Wednesday, December 1, 2010

North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Secure Our Borders - Enforce Our Laws
The latest monthly installment (82 pages!) of "THE NORTH CAROLINA ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIME REPORT" has been posted and can be viewed here: or here:
Murder and mayhem committed by suspected (and often confirmed) illegal aliens in NC, that is being allowed to continue by our NC Representatives in Raleigh. This is a disgrace! I guess nothing will change unless one of the illegal aliens commits a crime against one of them, or one of their own family members, GOD forbid!
James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-888-885-
One Day The Totalitarian Thought-Police May Come For You
“Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to do less.”
– Robert E. Lee
The Five A’s In ‘Raaaaacism’
" inspired a sense among many political theorists that the permanence of large nation-states was now, or at least should be, an open question. Perhaps smaller would be better, and decentralization of power — up to and including the division of large nations into smaller ones — was seen as a favorable trend by these theorists.
This, then, was the general inspiration of the League of the South and, much like the Lega Nord — which employed the symbolism of the medieval Lombard League as part of its appeal to the historic past of regional independence – the LoS quite naturally invoked the history of the Confederacy."
Constitutional Law Online
Steps Toward Nationals
With three regional qualifying tournaments down and one to go after Thanksgiving break, Patrick Henry College’s moot court team has swept at least first and second place at each tournament -- a surprise to coaches Dr. Michael Farris and Dr. Frank Guliuzza. Read more.
Home School Legal Defense AssociationFrom the HSLDA e-lert service | ||
Register Now for Constitutional Law |
This Internet-based course follows Michael Farris’ textbook, Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens, and uses a computer-based audio CD. |
“As the parent of teenagers, I am not the typical student for this class. But that’s the beauty of it and of Dr. Farris’ teaching style; it is for students of all ages.”
These are just a few quotes from students who have experienced Dr. Michael Farris’ Constitutional Law Course last semester. Michael Farris is the chairman of Home School Legal Defense Association, president of, and chancellor of Patrick Henry College.
The class begins January 10, 2011, and concludes June 20, 2011.
If you’ve always wanted to learn more about the history and background of our legal system from a biblical perspective, or if you’re looking for a good U.S. government class for your homeschooled students, then this class is for you!
This 18-week Internet-based course follows Michael Farris’ textbook, Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens, and uses a computer-based audio CD to deliver the “classroom” lectures. The syllabus lists the reading and listening assignments for each week and offers a flexible schedule for homework. Every two weeks, students can participate in a live chat-room discussion—hosted by Michael Farris—to pose their questions and discuss the material. Twice during the class, students will submit essay exams for grading. A certificate of participation will be awarded to all students at the end of the class.
Tuition is $250 for HSLDA members and $275 for non-HSLDA members, which includes the required textbook and CD. There is also a sibling discount as well! For more information, or to register, visit the class website or send your questions to Nicole at
Registration closes January 3, so register soon!
“The best thing about [this course] is that no matter where you are going or what you are planning to be in life, this class applies to you. It is designed to take ordinary citizens like you and me, inform them of what the Constitution says and how it applies to life today, and then put us back into the world ready to take a stand for our freedoms!”
The HSLDA E-lert Service is a service of:
Home School Legal Defense Association • P.O. Box 3000 • Purcellville, Virginia 20134-9000
Phone: (540) 338-5600 • Fax: (540) 338-2733 • Email:
Oklahoma Town's Connection To Lincoln's Assassination
Oklahoma's connection to the Lincoln assassination is a fantastic story over one hundred years in the making. It starts with Booth's widely publicized death at Garrett's farm twelve days after he shot the president, takes a curious turn in Enid, Oklahoma almost forty years later, and continues to this day.
Did Booth really die at Garrett's farm, or is it possible he escaped and surfaced many years later in Oklahoma?" With Video.
The Secession Party
"The United States of America has become too large and needs to be broken in two. As well, New York and other states that have an urban-rural split ought to be split. The nation has become too large to manage, as today’s Congress attests. This would be so even if ideological differences did not divide the nation and the states. The nation should be broken up into a red nation and a blue nation and New York should be broken up into upstate and downstate.
