Thursday, March 21, 2013
Colt to bolt? Gun maker's boss says company feels unwelcome in Connecticut
Colt's Manufacturing, the company that has made the iconic gun dubbed "The Peacemaker" for more than a century, could pull up its Connecticut stakes after coming under fire in the national debate over the Second Amendment.
President and CEO Dennis Veilleux said the pro-gun control climate that has taken hold in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre and other firearm attacks has left him feeling unwelcome in the state his company has called home for 175 years. Proposed laws being debated by the Legislature and pushed by Gov. Dannel Malloy include a new gun offender registry, an expanded assault weapons ban, ammunition restrictions and a ban on bulk purchases of handguns. Veilleux said those measures have put Colt and its nearly 700 employees in the crosshairs.

Colt's Manufacturing, the company that has made the iconic gun dubbed "The Peacemaker" for more than a century, could pull up its Connecticut stakes after coming under fire in the national debate over the Second Amendment.
President and CEO Dennis Veilleux said the pro-gun control climate that has taken hold in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre and other firearm attacks has left him feeling unwelcome in the state his company has called home for 175 years. Proposed laws being debated by the Legislature and pushed by Gov. Dannel Malloy include a new gun offender registry, an expanded assault weapons ban, ammunition restrictions and a ban on bulk purchases of handguns. Veilleux said those measures have put Colt and its nearly 700 employees in the crosshairs.
“At some point, if you can’t sell your products … then you can’t run your business."- Dennis Veilleux, CEO of Colt's Manufacturing
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Congressman calls for resignations at the VA
Today, House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller, R-FL called for the resignations of top officials at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for their “utter failure” at overcoming backlogs and incompetence, says the Stars & Stripes;

Today, House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller, R-FL called for the resignations of top officials at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for their “utter failure” at overcoming backlogs and incompetence, says the Stars & Stripes;
“There are many people losing patience as we continue to hear the same excuses from VA about increased workload and increased complexity of claims,” Miller said at a hearing Wednesday. “Without better workload or surge capacity planning, I fear that VA is simply one national mission away from complete collapse and utter failure.”
Nearly 900,000 veterans compensation and disability claims are currently pending with the department, and about 630,000 of those have been in the system for more than four months.
That backlog has steadily worsened over the last few years, despite VA promises last summer that the numbers would improve by now and the department’s stated goal of erasing the overdue claims in 2015.
More @ This Ain't Hell
Note to Dianne Feinstein: You Do Need to be Lectured on the Constitution
In case you missed it, an interesting exchange took place in the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz politely asked gun-control crazy Dianne Feinstein how she would feel about applying her minimalist view on the Second Amendment to other parts of the Bill of Rights.
Feinstein went into orbit. "I'm not a sixth grader," she huffed. Invoking her extensive Senate history of spitting on the Constitution, she made it clear that she didn't appreciate being reminded of the Constitution's restrictions on her legislative will.
Feinstein suggested that Congress should pass anti-gun legislation without considering the Constitution, in the expectation that the courts will sort it out. Notwithstanding the fact that Feinstein and every other senator had taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution.
So here's where we are: In a few weeks, after Easter recess, Harry Reid will move to proceed to some gun control proposal, probably the Veterans Gun Ban (S. 54). He'll then use his privileged recognition to set up a whole lot of votes intended to get Democrats reelected in 2014.
Democrats will be given a shot at voting against the crazy Feinstein gun ban. But then Reid will do what he did on ObamaCare and play let's-make-a-deal for votes on other gun control.
Bribes and tradeoffs will be made. And votes will be scheduled with a view to making Republicans maximally vulnerable by making them vote against measures which biased polling shows are popular in their states. Republican senators need to join together as a caucus to oppose the "motion to proceed" to any gun control legislation.
Let the Democrats be the ones forced to bite the bullet and vote for a "motion to proceed" which is framed as a vote in support of the Feinstein gun ban.
