Sunday, May 26, 2013
America's oldest veteran to spend quiet Memorial Day at Texas home
Via Susan
For his 107th Memorial Day, Richard Arvine Overton, who saw many of
his fellow soldiers fall in the line of duty in World War II and even
more die over the following decades, is planning a quiet day at the
Texas home he built after returning home from World War II.
He wouldn’t want it any other way.
Overton, who is believed to be the nation's oldest veteran, told he’ll likely spend the day on the porch of his East Austin home with a cigar nestled in his right hand, perhaps with a cup of whiskey-stiffened coffee nearby.
“I don’t know, some people might do something for me, but I’ll be glad just to sit down and rest,” the Army veteran said during a phone interview. “I’m no young man no more.”
Overton, who was born on May, 11, 1906, in Texas’ Bastrop County, has
gotten used to being the center of attention of late. In addition to
being formally recognized by Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell on May 9,
Overton traveled to Washington, D.C., on May 17 as part of Honor Flight,
a nonprofit group that transports veterans free of charge to memorials
dedicated to their service. Despite serving in the South Pacific from
1942 through 1945, including stops in Hawaii, Guam, Palau and Iwo Jima
to name a few, it was Overton’s first time in the nation’s capital.
“I was really honored when I got there,” Overton said of his visit to the World War II Memorial. “There were so many people, it was up in the thousands. And we danced and we jumped … them people tickled me to death. It made me happy as can be.”

He wouldn’t want it any other way.
Overton, who is believed to be the nation's oldest veteran, told he’ll likely spend the day on the porch of his East Austin home with a cigar nestled in his right hand, perhaps with a cup of whiskey-stiffened coffee nearby.
“I don’t know, some people might do something for me, but I’ll be glad just to sit down and rest,” the Army veteran said during a phone interview. “I’m no young man no more.”
“I was really honored when I got there,” Overton said of his visit to the World War II Memorial. “There were so many people, it was up in the thousands. And we danced and we jumped … them people tickled me to death. It made me happy as can be.”
More @ Fox
E.W. Jackson Electrifies RPV Convention (Which is an understatement)
Via NC Renegade
HIghlights of the convention speech by Bishop E.W. Jackson that galvanized support for his nomination as the GOP candidate for Virginia’s Lt. Governor.
HIghlights of the convention speech by Bishop E.W. Jackson that galvanized support for his nomination as the GOP candidate for Virginia’s Lt. Governor.
Wait a minute. I was there. @ 1:33
you edited out "We stand up for the Second Amendment"...because there
is no liberty where madmen...WHY DID YOU EDIT THAT OUT?
Memorial Day 2013: How About A New Meaning?
Via Michael and WRSA
Except for the Congressional Declaration of War in 1941, which started our involvement in WWII, no other military action since the CSA defense of 1861 has been a lawful use of military force.
The Memorial Day 2013 weekend is upon us. Many will use this weekend
as the first short vacation of summer. Picnics, boating, traveling,
family gatherings, and dedication to enjoyable activities are the rule
this weekend.
But Memorial Day is meant to honor the men and women who died in military service to the United States of America. Formerly known as “Decoration Day,” it was first established in 1868 to decorate the graves of the Civil War (War of Northern Aggression) dead. When I was a child in the 1960s it was STILL called “Decoration Day.”
This weekend, there will be memorial services and parades across America in town squares, churches and at cemeteries. Flowers will be strewn and American flags will be unfurled in grand display. Politicians will walk the route, and military veterans will don old uniforms and walk with them. Twenty-one gun salutes and taps will echo among the headstones. Impassioned speeches will be delivered to patriotic crowds on the goodness of America and the honor and bravery of the fallen soldiers and sailors.
And Americans will be remembering all the wrong things.
The 3,500-plus military personnel who fought and died in the Spanish-American War of 1898 died invading Cuba and the Philippines against Spain. Last time I checked, neither country was a state of the Union and did not require defense from a foreign aggressor. The war was perpetrated by the McKinley Administration and an expansionist Congress, assisted by Theodore Roosevelt and fomented by propaganda in the Hearst newspapers.
The American war dead of World War I (1914-1918), numbering over 116,000, died fighting a war between European nations, ruled by Royal cousins. America had absolutely no business becoming involved, but as George Washington predicted, our treaty obligations dragged us into war.
World War II (1941-1945) devoured over 407,000 American military personnel. President Franklin D. Roosevelt baited the Japanese into attacking us, and after they did, Congress (in its last constitutional act of war) declared war. FDR was itching to get into the war, and got his way. Once again, treaties and war-hungry politicians cost this nation its sons and daughters. And FDR’s slobbering, Quisling favoritism toward Stalin helped create the USSR.
The “police action” in Korea (1950-1953) started by the United Nations cost America over 54,000 military deaths. A cease fire was negotiated in 1953 which continues to this day. No constitutionally-declared war. No defense of American borders.
Except for the Congressional Declaration of War in 1941, which started our involvement in WWII, no other military action since the CSA defense of 1861 has been a lawful use of military force.
