently at the hands of an IT contractor who was mentally ill.
Such episodes remind Americans that our country as a whole is marked by staggering levels of deadly violence. Our death rate from assault is many times higher than that of highly urbanized countries like the Netherlands or Germany, sparsely populated nations with plenty of forests and game hunters like Canada, Sweden, Finland, or New Zealand, and large, populous ones like the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. State-sponsored violence, too—in the form of capital punishment—sets our country apart. Last year we executed more than ten times as many prisoners as other advanced industrialized nations combined—not surprising given that Japan is the only other such country that allows the practice. Our violent streak has become almost a part of our national identity.
What’s less well appreciated is how much the incidence of violence, like so many salient issues in American life, varies by region. Beyond a vague awareness that supporters of violent retaliation and easy access to guns are concentrated in the states of the former Confederacy and, to a lesser extent, the western interior, most people cannot tell you much about regional differences on such matters.
Our conventional way of defining regions—dividing the country along state boundaries into a Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest—masks the cultural lines along which attitudes toward violence fall. These lines don’t respect state boundaries. To understand violence or practically any other divisive issue, you need to understand historical settlement patterns and the lasting cultural fissures they established.
The original North American colonies were settled by people from distinct regions of the British Isles—and from France, the Netherlands, and Spain—each with its own religious, political, and ethnographic traits.
Last December, when Adam Lanza stormed into the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, with a rifle and killed twenty children and six adult staff members, the United States found itself immersed in debates about gun control. Another flash point occurred this July, when George Zimmerman, who saw himself as a guardian of his community, was exonerated in the killing of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, in Florida. That time, talk turned to stand-your-ground laws and the proper use of deadly force. The gun debate was refreshed in September by the shooting deaths of twelve people at the Washington Navy Yard, apparently at the hands of an IT contractor who was mentally ill.
Such episodes remind Americans that our country as a whole is marked by staggering levels of deadly violence. Our death rate from assault is many times higher than that of highly urbanized countries like the Netherlands or Germany, sparsely populated nations with plenty of forests and game hunters like Canada, Sweden, Finland, or New Zealand, and large, populous ones like the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. State-sponsored violence, too—in the form of capital punishment—sets our country apart. Last year we executed more than ten times as many prisoners as other advanced industrialized nations combined—not surprising given that Japan is the only other such country that allows the practice. Our violent streak has become almost a part of our national identity.
What’s less well appreciated is how much the incidence of violence, like so many salient issues in American life, varies by region. Beyond a vague awareness that supporters of violent retaliation and easy access to guns are concentrated in the states of the former Confederacy and, to a lesser extent, the western interior, most people cannot tell you much about regional differences on such matters.
Our conventional way of defining regions—dividing the country along state boundaries into a Northeast, Midwest, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest—masks the cultural lines along which attitudes toward violence fall. These lines don’t respect state boundaries. To understand violence or practically any other divisive issue, you need to understand historical settlement patterns and the lasting cultural fissures they established.
The original North American colonies were settled by people from distinct regions of the British Isles—and from France, the Netherlands, and Spain—each with its own religious, political, and ethnographic traits.
More @ Tufts
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