Monday, January 28, 2013
Man arrested with no bail after posting Facebook photo of baby & BB gun
Via III Percent Patriots
Police have arrested a Colerain man after he posted a photo of himself on Facebook holding his 1-year-old daughter and a BB gun.
Domonic Gaines, 22, was arrested after the incident which occurred at his home on Suliner Drive Sunday.
According to reports, police initially believed that Gaines was holding a handgun in the photo. However, police say the gun in question turned out to be a BB gun.
The photo depicted Gaines holding his daughter, Paradise Gaines, along with the BB gun. Police say that the close proximity of the gun to the child created a substantial risk of physical harm.
Police have arrested a Colerain man after he posted a photo of himself on Facebook holding his 1-year-old daughter and a BB gun.
Domonic Gaines, 22, was arrested after the incident which occurred at his home on Suliner Drive Sunday.
According to reports, police initially believed that Gaines was holding a handgun in the photo. However, police say the gun in question turned out to be a BB gun.
The photo depicted Gaines holding his daughter, Paradise Gaines, along with the BB gun. Police say that the close proximity of the gun to the child created a substantial risk of physical harm.
More @ Fox
Troubling Public Opinion Trends for Gun Rights and Civil Liberties
On how to respond to mass shootings and violent crime, the public opinion trends frighten me, especially when broken down by political identification. Predictably, Democrats are in favor of gun control by wider margins than Republicans. But still, 92% of Republicans favor universal background checks, which I consider as bad a proposal as any being offered.
It will mean the death of gun shows as we know them. The relative freedom with which Americans privately trade firearms is one of the greatest spheres of liberty in the country, something that sets the United States apart from most places. Ninety-one percent of the population wants to abolish the freedom (independents being slightly more reluctant than either Democrats or Republicans to support such a measure). This would be the most significant strike against gun rights, and one of the most important violations of the Bill of Rights in general, in modern times.
More @ The Independent Institute
A Sheriff Who Will Defend the Right to Bear Arms
Via David
When I took the Oath of Office after my election to office and again after my re-election, the last line of this oath states “ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Georgia, So Help Me God. The 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms. I am a very strong supporter of our 2nd amendment rights . I want everyone to be very clear that I have no intentions of violating my oath of office.
It is my firm opinion that the problems and violence that has happened recently did not happen because people are allowed to have guns, or even high capacity magazines. These events happened because PEOPLE, not guns, made them happen. Disarming law abiding citizens does absolutely nothing to address this issue. I take great comfort in the fact that in a time of crisis, I would have at my disposal a large number of law abiding, armed citizens that I could call on to assist my office and that these people would be proud and honored to do so. The laws of the State of Georgia also allow me to do just that and the citizens of this county should take just as much comfort in this fact as I do.
One of the most sickening events that we could face would be for an illegally armed criminal to invade a home and cause harm to someone who had abide by some federal law and was no longer able to legally arm themselves.
In Georgia, Sheriffs are constitutional officers who are held accountable by the people who elect them. We are obligated to enforce state law and have NO authority or duty to enforce any federal law or mandate. The President does not have the authority to order a county Sheriff to do anything.
As Sheriff of Fannin County, I will never take any part in any attempt by our federal government to violate the rights of our citizens in any way. This includes robbing us of our 2nd amendment rights to keep and bear arms. My focus would be much to the contrary. It is my promise to the citizens of Fannin County that I will always fully exercise all the powers of the Office of Sheriff to protect and defend the constitutional rights of each of you. Neither I nor any of my deputies will enforce any laws or rules that are in conflict with our constitutional rights nor will I permit any federal officer to enforce any unconstitutional rules, laws, orders (executive or otherwise) or regulations within the boundaries of Fannin County Georgia.
Sheriff Dane Kirby
Letter to the Blue Ridge, Georgia Newspaper from Sheriff Dane Kirby
Recently, tragic events of violence have occurred throughout our country that have prompted the President, Vice-President and other members of Congress to analyze the federal gun laws that are in place in our country. There has been talk of banning certain types of firearms, regulating magazine capacities, and ammunition restrictions. People are very concerned and afraid that the federal government is attempting to take their firearms.
