Saturday, September 14, 2013
Moscow opens a course of oral sex for women who want to improve their ability
I thought I had seen it all, but was obviously mistaken. This is not appropriate for ladies or children and quite possibly others. I hesitated in posting, but thought a sterling example of how far we have fallen.
@ Obozhe
Paula Deen Is Back, Y’All!
Via Bill
Paula Deen is back!
Paula Deen is back!
The celeb chef, 66, made her first public appearance since settling the racial discrimination lawsuit
that practically destroyed her empire, and was moved to tears after
receiving a 10-minute standing ovation at the Metro Cooking &
Entertaining Show in Houston on Saturday.
"These are tears of joy, y'all," she said. "This is my first time out in three months. … The one place I wanted to make my first step out was in Texas. You are forgiving folks with hearts as big as your state." She added, "We all experience pain in some way, but pain is also a good thing because it makes you grow."
"These are tears of joy, y'all," she said. "This is my first time out in three months. … The one place I wanted to make my first step out was in Texas. You are forgiving folks with hearts as big as your state." She added, "We all experience pain in some way, but pain is also a good thing because it makes you grow."
More @ Yahoo
Boston school scraps Pledge of Allegiance on 9/11 for poem about a Muslim washing her filthy feet in a sink at a Sears Department Store
The principal of Concord Carlisle High School is apologizing to parents about the school’s opening ceremony on Wednesday – the 12th anniversary of 9/11 – in which a Muslim poem was recited over the intercom but the Pledge of Allegiance was not. Principal Peter Badalament said in a statement to parents that the poem was meant to promote “cross-cultural understanding,” and that the Pledge of Allegiance was not read because of a mixup with the student reader.
The combination of the two has “outraged a small number of members of our community,” Badalament said in an email to the Globe, noting that the school has received a handful of calls and about 10 emails from unhappy parents.
“Yesterday was the first Wednesday of the school year; we were unaware that our student Pledge reader had an internship commitment on this day,” Badalament said in the statement.. “This was our responsibility to know. We humbly apologize that this oversight and communication gap occurred.”
More @ Bare Naked Islam
"Moderate" Al-Qaeda rebels s decapitate four in one day
The religion of peace.........
Because of the danger in reporting inside Syria, it was not possible to confirm the identity or political affiliation of the victim. Nor are we certain about the motivation of his killers. One eyewitness who lives in the area and was contacted by TIME a week after the beheadings said that the executioners were from ISIS, an Al-Qaeda franchise operating in Syria and Iraq.
TIME obtained the images exclusively from a photographer who was recently in Syria. This decapitation was the last of four executions he documented that day. TIME has agreed not to publish the photographer’s name, to protect him from repercussions when he returns to Syria. What follows is an edited account of his experience:
Entire article @ Time
III Arms: The only firearms manufacturer in the world that specifically builds their product to kill tyrants

Jim Miller, President of III Arms Company explained the company to the Conservative Elite in Washington DC media, politicians, NRA and more last night.
Imagine a typical Washington DC event with all of the Conservative VIP's in attendance, and explaining the III Arms world view...
Our position at III Arms: We are the ONLY firearms manufacturer in the WORLD that specifically builds their product to kill tyrants.
I have said it before, and I will say it again: Jim Miller is the best Ambassador III Arms will ever have - could ever have at the helm. I suspect you will see that quote from Jim on III Arms marketing materials in the future. You want a Mission Statement that describes III Arms, and the broader III, that is it. One more time:
Our position at III Arms: We are the ONLY firearms manufacturer in the WORLD that specifically builds their product to kill tyrants.
Anyone who's got a problem with that position - don't bother me with it. It is perfection.
It is brilliance.
The entire III Community, and Liberty advocates across the republic, owe Jim Miller for everything he is, everything he does for this Movement, and for having the grit to look those people in the eye and explain what real Americans are talking about at the dinner table. We never get to choose our siblings. But if I could choose a brother, it would be Jim.
Jim's report is below.
More @ III Percent Patriots
Social Oncology, Race, and the Legacy Media

I think I will don a loin cloth, stop bathing, and ascend a moutain where I will gibber, drool, and perhaps cástrate myself and wait to go to Hale-Bopp. This is a patrioitic plan. I don´t want to distance myself too much from my fellow Americans.
Though, on thought, I may welsh on the castration part.