But Memorial Day is meant to honor the men and women who died in military service to the United States of America. Formerly known as “Decoration Day,” it was first established in 1868 to decorate the graves of the Civil War (War of Northern Aggression) dead. When I was a child in the 1960s it was STILL called “Decoration Day.”
This weekend, there will be memorial services and parades across America in town squares, churches and at cemeteries. Flowers will be strewn and American flags will be unfurled in grand display. Politicians will walk the route, and military veterans will don old uniforms and walk with them. Twenty-one gun salutes and taps will echo among the headstones. Impassioned speeches will be delivered to patriotic crowds on the goodness of America and the honor and bravery of the fallen soldiers and sailors.
And Americans will be remembering all the wrong things.
How about a Memorial Day reality check?
Those who fought and died (over 364,000) in Lincoln’s Army died invading another sovereign nation, the Confederate States of America. The CSA, who lost over 139,000 soldiers, was defending itself from the aggression of a foreign nation. It would have been no different morally if the Northern Army would have invaded Canada. So, Northern mourners should remember the shame of the North, not just that their loved ones died in battle. And Southerners should forever laud their sons who valiantly died in an attempt to thwart a foreign invasion and protect their homeland. (As an aside…looks to me like the Southern boys were far better shots than the Yankees. The numbers above show the South at a nearly 3:1 advantage in killing Yankees.)The 3,500-plus military personnel who fought and died in the Spanish-American War of 1898 died invading Cuba and the Philippines against Spain. Last time I checked, neither country was a state of the Union and did not require defense from a foreign aggressor. The war was perpetrated by the McKinley Administration and an expansionist Congress, assisted by Theodore Roosevelt and fomented by propaganda in the Hearst newspapers.
The American war dead of World War I (1914-1918), numbering over 116,000, died fighting a war between European nations, ruled by Royal cousins. America had absolutely no business becoming involved, but as George Washington predicted, our treaty obligations dragged us into war.
World War II (1941-1945) devoured over 407,000 American military personnel. President Franklin D. Roosevelt baited the Japanese into attacking us, and after they did, Congress (in its last constitutional act of war) declared war. FDR was itching to get into the war, and got his way. Once again, treaties and war-hungry politicians cost this nation its sons and daughters. And FDR’s slobbering, Quisling favoritism toward Stalin helped create the USSR.
The “police action” in Korea (1950-1953) started by the United Nations cost America over 54,000 military deaths. A cease fire was negotiated in 1953 which continues to this day. No constitutionally-declared war. No defense of American borders.
More @ DUMP DC
‘Common Core’ Nationalizes and Dumbs Down Public School Curriculum
Via Cousin John
In addition to shredding civil liberties, launching a utopian global war for democracy, and going on a spending spree that would make LBJ blush, the so-called “conservative” Bush administration dramatically increased federal control over education via the “No Child Left Behind” act. During my time in Congress I heard nothing but complaints about this law from teachers, administrators, and, most importantly, students and parents. Most of the complaints concerned No Child Left Behind’s testing requirements, which encouraged educators to “teach to the test.”
Sadly, but not surprisingly, instead of improving education by repealing No Child Left Behind’s testing and other mandates, the Obama administration is increasing national control over schools via the “Common Core" initiative. Common Core is a new curriculum developed by a panel of so-called education experts. The administration is trying to turn Common Core into a national curriculum by offering states increased federal education funding if they impose Common Core’s curriculum on their public schools. This is yet another example of the government using money stolen from the people to bribe states into obeying federal dictates.
Critics of Common Core say it “dumbs down” education by replacing traditional English literature with “informational texts”. So students will read such inspiring materials as studies by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the EPA’s “Recommended Levels of Insulation,” and “Invasive Plant Inventory” by California’s Invasive Plant Council. It is doubtful that reading federal reports will teach students the habits of critical thinking and skepticism of government that the Founders considered essential to maintaining a free republic.
Like Obamacare, Common Core (now dubbed “ObamaCore” by some) has sparked a backlash in the states, leading some to propose legislation forbidding state participation in the scheme. I hope these efforts lead to states not just opting out of Common Core, but out of No Child Left Behind and all other federal education programs as well.
Parents can also effectively “opt out” of programs like Common Core by seeking alternatives to government education. It is no coincidence that, as federal control over education increases, the quality of public education has declined and more parents have chosen to homeschool.
To support these parents, I have established my own homeschool curriculum. Unlike Common Core, we do not dumb down any of our offerings. Instead, the goal is to provide students with a rigorous education in history, math, English, foreign languages, and other core subjects necessary to a well-rounded education. Unlike the top-down model of nationalized education, the homeschool curriculum is deigned to encourage maximum input from parents and students. While the curriculum will reflect my belief, and interest, in Austrian economics, libertarian political theory, and the history of the struggle against state power, the curriculum is being carefully designed to not show bias toward any one religion. I hope all parents of any faith—or no religious belief at all—will feel comfortable using the curriculum.
