Friday, November 17, 2017
Calhoun’s Meaning that “Slavery is a Positive Good”?

John C. Calhoun–valedictorian of his class at Yale, Vice President, Secretary of War, and Senator–was one of the greatest statesmen America has produced. Margaret Coit wrote a favorable biography of him in 1950 that won a Pulitzer Prize. In 1959, a Senate committee, headed by John Kennedy, ranked him among the five greatest senators in American history. Calhoun wrote one of the early works on the Constitution, and his Disquisition on Government was the first systematic political philosophy written by an American. It compares favorably with the classic modern political philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, Hume and Rousseau. Lord Acton (famous for “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”) placed the Disquisition in his list of the 100 best books ever written.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
The Whitewashed Tyranny of Abraham Lincoln
Via comment by Anonymous on Lincoln’s War
Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. President, motivated by a patriotic and Christian desire to preserve the union of states and free the slaves. At least that is what modern textbooks suggest. There is a bigger story to the 16th President of the United States than the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. A whitewashed version of the man is all that we learned about him in school. It is what our children and grandchildren are still being taught. Public school districts and universities have been dutifully parroting that the Southern states of Lincoln's era had a perverse culture, while Northern society was superior. This became the politically-correct mantra when 'teaching' about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War for generations after the Civil Rights Movement.
The identity politics is only getting worse, and more blatant.
The narrative is not only infused heavily with a liberal bias, but moreover, it is entirely wrong. Far too many Americans, both current students and adults, believe that the Civil War was a war about slavery. This liberalized version of history does not chronicle the political shenanigans that were undertaken by groups to harden their centralized (federal) grasp on power, as is still the case today.
Most Americans do not believe that this issue was at play during Lincoln's era, but they are so very wrong. The current political atmosphere in America is a testament to how ignorance of history forces a people to repeat it.
President Abraham Lincoln should not be revered as a hallowed figure. "Honest Abe" was a mere man; one who made mistakes and decisions based on his own self-interest. Some of his choices did benefit America, but the benefits were often a positive byproduct of his political self-interest, not benevolence.
Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. President, motivated by a patriotic and Christian desire to preserve the union of states and free the slaves. At least that is what modern textbooks suggest. There is a bigger story to the 16th President of the United States than the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. A whitewashed version of the man is all that we learned about him in school. It is what our children and grandchildren are still being taught. Public school districts and universities have been dutifully parroting that the Southern states of Lincoln's era had a perverse culture, while Northern society was superior. This became the politically-correct mantra when 'teaching' about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War for generations after the Civil Rights Movement.
The identity politics is only getting worse, and more blatant.
The narrative is not only infused heavily with a liberal bias, but moreover, it is entirely wrong. Far too many Americans, both current students and adults, believe that the Civil War was a war about slavery. This liberalized version of history does not chronicle the political shenanigans that were undertaken by groups to harden their centralized (federal) grasp on power, as is still the case today.
Most Americans do not believe that this issue was at play during Lincoln's era, but they are so very wrong. The current political atmosphere in America is a testament to how ignorance of history forces a people to repeat it.
President Abraham Lincoln should not be revered as a hallowed figure. "Honest Abe" was a mere man; one who made mistakes and decisions based on his own self-interest. Some of his choices did benefit America, but the benefits were often a positive byproduct of his political self-interest, not benevolence.
More @ Health Wyze
The Swamp Is Being Revealed As An Open Cesspool
Via comment by JWMJR on Stepson of Roy Moore Accuser Calls Story a Lie, “I..
The Rolling Stone has just ran a story purporting to debunk the "Pizzagate" story. I find both the timing of the release of the story and the fervor with which it stakes out a position of righteousness in their claims as highly suspicious.
Firstly, this story hasn't been anywhere near even the back burner of public interest in months. Given that and the daily deluge of revelations coming out of Sodom and Gomorrah (Hollywood and Washington DC) one has to wonder if Rolling Stone knows more than they are telling and is this a preemptive cover story.
I posted the following comment directly on the Rolling Stone story:
Let's look at the givens.