Under regular order, 41 Republicans can block any gun control this way. Harry Reid can use a special procedure under the anti-gun rules changes to force a vote with 51 Democrats, but, if he does, Mitch McConnell gets to "stop the trains" by offering the first unamendable amendment - a process which Reid cannot relish.
ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators. Demand that they vote against any "motion to proceed" to any gun control proposal. Demand that he oppose a motion to proceed to the "gun control buffet."
Networks Ignore Abortion Doc On Trial for Murdering Seven Babies
Of course this story is all but ignored. It goes against The Narrative that says abortion is a sacrament and the only abortion doctors worthy of a news frenzy are those murdered by pro-life fanatics.
Not worthy of even a hundredth of that
news coverage is the story of seven grisly murders allegedly committed
by a doctor who made millions in a rundown facility in Philadelphia
where he performed late-term abortions. According to the District
Attorney, Dr. Kermit Gosnell murdered seven born-alive babies by
“plunging scissors into their necks and snipping their spinal cords.”
More @ Breitbart
GOP Rep Corners ICE Director On Sequester Lies
I never tire of seeing Gowdy making mincemeat of these Collectivists.
Tuesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing South Carolina Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy questioning ICE Director John Morton:
“It does look like the decision to release the detainees was a political determination and not a monetary determination. It appears to me that the release of the detainees was part of a sequester campaign that included the fictional firing of teachers, the closing of the White House for student tours, the displacement of meat inspectors and now we are going to release aggravated felons—some aggravated felons onto the street.”
Massachusetts principal calls off Honors Night because it could be 'devastating' to students who missed mark
A Massachusetts principal has been criticized for canceling his school's Honors Night, saying it could be 'devastating' to the students who worked hard, but fell short of the grades.
MyFoxBoston.com reports that David Fabrizio, principal of Ipswich Middle School, notified parents last week of his plan to eliminate the event.
"The Honors Night, which can be a great sense of pride for the recipients' families, can also be devastating to a child who has worked extremely hard in a difficult class but who, despite growth, has not been able to maintain a high grade-point average," Fabrizio penned in his first letter to parents, the station reported.
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Russian Federal Security Service v. "Gimrinsky" Gang 20-21 03 2013
Via mpopenker
In the course of working off-line information on the possible whereabouts of the FSB "Gimrinsky" gang, it has been alleged the hideouts of bandits. A few houses down the street Moscow settlement Samandar on the outskirts of Makhachkala, which could be gangsters, have been blocked by special units of the FSB and the Interior Ministry.
It is known that the leader of "Gimrinsky" gang Gadzhidadaev Ibrahim and his gang were involved in a number of crimes committed in Makhachkala and in Untsukulsky district of Dagestan. In particular - to participate in the murder of the deputy minister of Dagestan in 2005, and three police officers accompanying him, nine villagers Gonod Gunibsky district in 2007. Total gang leaders he personally participated in a total of more than 30 murders of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, deputies, representatives of governments and other authorities. Together with other gangsters he provided numerous armed robberies and robberies, extortion of money from businessmen and kidnapping.
In the area of law enforcement actions OP entered the legal regime of the CTO.
In order to prevent potential victims from the civil population the evacuation of residents of nearby houses, which have led to withdraw from the area of the possible clash of four women, two teenagers and five children. Security forces were also able to take steps to defuse tensions caused by provocative statements of individuals are essentially accomplices thugs who accused the law enforcement agencies in taking inadequate measures, tried to break through the cordon to block traffic on Avenue Aushinskogo in Makhachkala and provoke unrest.
Is in the house the bandits were asked to lay down their arms and surrender. However, they took refuge in an underground bunker under the house.Around 22.00 the active phase raid. Special f
orces began to storm the building. As a result of the clashes, which lasted throughout the night, in the bunker militants were neutralized. During the fire contact with the bandits killed one officer Rosny Russian FSB, the other two were injured. Taken steps to find another law enforcement officer.
Currently being neutralized identification bandits.
