Via Daughter Bonnie
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
The Left Got What It Wanted—So Now What? There is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches—because its claws tear all of us as well.
An array of retired four-stars damned their president as Hitlerian, Mussolini-like, and deserving an early exit from office. Their superior morality naturally excused them from abiding by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Our esteemed retired military and civil libertarians who had damned the mere thought of using federal troops to quell the prior four summer months of continuous rioting were suddenly happy to see 25,000 federal soldiers patrol Washington to hound out fantasy second-wave insurrectionists.
What was the purpose for the insane opposition of the Left between 2017 and 2021? To usher in a planned nihilism, an incompetent chaos, a honed anarchy to wreck the country in less than a year?
No sooner had Donald Trump entered office than scores of House Democrats filed motions for impeachment, apparently for thought crimes that he might, some day, in theory, could possibly commit.
Foreign Policy published an article by a liberal Obama Administration lawyer outlining all the ways to remove an elected president as soon as possible—including consideration of a military coup.
More @ American Greatness
Beautiful Losers
When T.S. Eliot said that there are no lost causes because there are no won causes, he probably was not thinking of American conservatism. Nearly sixty years after the New Deal, the American right is no closer to challenging its fundamental premises and machinery than when Old Rubberlegs first started priming the pump and scheming to take the United States into a war that turned out to be a social and political revolution. American conservatism, in other words, is a failure, and all the think tanks, magazines, direct mail barons, inaugural balls, and campaign buttons cannot disguise or alter that. Virtually every cause to which conservatives have attached themselves for the past three generations has been lost, and the tide of political and cultural battle is not likely to turn anytime soon.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
The phrase "as American as mom and apple pie" became popular during the Second World War, but the connection between patriotism and apple pie goes back even further, according to the folks at Smithsonian Magazine. In 1924, an advertisement in the Gettysburg Times marketed suits that were "As American as Apple Pie" to gentlemen who "wouldn't give a fig to look like the Prince of Wales."
Apple pie, however, is becoming a victim of Bidenflation. According to the Consumer Price Index for September, the price of apples rose 3.8 percent compared with the prior month. Compared with the previous September, apple prices are up 7.8 percent. The price of flour is up 4.1 percent from a year ago. Eggs are up a shocking 12.6 percent. Salt and other seasonings, a category that includes nutmeg and cinnamon, are up 4.2 percent. Sugar's up 3.9 percent. You can, however, catch a break on butter—prices are down 1.3 percent.
The Consumer Price Index overall rose by 5.4 percent annually and 0.4 percent over the prior month. That means inflation accelerated in September from August's 5.3 percent annual and 0.3 percent monthly rise. Food prices jumped 0.9 percent for the month, with food at home rising 1.2 percent. Compared with a year ago, food at home costs 4.5 percent more. The Department of Labor helpfully notes that prices are up in all 12 of its grocery store categories.
It's no wonder that the New York Fed's survey of consumers showed inflation expectations hitting a new record high. Consumers expect higher inflation because they are seeing it with their own eyes and feeling it in their lightening wallets. It's not just grocery stores, of course. The prices of clothes, shoes, furniture, appliances, and cars all have seen serious rises year over year.
President Joe Biden made a big show of trying to arrest the congestion at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which have become major bottlenecks for goods coming into the U.S. Keeping the ports open for longer may help a bit, but do not expect too much. The problems extend from ports oceans away through our trains and trucks and even into warehouses struggling to hire workers.
Fundamentally, a big problem is that the American left and the Biden administration, in particular, appear to take the supply side of the economy for granted. So they are pushing policies that depress investments that could actually provide relief. Who wants to invest in a new truck or even a trucking license when the Biden administration is threatening to kill anything that runs on fossil fuels? What America is rediscovering now is that the supply of goods and services cannot be taken for granted, and adopting policies aimed solely at pumping demand threatens to make even apple pie unaffordable.
– Alex Marlow & John Carney
Breitbart News Network
NC AG Mark Robinson "I am not backing down"
Yesterday, I held a press conference where I showed some of the filthy images that are in our public schools. They are shown below.
These types of images do not belong in schools! However, those on the left apparently support them, echoing calls for my resignation even after I called on them to state whether or not they believe they should be taken out of our schools.
In addition to calling on me to resign, the left has sent me countless messages with racial slurs and even threatening me with violence.
Unfortunately this is not new or unexpected. This is what the "Tolerant Left" does. They take a statement out of context and call to cancel someone when it fits their narrative. Then when they are upset they burn, loot, and use violence!
the hypocrisy is mind- numbing.
The screenshots below are just some of the messages that were sent to me and my office.
If these were sent to a Democrat, there would be riot in the streets. Instead, Democrats have continued to call for my resignation!
I need your help.
The left has continued to attack me, and even threaten violence.
We have to show the left that their tactics of intimidation will not go unnoticed, and we will not be silent!
I am asking that you show your support by donating $5, $10, $25, $50, or more. Together we will tell them that we will stand strong, and won't accept pornographic images being in our public schools!
Lieutenant Governor of North
Judge Dismisses Fulton County, Georgia Ballot Review Case
In an amended complaint, the VOTERGA group claims to have “new evidence from public records that show Fulton County’s hand count audit of the Nov. 3, 2020 election was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”
In the complaint, VOTERGA states that their “team found at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots with 4,255 total extra votes were redundantly added into Fulton Co. audit results for the November election. These illicit votes include 3,390 extra votes for Joe Biden, 865 extra votes for Donald Trump.”
On Thursday, Henry County Superior Court Chief Judge Brian Amero dismissed a lawsuit alleging 2020 election fraud in Fulton county.
The Independent reports that the lawsuit, originally filed in December, sought a review of roughly 147,000 absentee ballots and followed a motion filed last July to immediately inspect the ballots in Fulton County.
Judge Amero stated that voters bringing the case forward “failed to allege a particularized injury” and “didn’t have the legal standing to claim their constitutional rights had been violated.”
More @ RTM
Righteousness + Force in America: The Trap of Righteous Activism Coupled with State Power
There are two ways of getting things done: persuasion or coercion. You either convince someone of the value of your ideas or you hold a (literal or metaphorical) gun to their head. The latter has been the norm throughout human history. Most of what we value about the contemporary West is a shift toward the former occurring over the last 250 years or so.
However, there’s an important difference between the despotisms of old and coercive governments in the modern era: modern-day tyrants frame themselves as the righteous side in any conflict.
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Panorama Education, Owned By U.S. AG Merrick Garland’s Son-In-Law, Contracted With 23,000 Public Schools & Raised $76M From Investors
Last week, AG Garland sent a memo to the head of the FBI, directing him to work with local law enforcement “to address threats against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff.”
Critics say that Garland made the move in response to parents vocally opposing mask mandates and race-related teaching implemented by local school boards.
Nevertheless, the move by Garland to have the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings quickly put his son-in-law’s nationwide education business in the spotlight.
More @ Forbes
Southwest CEO Speaks Out, Blames Joe Biden for Airline’s Vaccine Mandate
Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly blamed President Joe Biden for the airline’s decision to go the route of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for its staff, arguing the new rules for federal contractors put them in a bind.
The federal contractor rule dates back to September 9, but Kelly’s answer was given in the context of a new Texas order from Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) that bans COVID-19 vaccine mandates by employers in the state. Southwest Airlines is both a federal contractor and based in Dallas, Texas.
More @ RTM