Marine John J. McGinty's brave act on March 12, 1968
President Lyndon Johnson presented John J. McGinty with the Medal of Honor during a ceremony at the White House on March 12, 1968. In the presentation, then Marine Staff Sgt. McGinty was cited for "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty" during Operation Hastings in July of 1966.
The troops had been battling toe-to-toe with a larger force of North Vietnamese army troops attempting to push south near the demilitarized zone. McGinty was commanding a 32-man platoon serving as a rear guard as the Marine battalion withdrew at the end of a three-day battle.
For four hours, his platoon was attacked by small arms, automatic weapons and mortar fire, the citation reads. At one point, two squads became separated from the main body of the platoon.
"With complete disregard for his safety, McGinty charged through intense automatic weapons and mortar fire to their position," it read. "Finding 20 men wounded and the medical corpsman killed, he quickly reloaded ammunition magazines and weapons for the wounded men and directed their fire upon the enemy.
"Although he was painfully wounded as he moved to care for the disabled men, he continued to shout encouragement to his troops and to direct their fire so effectively that the attacking hordes were beaten off," it continued.
The citation mentions his Colt .45 pistol.
"When the enemy tried to out-flank his position, he killed five of them at point-blank range with his pistol," it concluded.
— Paul Fattig
Here are the 15 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this weekend of August 13-14, 2011:
- 3 Davie FL cops are the subject of a suit by an 18yr-old honors student, shown above, who was repeatedly punched, kicked, tasered and attacked by a police dog before arrested for resisting arrest with violence, charges which were later tossed because it was ruled that he couldn’t be arrested for resisting an unlawful arrest. [3]
- Highlands County FL is being sued by an 81yr-old man claiming a deputy used excessive force by throwing him onto his cruiser and fasely arrested him. The ending quote from the sheriff is a gem. [3]
- The Canadian Border Service apparently strip searched a 66-year-old woman from the US and the RCMP detained her for 12 days after a field drug test yielded a false positive on an oil bottle in her car. The police are also accused of taking their time verifying the results from the unreliable test. [0]
- Kentucky State trooper who now works for the US DHS is being sued by a man & his son claiming the trooper broke down their door, threatened them at gunpoint, then falsely arrested them because they called 911 after the trooper’s wife hit their car while she was driving under the influence. [5]
- Orange County FL deputies are accused of raiding & ransacking the wrong home before they raided the right home next door, which resulted in the fatal shooting of the warrant’s subject. [3]
- Muskogee Co OK deputy arrested on multiple charges for allegedly firing her service weapon during an off-duty domestic argument while drunk. The man she was with was also arrested as well though. [0]
- Metcalfe Co KY deputy pled guilty to multiple charges for stalking, harassing & assaulting a woman in dispatch center that he used to have a relationship with. [0]
- Lawrence MA cop is still on paid leave 6 mo after his DV conviction despite the police chief recommending termination. [0]
- Florida police unions boast about 80% success rate using arbitrators to force law enforcement agencies to rehire of cops fired for misconduct [0]
- US Border Patrol officer sentenced to 1mo home det & anger mgmnt for threatening to kill BC teen in road rage case [0]
- San Jose CA police sued by biker club claiming police are profiling them for “driving while biker” [0]
- Williamston SC police chief resigns over racist jokes & images posted on his Facebook page [0]
- Indiana State trooper pleads to releasing a female DUI suspect who failed a breathalyzer test and destroying the test results. The investigation also found he downloaded pics from her Facebook page. [0]
- Louisiana DPS officer suspended 100hrs for pics of him having sex on duty in patrol car found on the cruiser laptop [0]
- Sandwich MA cop disciplined for hit&run crash now investigated for alleged harassing txt msgs to fellow cop [1]
Also, we have a service provider bill coming due tonight so we could really use a few donations if at all possible. So if you haven’t donated yet, please give it a thought if you support what we do here. Thanks!
That’s it for today, stay safe out there!