Monday, August 13, 2018
Goodies From Ol' Remus
Virginia's Confederate Monuments Still Standing After Antifa-led Violence

Over the weekend, we increased our Monument patrols in preparation for expected activity by antifa, black lives matter, and other agitators, expected to use the anniversary of the Charlottesville rally as an excuse for vandalism.
Friday night, we had 8 Monument Guards on duty throughout the night, and several Monument Avenue residents who came out to join us. The Captiol Police had a heavy presence at the Lee Monument and Monument Guards also reported increased patrols by the Richmond Police at the other monument sites.
More @ Virginia Flaggers
FBI fires Peter Strzok, months after anti-Trump texts revealed
FBI official Peter Strzok, who played a lead role
in both the Russian meddling and Hillary Clinton email probes but became
a political lightning rod after the revelation of anti-Trump text
messages, has been fired.
Strzok attorney Aitan Goelman said in
a statement Monday that his client, a 21-year FBI veteran, was fired
Friday afternoon, claiming this was a departure from standard practice
and politically motivated. Goelman said bureau Deputy Director David
Bowdich “overruled” the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility to
remove him.
Strzok appeared to launch a new Twitter account to fire back, saying he's "deeply saddened" by the decision and linking to a GoFundMe page.
More @ Fox
All I Can Do Is Write About It
Well this life that I've lead has took me everywhere There ain't no place I ain't never gone But its kind of like the saying that you heard so many times Well there just ain't no plae like home Did you ever see a she-gator protect her young Or a fish in a river swimming free Did you ever see the beauty of the hills of Carolina Or the sweetness of the grass in Tennessee And Lord I can't make any changes All I can do is write 'em in a song I can see the concrete slowly creepin' Lord take me and mine before that comes.
Do you like to see a mountain stream a-flowin' Do you like to see a youngun with his dog Did you ever stop to think about, well, the air your breathin' Well you better listen to my song And Lord I can't make any changes All I can do is write 'em in a song I can see the concrete slowly creepin' Lord take me and mine before that comes
I'm not tryin' to put down no big cities But the things they write about us is just a bore Well you can take a boy out of ol' Dixieland But you'll never take ol' Dixie from a boy And Lord I can't make any changes All I can do is write 'em in a song I can see the concrete slowly creepin' Lord take me and mine before that comes 'Cause I can see the concrete slowly creepin' Lord take me and mine before that comes
The Southern Muse of Ronnie Van Zant

The 1970’s were an interesting time in the South. The 1970’s were the last time Southerners could be Southern without feeling the need to apologize for, or be ironic about, their Southern identity. In fact, in the 1970’s, it seemed to actually go a little beyond this. We shouldn’t push this too far, but in 1970’s America there seemed to be an acceptance of the South as a cultural asset to American life, something that added value to that classic 70’s notion of the ‘Great American Melting Pot.’ In America in the 1970’s, being Southern could be a good thing. It could even been cool to be Southern.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Czech vz. 58 – Improving Upon the Most Reliable Combat Rifle in the World?