I believe it is important for those of us concerned with education and liberty to fight our battles locally. We must oppose further encroachment on the autonomy of local public schools and work to roll-back existing interference, while encouraging and supporting the growth of homeschooling and other alternative education movements. The key to restoring quality education is to replace the bureaucratic control of education with a free-market in education. Parents should have the freedom to select the type of education that best suits their child’s unique needs.
Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
In addition to shredding civil liberties, launching a utopian global war for democracy, and going on a spending spree that would make LBJ blush, the so-called “conservative” Bush administration dramatically increased federal control over education via the “No Child Left Behind” act. During my time in Congress I heard nothing but complaints about this law from teachers, administrators, and, most importantly, students and parents. Most of the complaints concerned No Child Left Behind’s testing requirements, which encouraged educators to “teach to the test.”
Sadly, but not surprisingly, instead of improving education by repealing No Child Left Behind’s testing and other mandates, the Obama administration is increasing national control over schools via the “Common Core" initiative. Common Core is a new curriculum developed by a panel of so-called education experts. The administration is trying to turn Common Core into a national curriculum by offering states increased federal education funding if they impose Common Core’s curriculum on their public schools. This is yet another example of the government using money stolen from the people to bribe states into obeying federal dictates.
Critics of Common Core say it “dumbs down” education by replacing traditional English literature with “informational texts”. So students will read such inspiring materials as studies by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the EPA’s “Recommended Levels of Insulation,” and “Invasive Plant Inventory” by California’s Invasive Plant Council. It is doubtful that reading federal reports will teach students the habits of critical thinking and skepticism of government that the Founders considered essential to maintaining a free republic.
Like Obamacare, Common Core (now dubbed “ObamaCore” by some) has sparked a backlash in the states, leading some to propose legislation forbidding state participation in the scheme. I hope these efforts lead to states not just opting out of Common Core, but out of No Child Left Behind and all other federal education programs as well.
Parents can also effectively “opt out” of programs like Common Core by seeking alternatives to government education. It is no coincidence that, as federal control over education increases, the quality of public education has declined and more parents have chosen to homeschool.
To support these parents, I have established my own homeschool curriculum. Unlike Common Core, we do not dumb down any of our offerings. Instead, the goal is to provide students with a rigorous education in history, math, English, foreign languages, and other core subjects necessary to a well-rounded education. Unlike the top-down model of nationalized education, the homeschool curriculum is deigned to encourage maximum input from parents and students. While the curriculum will reflect my belief, and interest, in Austrian economics, libertarian political theory, and the history of the struggle against state power, the curriculum is being carefully designed to not show bias toward any one religion. I hope all parents of any faith—or no religious belief at all—will feel comfortable using the curriculum.
I believe it is important for those of us concerned with education and liberty to fight our battles locally. We must oppose further encroachment on the autonomy of local public schools and work to roll-back existing interference, while encouraging and supporting the growth of homeschooling and other alternative education movements. The key to restoring quality education is to replace the bureaucratic control of education with a free-market in education. Parents should have the freedom to select the type of education that best suits their child’s unique needs.
Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
NC Driving Permits for Illegal Immigrants? Special Interests Trump Public Interest
Mike Scruggs
Having been twice a Republican County Chairman and for many more years a Republican volunteer in many campaigns, I very much regret having to write this article. However, blunt truth is the only remedy I know to stop the Republican Party from committing irrevocable suicide based on political disinformation, analytical negligence, spineless political correctness, and shameless subordination to commercial special interests.
Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection, enhanced by his 71 percent showing among the growing stream of Hispanic voters, has apparently thrown many Republican leaders into mindless panic. The most confused on principle and reality are proposing huge amnesties for unlawful immigrants and massive increases in legal immigration and guest-worker programs as a necessary path to Republican survival—despite the horrific damage such policy actions would inflict on American workers, taxpayers, and many American communities. Yet this gravely miscalculated path to Republican victory is the same path of proven failure that the Republican Party took by cooperating with the Democrats in the1986 amnesty, and which reached steroid levels during the first six years of the Bush Administration.
Rep. Steve King (R, IA) recently stated that the 1986 amnesty allowed President Obama to be reelected in 2012. If weak immigration enforcement from 2001 to 2006 is included, I would agree with his statement.
According to former Attorney General Ed Meese, Reagan was uncomfortable with amnesty but was persuaded by liberal Republicans that amnesty for about one million unlawful immigrants was necessary to get the Democrats to agree to strong immigration law enforcement. The one million amnesties turned out to be 2.7 million, followed by six more amnesties totaling over 3.0 million more. The Democrats blocked implementation of agreed enforcement measures, leaving the U.S. without effective immigration control. According to Meese, Reagan believed signing the 1986 amnesty was the biggest mistake of his eight years in office.
