Event will follow schedule of PATCONS before and will be updated as events/speakers/classes/sponsors/raffle items are added. (See below)
7th NC PATCON May 6th - 11th 2015
Southern Manners Are Expected From
all. As my mother would say, if you can't say anything nice about
someone, don't say anything at all. Thank you. :)
Under 7, free
7-12, $14
13 and up, $25
7-12, $14
13 and up, $25
Includes world famous East Carolina *Pig Pickin' on Saturday!
*Chopped pork, Southern fried chicken, black eyed peas, string beans, baked beans, rolls, tea, water and banana pudding.
If you are planning to attend the October PATCON, please remit your fees ASAP, but NLT 20 September. Please send check to Cape Carteret address below. I do not deposit checks until the week before and I would appreciate all remit funds now. Thank you.
Brock Townsend
319 Holly Lane
Cape Carteret, NC 28584
319 Holly Lane
Cape Carteret, NC 28584
The funds will be used for seating,
tables, porta potties, Eastern North Carolina Barbecue with all the trimmings,
equipment and tent. We would like to encourage company sponsors to
donate money for this event. Any company donating $50 or more will be listed as a
sponsor on the website and at the PATCON.
Free camping Wednesday - Sunday.
No animals, please, as my Peacock is more than sufficient to annoy all but me.:)
The PATCON will be held at *94 Roberson School Rd
Tarboro, NC 27886
*Use the front entrance for those camping. As you cross the second set of cattle guards, camp to the right in the area with fruit trees alongside the fence and a fire pit in the middle. For those not camping, come in the side entrance by the graveyard and parking will be in the area of the two tobacco barns.
Saturday's Schedule
Meet and Greet Until 11:00

Tom Green of the Alamance County Rangers 11:15 to 12:15:
*FM transmitter to broadcast podcasts from Forward Observer and Radio Free Redoubt to demonstrate low power FM as clandestine radio communication. Pirate box wireless router serving up pictures, documents and videos. Handheld scanner to set up as demo and 100 meter walking line for pace counting down driveway.
Cousin John Blessing 12:15
Pig Pickin': 12:15 to 1:15

Tom Green of the Alamance County Rangers and NC Scout 1:15 to 2:15
Tom Green of the Alamance County Rangers and NC Scout 1:15 to 2:15
How to use an SDR to quickly find locally active frequencies of interest, put into a scanner, and collect/monitor those signal activities. Will have a large screen TV to view the SDR signals and a PowerPoint presentation on collecting and reporting monitoring results for later analysis. All presented in the format of an imaginary mission where you have a reason to be looking for and reporting signal activity.
Once the attendees have had a chance to hands on with land nav and scanning, they'll get a live fire of transmitting directionally, from an OP to another OP we will set up, and a QRP NVIS demo. This should tie everything together, and the attendees will get a chance to do the stuff they've been reading about.
Once the attendees have had a chance to hands on with land nav and scanning, they'll get a live fire of transmitting directionally, from an OP to another OP we will set up, and a QRP NVIS demo. This should tie everything together, and the attendees will get a chance to do the stuff they've been reading about.

NC Scout: Demonstration of IFAKs and Tourniquet use: 2:15 - 3:15
Round Table hosted by NC Scout starting at 3:15

NC Scout: Demonstration of IFAKs and Tourniquet use: 2:15 - 3:15
Round Table hosted by NC Scout starting at 3:15
Saturday's Raffle After Roundtable

Donated By Tom Green of the Alamance County Rangers
PMC 223 REM 55 GR FMJ-BT 1000 RDS
Donated by Peter White of WRSA

Mil-Tec Conceal Carry Tactical Shooters Bag

2 Red Rock Outdoor Gear Map Bags and 2 Compasses
Donated by Cousin John

Henry AR-7 US 22LR Camo Survival Rimfire Rifle
PMC 223 REM 55 GR FMJ-BT 1000 RDS
Donated by Peter White of WRSA
Mil-Tec Conceal Carry Tactical Shooters Bag
2 Red Rock Outdoor Gear Map Bags and 2 Compasses
Donated by Cousin John

Henry AR-7 US 22LR Camo Survival Rimfire Rifle
Winner can have the NC PATCON Logo as above (CADD Graphics) engraved on the condition that the rifle will not be sold.
Donated by NC PATCON******************************************************