Every morning, as I shamble through the heather of the internet in search of reason (any day now), I find another story of a savage racial attack on whites by feral blacks. At least, when a black man says, “I´m gonna kill the next white I see,” and does so, I begin to suspect a racial motive. Perhaps this is unfair. Perhaps the gentleman really meant to say, “…find a good book on Keynes and the Austrian school, and compare with Veblen.” I remain suspicious.
More @ Fred On Everything
Via Billy
"Bill Arp" struck the keynote when he said: "Well, I killed as many of them as they did of me, and now I am going to work."
Charles Henry Smith was an American writer from the state of Georgia who used the pen-name Bill Arp. The following is taken from his memoirs. This narrative was published in 1902. After reading this passage the thing that struck me was that it is no new thing that the North’s role in the institution of slavery has been diminutized. His observation as follows:
Bill Arp/Charles Henry Smith
"Bill Arp" struck the keynote when he said: "Well, I killed as many of them as they did of me, and now I am going to work."
Charles Henry Smith was an American writer from the state of Georgia who used the pen-name Bill Arp. The following is taken from his memoirs. This narrative was published in 1902. After reading this passage the thing that struck me was that it is no new thing that the North’s role in the institution of slavery has been diminutized. His observation as follows:
It is sad and mortifying that our young and middle-aged men and our
graduates from Southern colleges know so little of our ante-bellum history.
The Northern people are equally ignorant of the origin of slavery and the real
causes that precipitated the civil war. Most of them have a vague idea that
slavery was born and just grew up in the South - came up out of the ground
like the seventeen-year-old locusts--and was our sin and our curse.
Not one in ten thousand will believe that the South never imported a slave from Africa, but got all we had by purchase from our Northern brethren. I would wager a thousand dollars against ten that not a man under fifty nor a schoolboy who lives north of the line knows or believes that General Grant, their great military hero and idol, was a slave holder and lived off of their hire and their services while he was fighting us about ours. Lincoln's proclamation of freedom came in 1863, but General Grant paid no attention to it. He continued to use them as slaves until January, 1865. (See his biography by General James Grant Wilson in Appleton's Encyclopedia
How many of this generation, North or South, know, or will believe that as late as November, 1861, Nathaniel Gordon, master of a New England slave ship called the Erie, was convicted in New York City of carrying on the slave trade? (See Appleton.) Just think of it and wonder! In 1861 our Northern brethren made war upon us because we enslaved the negroes we had bought from them; but at the same time they kept on bringing more from Africa and begging us to buy them. How many know that England, our mother country, never emancipated her slaves until 1843, when twelve millions were set free in the East Indies and one hundred millions of dollars paid to their owners by act of Parliament?
I wish to impress it upon our boys and girls so that they may be ready and willing to defend their Southern ancestors from the baseless charge of suffering now for the sins of their fathers.
Source: Bill Arp from the Uncivil War to Date, 1861-1903, by Bill Arp, 1902.
Link to e-book:
Photo: Bill Arp (
Not one in ten thousand will believe that the South never imported a slave from Africa, but got all we had by purchase from our Northern brethren. I would wager a thousand dollars against ten that not a man under fifty nor a schoolboy who lives north of the line knows or believes that General Grant, their great military hero and idol, was a slave holder and lived off of their hire and their services while he was fighting us about ours. Lincoln's proclamation of freedom came in 1863, but General Grant paid no attention to it. He continued to use them as slaves until January, 1865. (See his biography by General James Grant Wilson in Appleton's Encyclopedia
How many of this generation, North or South, know, or will believe that as late as November, 1861, Nathaniel Gordon, master of a New England slave ship called the Erie, was convicted in New York City of carrying on the slave trade? (See Appleton.) Just think of it and wonder! In 1861 our Northern brethren made war upon us because we enslaved the negroes we had bought from them; but at the same time they kept on bringing more from Africa and begging us to buy them. How many know that England, our mother country, never emancipated her slaves until 1843, when twelve millions were set free in the East Indies and one hundred millions of dollars paid to their owners by act of Parliament?
I wish to impress it upon our boys and girls so that they may be ready and willing to defend their Southern ancestors from the baseless charge of suffering now for the sins of their fathers.
Source: Bill Arp from the Uncivil War to Date, 1861-1903, by Bill Arp, 1902.