Senator Charles Schumer, chief sponsor of the now pending and much larger Schumer-Rubio amnesty and immigration surge bill, S.744, was also a chief undermining agent of the 1986 amnesty enforcement measures
Regrettably, George W. Bush dropped workplace enforcement to near zero during the first six years of his two terms. Illegal immigration reached its historical maximum and legal immigration more than doubled the reasonable maximum of 550,000 per year recommended by a six-year study completed by the Jordan Commission in 1996. Bush restored some immigration enforcement after the failure of two Bush-backed amnesties and polls indicating his immigration policies were only supported by 28 percent of voters. Bush advisor Karl Rove still claims that Bush got 44 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004, although the polling firm has since admitted that the exit poll was badly flawed, and the real number was probably only 40 percent, near the consensus of other polls. Bush would have gotten only about 36 percent, if it had not been for an unusually strong turnout of Hispanic Evangelicals.
That the so-called Hispanic path to Republican victory is not only a proven failure but also badly flawed in its assumptions is shown by several voting analysis studies going back to 2001 by the non-partisan Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). A 2013 CIS study by Dr. George Hawley of the University of Houston, also published in the academic journal, Social Science Quarterly. used the 2006 Congressional elections to study the relationship between immigration voting records and Hispanic and non-Hispanic voting support. There were two important conclusions, which closely matched a 2001 study by Karen Kaufmann and James G. Gimpel:
- Voting for amnesty and other liberal immigration policies does NOT increase Hispanic votes for Republicans.
- Voting for amnesty and other liberal immigration policies, however, significantly diminishes non-Hispanic conservative support for Republicans.
Other studies and polling indicate that when amnestied illegals or other new immigrants with similar education and skill levels become voters, 75 percent or more will favor the Democrat Party because of its generous social-welfare and public healthcare advocacy. Amnesties also create new waves of similarly inclined potential voters. U.S. Senate bill S.744 is essentially Republican suicide.
Yet several Republican members of the NC House have introduced a bill, H786, the Reclaim NC Act, that appears to be an immigration enforcement act but contains two provisions, which would be harmful to North Carolina workers and taxpayers and would be an outrageous breech of faith with grassroots Republican volunteers and voters.
Section 8 of the bill contains a provision undermining the Federal E-Verify law by creating an exemption for short periods of employment. This would result in more cheap foreign labor competing with American and legal immigrant workers.
Section 9 of the bill contains a provision, which would allow illegal immigrants to obtain driving permits, also usable as NC identity cards. Rewarding illegal immigrants with driver permits and ID cards is amnesty. This is virtually laying out a red carpet that will act as a huge magnet for more illegal immigrant workers, who are usually not only guilty of immigration violations, but also social security number fraud, identity theft, or tax evasion. North Carolina would become a de facto sanctuary for illegal immigrants. This is extremely unfair to native workers and legal immigrants competing for jobs. We already have too much unemployment. If North Carolina Republican legislators care about jobs, Section 8 and 9 of this legislation ought to be repulsive to them.
Without going into detail, it is absurd to think, as claimed, that registering and issuing ID cards to illegals will reduce crime. Criminals love stupid government.
Driving permits and ID cards for unlawful immigrants have the strong smell of helping special interest businesses get more cheap foreign labor at the expense of North Carolina workers, taxpayers, and communities. The taxpayer expense of this scheme is essentially a hidden special interest subsidy.
As one with many years experience dealing with and motivating grassroots conservative voters and volunteers, I can safely say that H786, if passed as presently written, will be an ugly self-inflicted wound to Republican grassroots support. It has a strong potential to be a costly embarrassment to all North Carolina Republicans.
H786 sponsors may be found on the NCGA website.
NC: Burglar killed by home owner
Via NC Links
The Union County Sheriff’s Office identified the man shot dead after a foiled burlary Thursday morning.
Medical examiners confirmed the body found outside 3425 Lanesboro Road was that of Robby Charles Blount, 25, of 2701 Mason St. in Monroe.
According to deputies, a masked man brandishing a handgun kicked in the home's door shortly after 1 a.m. A woman and her son were home alone. One of them called 911. One also got a gun and shot the man once in the torso.
He left the house. Deputies responding to the 911 call found the man in the yard, dead from the wound.
Deputies have not identified the shooter. No charges have been filed. Investigators will confer with the Union County District Attorney's Office on any next steps if needed.
A series of murders has plagued Marshville over the past year. On July 7, 2012, three people - Jerry Marsh, Crystal Dawn Hicks and Ronnie Dale Overcash - were found dead on Landsford Road.

The Union County Sheriff’s Office identified the man shot dead after a foiled burlary Thursday morning.
Medical examiners confirmed the body found outside 3425 Lanesboro Road was that of Robby Charles Blount, 25, of 2701 Mason St. in Monroe.
According to deputies, a masked man brandishing a handgun kicked in the home's door shortly after 1 a.m. A woman and her son were home alone. One of them called 911. One also got a gun and shot the man once in the torso.
He left the house. Deputies responding to the 911 call found the man in the yard, dead from the wound.
Deputies have not identified the shooter. No charges have been filed. Investigators will confer with the Union County District Attorney's Office on any next steps if needed.
A series of murders has plagued Marshville over the past year. On July 7, 2012, three people - Jerry Marsh, Crystal Dawn Hicks and Ronnie Dale Overcash - were found dead on Landsford Road.
