Does the unusual shot pattern in the Michael Brown shooting
incident tell the tale of whether or not Ferguson Police officer Darren
Wilson fired in self-defense? Ex-marine and video blogger Michael Wilson
(no relation) certainly thinks so. And he has created a
presentation explaining the significance of the pattern and why he thinks the Brown family autopsy ultimately will vindicate Officer Wilson.
Relating his background in marksmanship, Michael Wilson says, “In the
Marines I was a corporal;
I was a squad leader and the gunner on a
60-millimeter mortar. And in that position I had to qualify with a
pistol.” He then points out that whether you’re in the military or on a
police force (or anytime anyone is trained in the use of handguns, for
that matter) you’re taught to aim for center mass, the torso, as it’s
the easiest target to hit and is where most vital organs are located.
For this reason, Michael Wilson was immediately struck by the Brown
family autopsy report. He said:
The autopsy showed that Officer Wilson was pulling his shots to the left — his left....
You can see that the shots are going down
the right side of Mike Brown’s body, hitting his arm, in fact; if
Officer Wilson had pulled his shots any further, he would have missed
him altogether. So why was Officer Wilson pulling his shots to the left?
Note also here that the 6’4”, 290-pound Brown’s torso was a very large target.
Having said this, it’s harder hitting targets with a handgun than
most people think (it’s not like in the movies), and, when under the
stress of a life or death situation and facing a moving assailant,
hitting your target is more difficult still. Yet if this were the cause
of Officer Wilson’s inaccuracy, or were he just a bad shot, his
off-target grouping would be random. But this was not the case — again,
there was a
definite pattern. What does it mean?
Michael Wilson explains. He mentions “Josie,” the friend of Officer Wilson who
called into The Dana Show
on NewsTalk 97.1 KTFK, gave the officer’s account of events, and said
that Brown had punched Officer Wilson in the face. This certainly
explains the injury Officer Wilson suffered, an orbital blowout fracture
of the left eye. Michael Wilson then connects the dots further, saying
that if Brown was right-handed, and most people are, the left side of
the face is precisely where he would have struck the officer. He then
gets down to brass tacks:
So, here’s why his shots went off to the
left. They have the fight, he [Officer Wilson] gets punched in the face,
and if you’ve ever had a black eye, you know that not only does it
hurt, but your vision automatically gets blurry. And you start
squinting.... And so in order to see straight, you kind of tilt your
head and cock it a little bit to the side. You can’t help it; it’s
automatic; it’s just part of being human. And that means that when
you’re firing a pistol, it’s automatically going to pull the pistol in
the same direction. In this case, to the left.