I have been approached by several people recently and asked what I would do if they “came to take our guns”. I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know what my position is on this particular issue.
When I took the Oath of Office after my election to office and again after my re-election, the last line of this oath states “ I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Georgia, So Help Me God. The 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms. I am a very strong supporter of our 2nd amendment rights . I want everyone to be very clear that I have no intentions of violating my oath of office.
It is my firm opinion that the problems and violence that has happened recently did not happen because people are allowed to have guns, or even high capacity magazines. These events happened because PEOPLE, not guns, made them happen. Disarming law abiding citizens does absolutely nothing to address this issue. I take great comfort in the fact that in a time of crisis, I would have at my disposal a large number of law abiding, armed citizens that I could call on to assist my office and that these people would be proud and honored to do so. The laws of the State of Georgia also allow me to do just that and the citizens of this county should take just as much comfort in this fact as I do.
One of the most sickening events that we could face would be for an illegally armed criminal to invade a home and cause harm to someone who had abide by some federal law and was no longer able to legally arm themselves.
In Georgia, Sheriffs are constitutional officers who are held accountable by the people who elect them. We are obligated to enforce state law and have NO authority or duty to enforce any federal law or mandate. The President does not have the authority to order a county Sheriff to do anything.
As Sheriff of Fannin County, I will never take any part in any attempt by our federal government to violate the rights of our citizens in any way. This includes robbing us of our 2nd amendment rights to keep and bear arms. My focus would be much to the contrary. It is my promise to the citizens of Fannin County that I will always fully exercise all the powers of the Office of Sheriff to protect and defend the constitutional rights of each of you. Neither I nor any of my deputies will enforce any laws or rules that are in conflict with our constitutional rights nor will I permit any federal officer to enforce any unconstitutional rules, laws, orders (executive or otherwise) or regulations within the boundaries of Fannin County Georgia.
Sheriff Dane Kirby
James Madison, The Federalist No. 46 on the militia

Via comment by Horace on Nunc Pro Tunc: The Coming Day of Burn Barrels and Blessings
"Let a regular army, fully equal to the resources of the country, be formed; and let it be entirely at the devotion of the federal government; still it would not be going too far to say, that the State governments, with the people on their side, would be able to repel the danger.
The highest number to which, according to the best computation, a standing army can be carried in any country, does not exceed one hundredth part of the whole number of souls; or one twenty-fifth part of the number able to bear arms. This proportion would not yield, in the United States, an army of more than twenty-five or thirty thousand men. To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands, officered by men chosen from among themselves, fighting for their common liberties, and united and conducted by governments possessing their affections and confidence.
It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops. Those who are best acquainted with the last successful resistance of this country against the British arms, will be most inclined to deny the possibility of it. Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.
Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."
- James Madison, The Federalist No. 46"
Hunley legend altered by new discovery
Via Carl
For nearly 150 years, the story of the Hunley’s attack on the USS Housatonic has been Civil War legend.
And it has been wrong.
Scientists have discovered a piece of the Confederate
submarine’s torpedo still attached to its spar, debunking eyewitness
accounts that the Hunley was nearly 100 feet away from the explosion
that sent a Union blockade ship to the bottom of the sea off Charleston
in 1864.
Instead, the Hunley and its eight-man crew
were less than 20 feet from the blast. And that changes everything about
the story — and possibly even provides a clue as to why it sank.
would say this is the single-most important piece of evidence we have
found from the attack,” said Maria Jacobsen, senior archaeologist on the
Hunley project.
Basically, Hunley conservators found a
piece of the torpedo’s copper shell, peeled back from the blast, when
they removed a century of hardened sand and shell from the submarine’s
20-foot spar.
The torpedo was bolted to the spar, contradicting the
conventional wisdom that the torpedo was planted in the side of the
Housatonic with a barb like a fishing hook, slipped off the spar and
then detonated by rope trigger when the sub was a safe distance away.
Instead, the Feb. 17, 1864, attack off Charleston was a dangerous, close-quarters assault that risked the sub and crew.
changes some things,” said Lt. Gov. Glenn McConnell, longtime chairman
of the state Hunley Commission. “They were much closer to the explosion
than we believed, but I don’t believe this was a suicide mission.”