In the course of working off-line information on the possible whereabouts of the FSB "Gimrinsky" gang, it has been alleged the hideouts of bandits. A few houses down the street Moscow settlement Samandar on the outskirts of Makhachkala, which could be gangsters, have been blocked by special units of the FSB and the Interior Ministry.
It is known that the leader of "Gimrinsky" gang Gadzhidadaev Ibrahim and his gang were involved in a number of crimes committed in Makhachkala and in Untsukulsky district of Dagestan. In particular - to participate in the murder of the deputy minister of Dagestan in 2005, and three police officers accompanying him, nine villagers Gonod Gunibsky district in 2007. Total gang leaders he personally participated in a total of more than 30 murders of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, deputies, representatives of governments and other authorities. Together with other gangsters he provided numerous armed robberies and robberies, extortion of money from businessmen and kidnapping.
In the area of law enforcement actions OP entered the legal regime of the CTO.
In order to prevent potential victims from the civil population the evacuation of residents of nearby houses, which have led to withdraw from the area of the possible clash of four women, two teenagers and five children. Security forces were also able to take steps to defuse tensions caused by provocative statements of individuals are essentially accomplices thugs who accused the law enforcement agencies in taking inadequate measures, tried to break through the cordon to block traffic on Avenue Aushinskogo in Makhachkala and provoke unrest.
Is in the house the bandits were asked to lay down their arms and surrender. However, they took refuge in an underground bunker under the house.Around 22.00 the active phase raid. Special f
orces began to storm the building. As a result of the clashes, which lasted throughout the night, in the bunker militants were neutralized. During the fire contact with the bandits killed one officer Rosny Russian FSB, the other two were injured. Taken steps to find another law enforcement officer.
Currently being neutralized identification bandits.
Gun ban advocates must decide if they're willing--and able--to kill 50,000,000+
Via hefferman1
A new WorldNetDaily/Wenzel poll finds that only 20 percent of American gun owners would surrender their firearms if ordered to by the government (although an additional 16 percent claimed to be "unsure"--probably not the sort who would be determined enough to face the consequences of defying such an order). From WorldNetDaily:
A new WorldNetDaily/Wenzel poll finds that only 20 percent of American gun owners would surrender their firearms if ordered to by the government (although an additional 16 percent claimed to be "unsure"--probably not the sort who would be determined enough to face the consequences of defying such an order). From WorldNetDaily:
The scientific telephone survey was conducted March 7-12 and has a margin of error of 2.92 percentage points.
“Among gun owners, 64 percent said they would not relinquish their guns, while 20 percent said they would and another 16 percent of gun owners were unsure on the question,” he said.In some respects, additional details of the poll carry few surprises. Those who identify themselves as "conservative" are far less likely to surrender their guns than those who call themselves "liberal," Republicans are less likely to submit to disarmament than Democrats, men less likely than women, whites less so than other ethnic groups, and southerners are less likely than inhabitants of other regions.
More @ Examiner
Biden: government “tired of being outgunned”
Via avordvet
In a recent interview with NPR on gun control proposals, vice president Joe Biden assiduously avoided the real reason for the Second Amendment: it’s not about hunting Joe! It’s about defense against a tyrannical government.
But in his carefully rehearsed remarks, Mr. Biden let slip the real reason he and other statist politicians want to continue to infringe on our right to bear arms, including an admittedly unpopular ban on “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines: government entities don’t want to be “outgunned”!
Hear him say it for yourself: “The people I go to, to look to, when we talk about assault weapons and magazines; talk to the police officers. They are tired of being outgunned. They are tired of being outgunned.”
But what does this really mean? It means the VP wants government agencies to have consistently greater firepower than the citizenry. But that is the exact reason the Second Amendment was included to begin with.
In a recent interview with NPR on gun control proposals, vice president Joe Biden assiduously avoided the real reason for the Second Amendment: it’s not about hunting Joe! It’s about defense against a tyrannical government.
But in his carefully rehearsed remarks, Mr. Biden let slip the real reason he and other statist politicians want to continue to infringe on our right to bear arms, including an admittedly unpopular ban on “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines: government entities don’t want to be “outgunned”!
