Friday, August 17, 2018
Attorney: Former Roger Stone Associate Challenging 'Validity' of Special Counsel Mueller's Appointment

A former associate of ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone is challenging the validity and power of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trace Gallagher reported.
Andrew Miller, who served as a scheduler for Stone in 2016, was subpoenaed by the Mueller team to appear before a grand jury and testify on matters related to WikiLeaks and other topics, Gallagher said.
Miller was charged with contempt, a charge his attorney invited because it allowed for Miller to challenge the legitimacy of Mueller's probe, he reported.
More @ Fox
Azerai, Can Tho
Via Thuong
Insane. I've stayed in a hotel for $1 a night in the city before. I'll stay in one on the river for $14 in November.
Shadow Ban: PragerU Reveals Immediate 99.9999% Drop in Facebook Reach
Conservative non-profit group PragerU appears to be facing Facebook censorship, as many recent posts from group are suffering from a 99.9999 percent drop in engagement based on Facebook’s own dashboard. The Social Media Masters of the Universe also pulled down two PragerU videos, which it labeled “hate speech.”
Echoing the apparent page limitation of conservative commentating duo Diamond and Silk, the conservative non-profit group PragerU — which produces educational videos on conservative issues — appears to have found its Facebook page’s reach drastically limited. The group’s Facebook page boasts three million followers, but its most recent posts have been seen by almost none of its followers, according to the Facebook dashboard.
More @ Breitbart
End of an Era

I was saddened to hear that Phil Harris had died. I knew the man. You might say we were old friends.
As a matter of fact, we first met in 1954 in Monterey, California. I was attending the Army Language School, learning Russian, and Phil was playing in the Bing Crosby Pro-Am tournament. His professional partner was Dutch Harrison, a good ol’ boy from Arkansas, who was leading the pack on the final day and coasted to an easy victory. During this last round, Harris was anxious to keep out of Harrison’s way, because Dutch, who was amiable but aging, could clearly use the win.
On the back nine of Pebble Beach, while Harris was looking for his bail, Harrison hit a shot that disappeared over a rise in the fairway. When Harris had played his own shot, he thought about Harrison. Seeing me standing there, he walked over and asked in whisper, “Has Dutch shot?”
“Yes sir, “ I said.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Manafort trial Day 14: Jury 'scared' as it heads home without a verdict
Via Billy
Paul Manafort's trial will stretch into a fourth week, as jurors
headed home Friday without reaching a verdict for the second straight
day and the judge overseeing the case alluded to "threats" the jury may
be receiving.
“I had no idea this case would incite this emotion,” U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III said in an open court hearing, responding to a motion from seven news organizations, including POLITICO, seeking access to sealed materials related to the trial that would have publicly identified the jurors.
Ellis denied
the motion, telling the courtroom that jurors were "scared” and
“afraid.” As a result, Ellis said, he didn’t “feel right” releasing the
names of the 12-person jury.

Manafort's attorney Kevin Downing said the ongoing deliberations favor his client.
“I had no idea this case would incite this emotion,” U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis III said in an open court hearing, responding to a motion from seven news organizations, including POLITICO, seeking access to sealed materials related to the trial that would have publicly identified the jurors.
More @ Politico
Special ops shoot down Brennan and his defenders: 'You put your politics before us'

My principles are greater than clearances too John, especially when you and the @CIA kool-aid drinkers punished us for not going along with the Benghazi cover-up story in order to protect you, @HillaryClinton ‘s & @BarackObama ‘s failures. You put your politics before us.
John Brennan rallied numerous high-powered
defenders to his corner over his security clearance clash with President
Trump, but some well-known special ops heroes are firing back
suggesting the former CIA director got what he deserves.
Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a former Army
Ranger and private security contractor who was part of the CIA team that
fought back during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, accused Brennan of
putting his “politics” before those in the field.
Teen ‘Disemboweled’ During London Stabbing
“There were four or five black boys running,” the unnamed woman told the Metro. “All of a sudden I could hear, ‘Help, help.’”
Another witness described seeing one boy collapse, holding his stomach as “all of his intestines were falling on the ground.”
Four teens stabbed in total during violent altercation
More @ NewsWars
DOJ's Bruce Ohr wrote Christopher Steele was 'very concerned about Comey's firing -- afraid they will be exposed'
A collection of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr's emails, texts and handwritten notes, reviewed by Fox News, reveals that he was deeply connected to the unverified Steele dossier as well as its author and, during the presidential election campaign, the alleged government surveillance abuses involving a Trump campaign official.
The dossier, which was used by federal officials to justify the surveillance of a top Trump aide, Carter Page, was created by Fusion GPS and paid for by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
More @ Fox
Germany Returning Migrants to Greece

