Saturday, May 18, 2019
Far Left Labour Party SUFFERS SHOCKING LOSS in Australia After Holding Eight Point Lead in Polls
Via Billy
The Liberal party is leading with 74 seats and the far left Labour party won 65 seats.
The Labour party was ahead by 8 points in the polls.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke in Sydney. “These are the quiet Australians who have won a great victory tonight,” he said.
The conservatives (named the Liberal party) in Australia pulled off a stunning upset in the national elections on Saturday.
The Liberal party is leading with 74 seats and the far left Labour party won 65 seats.
The Labour party was ahead by 8 points in the polls.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
In addition to the Insurrection Act, the president is also considering declaring the country full and insisting that the U.S. can no longer handle the massive influx of illegal immigrants. 2019 is currently on pace to reach the highest levels of illegal immigration in a decade.
According to multiple senior administration officials, the president intends to invoke the “tremendous powers” of the act to remove illegal immigrants from the country.
We’re doing the Insurrection Act,” one official said.
More @ The Daily Caller
A “Republic of American Values?”

Prager University has a video presentation, “American values” which is no more than historical fiction. These values, Dennis Prager claims in the video, are a result of America’s unique position as not being defined by race and ethnicity. He claims America is defined by three values: 1. E Pluribus Unum 2. Liberty 3. In God We Trust.
Such claims redefine the founding of the republic.
“American values” indicate, incorrectly, a value system of a single entity. That is to say, a single state of The United States as in contradiction of the founding when The United States were defined in the Declaration of Independence as free and independent states i.e. states united. There were different values state to state.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Navy SEAL, Marine Raider hazing that killed Army Green Beret left an irreparable hole in the lives of family, friends
NAVAL STATION NORFOLK, Va. – Michelle Melgar sat in the front row of a courtroom, holding the coveted Green Beret her husband had earned, as one of the men who helped hold him down while others bound and choked him to death in what lawyers would call a “juvenile and illegal hazing” did his best to apologize for what he had done two years ago.
Near the end of the daylong proceeding Thursday, Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer Adam C. Matthews said there was “no justification” for the hazing death of Army Staff Sgt. Logan Melgar in Bamako, Mali on June 4, 2017.
More @ Military Times
Illegal alien from Kenya charged with murdering 12 elderly women in Texas
Via 4Branch
Authorities said they are reviewing 750 unattended deaths of elderly women — including deaths that were previously ruled as resulting from natural causes — to determine whether they could be linked to Chemirmir.
An illegal alien from Kenya is a serial killer who preys on elderly women.
On May 16, 2019, authorities in Dallas, Texas, said former health care worker Billy Chemirmir, 46, who was previously arrested in the death of an 81-year-old woman has been charged with killing at least 11 more elderly women in Dallas and Collin counties.
An illegal alien from Kenya is a serial killer who preys on elderly women.
On May 16, 2019, authorities in Dallas, Texas, said former health care worker Billy Chemirmir, 46, who was previously arrested in the death of an 81-year-old woman has been charged with killing at least 11 more elderly women in Dallas and Collin counties.
More @ Fellowship of the Minds
Congressman Announces Ninth Baby, Wife Says ‘We’ll Take AOC’s Carbon Footprint For Ourselves’

While the Left suggests forgoing children to save the climate and argues for abortion up to (and slightly after) the moment of birth, conservatives appear to be taking up the slack.
More @ The Daily Wire
Candace Owen v Facebook
Via John
Wherever liberal policies reign supreme, Black America is under threat. Abortion, Illegal immigration, welfare traps which encourage father absence—these are progressive policies that lead to regressive results for my community. @facebook is fearful that black ppl r waking up.…
1 day ago (Which set off Facebook. :)
WOW! Update! @facebook has restored my page! While I am grateful that I have a large enough platform to make noise and force reconsideration— what about the millions of people who do not? What about the millions of conservatives who are forever silenced on social media?…
23 hours ago
When a stranger offers you free stuff, you should assume the worst. Whether it’s a man in a van offering lollipops, or a Democrat politician offering socialism...the promise of “free” with no exchange is predatory. The Left’s push to lower the voting age is predatory.…
1 hour ago

Wherever liberal policies reign supreme, Black America is under threat. Abortion, Illegal immigration, welfare traps which encourage father absence—these are progressive policies that lead to regressive results for my community. @facebook is fearful that black ppl r waking up.…
1 day ago (Which set off Facebook. :)
WOW! Update! @facebook has restored my page! While I am grateful that I have a large enough platform to make noise and force reconsideration— what about the millions of people who do not? What about the millions of conservatives who are forever silenced on social media?…
23 hours ago
1 hour ago
Violent Climate Change is Wet and Cold
Via John
Many Democrats and die hard climate change fanatics would have man-made global warming deniers locked up. And if they cannot do that then at least we should have a revolution. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders rallied support for the Green New Deal, with the New York congresswoman saying there should be “no middle ground” when it comes to climate change and the Vermont senator calling for a political revolution. And yes, Cortez is still saying that the world is going to end in 12 years if we do not address climate change (man-made global warming.) The BBC loves Cortez’s ideas and publishes titles like ‘Final call to save the world from ‘climate catastrophe.’
More @ Cold Climate Change
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