Link to e-book:
Photo: Bill Arp (
George Will's Libertarian Evolution: Q&A on Obama, Syria, & the Power of Choice
"In part, I owe my current happiness to Barack Obama," continues the 72-year-old Will, who "so thoroughly concentrates all of the American progressive tradition and the academic culture that goes with it, that he's really put the spring in my step." (Just in opposition)
More @ Reason
Eric Holder, IRS officials coached tax-exempt black ministers on how to engage in political activity
Via avordvet
General Eric Holder and IRS officials advised black ministers on how to
engage in political activity during the 2012 election without violating
their tax-exempt status.
Holder, then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, and Peter Lorenzetti, a senior official in the scandal-plagued agency’s exempt organizations division, participated in a May 2012 training session for black ministers from the Conference of National
Black Churches at the U.S. Capitol hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). Holder spoke at the event.
“We’re going to, first of all, equip them with the information they need to know about what they can say and what they cannot say in the church that would violate their 501(c)(3) status with the IRS,” said then-CBC chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat from Missouri. “In fact, we’re going to have the IRS administrator there. We’re going to have Attorney General Eric Holder there…the ACLU.”
Holder, then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, and Peter Lorenzetti, a senior official in the scandal-plagued agency’s exempt organizations division, participated in a May 2012 training session for black ministers from the Conference of National
“We’re going to, first of all, equip them with the information they need to know about what they can say and what they cannot say in the church that would violate their 501(c)(3) status with the IRS,” said then-CBC chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat from Missouri. “In fact, we’re going to have the IRS administrator there. We’re going to have Attorney General Eric Holder there…the ACLU.”
More @ The Daily Caller
Linking Hands, Catalans Press Case for Secession
Via avordvet
Hundreds of thousands of people waved flags and joined hands across Catalonia on Wednesday, in a show of popular force that Catalan leaders hope will revive their push for Spain’s economically most powerful region to secede from the rest of the country.
Hundreds of thousands of people waved flags and joined hands across Catalonia on Wednesday, in a show of popular force that Catalan leaders hope will revive their push for Spain’s economically most powerful region to secede from the rest of the country.
The human chain was formed on what Catalonia’s 7.5 million inhabitants
celebrate as their national day. Last year, hundreds of thousands
gathered on the same day in Barcelona, in northeastern Spain, in what
was the largest separatist event to date.
Organizers of this year’s event insisted that even more people joined
the demonstration, but official government figures were not immediately
available. The chain on Wednesday ran for 250 miles through villages in
the Pyrenees, close to the border with France, all the way to resorts on
the Mediterranean Sea.
More @ NYT
Texas State Troopers Openly Defy The Gun Law
Friday the 13th must be defy the law day for the Texas Department of Public Safety. A legal lawful open carry rally at the capital became the site of a tyrannical abuse of power at the hands of our ignorant public servants. Terry Holcomb of Texas Open Carry was arrested for carrying a black powder pistol even though the act is perfectly legal.
Council moves forward with plans to sell Confederate Circle
Via Billy
The Selma City Council took a step toward solving a 136-year-old question of ownership Tuesday evening.
The council voted 4-1 to begin the process of selling an acre of land in Old Live Oak Cemetery to the United Daughters of the Confederacy for $60,000.
Four of the nine council members were not present at the meeting, including Council President Corey Bowie.
Ward 1 Councilmember Cecil Williamson, who led the meeting as council president pro tem, said the sale would not be official until the council drafts an ordinance, which would take a minimum of one month. Once drafted, the council would read the ordinance twice and make a final vote during the second reading.
The land includes a monument dedicated to Confederate Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forest, unveiled in 2000 at the city-owned Vaughan-Smitherman Building. It was moved to Old Live Oak Cemetery after the momument was defaced with trash. Selma residents continued to protest the monument until March 2012, when the monument’s bust vanished.
After the March 2012 theft, construction immediately began on upgrades to the Forrest and Confederate monuments, but in August 2012, the council voted to halt construction work after questions were raised about who owned the property. The work stoppage resulted in a $375,000 lawsuit by construction company KTK Mining.

The Selma City Council took a step toward solving a 136-year-old question of ownership Tuesday evening.
The council voted 4-1 to begin the process of selling an acre of land in Old Live Oak Cemetery to the United Daughters of the Confederacy for $60,000.
Four of the nine council members were not present at the meeting, including Council President Corey Bowie.
Ward 1 Councilmember Cecil Williamson, who led the meeting as council president pro tem, said the sale would not be official until the council drafts an ordinance, which would take a minimum of one month. Once drafted, the council would read the ordinance twice and make a final vote during the second reading.