The Rolling Stone has just ran a story purporting to debunk the "Pizzagate" story. I find both the timing of the release of the story and the fervor with which it stakes out a position of righteousness in their claims as highly suspicious.
Firstly, this story hasn't been anywhere near even the back burner of public interest in months. Given that and the daily deluge of revelations coming out of Sodom and Gomorrah (Hollywood and Washington DC) one has to wonder if Rolling Stone knows more than they are telling and is this a preemptive cover story.
I posted the following comment directly on the Rolling Stone story:
Let's look at the givens.
More @ Joe Martin's Ghost
Lincoln’s War

If we are true to the English language and its usage, what is referred to as the American Revolution was in reality a civil war as opposing sides fought for control of the governance of the American Colonies. The 1861-1865 war was not a civil war as several Southern States had withdrawn from their voluntary political compact with other States, and formed their own voluntary Union. The South, then, had no interest in governing the North and truly fought in self-defense; the North, then, truly fought the war for conquest.
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
Lincoln’s War
“Matthew Forney Steele in his 1951 American Campaigns points out that the American Civil War was unusual for a civil war in having a purely sectional bias. Allegiance in this civil war was decided by one’s geographic location rather than class, religion, political allegiance, ethnicity or other factors that usually set the battling factions in a civil war apart from each other. This meant, in practical terms, that in the American Civil War the sides fought not among themselves but arrayed against each other.
The Southern Confederacy’s objective was simply to be left alone. The Union’s determination was to deny them that forbearance. Thus, an “invasion” of the Southern portion of the country, in Abraham Lincoln’s blandly legal phraseology, to “subdue combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings,” became the war’s inevitable strategy.”
(Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil War, Earl B. McElfresh, H.N. Abrams Publishers, 1990, excerpt, pg. 20)
My letter to Christ Church after they removed memorials to Washington & Lee
Via Billy

I went there for summer camp one year.
Saddened, heartbroken and appalled by removal of historical plaques
Dear Rev. York-Simmons:
As a retired US veteran, a retired VA employee, and an amateur historian, I am appalled, heartbroken, and saddened by the myopic decision to remove the memorials to two Christian Americans at Christ Church. It truly is a sad day in American when historical remembrances which have been in place for decades are all of a sudden deemed "unwelcoming." At least their tombs are not located there, for I would not doubt a decision would be made to exhume their mortal remains and deposit them in some field.
Having served on active duty for over 24 years, I must truly admit that this decision has made me and my entire family feel totally "unwelcome" at Christ Church--a sentiment which I am sure many other patriotic Americans share. Moreover, the intentional removal of these plaques certainly means that there is no need whatsoever for me or my family to visit Christ Church should we travel to northern Virginia.
Apparently, the Episcopal Church in America in its attempt to be "welcoming" have alienated most Americans by removing historical plaques and memorials honoring some of our greatest American Christian heroes. I certainly hope this decision by the staff of Christ Church will increase your dwindling numbers; however, I doubt such will happen as those who may have felt "unwelcome" by the plaques are certainly not a majority and more than likely would not attend Christian worship services.
It is apparent that those who made this inane decision do not care what I, my family or the majority of patriotic Americans think or cherish. They do not care about our feelings and the sadness we feel when we think of what has occurred. Is provoking such feelings Christ-like, loving or welcoming? I think not.
When will the decision be made to remove the Cross or the Scriptures at Christ Church because they are "unwelcoming?
Thank you for your time. May God bless your efforts as you minister to His people.
Dr. Arnold M. Huskins
Major, USAF, Retired
Dear Rev. York-Simmons:
As a retired US veteran, a retired VA employee, and an amateur historian, I am appalled, heartbroken, and saddened by the myopic decision to remove the memorials to two Christian Americans at Christ Church. It truly is a sad day in American when historical remembrances which have been in place for decades are all of a sudden deemed "unwelcoming." At least their tombs are not located there, for I would not doubt a decision would be made to exhume their mortal remains and deposit them in some field.
Having served on active duty for over 24 years, I must truly admit that this decision has made me and my entire family feel totally "unwelcome" at Christ Church--a sentiment which I am sure many other patriotic Americans share. Moreover, the intentional removal of these plaques certainly means that there is no need whatsoever for me or my family to visit Christ Church should we travel to northern Virginia.
Apparently, the Episcopal Church in America in its attempt to be "welcoming" have alienated most Americans by removing historical plaques and memorials honoring some of our greatest American Christian heroes. I certainly hope this decision by the staff of Christ Church will increase your dwindling numbers; however, I doubt such will happen as those who may have felt "unwelcome" by the plaques are certainly not a majority and more than likely would not attend Christian worship services.
It is apparent that those who made this inane decision do not care what I, my family or the majority of patriotic Americans think or cherish. They do not care about our feelings and the sadness we feel when we think of what has occurred. Is provoking such feelings Christ-like, loving or welcoming? I think not.
When will the decision be made to remove the Cross or the Scriptures at Christ Church because they are "unwelcoming?
Thank you for your time. May God bless your efforts as you minister to His people.
Dr. Arnold M. Huskins
Major, USAF, Retired
Jeff Sessions makes Russia joke before speech: 'Is Ambassador Kislyak in the room?' :)
Via Billy
Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked a crowd just before delivering a speech in Washington at the Mayflower Hotel if former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was in the room.
"Is Ambassador Kislyak in the room, before I get started here?" he asked before starting his remarks.
"Any Russians? Anybody been to Russia? Got a cousin in Russia or something?"
Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked a crowd just before delivering a speech in Washington at the Mayflower Hotel if former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was in the room.
"Is Ambassador Kislyak in the room, before I get started here?" he asked before starting his remarks.
"Any Russians? Anybody been to Russia? Got a cousin in Russia or something?"
More with video @ Washington Examiner
Colt’s Doing a Limited-Edition Run of Non-NFA 37mm M203 Launchers