More @ The Enquirer-Journal
Shot 14 times with .45-cal ammo
Via Angry Mike
After a gun battle that changed his life, Sergeant Timothy Gramins dramatically upped the amount of ammunition he carries with him each and every day on the job. And no one tell the aspiring dictators Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg of New York: but Gramin also carries multiple high-capacity magazines.
An expert marksman, Gramins expended 43 rounds (of 47 he routinely carried), before taking down a single assailant. The murderous perp simply would not stop attacking, despite being shot 14 times with .45-cal ammo -- including six hits in supposedly fatal locations.
The most threatening encounter in Gramins’ nearly two-decade career with the Skokie (Ill.) PD north of Chicago came on a lazy August afternoon prior to his promotion to sergeant, on his first day back from a family vacation. [He heard an alert] that a male black driving a two-door white car had robbed a bank at gunpoint in another suburb 11 miles north and had fled... Unknown at the time, the suspect, a 37-year-old alleged Gangster Disciple, had vowed that he would kill a police officer if he got stopped.
...He was scarcely up to highway speed when he spotted a lone male black driver in a white Pontiac Bonneville and pulled alongside him. “He gave me ‘the Look,’ that oh-crap-there’s-the-police look, and I knew he was the guy,” Gramins said... The next thing he knew, bullets were flying. “That was four years ago,” Gramins said. “Yet it could be ten seconds ago.”
With Gramins following close behind, siren blaring and lights flashing, the Bonneville zigzagged through traffic and around corners into a quite pocket of single-family homes a few blocks from the exit. Then a few yards from where a 10-year-old boy was skateboarding on a driveway, the suspect abruptly squealed to a stop.
“He bailed out and ran headlong at me with a 9 mm Smith in his hand while I was still in my car,” Gramins said.

After a gun battle that changed his life, Sergeant Timothy Gramins dramatically upped the amount of ammunition he carries with him each and every day on the job. And no one tell the aspiring dictators Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg of New York: but Gramin also carries multiple high-capacity magazines.
An expert marksman, Gramins expended 43 rounds (of 47 he routinely carried), before taking down a single assailant. The murderous perp simply would not stop attacking, despite being shot 14 times with .45-cal ammo -- including six hits in supposedly fatal locations.
The most threatening encounter in Gramins’ nearly two-decade career with the Skokie (Ill.) PD north of Chicago came on a lazy August afternoon prior to his promotion to sergeant, on his first day back from a family vacation. [He heard an alert] that a male black driving a two-door white car had robbed a bank at gunpoint in another suburb 11 miles north and had fled... Unknown at the time, the suspect, a 37-year-old alleged Gangster Disciple, had vowed that he would kill a police officer if he got stopped.
...He was scarcely up to highway speed when he spotted a lone male black driver in a white Pontiac Bonneville and pulled alongside him. “He gave me ‘the Look,’ that oh-crap-there’s-the-police look, and I knew he was the guy,” Gramins said... The next thing he knew, bullets were flying. “That was four years ago,” Gramins said. “Yet it could be ten seconds ago.”
With Gramins following close behind, siren blaring and lights flashing, the Bonneville zigzagged through traffic and around corners into a quite pocket of single-family homes a few blocks from the exit. Then a few yards from where a 10-year-old boy was skateboarding on a driveway, the suspect abruptly squealed to a stop.
“He bailed out and ran headlong at me with a 9 mm Smith in his hand while I was still in my car,” Gramins said.
More @ Doug Ross Journal
CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Reports She’s Been Shut Out By White House
Via Angry Mike
The intrepid Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News has been one of the few reporters attempting to dig deep into controversial stories–and by controversial we mean stories that Obama would rather see go away.
But after her work on Fast & Furious and Benghazi, she is now reporting that she’s been shut out of the information loop by the White House.
Attkisson was one of the few members of the progressive media establishment interested in covering the Fast & Furious scandal and has lately also been a bulldog looking into the Benghazi cover-up. She has been so far reaching in her work that she was dubbed a “persistent voice of media skepticism” by The Washington Post.
Her work got her praise and rumors that her boss, David Rhodes, may fire her for being too effective. Naturally, CBS boss Rhodes has a brother that is a close Obama adviser. Ben Rhodes, the CBS executive’s brother, also happens to be one of the operatives in the Obama administration directly involved in the Benghazi cover-up.
Now, in a separate interview with CSPAN, Attkisson says that she has been frozen out by Obama’s White House.
The intrepid Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News has been one of the few reporters attempting to dig deep into controversial stories–and by controversial we mean stories that Obama would rather see go away.
But after her work on Fast & Furious and Benghazi, she is now reporting that she’s been shut out of the information loop by the White House.
Attkisson was one of the few members of the progressive media establishment interested in covering the Fast & Furious scandal and has lately also been a bulldog looking into the Benghazi cover-up. She has been so far reaching in her work that she was dubbed a “persistent voice of media skepticism” by The Washington Post.
Her work got her praise and rumors that her boss, David Rhodes, may fire her for being too effective. Naturally, CBS boss Rhodes has a brother that is a close Obama adviser. Ben Rhodes, the CBS executive’s brother, also happens to be one of the operatives in the Obama administration directly involved in the Benghazi cover-up.