More @ The Post and Courier
The Long Way Home-The Pacific Clipper December 7, 1941
Via Sister Anne
A civilian airliner, cut off from home by the outbreak of World War II, makes a dash for freedom...
December 7, 1941. The Pacific Clipper, Queen of Pan American Airways fleet of flying boats is 6 days out of San Francisco, bound for Auckland, New Zealand. Captain Robert Ford receives a coded message: Japanese attack Pearl Harbor...Implement War Plan A...Proceed to Auckland, NZ...Maintain radio silence...Wait for instructions...Your aircraft is a strategic resource-it must not fall into enemy hands under any circumstances
Pan American Airways bases all across the Pacific were captured. Returning to the US west coast by the Pacific Clipper did not seem possible. A week of waiting, then another coded message:
DEC 14, 1941: Do not return to Hawaii. Do not return to US west coast...Strip aircraft of all markings and identification...proceed west...maintain radio silence...deliver aircraft to Marine Terminal, LaGuardia, NY. Good luck.
A civilian airliner, cut off from home by the outbreak of World War II, makes a dash for freedom...
December 7, 1941. The Pacific Clipper, Queen of Pan American Airways fleet of flying boats is 6 days out of San Francisco, bound for Auckland, New Zealand. Captain Robert Ford receives a coded message: Japanese attack Pearl Harbor...Implement War Plan A...Proceed to Auckland, NZ...Maintain radio silence...Wait for instructions...Your aircraft is a strategic resource-it must not fall into enemy hands under any circumstances
Pan American Airways bases all across the Pacific were captured. Returning to the US west coast by the Pacific Clipper did not seem possible. A week of waiting, then another coded message:
DEC 14, 1941: Do not return to Hawaii. Do not return to US west coast...Strip aircraft of all markings and identification...proceed west...maintain radio silence...deliver aircraft to Marine Terminal, LaGuardia, NY. Good luck.
Now is not the time to be afraid.
Sometimes I am so afraid.
Since Newtown, I’ve been afraid — as I suspect we all have despite our anarchic bravado — of what the hoplophobes and control freaks will try to do to us with the deeds of one hopped-up wacko as their excuse.
I’m not afraid of DiFi’s proposed “assault weapon” ban. Oh, don’t mistake me; I hate it, despise it, loathe it, and have many unspeakable thoughts about it. But I don’t fear it. It probably won’t pass. And as we know even better than the banners, even if it did, it’s all about cosmetics. We’d be losing rights but only scraps of fuctionality.
The thing I most fear is a ban on private sales.
Nothing would stop private sales, of course. It’s just that every private sale could be a threat of 10 years in prison. And we’d learn to distrust people who ought to be our peaceable trading partners: “Is this one an agent provocateur?” “Will that one snitch if they put pressure on him?”
A private-sale ban is even more fearsome because the NRA and the R-Party will go for that one, and the most gun-hating people in Congress (Lautenberg and McCarthy) are already customizing bills to give their alleged opponents something to “compromise” on.
Some FFLs will even be in favor or it because they’ll think it’s a way to use government against the competition. Or force more of us to bring them transfer and background check business.
It’ll be only a closing of the true “gun-show loophole” at first. You and I will still be able to sell our possessions privately to our neighbors and friends. The NRA will tell us what a “reasonable” compromise they helped achieve and oh by the way, send Your Great Protectors another contribution.
But when tightening the screws on gun shows doesn’t halt violent crime — and it won’t — then … well, you know.

Since Newtown, I’ve been afraid — as I suspect we all have despite our anarchic bravado — of what the hoplophobes and control freaks will try to do to us with the deeds of one hopped-up wacko as their excuse.
I’m not afraid of DiFi’s proposed “assault weapon” ban. Oh, don’t mistake me; I hate it, despise it, loathe it, and have many unspeakable thoughts about it. But I don’t fear it. It probably won’t pass. And as we know even better than the banners, even if it did, it’s all about cosmetics. We’d be losing rights but only scraps of fuctionality.
The thing I most fear is a ban on private sales.