Germany will soon send back migrants to Greece if they had already applied for asylum there.
The two countries made the deal at the behest of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose coalition government is on shaky ground due to increased opposition to her immigration policies.
“EU law states that refugees should apply for asylum in the first EU country they reach, but Germany has typically allowed newcomers with open applications elsewhere to reside in the country as it examines their claim,” reported the Wall Street Journal. “In practice, very few ever leave Germany, even if they fail to obtain asylum there.”
Germany’s policy contradicts claims that the migrants are “war refugees,” because if that were the case, they’d seek asylum at the nearest, non-wartorn country.
More @ Infowars Europe
Man sentenced to six years for trying to blow up Confederate statue in Hermann Park
Via Billy
A 26-year-old man has been sentenced to more than six years in prison for attempting to blow up a Confederate statue last summer at a Houston park.
A federal judge on Friday also imposed a $10,000 fine against Andrew Schneck, who pleaded guilty in March to attempting to maliciously damage property receiving federal financial assistance.

A 26-year-old man has been sentenced to more than six years in prison for attempting to blow up a Confederate statue last summer at a Houston park.
A federal judge on Friday also imposed a $10,000 fine against Andrew Schneck, who pleaded guilty in March to attempting to maliciously damage property receiving federal financial assistance.
More @ Click 2
George Davis’ Last Public Address

Renowned Wilmington, North Carolina attorney and statesman George Davis served as the last attorney general of the Confederate States of America, 1864-1865. He was selected as a North Carolina delegate to the Washington Peace Conference of February 1861, and was elected to the North Carolina Senate before becoming Attorney General. His eminent bronze statue stands in downtown Wilmington, erected and dedicated by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1911. Davis was said to have little toleration for new ideas and did not believe in popular education – it was a heresy with him. He was a Cavalier, not a Puritan, and stated that “this thing you boys are advocating, called progress, and the introduction of new notions is wrong. It is but synonym for graft and rascality.” Read more about Davis at
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
George Davis’ Last Public Address
George Davis’s last public address was a memorial of his former chief, President Jefferson Davis, in December 1889, on which occasion he spoke without notes in Wilmington’s famous Thalian Hall Opera House. Already in feeble health, George Davis spoke of his fallen President being a “high-souled, true-hearted Christian gentleman, and if our poor humanity has any higher form than that, I know not what it is.” Davis ended his last oration with:
“My public life was long since over; my ambition went down with the banner of the South, and, like it, never rose again. I have had abundant time in all these quiet years, and it has been my favorite occupation to review the occurrences of that time, and recall over the history of that tremendous struggle; to remember with love and admiration the great men who bore their parts in its events.
I have often thought what was it that the Southern people had to be most proud of in all the proud things of their record? Not the achievement of our arms! No man is more proud of them than I, no man rejoices more in Manassas, Chancellorsville and in Richmond; but all the nations have had their victories.
There is something, I think, better than that, and it was this, that through all the bitterness of that time, and throughout all the heat of that fierce contest, Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee never spoke a word, never wrote a line that the whole neutral world did not accept as the very indisputable truth.
Aye, truth was the guiding star of both of them, and that is the grand thing to remember; upon that my memory rests more proudly than upon anything else. It is a monument better than marble, more durable than brass. Teach it to your children, that they may be proud to remember Jefferson Davis.
The Skewed Priorities of Democrats and the Media
Via David
What has continued to unfold since Trump’s election only deepens the public’s skepticism and broadens our suspicions of today’s government. Into this awakening, there remains much residue, as per the recent Strzok firing. Yet even this overdue and richly deserved dismissal takes a back seat to this “Omarosa” back and forth drama. Also, accounts of the President’s salute to our troops at Ft. Drum and his signing of our Defense Bill have been relegated to secondary status. Quite simply, our priorities via the Democrat media have become inverted.
After well over eighteen months in office, the persistence of this anti-Trump faction is testing the patience of many Americans.