Now, in a separate interview with CSPAN, Attkisson says that she has been frozen out by Obama’s White House.
More @ Publius' Forum
Rubio Can't Defend His Own Immigration Bill
Senator Marco Rubio appeared on a special edition of the Hannity show last night on behalf of the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill, otherwise known as Schumer-Rubio. His case for the bill was unpersuasive and, at times, incoherent. You can see substantial portions of the show in three online videos.
An example of the fundamental problem comes at around 9:30–9:50 into the first video, where Rubio responds to the claim that the border security provisions of the bill are too weak and too dependent on the actions of unwilling enforcers to be trusted. Here’s my transcription of Rubio’s reply:
problem is that people do not trust this administration and the federal
government in general to do the law. So it’s pretty straightforward and
I tell this to people all the time. If we can figure out a way to write
a bill that ensures that the border will be secured, I believe
immigration reform will happen. If we cannot do that or fail to do that,
I do not believe immigration reform can or should happen. And so
really, this issue at the end of the day is about getting that part of
it right.”
More @ NRO
Right-wing extremists form vigilante groups in Sweden
Via NC Links
Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an article from NRK about the formation of “extreme right-wing” vigilante groups in Stockholm. The translator includes this brief note:
In fact, from a cynical point of view (and I tend to be a cynic), the violent culture-enrichers serve as enforcers of the existing order.
The translated article:
Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has translated an article from NRK about the formation of “extreme right-wing” vigilante groups in Stockholm. The translator includes this brief note:
I don’t know whether we’re talking about neo-Nazis here, or fed-up citizens who are tired of the police not doing their job. The info in the article is taken from Swedish MSM news sites, so it could quite possibly be just ordinary citizens.
Notice that most of the arrests on Friday night were of ‘right-wing extremists’. Apparently the police had no qualms about arresting the vigilantes, but they seem incapable of stopping the stone-throwing ‘youths’. Go figure.
For the time being the Swedish intifada is continuing.A side note: “Right-wing extremists” are being arrested because they threaten the existing order. No matter how many cars and schools the “youths” burn, they do not threaten the existing order.
In fact, from a cynical point of view (and I tend to be a cynic), the violent culture-enrichers serve as enforcers of the existing order.
The translated article:
More @ Gates of Vienna
DoD: Fort Hood jihad massacre "criminal act of single individual," not international terrorism
Via WiscoDave
Hasan was in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, but that doesn't make it "international terrorism." One wonders what would make it international terrorism -- maybe Hasan would have had to have displayed an al-Qaeda membership card before screaming "Allahu akbar" and opening fire. In any case, these distinctions are stupid. Hasan's act was jihad, but jihad is the one thing that our government and intelligence apparatus appears determined to ignore. "DOD: Ft. Hood Massacre Likely 'Criminal Act of Single Individual,' Not International Terror," by Ned Berkowitz for ABC News, May 23 (thanks to Block Ness):
Hasan was in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, but that doesn't make it "international terrorism." One wonders what would make it international terrorism -- maybe Hasan would have had to have displayed an al-Qaeda membership card before screaming "Allahu akbar" and opening fire. In any case, these distinctions are stupid. Hasan's act was jihad, but jihad is the one thing that our government and intelligence apparatus appears determined to ignore. "DOD: Ft. Hood Massacre Likely 'Criminal Act of Single Individual,' Not International Terror," by Ned Berkowitz for ABC News, May 23 (thanks to Block Ness):
More @ Jihad Watch
'Hating Breitbart' a must-see documentary
Marcus explained Breitbart had to agree to be followed around for what turned out to be the larger part of two years, without having editorial control over the film.
“Andrew didn’t see the film until we were just about done,” Marcus explained. “He saw the final rough-cut, when we were in the last stages of post-production.”
How did Breitbart react to seeing the film the first time?
“He loved it,” Marcus said, “so much so that he came up with a brilliant idea of how to promote the film.”
‘Occupy Breitbart’
Marcus explained Breitbart’s promotional concept.
“In a flash of intuition, Breitbart came up with the idea of funding the Occupy movement to create and film an ‘Occupy Breitbart’ movement,” Marcus explained.
“The idea was to fund the Occupy movement with an anonymous grant, requiring only that the Occupy movement film every step of their ‘Occupy Breitbart’ production.”
Then, just as “Hating Breitbart” was about to be released, Breitbart planned to hold a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
More @ WND
Obama knows exactly what is going on
I saw Franklin Graham on a television
program last night discussing the targeting of the Billy Graham
Ministries by the I.R.S. He said that many other Christian groups had
been targets of the I.R.S. as well but, refused to name them as he said
it was their prerogative as to whether or not they wanted the identity
of their organizations publicly revealed.
have no doubt this is true, so we now have a government agency
targeting freedom of religion along with the Department of "Justice"
targeting the free speech conservative groups in America as well as
those of the A.P. and Fox News.
actions go well beyond the the norm between political parties and their
differences. It has reached criminal proportions where laws have been
violated. Yet, Obama clings to his usual tired, worn out defense that he
knew nothing about any of this.
the commander in chief of this nation, if he does not know what is or
is not being done by his own administration then it is a government out
of control. Which, I don't believe it is. Obama knows what is going on
and probably ordered it.
if he does not know whats going on right under his own nose then he
should be impeached as there is no leadership at the helm and we are
adrift as a country. Personally, I think he's smarter than that and
knows exactly what has been going on the whole time he's been in office
and should face criminal charges to go with his impeachment.