Nothing would stop private sales, of course. It’s just that every private sale could be a threat of 10 years in prison. And we’d learn to distrust people who ought to be our peaceable trading partners: “Is this one an agent provocateur?” “Will that one snitch if they put pressure on him?”
A private-sale ban is even more fearsome because the NRA and the R-Party will go for that one, and the most gun-hating people in Congress (Lautenberg and McCarthy) are already customizing bills to give their alleged opponents something to “compromise” on.
Some FFLs will even be in favor or it because they’ll think it’s a way to use government against the competition. Or force more of us to bring them transfer and background check business.
It’ll be only a closing of the true “gun-show loophole” at first. You and I will still be able to sell our possessions privately to our neighbors and friends. The NRA will tell us what a “reasonable” compromise they helped achieve and oh by the way, send Your Great Protectors another contribution.
But when tightening the screws on gun shows doesn’t halt violent crime — and it won’t — then … well, you know.
More @ Backwoods Home
“I will not register my weapons… “I am not your subject… “I am not your peasant… .”
In New York, we have a prequel of what’s to come – the repeal of the Second Amendment and summary criminalization of peaceful citizens merely for possessing the means of self-defense, even in their own homes. As in Great Britain, citizens of NY face prison if they use proscribed weapons against murderous thugs – even in their own homes. The tyrants Michael Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo have made their decision. Now New Yorkers will have to make theirs. And so will the rest of us – if, as seems likely, the federal tyrants succeed in issuing a New York-style fatwa that applies to the rest of the country. Which brings us to the question:
What will you do?
It is a very hard question. Perhaps the hardest question Americans have had to face since 1861. As then, there may be no peaceful way to preserve our rights. There may be blood. As then, one side is absolutely determined to impose its will at bayonet-point. To murder us in the thousands – perhaps millions, this time - if we refuse to submit. There is no reasoning, no discussing. What we face is violence against our persons by people who absolutely will not leave us in peace – no matter how peaceful we try to be – until we have submitted to them utterly and for all time to come. We wish only to be left alone – and demand that our right to defend ourselves against those who will not leave us alone be respected. That self-defense is the most basic of rights – a right conceded even to the lowest animal. They do not acknowledge our rights; they despise the very notion of us having any rights at all. They regard their power over us as limitless in principle – and rage at even the smallest assertion of freedom of action. They loathe our guns because our ownership of guns is an expression of our determination to defend our very lives – and thus, of self-ownership.
In New York, we have a prequel of what’s to come – the repeal of the Second Amendment and summary criminalization of peaceful citizens merely for possessing the means of self-defense, even in their own homes. As in Great Britain, citizens of NY face prison if they use proscribed weapons against murderous thugs – even in their own homes. The tyrants Michael Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo have made their decision. Now New Yorkers will have to make theirs. And so will the rest of us – if, as seems likely, the federal tyrants succeed in issuing a New York-style fatwa that applies to the rest of the country. Which brings us to the question:
What will you do?
It is a very hard question. Perhaps the hardest question Americans have had to face since 1861. As then, there may be no peaceful way to preserve our rights. There may be blood. As then, one side is absolutely determined to impose its will at bayonet-point. To murder us in the thousands – perhaps millions, this time - if we refuse to submit. There is no reasoning, no discussing. What we face is violence against our persons by people who absolutely will not leave us in peace – no matter how peaceful we try to be – until we have submitted to them utterly and for all time to come. We wish only to be left alone – and demand that our right to defend ourselves against those who will not leave us alone be respected. That self-defense is the most basic of rights – a right conceded even to the lowest animal. They do not acknowledge our rights; they despise the very notion of us having any rights at all. They regard their power over us as limitless in principle – and rage at even the smallest assertion of freedom of action. They loathe our guns because our ownership of guns is an expression of our determination to defend our very lives – and thus, of self-ownership.
More @ Eric Peters
Sharpton on 2nd Amendment: ‘People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country’
Via Don
Following a public policy meeting of African-American leaders, National Urban League president Marc Morial and National Action Network president Al Sharpton called for a new national assault weapons ban, saying the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be regulated.
“The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not absolute. One cannot yell fire in a crowded theater and hide behind the First Amendment,” said Morial when asked by TheDC if he supports California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein’s assault weapon ban bill.