The Secession Party would aim to dissolve the union, undoing the work of Abraham Lincoln and reasserting the aims of the anti-Federalists, who opposed the scope and extent of federal power that came to pass under Washington."
Via Rebellion
Pastor Exposes How Abortion Industry Was Founded By Nazi Eugenicist Now Lauded By Liberals
Via Hamp, SWR
Yes, Ma-am.
For over a century, the truth about our South has been, deliberately, kept from the public. Along with generations of other Americans, we, our children and grandchildren have been literally brainwashed with the victors’ lies—and I do not use the word “brainwashed” carelessly, I use that word deliberately.
Conservative Blooger Survey
Irish Cicero,
I’m Edward Semer, undergraduate research assistant to Dr. Diana Cohen. Dr. Cohen is an associate professor of Political Science at Central Connecticut State University. She’s conducting an online survey about conservative activism on the internet.
We want your input.
Cohen intends to refute Matt Kerbel’s thesis in Netroots: Online Progressives and the Transformation of American Politics: online activism being dominated by liberals. That is where this survey’s results will come in.
It’ll increase awareness of what conservative blogs perform well at, your audience’s profile, how on-line activism is conducted and in what ways your contemporaries spread information.
There’s no downside to describing what you do, only an upside of macroscopically understanding it.Here’s where to take the survey:
Please invite other conservative bloggers to take it also; the more, the merrier.
Edward S.
Central Connecticut State University
Via Washington Rebel
Senate Republicans Vow To Block Dem Legislation Until Tax Cuts, Budget Pass
The Littlest Victims Of ObamaCare
"More than 30,000 low-wage families will be affected, according to The Wall Street Journal. Who's to blame? SEIU 1199 benefits manager Mitra Behroozi singled out oppressive new state and federal regulations, including the much-ballyhooed ObamaCare rule forcing insurers to cover dependents well into their 20s."
Steve Martin's Gospel Song For Atheists
"From Austin City Limits (2010) Steve Martin & the Steep Canyon Rangers perform his original a capella 'gospel' tune for the non-believers among us."
Via T
Fed To Name Recipients Of $3.3 Trillion In Aid During Crisis
"The Federal Reserve, under orders from Congress, plans today to identify recipients of $3.3 trillion in emergency aid the central bank provided as it fought the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression."
The Ballad Of Morris Disease
--James Madison, Federalist No. 51, 1788
Down in the heart of Dixie, nineteen seventy-one,
After the marching was over and the danger was done,
Come a junk-mail genius with his eyes on the prize,
A civil rights cash-cow he could parasitize.
He’d skim a hundred million just as slick as you please,
One hell of a huckster name of Morris Disease.
He sends letters to lefties that fill them with dread,
Says the Ku Klux Klan is hiding under the bed,
The Boy Scouts is a hate group, so’s the SCV,
And the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Mo’s the man to stop ’em everybody agrees,
So don’t fret, send a check to Morris Disease.
He gets money from movie stars, they pay him to lie,
Like the million dollar contracts with the FBI.
He’s got black grannies giving up their funeral stash,
Miami retirees send their soda can cash.
Nobody’s better putting on the squeeze,
What a ham, superman Morris Disease.
Well, the TV reporters are his biggest fans,
Bunch of Pavlov dogs, he’s got ’em licking his hand.
He sends ’em scarey stuff to titillate the viewer,
They couldn’t care less, it’s all horse manure.
Tonight we’ll get to see him on all our TVs,
Some more free publicity for Morris Disease.
His Southern Poverty Palace says he built for the Negro,
Two million dollar fountain that he built for his ego.
He’s a hobbing and a nobbing with the liberal elite,
They get groupies too you know, ain’t life sweet?
He’s a crooked crusader; we should fall to our knees,
Show respect, genuflect to Morris Disease.
When it’s time to relax, he likes those kinky games,
He’s very creative, puts Bill Clinton to shame,
So what if he wants to keep his wife and his mistress?
He’s a civil rights icon, so it’s nobody’s business.
He’s the prince of perversion, the Sultan of sleaze,
It’s how the Honky got the handle of Morris Disease.
Well, he’s got a new shill name of Mark Toopok,
He’s the new jive slinger, Morris done got too hot.