In a refreshing first, Colt’s put together a limited-edition run of non-NFA launchers. Unlike 40mm launchers, which are considered destructive devices, these are built on virgin receivers with smaller-diameter 37mm tubes.
These launchers can be used to fire flares and smoke canisters as well as novelty payloads. They are not grenade launchers — but they look the part.
They are still considered firearms, of course — just Title 1. Each is serialized and must transfer through an FFL the same way rifles or shotguns are sold.
More @ Guns America
Man Who Beat Two-Day-Old Daughter To Death Found Dead In His Cell. Another Inmate Arrested For Murdering Him.
On Sunday, a 22-year-old man who was serving a life sentence for murdering his two-day-old baby was found dead in his cell at HM Prison Leeds in England after another inmate allegedly killed him.
Liam Deane had been jailed in October after punching, shaking and squeezing his baby girl, Luna, to death because she wouldn’t stop crying. Deane admitted murdering his daughter while her mother was asleep. The baby died in intensive care after suffering "catastrophic brain injuries.”
Michael Smith, who prosecuted Deane, stated of Deane, "He said he was responsible for all of the injuries that she had suffered and he said that Luna had not settled down and he lost control."
More @ The Daily Wire
World's first human head transplant a success, controversial scientist claims
Via Billy
He has signed up his first patient, a Russian man called Valery Spiridinov who will have his head frozen and then grafted onto a new donor body, according to his doctor.
The world's first human head transplant has allegedly been performed on a corpse in an 18 hour operation which successfully connected the spine, nerves and blood vessels of two people.
The operation was carried out by a team led by Dr Xiaoping Ren of Harbin Medical University, China, who last year successfully grafted a head onto the body of a monkey.
Italian Professor Sergio Canavero, Director of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, who has been working with the team, said they would 'imminently' move onto a living human who was paralysed from the neck down.
He has signed up his first patient, a Russian man called Valery Spiridinov who will have his head frozen and then grafted onto a new donor body, according to his doctor.
The world's first human head transplant has allegedly been performed on a corpse in an 18 hour operation which successfully connected the spine, nerves and blood vessels of two people.
The operation was carried out by a team led by Dr Xiaoping Ren of Harbin Medical University, China, who last year successfully grafted a head onto the body of a monkey.
Italian Professor Sergio Canavero, Director of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, who has been working with the team, said they would 'imminently' move onto a living human who was paralysed from the neck down.
More @ The Telegraph
Democrat Oversample: Fox News Poll Claims Roy Moore Losing Despite Faulty Numbers
Va Billy
The 14 point differential between the two polls conducted over the same three day period contributes to the great uncertainty surrounding the election thrown into chaos by unsubstantiated allegations of sexual harassment made against Judge Moore over the past week by several women.
I was suspicious of this poll yesterday. Even Fox isn't truthful. "More than difficult to believe"
A Fox News Poll of 649 likely voters in Alabama released on Thursday and conducted between Monday and Wednesday of this week shows Democratic candidate Doug Jones with an eight point lead over Republican candidate Judge Roy Moore in the December 12 special election for the Alabama U.S. Senate seat once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, 50 percent to 42 percent, with a 3.5 percent margin of error.
That poll stands in striking contrast to a Fox10/Strategy Research poll of 3,000 likely voters in Alabama released on Wednesday and conducted on Monday of this week that shows Moore with a six point lead over Jones, 49 percent to 43 percent, with a two percent margin of error.The 14 point differential between the two polls conducted over the same three day period contributes to the great uncertainty surrounding the election thrown into chaos by unsubstantiated allegations of sexual harassment made against Judge Moore over the past week by several women.
More @ Breitbart
Glorida Allred Admits She Doesn’t Know if Roy Moore Signed Accuser’s Yearbook
Here’s her response after being pressed on whether she knows if the signature is valid: “You know, I don’t — I haven’t asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question. What she alleges was that she put it on the counter; that I think she asked to sign — or that he did sign it. That’s all.”
This doesn’t help Allred’s case. She already has a reputation for backing women’s lawsuits against Republican men. Why didn’t she do her due diligence and consult experts to verify whether or not the Moore signature was real? Why didn’t she do her basic homework before taking the case?
More @ The Political Insider
Cowards in the Academic Trenches