“And we absolutely think that the idea of banning a military style assault weapon, a weapon that I am confident that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison never laid their eyes on, is not inconsistent with the rights of those who self-protect, those who shoot, who want to participate in sporting and hunting,” Depends of what you are hunting, dorkhead.
Following a public policy meeting of African-American leaders, National Urban League president Marc Morial and National Action Network president Al Sharpton called for a new national assault weapons ban, saying the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be regulated.
“The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not absolute. One cannot yell fire in a crowded theater and hide behind the First Amendment,” said Morial when asked by TheDC if he supports California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein’s assault weapon ban bill.
“And we absolutely think that the idea of banning a military style assault weapon, a weapon that I am confident that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison never laid their eyes on, is not inconsistent with the rights of those who self-protect, those who shoot, who want to participate in sporting and hunting,” Depends of what you are hunting, dorkhead.
More @ The Daily Caller
Boy Scouts May End Ban on Gay Youths, Leaders
The Boy Scouts of America is expected to lift its longstanding ban on gay Scouts and troop leaders.
The reversal of the decades-old policy is expected to be approved by the organization’s national board next week, both USA Today and NBC News reports.
“The policy change under discussion would allow the religious, civic or educational organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting to determine how to address this issue," Deron Smith, a Boy Scouts spokesman, told USA Today.
After a two-year examination of the issue, the Boy Scouts affirmed its ban on gays just seven months ago. The volunteer review committee was convened by national leaders of the Boy Scouts of America.
But several local chapters and some members of the national board, including corporate CEO Randall Stephenson of AT&T and James Turley of the Ernst & Young accounting firm, called for a reconsideration, USA Today reports.
Under the proposed change, decisions on membership and leadership would be decided by the organization’s 290 local governing councils and 116,000 sponsoring religious and civic groups.
More @ Newsmax
Nunc Pro Tunc: The Coming Day of Burn Barrels and Blessings
Via midnightrider
This is a standing invitation to my fellow Americans: If congress
ever enacts a law mandating the registration and/or a production ban of
detachable magazine semiautomatic rifles then you are hereby invited to
the town square of your local community. There, burn barrels will be
set up and we will publicly burn Form 4473s, FFL Bound Books, state and
local registration records, and the sales receipts for every firearm in
the United States. On that same day, FFL holders and public officials
holding electronic firearms records will simultaneously erase those
records, permanently and irretrievably. (Using special file erasure
software such as Blancco, X-Ways, and Stellar Wipe, or though the physical destruction of disk drives.)
Spontaneous Gatherings, Spontaneous Combustion
This burn barrel day--likely to be held the day after the President signs any new draconian legislation--will include speeches, public prayers, and the blessing of those who have gathered by ministers, rabbis, and priests.
The core of the activities on that day will be stalwart public defiance of any new unconstitutional law(s), the open and notorious destruction of records that might be used to enslave us, and vocal public affirmations of solidarity of free men and women, in the face of tyranny. This will be a defining moment for America--a line drawn in the sand. We will forthrightly declare that we will not obey any unconstitutional law and that we will treat it dismissively, as if it had never been enacted -- nunc pro tunc. We will pledge ourselves to the defense of liberty, both individually and collectively. We will vow that if ever called to jury duty, we will nullify any unconstitutional laws, vacating the charges against the accused, in accordance with our long-standing right as jurors. (See: www.FIJA.org.)
The Law is On Our Side
We will publicly re-affirm some long standing precepts of American jurisprudence, to wit:
Recognizing the many sad lessons of civilian disarmament and subsequent genocides in the 20th Century, we will make bold and forthright statement: Never Again! We will not submit to the unlawful decrees of tyrants. We will not meekly go their jails and internment camps. We will fight for our liberty, to our dying breath.
Come Armed, Come Masked
I recommend that all adults who publicly assemble at these burn barrel events do so armed, as is our right. And those who come armed should also wear masks, to protect themselves from malicious prosecution. I plan to wear a Guy Fawkes mask, but you can wear a bandana, face muffler, or the face mask of your choice. Joining you, also wearing masks, will be many mayors, sheriffs and their deputies, chiefs of police and their officers, town council members, clergy, and people of all walks of life. We vastly outnumber the tyrants. The tyrants deserve nothing but our scorn and derision. Their fate is already sealed.