What has continued to unfold since Trump’s election only deepens the public’s skepticism and broadens our suspicions of today’s government. Into this awakening, there remains much residue, as per the recent Strzok firing. Yet even this overdue and richly deserved dismissal takes a back seat to this “Omarosa” back and forth drama. Also, accounts of the President’s salute to our troops at Ft. Drum and his signing of our Defense Bill have been relegated to secondary status. Quite simply, our priorities via the Democrat media have become inverted.
After well over eighteen months in office, the persistence of this anti-Trump faction is testing the patience of many Americans.
More @ The Lid
For the church's and the nation's sake, Cardinal Wuerl must go
Via Billy
The shepherd’s crook was a cruel irony.
On Wednesday, as D.C. Catholics gathered for a Mass at St. Matthew’s commemorating Mary’s assumption into heaven, many congregants wondered which priest would say the Mass. The usual officiant of such a Mass — Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington — had just the day before been named 200 times in a grand jury report documenting thousands of cases of sexual abuse by priests and inaction or cover-ups by bishops.
From the back pews, it was impossible to see the faces of the priests processing in as Mass began, but soon, raised high enough for the whole congregation to see, there appeared a symbol that answered the question: The hooked staff that only a bishop carries. The crozier, as it’s called, represents a shepherd’s crook. But the man carrying it into St. Matthew’s on Wednesday didn't come across as a fierce guardian of his flock.
The shepherd’s crook was a cruel irony.
On Wednesday, as D.C. Catholics gathered for a Mass at St. Matthew’s commemorating Mary’s assumption into heaven, many congregants wondered which priest would say the Mass. The usual officiant of such a Mass — Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington — had just the day before been named 200 times in a grand jury report documenting thousands of cases of sexual abuse by priests and inaction or cover-ups by bishops.
From the back pews, it was impossible to see the faces of the priests processing in as Mass began, but soon, raised high enough for the whole congregation to see, there appeared a symbol that answered the question: The hooked staff that only a bishop carries. The crozier, as it’s called, represents a shepherd’s crook. But the man carrying it into St. Matthew’s on Wednesday didn't come across as a fierce guardian of his flock.
More @ Washington Examiner
Why do Democrats love socialism?
What the heck? There is only one way to read this: Way too many Democrats are simply uninformed. I am not saying they are stupid. I am not saying they are ignorant. I am saying they are uninformed.
Sadly, that is not surprising, given the tripe that passes for “education” in our public schools. And it is even worse for those who go on to college. Most four-year universities and colleges in this country are populated by left-wing professors whose hatred for America is only surpassed by their sense of entitlement to the fruits of other people’s labor.
The typical graduate of the typical four-year college in this country thinks better of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and Ho Chi Minh than he or she does of Ronald Reagan.
More @ The Hill
Rare Breed and Spike’s Spartan AR is a Functioning Work of Art

Rare Breed Firearms and Spike’s Tactical have teamed up to deliver the new Spartan series of AR-15-pattern rifles and receiver sets. The series features Spartan imagery and custom Cerakote finishes that makes each part a true work of art.
The series is available exclusively through Spike’s Tactical and it’s just the beginning. The eye-catching design took over a year to develop. It’s compatible with all standard lower components and all standard upper receivers.
More @ Guns America
Trump Strikes Back at ‘Ringleader’ Brennan
Via Billy
At war with current and former intelligence officials since before he was elected, Donald Trump on Wednesday moved to strip Barack Obama’s CIA chief of his security clearance, though worse may be in store for John Brennan, says Ray McGovern.
There’s more than meets the eye to President Donald Trump’s decision to
revoke the security clearances that ex-CIA Director John Brennan
enjoyed as a courtesy customarily afforded former directors. The
President’s move is the second major sign that Brennan is about to be
hoisted on his own petard. It is one embroidered with rhetoric charging
Trump with treason and, far more important, with documents now in the
hands of congressional investigators showing Brennan’s ringleader role
in the so-far unsuccessful attempts to derail Trump both before and
after the 2016 election.
More @ Consortium News
Rand Paul: ‘Crazy’ Brennan Has Called For Death Penalty For President Trump
Yet former CIA head still wants security clearance
Senator Rand Paul appeared on Fox News Thursday night, to discuss both his recent diplomatic trip to Russia, and his endorsement of President Trump revoking the security clearance of former CIA head John Brennan.
Noting that he is scheduled to meet with Trump this weekend to discuss both topics, Paul stated that was was more than happy with Trump’s decision as concerns Brennan, saying “I’ve been calling for a review of the security clearances of a lot of folks…for months and months.”
The Senator note that he contacted the FBI Director last January to voice concerns over former officials who still have security clearance and who are clearly opposed to the current administration.
More @ Newswars
Senate Intel Chair: Here's Why Brennan's Accusations Against Trump In NYT Op-Ed Aren't Believable
In a scathing press statement released Thursday, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), explained why former CIA Director John Brennan's accusations against President Trump and complaints about him stripping his security clearance don't hold water.
At the White House press briefing Wednesday, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced that Trump had revoked the security clearance of Brennan, an Obama-appointee who is now a security analyst at MSNBC, citing his "erratic conduct and behavior" and "wild outbursts," and accusing him of "leveraging" his clearance to make false claims against the Trump administration.
More @ The Daily Wire
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