The problem with my leftist colleagues (UNC Wilmington) really isn’t their politics. It is their lack of courage. And it is getting worse. Granted, I have long heard reports of professors abusing students in the classroom. But those reports have drastically increased since the election of 2016. I would like to provide just a few examples before commenting on the effects such cowardly abuse are having on students and on the general campus climate:
*A professor was giving a pro Black Lives Matter lecture. A student countered the professor by making the rather obvious observation that “all lives matter.” Upon hearing it, the professor denounced his student as a racist three times in front of the entire class. Each time she tried to explain herself, the professor shouted “racist!”
More @ Townhall
The artists who dealt death from the sky in Vietnam: Incredible images show the cartoons U.S. Army pilots painted onto their helicopters
Via Jonathan
Snoopy, 132nd Assault Support Helicopter Company, Chu Lai, 1970.
Accumulated 2,198 flight hours from May 1968 to August 1971, all with
the 132nd. It survived Vietnam and is actively on flight status as a D
model with the Army National Guard. I had a Snoopy pin on my Yamaha:)
These never before seen pictures from the Vietnam War show the spectacular artwork that helicopter pilots painted on their choppers during the brutal conflict.
These never before seen pictures from the Vietnam War show the spectacular artwork that helicopter pilots painted on their choppers during the brutal conflict.
Images daubed on helicopters included popular cartoon characters such as the Incredible Hulk, Road Runner and the Green Hornet.
Some of the artworks are threatening, including a white skull painted on a red background, but most are playful and innocent.
pictures show soldiers posing next to The Good Ship Lollipop and The
Magical Mystery Tour as they prepare for deployment, in what would prove
to be one of the most brutal wars in recent memory.
The remarkable images appear in a new book, Vietnam War Army Helicopter Nose Art, by John Brennan.
offers a unique insight into the conflict, which raged from November 1,
1955 to April 30, and killed nearly four million people.
More @ Daily Mail
The National Republican Party Is Pathetic!
Via Billy

After Judge Roy Moore won the Alabama Republican senatorial primary election a few weeks ago, I wrote this:
can bet that the establishment is not finished trying to destroy Roy
Moore—not by any stretch of the imagination. When Trump stumped for
Luther Strange last week, he said that Judge Moore would have a hard
time winning the general election. He said that because he knows that
not only will Roy Moore have to defeat the Democrat establishment, he
will have to again defeat the Republican establishment. So, Roy’s fight
is far from over.
were those words an understatement! After forty years in public office;
after being investigated more times than probably any man in America;
after being removed from office twice for not caving in to
unconstitutional judicial rulings; after taking on the President of the
United States Donald Trump, the Vice President of the United States Mike
Pence, the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the entire media
and political establishments in New York and Washington, D.C.; and
after having over $30 million spent against him by the Republican
establishment AND WINNING—and just four weeks away from the most
important senatorial election in modern American history—suddenly
several women come out of nowhere to accuse Roy Moore of sexual
improprieties from some forty years ago.
More @ Chuck Baldwin
Byron York: 6 scenarios for GOP disaster in Roy Moore Senate race
"Given the unusual circumstances and very unusual personality involved, it's hard to see this working out well," one laconic Republican lawmaker said Wednesday of the Roy Moore situation. The Alabama Senate race is shaping up as a catastrophe for the GOP, regardless of how it works out. But just how big a catastrophe? Here are six scenarios:
1) Moore withdraws from the race.
More @ Washington Examiner
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