With all that took place on Friday in Paris, it made me stop in my tracks and shudder to think that same scenario could possibly have taken place on the streets of an American city.
While this writer and the majority of others across the world mourn the loss of innocent lives in this latest round of terrorist activity, at the same time I stop and think of my constitutional right to bear arms.
Yes, I know there are those – average citizens as well as within our government – who think the 2nd Amendment is outdated. They believe that particular Amendment was written at a time when the “terrorists” were the Red Coats from England, and at a time where American men wore white wigs and used their weapons to kill game in an effort to feed their families.
While we, as Americans, are now close allies with England, the threat of other terrorists is as real today as it was back in 1776. And, yes, there are gun-toting Americans who still use a weapon to hunt (minus the white wigs).
I, for one, will use a weapon – gun, knife, baseball bat, etc. – to protect myself, my family, and my property. It doesn’t matter if the threat comes from an ISIS operative or the guy down the road.
All of the recent terrorist activity, as well as those (to include several of my friends) backing the anti-gun movement, reminds me of a recent email I received regarding the right to bear arms. It goes like this:
My old Grandpa said to me, son, there comes a time in every man’s life when he stops bustin’ knuckles and starts bustin’ caps and usually it’s when he becomes too old to take a whoopin’.
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