Our nation is turning back toward slavery in a very real sense. One man might not keep another hostage, forced into labor to supply the wants of his master, but in every other sense the nation has turned to the same prescription as all the ages before.
What has been lost is the Gospel of Liberty, a gospel so strong that it created the United States of America out of nothing, freeing not only itself, but other nations threatened by the scourges of Nazism and Communism. It held at bay one of the greatest forces known to Man, the desire for security. The need for security is so strong that even good people will turn a blind eye to the fact that many will have to die to provide it. Soon, more will die as a result of restricted care, of prudent uses of resources, as those who died in the gulags and prison camps before them. Dead is dead and when the state makes the decision who lives and who dies it is on a par with the most murderous regimes the world has ever known.
We are there, now.