Hear him say it for yourself: “The people I go to, to look to, when we talk about assault weapons and magazines; talk to the police officers. They are tired of being outgunned. They are tired of being outgunned.”
But what does this really mean? It means the VP wants government agencies to have consistently greater firepower than the citizenry. But that is the exact reason the Second Amendment was included to begin with.
More @ American Vision News
The Temper of Southern Women
women during the war were known to have destroyed their precious
libraries than to allow Northern occupiers to enjoy its contents, as
well as knocking in the heads of wine casks rather than permitting
Northern soldiers to sample their choice contents. The author of the
following was born in Indiana, migrated to Virginia in 1857 and later
served in the Nelson (Virginia) Light Artillery.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
The Temper of the Women:
the latter part of the year in which the war between the States came to
an end, a Southern comic writer, in a letter addressed to Artemus Ward,
summed up the political outlook in one sentence, reading somewhat as
follows: “You may reconstruct the men, with your laws and things, but
how are you going to reconstruct the women? Whoop-ee!”
this unauthorized but certainly very expressive interjection had a good
deal of truth at its back, and I am very sure that I have never yet
known a thoroughly “reconstructed” woman. The reason, of course, is not
far to seek.
women of the South could hardly have been more desperately in earnest
than their husbands and brothers and sons were, in the prosecution of
the war, but with their women-natures they gave themselves wholly to the
cause.…to doubt its righteousness, or to falter in their loyalty to it
while it lived, would have been treason and infidelity; to do the like
now that it is dead would be to them little less than sacrilege.
wish I could adequately tell my reader of the part those women played
in the war. If I could make these pages show half of their nobleness;
if I could describe the sufferings they endured, and tell of their
cheerfulness under it all; if the reader might guess the utter
unselfishness with which they laid themselves and the things they held
nearest their hearts upon the altar of the only country they knew as
their own, the rare heroism with which they played their sorrowful part
in a drama which was to them a long tragedy;
my pages could be made to show the half of these things, all womankind,
I am sure, would tenderly cherish the record, and nobody would wonder
again at the tenacity with which the women of the South still hold their
allegiance to the lost cause.
was a particularly hard lot. The real sorrows of war, like those of
drunkenness, always fall more heavily upon women. They may not bear
arms. They may not even share the triumphs which compensate their
brethren for toil and suffering and danger. They must sit still and
endure. The poverty which war brings to them wears no cheerful face, but
sits down with them to empty tables and pinches them sorely in
the victory….[the] wives and daughters await in sorest agony of
suspense the news which may bring hopeless desolation to their hearts.
To them the victory may mean the loss of those for whom they lived and
in whom they hoped, while to those who have fought the battle it brings
only gladness. And all this was true of Southern women almost without
more heavily the war bore upon themselves, the more persistently did
they demand that it should be fought out to the end. When they lost a
husband, a son, or a brother, they held the loss only an additional
reason for faithful adherence to the cause. Having made such a sacrifice
to that which was almost a religion to them, they had, if possible,
less thought than ever of proving unfaithful to it.”
'Reset': How Netanyahu Stood up to Obama--and Won
The mainstream American media are grading President Barack Obama’s trip to Israel as a win, after just a few hours of events and meetings. And it is a success thus far--even without the grade inflation from the “incestuous” American press (in the words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu).
More @ Breitbart
2 children of WBTS veterans — one in North Carolina and one in Tennessee—receive government payments
- Confederate soldier leaving child behind in the care of a Mammy. Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery, designed by Moses Ezekiel.
If history is any judge, the U.S. government will be paying for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars for the next century as service members and their families grapple with the sacrifices of combat.
An Associated Press analysis of federal payment records found that the government is still making monthly payments to relatives of Civil War veterans — 148 years after the conflict ended.
At the 10 year anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, more than $40 billion a year are going to compensate veterans and survivors from the Spanish-American War from 1898, World War I and II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the two Iraq campaigns and the Afghanistan conflict. And those costs are rising rapidly.
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