In 1958 the world was trying desperately to burst. It had been fourteen years since the Allies had crushed the Axis, and the reverberations of that war still resonated around the planet.
The USSR was the in charge of satellite and slave states in the Warsaw Pact. Soviet doctrine drove both military procurement and tactics. Despite being surrounded by nations that accepted Russian rule the state of Czechoslovakia clung to its own individuality, and that was true for their arms industry as well.
It was in 1958 that the Czechs released their newest assault rifle, the vz. 58 — short for 7.62 samopal vzor 58. This literally translates to “7.62mm submachine gun model 1958.” The new gun was intended to replace vz. 52 rifles as well as several submachine guns in Czech service. While the vz.58 resembles the AK-47, it is an entirely different design.
More @ Guns America
Donald Trump Vs. Communist Sympathizing Anti-Trump Putschists Brennan, Nellie Ohr, Steele, & Comey
Donald Trump’s muscular Anti-Communist pronouncements and observations from his 2000 “The America We Deserve” highlights the seditious role reversal underlying the manufactured “Trump-Russia collusion” faux narrative. A simple juxtaposition of Trump’s written words, versus the writings, utterances and behaviors of key players orchestrating what is now tantamount to a putsch (or coup d’etat, per former Federal prosecutor DiGenova)) against POTUS Trump—John Brennan, Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, and James Comey—should make this dichotomy plain to even the most blinkered, and doctrinaire Never Trumpers of any persuasion.
More @ Andrew Bostom
Commment on Palm Beach County Police Union Breaks Ties with Miami Dolphins Urges Fans to Boycott Their Games
Comment by king david on Palm Beach County Police Union Breaks Ties with Miami Dolphins Urges Fans to Boycott Their Games
I am a black American male. And what I see these NFL players doing just absolutely disgusts me. Disrespecting our national anthem and flag is not acceptable; for ANY reason. These guys are at WORK. And so they should not be allowed by the NFL to protest while at WORK. If a guy who works at McDonald’s starts protesting while he’s at work he will be fired. What makes these guys any different? Furthermore, the NFL’s allowing them to do this makes it seem as though the NFL approves of it and agrees with them. That could in turn cause the NFL to lose fans and revenue. Surely they know this, but it is evidently worth the losses and risk; which makes it seem even more so that they approve of this and agree with those players. And the children who see these people they look up to disrespect our flag and anthem? It is teaching them to do the same. And these guys do not have the right to adulterate the minds of our young Americans; not from a neutral platform especially.
Every one of em should be fired immediately. An example needs to be made out of these guys. Yes, they have the right to free speech and to protest; but not while at work. And somebody needs to inform these ignorant rich athletes that we can’t do without our flag, national Anthem, or President. But we can most certainly do without a bunch of guys running around a grass field in tight clothes passing a leather ball around. Somebody needs to tell these athletes that we can do without a bunch of guys shooting a round ball into a hole. I understand that these people are making a living off of playing games. But we’re not applauding, and nor do we appreciate them playing games with our Flag, anthem, President, or the peace of our nation. If a team owner can lose ownership of his team over racial slurs, so too should the owners of these teams lose that ownership over allowing these guys to disrespect our President, Flag, and anthem, and causing strife and division among the people by kneeling down during our Anthem. They should be fired. And the worst thing about what they’re doing is, how long it’s been allowed to go on. These guys wear helmets all the time so nobody really pays attention to or knows what they really look like. So they kneel down during our anthem with their helmets off, just to be seen. They’re disrespecting our flag and anthem and the people who died for it, just to be seen or noticed. It is against NFL rules to remove their helmets on the field. But that’s what most of the cameras are focused on. So they found a way to get the cameras to focus on them, over on the sidelines where they CAN remove their helmets, by disrespecting our Anthem. Just to be noticed. So for doing so they should be fired. They should not be allowed to make millions of dollars playing a game if they’re going to use their platform to protest against our flag, anthem, and nation.
American football used to be my favorite sport. But not anymore. I have not watched an NFL game in almost two years. And I will never watch another NFL game unless or until the NFL stands up for our flag, or anthem, and our nation. If the NFL, or any other sports league allows this to happen, then we as Americans should not support or allow the NFL or any of these sports leagues to exist. We do not need them more than we need our President, our flag, our anthem, and our peace. America? It is time to put an end to this practice. Simply because it is wrong in every way and right in none.
I am a black American male. And what I see these NFL players doing just absolutely disgusts me. Disrespecting our national anthem and flag is not acceptable; for ANY reason. These guys are at WORK. And so they should not be allowed by the NFL to protest while at WORK. If a guy who works at McDonald’s starts protesting while he’s at work he will be fired. What makes these guys any different? Furthermore, the NFL’s allowing them to do this makes it seem as though the NFL approves of it and agrees with them. That could in turn cause the NFL to lose fans and revenue. Surely they know this, but it is evidently worth the losses and risk; which makes it seem even more so that they approve of this and agree with those players. And the children who see these people they look up to disrespect our flag and anthem? It is teaching them to do the same. And these guys do not have the right to adulterate the minds of our young Americans; not from a neutral platform especially.
Every one of em should be fired immediately. An example needs to be made out of these guys. Yes, they have the right to free speech and to protest; but not while at work. And somebody needs to inform these ignorant rich athletes that we can’t do without our flag, national Anthem, or President. But we can most certainly do without a bunch of guys running around a grass field in tight clothes passing a leather ball around. Somebody needs to tell these athletes that we can do without a bunch of guys shooting a round ball into a hole. I understand that these people are making a living off of playing games. But we’re not applauding, and nor do we appreciate them playing games with our Flag, anthem, President, or the peace of our nation. If a team owner can lose ownership of his team over racial slurs, so too should the owners of these teams lose that ownership over allowing these guys to disrespect our President, Flag, and anthem, and causing strife and division among the people by kneeling down during our Anthem. They should be fired. And the worst thing about what they’re doing is, how long it’s been allowed to go on. These guys wear helmets all the time so nobody really pays attention to or knows what they really look like. So they kneel down during our anthem with their helmets off, just to be seen. They’re disrespecting our flag and anthem and the people who died for it, just to be seen or noticed. It is against NFL rules to remove their helmets on the field. But that’s what most of the cameras are focused on. So they found a way to get the cameras to focus on them, over on the sidelines where they CAN remove their helmets, by disrespecting our Anthem. Just to be noticed. So for doing so they should be fired. They should not be allowed to make millions of dollars playing a game if they’re going to use their platform to protest against our flag, anthem, and nation.
American football used to be my favorite sport. But not anymore. I have not watched an NFL game in almost two years. And I will never watch another NFL game unless or until the NFL stands up for our flag, or anthem, and our nation. If the NFL, or any other sports league allows this to happen, then we as Americans should not support or allow the NFL or any of these sports leagues to exist. We do not need them more than we need our President, our flag, our anthem, and our peace. America? It is time to put an end to this practice. Simply because it is wrong in every way and right in none.
Lenin Updated: ‘Turn the Globalist War into a Race War’
Via Billy

It’s déjà vu all over again.
US President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin
in Helsinki and appears to make some progress towards his stated goal of
putting ties between Washington and Moscow on a positive course.
Immediately, all hell breaks loose. Trump is a called a traitor. The “sanctions bill from hell” is introduced in the Senate. Trump is forced on the defensive.
Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky visits Moscow, where he meets
with Putin and gives him a letter from Trump proposing moderate steps
towards rapprochement. Paul also talks with Russian Senators and invites
them to come to Washington to continue the dialogue. Immediately, all
hell breaks loose. Paul is called a traitor. The State Department
“finds” the Russians guilty of the using illegal chemical weapons (CW) in the United Kingdom and imposes sanctions. Trump is forced even more on the defensive.
More @ Strategic Culture
Palm Beach County Police Union Breaks Ties with Miami Dolphins Urges Fans to Boycott Their Games
The President of the Palm Beach Country Police Union urged NFL fans to boycott the Miami Dolphins NFL team during his interview on FOX and Friends on Monday.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
WATCH: ANTIFA Protesters Attack NBC News Reporter In Charlottesville

Protests designed to mark the one-year anniversary of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia — which left a counter-protester and a state trooper dead — turned violent Saturday night when black-clad members of Antifa joined what was supposed to be a rally for peace.
A group of Antifa protesters went after NBC News reporter Cal Perry as he tried to cover the march, leading to a harrowing scene.
More with videos @ The Daily Wire
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