Via Cousin John "Just came in from Citizens for Constitution Liberty"

Melissa Nann Burke
The Detroit NewsSupreme Court contender Larsen volunteered for Biden's '87 campaign. She not only volunteered for Biden but also for Bob Dole. Connecting the dots.
She is just another moderate like John Roberts.
I wonder who recommended this person as a possible candidate to serve on the Supreme Court? Just can’t trust Mitt Romney and his crowd. He seem very eager to move forward with a nomination.
Mari Maseng is the spouse of George Will, who despises President Trump. Mari is a consultant of political matters and also a speechwriter. Most recently, Mari Maseng has worked for the following people in their quest for the White House: Senator Robert Dole, Governor Rick Perry, Governor Scott Walker, and last, but not least, Governor Mitt Romney. May I point out that all of these individuals lost their bid for the Presidency. It would seem she hasn't done a very good job, or they were just terrible candidates!!
The National Review (which claims to be a conservative publication) came out with a hit piece on Donald J. Trump? Stating that Trump is not a conservative. Did you know that George Will, who is an atheist, worked for the National Review for six years.
Why did the National Review endorse Mitt Romney during the 2012 election? Romney had long wooed the National Review crowd. This very public courtship finally ended at the altar, with NR saying it for Romney. It is probably the closest the magazine has been to a presidential candidate since Barry Goldwater.
Melissa Nann Burke
The Detroit News
Michigan federal appeals court Judge Joan Larsen, who is under consideration by President Donald Trump for the U.S. Supreme Court, volunteered for Joe Biden's unsuccessful presidential campaign in 1987 in Iowa, her home state.
Larsen disclosed her part in the Biden campaign in a questionnaire that she completed for the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017 when Trump nominated her for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, where she now serves.
More:Who is Michigan's Joan Larsen, contender for Supreme Court?
Larsen described her role in the campaign in the summer of 1987 as "minor," saying she recalled doing "low-level volunteer" work such as stuffing envelopes and making phone calls for Biden, then a Delaware senator and now the Democratic presidential nominee running against Trump.
Biden later dropped out of the race for the 1988 Democratic nomination, which was won by Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.
Larsen also volunteered in 1996 for a Republican presidential candidate, Bob Dole, for whom she edited or drafted "white papers/position papers from facts supplied by the campaign," according to her questionnaire.
Trump indicated Monday the federal judge from Michigan is on his list of five contenders for the high court following the death last week of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Larsen was also among the candidates whom Trump considered to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy.
The Republican president has said he wants to nominate a woman to Ginsburg's seat and told Fox News on Monday that "a great one from Michigan" is among those he's looking at. A source close to the process confirmed that Trump was referring to Larsen.