The land includes a monument dedicated to Confederate Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forest, unveiled in 2000 at the city-owned Vaughan-Smitherman Building. It was moved to Old Live Oak Cemetery after the momument was defaced with trash. Selma residents continued to protest the monument until March 2012, when the monument’s bust vanished.
After the March 2012 theft, construction immediately began on upgrades to the Forrest and Confederate monuments, but in August 2012, the council voted to halt construction work after questions were raised about who owned the property. The work stoppage resulted in a $375,000 lawsuit by construction company KTK Mining.
More @ Selma Times-Journal
GRNC Alert 9-14-13 Pitt County Proposes Recreation Complex Ban For Firearms
GRNC has learned from vigilant Pitt County supporters that an ordinance has been drafted that will prohibit firearms,
“ the Pitt County Recreational Complex to the fullest extent permitted by State
The “Complex” at issue is actually an expansive collection of ten separate facilities located within
and around Greenville.
It may be the case that the County is proposing to prohibit to the “fullest extent permitted by State
law” to disguise the fact that virtually no prohibition is possible under State law.
misleading language appears designed to
intimidate law-abiding gun owners into voluntarily disarming.
Inappropriate suggestion of a complex-wide ban will confuse both
citizens and
law-enforcement officers. The apparent intentional drafting of an
ordinance designed to confuse is unacceptable behavior on the part of
elected to serve, and not to manipulate the public.
Only narrow, specific bans are permissible
While State law does permit the County to prohibit
carry in buildings and very narrowly defined facilities during scheduled events, these must be “specifically identified by the unit
of local government” (see GS-14-415.23, and the revised
version that becomes effective October 1).
The proposed ban that generally applies to the entire ten-facility Complex
clearly violates this specificity requirement. The proposed ordinance will confuse, likely by design, both citizens and
law-enforcement officers by implying that carry is prohibited throughout the county's recreational areas.
purpose of the State Law is to provide
statewide uniformity so that law-abiding permittees are not subject to a
patchwork of confusing laws intended to discourage self-defense.
Pitt County has decided that statewide uniformity doesn't apply to
their Recreational Complex. They are mistaken. We need to help
them realize their mistake before the ordinance is voted on.
Vote to be held
Monday morning...
evidence for the nefarious nature of the proposed ordinance is the
secretive manner in which it has been
scheduled for a vote. The powers-that-be seem to already understand that
their ban will be unpopular with constituents, and have attempted to
it in a manner designed to avoid public scrutiny.
In apparent attempt to “fly under the radar” the ban has been scheduled for a morning meeting
vote this coming Monday, September 16 at 9:55 am. The meeting will be held in the Commissioners’ Auditorium, at the County Office Building,
located at 1717 West 5th Street, Greenville
Five traitors is all it took.

Five. That’s all the vote-switchers that anti-gunners had to muster in the Missouri Senate to kill a nullification bill BY ONE VOTE. Gun Owners of America had pushed the bill back in the spring when it was overwhelmingly passed by the House and Senate. Sadly, it was vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon shortly thereafter -- and the veto override fell just one vote short this week.
Governor Jay Nixon (D) vetoed HB 436 this spring, after the Missouri House and Senate had overwhelmingly passed it. Among other things, the nullification bill would have made it illegal in Missouri to enforce unconstitutional laws that take away people’s Second Amendment rights.
This week, while the House voted to override Gov. Nixon’s veto (109-49), the Senate fell just one vote short at 22-12 -- when 23 votes were needed.
There were several vote-switchers in each chamber, but obviously, it was the traitors in the Senate that sunk the bill. Majority Leader Ron Richard (R-Joplin) explained his flip-flop this way:
“Nullification is OK to make a statement, but if you are going to put it in law, it sends a signal that maybe you haven’t read the Constitution, especially our amateur constitutional scholars.”
Translated: I’ll vote for the bill to look good in the eyes of my constituents when I know the Governor will veto it. But if my vote is needed to uphold the Governor’s veto, well then, that’s another story.
The five vote switchers in each chamber were the following.
Linda Black (D-117)
Pat Conway (D-10)
Keith English (D-68)
Steve Hodges (D-149)
Penny Hubbard (D-78)
Tom Dempsey (R-23)
Paul LeVota (D-11)
Ron Richard (R-32)
Scott Sifton (D-1)
Gina Walsh (D-13)
You can see how the other legislators voted by going here. (Scroll down to page 26 for the House vote and to page 28 for the Senate.)