Billy E. Price
NC: High School QB Drowns: Star Football Player Shak Pershey's Death Sparks Mourning
A reminder for anyone who may not know: If caught in a riptide, simply swim parallel to the beach until you get away from it. The strongest swimmer in the world will drown trying to come straight in.
A high school QB has drowned on Thursday, just weeks before he was set to graduate.
The tragedy has stunned the boy's North Carolina high school colleagues, who are now mourning the death of the promising quarterback.
QB Shak Pershey was swimming with a group of friends when he went missing at about 7 p.m. local time on Thursday night, according to WNCT. His disappearance sparked a massive search, which involved the coast guard, as well as a marine corps helicopter. However, as the night rolled in and with waters becoming rougher, the search was eventually called off.
Pershey's body was eventually found at about 2 a.m. off the coast of North Topsail Beach, according to reports.
Stuart Turille, who is the town manager of North Topsail Beach, has said: "I believe the young man may have been caught in some sort of cross current that may have pulled him down."
More @ Christian Post
Rubio has long history of blocking immigration enforcement
Sen. Marco Rubio blocked numerous immigration-enforcement bills when he served as speaker in the Florida House of Representatives from 2007 to 2009.
“Rubio blocked any efforts to deal with the problems of illegal immigration on the local or state level,” one former politician from South Florida, who has known Rubio since his city councilman days in West Miami, told The Daily Caller.
“He said it was because we had bigger things to deal with on the state level. Maybe that’s true. But he didn’t even let bills to the floor when they sailed through committees,” the politician, who declined to speak on the record, added. Rubio’s record is relevant now because he’s presented himself as a moderate backer for the Democratic-led “Gang of Eight” immigration bill. Proponents of the bill argue that its extensive loosening of immigration laws (including a “pathway to citizenship” that Rubio in 2010 described as “basically code for amnesty”) will be balanced by tougher enforcement.
But the record shows that Rubio used his power in Florida to block popular immigration-enforcement bills prior to his election-trail conversion into an immigration-hawk.
More @ The Daily Caller
Europeans institute automatic 10-game ban for soccer racism
Via Ryan
After a season full of ugly incidents of on-field racism from fans
and players, European soccer’s governing body, UEFA, has decided to
institute an automatic 10-game ban for any players found guilty of
committing racial abuse.
This new punishment, however, will only apply to UEFA competitions, such as the Champions and Europa League. This means that each country’s respective league retains the right to decide how to deal with instances of racism. UEFA, however, has asked each country to comply with the 10-game policy ban.
UEFA has in the past also fined teams whose fans have heckled players for their skin color.
Seems the PTB would have more important things to worry about.
This new punishment, however, will only apply to UEFA competitions, such as the Champions and Europa League. This means that each country’s respective league retains the right to decide how to deal with instances of racism. UEFA, however, has asked each country to comply with the 10-game policy ban.
UEFA has in the past also fined teams whose fans have heckled players for their skin color.
More @ The Daily Caller
Some thoughts on preparing for bartering
Buying stuff for your SHTF storage is good off course, and buying it on smart way so you can save
some money is always welcome since most of us are not multimillionaires.
But have you ever thought about buying the things for SHTF scenario on some not so „regular“ ways? It will save you money too but maybe even more important is that it will prepared you and show you how finding and buying stuff will probably look when SHTF for real.
I am not advising you to do anything that might be against the law, I am simply gonna give you examples how I find some things. It is up to you how you or if you gonna use anything of it.
Have it when you do not need it (have it before you need it)
Simply if you gonna look for the tetanus shots when SHTF price can be high. In every SHTF scenario anywhere in the world there is gonna be people who are gonna make fortune and power by having the stuff that most of the other folks do not have, because it was not so obvious that it is gonna be needed.
Ways to obtain things
More @ SHTF School
Activist Adam Kokesh Calls on “American Revolutionary Army” to March on all 50 State Capitals
Via walfred
In a statement released from a Philadelphia federal prison, former marine and now imprisoned activist Adam Kokesh called for a new American revolution, complete with an American Revolutionary Army that would march on all 50 state capitals to put the federal government on notice.
Kokesh had previously planned an Open Carry March into Washington DC this July 4th but was arrested on May 18th while speaking at a marijuana legalization rally. Police later charged Kokesh with assaulting a federal officer despite the fact that numerous videos of his arrest show him doing absolutely nothing to any of the officers.
The full statement from Kokesh was read by comedian and activist N.A. Poe outside the Philadelphia federal prison and is printed below:
In a statement released from a Philadelphia federal prison, former marine and now imprisoned activist Adam Kokesh called for a new American revolution, complete with an American Revolutionary Army that would march on all 50 state capitals to put the federal government on notice.
