As former President Donald Trump prepares for his Sunday address at
the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, he is
also laying the groundwork for his new political activities, according
to a published report.
Trump told his advisers Thursday that he has chosen Corey
Lewandowski, who served as his campaign manager in 2015 and early 2016,
to lead a super PAC he is forming, according to Politico, which cited as
its source “multiple people familiar with the discussion.”
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“We gained seats in the House. We elected 50 Republican senators when
everybody was predicting we were going to lose the Senate. The
Democrats didn’t flip a single state legislature. We flipped two
[and] picked up a governor.“ The Republican Party had a very good day on November 3,” McConnell
continued. “We’re sorry we lost the White House, but the Republican
Party demonstrated once again [that] this is a 50/50 nation, we are
very competitive and will be competitive again in ’22.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said
Thursday he would “absolutely” support Donald Trump if the former
president won the Republican nomination in 2024.
However, McConnell told “Special Report” host Bret
Baier that “there’s a lot to happen between now and ’24. I’ve got at
least four members, I think, that are planning on running for president,
plus governors and others. There is no incumbent, [so it] should be a
wide-open race and fun for you all to cover.”
More @ Team Candace Owens