The Harpers boys are on to him, they say he’s a fake.
His best friend Farmer says he’s on the take.
He got taken to court by the EEOC
’Cause he wouldn’t let no brothers be an employee.
Well, you got your Jesse Jackson, MLK’s replacer,
The reverend Al Sharpton, racial ambulance chaser,
Kweezie Mfume keeping hate alive,
Johnnie Conyers rapping reparations jive,
But the king of the cons, got the real expertise,
Is lily white, sodomite Morris Disease.
Larry Smith
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Secure Our Borders - Enforce Our Laws
Attention NCFIRE members:
Concerning the Dream Act Amnesty vote, there may be a big problem in Maine. Calls from Americans are being outpaced by calls from illegal alien supporters in the offices of US Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe.
Collins and Snowe are not releasing their positions on the Dream Amnesty and the illegal alien supporters have their hopes pinned on Collins and Snowe joining the Dems to pass the cloture vote on the bill.
We need you to call these offices with your own versions of the sample messages below.WE NEED EVERYONE TO PARTICIPATE! Remember to call, and then communicate by fax and email.
SAMPLE MESSAGES for your calls, faxes and emails.
"Please vote No on Cloture for the Dream Act Amnesty bill that would displace and replace millions of American students, workers, and voters."
"Please do not allow a controversial bill like Dream Act Amnesty to proceed, after such a historic backlash in this year's elections."
"Can your offices provide me with an estimate on how many innocent American students, workers, and voters will be displaced or negatively impacted, if Dream Act Amnesty is passed?"
"Does your office have an estimate on how many millions of illegal aliens will quickly enter the US, if you reward illegal aliens with Dream Act Amnesty?"
"I plan to oppose any member of the US Senate who votes YES on CLOTURE for the Dream Act Amnesty. Forty four Dream Act Amnesty supporters lost their seats in 2010 and I am certain more Dream Act Amnesty supporters will be defeated in 2012. Please stand with we Americans who are calling you and please do not listen to the illegal aliens and their supporters who want you to pass Amnesty"
"Please ask Senator _______ to make her position for or against Dream Act Amnesty Cloture votes Known so American voters will know, if they should support or oppose her in the next elections."
Susan M. Collins
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2523
Fax: (202) 224-2693
Caribou State Office:
Main: (207) 493-7873
Bangor State Office:
Main: (207) 945-0417
Augusta State Office:
Main: (207) 622-8414
Lewiston State Office:
Main: (207) 784-6969
Biddeford State Office:
Main: (207) 283-1101
Portland State Office:
Main: (207) 780-3575
Olympia J. Snowe
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 224-5344
Toll Free: (800) 432-1599
Fax: (202) 224-1946
Auburn State Office:
Main: (207) 786-2451
Fax: (207) 782-1438
Augusta State Office:
Main: (207) 622-8292
Fax: (207) 622-7295
Bangor State Office:
Main: (207) 945-0432
Fax: (207) 941-9525
Biddeford State Office:
Main: (207) 282-4144
Fax: (207) 284-2358
Portland State Office:
Main: (207) 874-0883
Fax: (207) 874-7631
Presque Isle State Office:
Main: (207) 764-5124
Fax: (207) 764-6420
James Johnson
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-888-885-0879
The 15th Alabama Is Overdue Its Rightful Acknowledgement
"........ the famous charge of Chamberlain's Maine men as portrayed in the movie Gettysburg, Tucker claims, was fiction. Oates wrote after the battle that the Alabamians were withdrawing under fire when the Maine regiment left their earthworks and retook lost ground downslope, nothing more."
100,000 Able Bodies Needed To Remove Dictatorship And Restore Democracy
Great sign, just change some words and date.
Ireland's Debt Servitude
“Nothing quite symbolized this State’s loss of sovereignty than the press conference at which the ECB man spoke along with two IMF men and a European Commission official. It was held in the Government press centre beneath the Taoiseach’s office. I am a xenophobe and cosmopolitan by nature, but to see foreign technocrats take over the very heart of the apparatus of this State to tell the media how the State will be run into the foreseeable future caused a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.”
Via Western Rifle Shooters Association