Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cops: Black mob kidnaps, rapes teen girls: Brutal assaults captured on cell-phone videos recorded by suspects

 You'd think they woud be smart enough not to get in the van.

The latest case of black-mob violence in Chicago is far from the worst. We’ll get to that one in a minute.

But when a mob of black people rushed into three Chicago-area Sports Authority stores this week and rushed out dragging entire racks of winter clothing, the local CBS affiliate dubbed that “unbelievable.”

CNN said the videos were “shocking.”

Not really: “That crime was only unbelievable or shocking to the reporters who spend all their time ignoring and denying black mob violence,” said one Chicago cop, who would rather keep his job than be identified as a source of stories on racial violence. “More organized, yes. Unbelievable? Hardly. Not to anyone who knows anything about the epic level of black-mob violence and black-on-white crime in this city.”

                                                                         More @ WND


  1. Shoot on site and stay unidentified; why not do a service for those you are paid to protect?

  2. Closer and closer to a free fire zone every damn day. I was bead blasting on Friday and I parked my major stuff today. Will finish small parts this week - waiting on the other shoe to drop any day now.