Kokesh had previously planned an Open Carry March into Washington DC this July 4th but was arrested on May 18th while speaking at a marijuana legalization rally. Police later charged Kokesh with assaulting a federal officer despite the fact that numerous videos of his arrest show him doing absolutely nothing to any of the officers.
The full statement from Kokesh was read by comedian and activist N.A. Poe outside the Philadelphia federal prison and is printed below:
More @ The Daily Sheeple
FBI investigating alleged gun resales by L.A. SWAT, SIS officers
Via The Vulgar Curmudgeon
The FBI is investigating whether members of the Los Angeles Police Department's elite SWAT and Special Investigations Section units violated the law by purchasing large numbers of custom-made handguns and reselling them for profit, according to interviews.
Federal authorities opened the inquiry into the alleged gun sales in recent weeks after LAPD officials alerted them to possible gun violations, multiple sources told The Times.
The move comes after an earlier LAPD investigation found no wrongdoing on the part of officers. But on Friday, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck acknowledged that that probe was "clearly lacking" and said the department has opened a second investigation of the weapons transactions that is still ongoing.
Suspicion over the guns first arose in May 2010, when a lieutenant in the LAPD's Metropolitan Division, which includes SWAT, attempted to inventory the division's weapons, according to a whistle-blower lawsuit filed by the lieutenant and a report last year by the LAPD's inspector general, Alex Bustamante.
While accounting for the weapons, Lt. Armando Perez discovered that SWAT members had purchased an unknown number of pistols from the gun maker Kimber Manufacturing and were "possibly reselling these Kimber firearms for large profits to people outside of Metro SWAT," according to the lawsuit and Bustamante's report.
The FBI is investigating whether members of the Los Angeles Police Department's elite SWAT and Special Investigations Section units violated the law by purchasing large numbers of custom-made handguns and reselling them for profit, according to interviews.
Federal authorities opened the inquiry into the alleged gun sales in recent weeks after LAPD officials alerted them to possible gun violations, multiple sources told The Times.
The move comes after an earlier LAPD investigation found no wrongdoing on the part of officers. But on Friday, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck acknowledged that that probe was "clearly lacking" and said the department has opened a second investigation of the weapons transactions that is still ongoing.
Suspicion over the guns first arose in May 2010, when a lieutenant in the LAPD's Metropolitan Division, which includes SWAT, attempted to inventory the division's weapons, according to a whistle-blower lawsuit filed by the lieutenant and a report last year by the LAPD's inspector general, Alex Bustamante.
While accounting for the weapons, Lt. Armando Perez discovered that SWAT members had purchased an unknown number of pistols from the gun maker Kimber Manufacturing and were "possibly reselling these Kimber firearms for large profits to people outside of Metro SWAT," according to the lawsuit and Bustamante's report.
More @ LA Times
Cambodian film on Pol Pot rule wins Cannes prize

An autobiographical French-Cambodian film, “The Missing Picture,” which explores the bloody history of Pol Pot’s dictatorship in late 1970s Cambodia, has won the “Un Certain Regard” prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
To rousing applause, director Rithy Panh collected the award at a ceremony Saturday night, expressing his gratitude to be able “to have the freedom to do the films I want to do.”
Panh’s film, based on his nightmarish memoir “The Elimination,” documents his own family’s experience under the heavy-handed Communist Party’s Khmer Rouge, which resulted in the death of his parents and sisters.
The “Un Certain Regard” accolade, presented one day before the Palme d’Or and decided by a jury of cinema insiders, rewards works from up-and-coming filmmakers or those that transmit original messages and aesthetics.
The premise of the “missing picture” in the film is that because of censorship within Cambodia, no photo exists that documents the atrocities committed against Panh’s his family and relatives during Pol Pot’s four-year reign of terror from 1975 to 1979.
The tale is told using old documentary footage, or whatever footage remained from the time, which was mainly of propaganda by the dictatorship. To represent his deceased relatives, Panh used hundreds of carefully carved clay figures.
To rousing applause, director Rithy Panh collected the award at a ceremony Saturday night, expressing his gratitude to be able “to have the freedom to do the films I want to do.”
Panh’s film, based on his nightmarish memoir “The Elimination,” documents his own family’s experience under the heavy-handed Communist Party’s Khmer Rouge, which resulted in the death of his parents and sisters.
The “Un Certain Regard” accolade, presented one day before the Palme d’Or and decided by a jury of cinema insiders, rewards works from up-and-coming filmmakers or those that transmit original messages and aesthetics.
The premise of the “missing picture” in the film is that because of censorship within Cambodia, no photo exists that documents the atrocities committed against Panh’s his family and relatives during Pol Pot’s four-year reign of terror from 1975 to 1979.
The tale is told using old documentary footage, or whatever footage remained from the time, which was mainly of propaganda by the dictatorship. To represent his deceased relatives, Panh used hundreds of carefully carved clay figures.
More @ WKBN
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