And Missourians can use GOA’s Engage system to craft their own letters to their state Representative and Senator -- to either thank them or “spank” them.
Need to help Americans find jobs, not replace them using immigration policy
Via Mike
The president, the Senate, and the House were all sent to Washington by American citizens. Every decision we make must be guided by how it will impact the lives and livelihoods of the people who sent us here on their behalf. Yet in the current immigration debate, the American citizenry is the one group that has been almost entirely forgotten.
While the Gang of Eight legislation provided special interest groups — from La Raza to the Chamber of Commerce — with their desired provisions, the core interests of the American people were sacrificed completely.
Perhaps the least discussed but most important feature of the Gang of Eight’s immigration plan is its arrangement with certain business groups to provide them with multiple avenues to avoid hiring U.S. workers by bringing in record numbers of workers from abroad — many of whom will be granted permanent residency and thus eventual citizenship.

The president, the Senate, and the House were all sent to Washington by American citizens. Every decision we make must be guided by how it will impact the lives and livelihoods of the people who sent us here on their behalf. Yet in the current immigration debate, the American citizenry is the one group that has been almost entirely forgotten.
While the Gang of Eight legislation provided special interest groups — from La Raza to the Chamber of Commerce — with their desired provisions, the core interests of the American people were sacrificed completely.
Perhaps the least discussed but most important feature of the Gang of Eight’s immigration plan is its arrangement with certain business groups to provide them with multiple avenues to avoid hiring U.S. workers by bringing in record numbers of workers from abroad — many of whom will be granted permanent residency and thus eventual citizenship.
More @ The Hill
Why Security Is Important Immediately
I have installed wireless IP cameras at my house in the mountains with Blue Iris
software to allow 24/7 monitoring of the premises. This system has
built-in motion sensors and night vision. When the motion sensor is
tripped, two pictures are sent to my email account. A short video is
also made and recorded. Without going into details, this house is in a
very remote location with few people in the immediate vicinity. However,
anyone doing surveillance within the radius of one mile would be
noticed and reported.
The cameras are inconspicuous but effective as shown here. The individual in the first picture had already walked up the stairs to my second story, knocked on the front door and received no reply. He then went to the side of the house and checked the interior of the home as seen in the second picture.
Based on the time stamps, this individual went back to his vehicle and came back ten minutes later with what appears to be a computer and radio antenna.
The cameras are inconspicuous but effective as shown here. The individual in the first picture had already walked up the stairs to my second story, knocked on the front door and received no reply. He then went to the side of the house and checked the interior of the home as seen in the second picture.
Based on the time stamps, this individual went back to his vehicle and came back ten minutes later with what appears to be a computer and radio antenna.
More @ NC Renegade
Massive New Gun Taxes Proposed
Via Cousin John
The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.
The “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” a bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-NJ, and Danny Davis, D-IL., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 to 50 percent.
Said Rep. Pascrell, co-Chair of the House Law Enforcement Caucus and member of the Ways and Means Committee, “It has been well over two decades since tax rates were last adjusted on firearms and ammunition, and I believe it is appropriate that we look to these taxes as a way to direct additional resources to law enforcement, background checks and gun violence research.”
The lawmakers say the bill would generate $600 million per year, which they claim would be used to fund law-enforcement and gun violence prevention. The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments, from paying the tax.
“What the anti-gun interests can’t ban, they want to tax it out of existence,” Alan Gottlieb, chairman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told “It’s nothing more than confiscatory taxation.”
The bill includes the following provisions:
The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.
The “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” a bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-NJ, and Danny Davis, D-IL., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 to 50 percent.
Said Rep. Pascrell, co-Chair of the House Law Enforcement Caucus and member of the Ways and Means Committee, “It has been well over two decades since tax rates were last adjusted on firearms and ammunition, and I believe it is appropriate that we look to these taxes as a way to direct additional resources to law enforcement, background checks and gun violence research.”
The lawmakers say the bill would generate $600 million per year, which they claim would be used to fund law-enforcement and gun violence prevention. The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments, from paying the tax.
“What the anti-gun interests can’t ban, they want to tax it out of existence,” Alan Gottlieb, chairman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told “It’s nothing more than confiscatory taxation.”
The bill includes the following provisions:
More @ Cheaper Than Dirt
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