Plausible Denial
After this fateful day has come and gone, FFL holders and public officials will be able to recount: "I had no choice. My records were taken by men with guns who were wearing masks!" (So they'll have no excuse if they don't cooperate with this nationwide display of civil disobedience.)
God Bless The Republic. Down with Tyrants. We Will Prevail!
- James Wesley, Rawles - January 28, 2013
Note: Permission to reprint or re-post this piece in full by any method (printed or electronically) is granted by the author (James Wesley, Rawles), as a long as it is not altered in any way and it is reproduced in full.
Spontaneous Gatherings, Spontaneous Combustion
This burn barrel day--likely to be held the day after the President signs any new draconian legislation--will include speeches, public prayers, and the blessing of those who have gathered by ministers, rabbis, and priests.
The core of the activities on that day will be stalwart public defiance of any new unconstitutional law(s), the open and notorious destruction of records that might be used to enslave us, and vocal public affirmations of solidarity of free men and women, in the face of tyranny. This will be a defining moment for America--a line drawn in the sand. We will forthrightly declare that we will not obey any unconstitutional law and that we will treat it dismissively, as if it had never been enacted -- nunc pro tunc. We will pledge ourselves to the defense of liberty, both individually and collectively. We will vow that if ever called to jury duty, we will nullify any unconstitutional laws, vacating the charges against the accused, in accordance with our long-standing right as jurors. (See: www.FIJA.org.)
The Law is On Our Side
We will publicly re-affirm some long standing precepts of American jurisprudence, to wit:
"The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it's enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed.
Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.
Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it...
A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the lend, it is superseded thereby.
No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it." - 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256Never Again!
Recognizing the many sad lessons of civilian disarmament and subsequent genocides in the 20th Century, we will make bold and forthright statement: Never Again! We will not submit to the unlawful decrees of tyrants. We will not meekly go their jails and internment camps. We will fight for our liberty, to our dying breath.
Come Armed, Come Masked
I recommend that all adults who publicly assemble at these burn barrel events do so armed, as is our right. And those who come armed should also wear masks, to protect themselves from malicious prosecution. I plan to wear a Guy Fawkes mask, but you can wear a bandana, face muffler, or the face mask of your choice. Joining you, also wearing masks, will be many mayors, sheriffs and their deputies, chiefs of police and their officers, town council members, clergy, and people of all walks of life. We vastly outnumber the tyrants. The tyrants deserve nothing but our scorn and derision. Their fate is already sealed.
Plausible Denial
After this fateful day has come and gone, FFL holders and public officials will be able to recount: "I had no choice. My records were taken by men with guns who were wearing masks!" (So they'll have no excuse if they don't cooperate with this nationwide display of civil disobedience.)
God Bless The Republic. Down with Tyrants. We Will Prevail!
- James Wesley, Rawles - January 28, 2013
Note: Permission to reprint or re-post this piece in full by any method (printed or electronically) is granted by the author (James Wesley, Rawles), as a long as it is not altered in any way and it is reproduced in full.
Catholic and 46 other Churches back Obama’s Gun Grab
Think you have a problem stopping Obama’s plan to take your guns? The problem is bigger than you thought.
The Catholic Church and 46 other churches support Obama’s effort to confiscate our guns. The New World Order has infiltrated our government, our scientific societies, our schools, and our churches. The NWO determines what people believe.
Catholic News Service reported the details on January 14, clearly stating that the Catholic Church’s position is “Firearms in the hands of citizens should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated.”
I did not realize until reading this how much the Catholic and other churches disregard facts when they draw conclusions. By the way, we have a similar pattern regarding global warming. The following statements contradict what is proven to result when a government attempts to confiscate citizen’s guns.
The report quotes from the document, “Responsibility, Rehabilitation and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice“, November 2000, says in a footnote:
“However, we believe that in the long run
and with few exceptions — i.e. police officers, military use — handguns
should be eliminated from our society.”
“The Vatican is one of just a handful of
states that would like to see small arms and weapons included in the
U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, which would better regulate the flow of
conventional arms.”
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