Thursday, November 14, 2019

Love of Tradition

Via Susan Lee

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What the Historic South has to Teach America

My argument is this. Without an apprehension of norms, there is no living in society or out of it. Without sound conventions, the civil social order dissolves. Without the South to act as its Permanence, the American Republic would be perilously out of joint. And the South need feel no shame for its defense of beliefs that were not concocted yesterday. 

Many present-day Southerners—indeed, many of those Americans who call themselves “conservatives”—find it difficult to envisage a time when Southern and Confederate traditions (not to mention noble Confederate veterans like “Stonewall” Jackson and Robert E. Lee) were acknowledged with honor and great respect. Today it would seem so-called “conservative media” (in particular Fox News and the radio talksters) and Republican politicians would rather praise “Father” Abraham Lincoln or the radical black Abolitionist, Frederick Douglass (whose extra-marital liaison with German-born socialist and feminist Ottilie Assing certainly influenced him and should raise eyebrows among contemporary conservatives, but seldom does). These and other revolutionary zealots have been incorporated into the pantheon of “great conservative minds,” dislodging such figures as Jefferson Davis, John C. Calhoun and John Randolph of Roanoke, all of whom possessed towering intellects and an acute understanding of the history and nature of the American republic which Lincoln, Douglass, and those like them lacked.

The Army Lieutenant Who Had a Price on His Head in Vietnam

 Image result for Jeff Mandel vietnam

American troops in Vietnam were targets for the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong, but few faced the kind of threat that Jeff Mandel did. The Army lieutenant had a bounty placed on his head

Mandel was an intelligence officer who gathered information from a variety of sources to pinpoint the location of enemy forces. But spies on the other side learned his identity, which made the young American a marked man.

After graduating from Rutgers University, Mandel enlisted in the Army in April 1966 and went to Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia. Once he received his commission, he was assigned to military intelligence and attended the Defense Language School in Monterey, California, to study Vietnamese dialects.

Last night's Turning Point Event and protests in Raleigh, NC

Via John "A group of us went and tried to get into this event, but despite having tickets. it was full when we got there. In the video, at about the 6 minute mark, there is a black guy talking about "bigotry"on camera......while wearing a hoodie that says "EVERYBODY wants to be black."
I wonder if this same racist moron would think some white guy wearing an "EVERYBODY wants to be white"was bigoted?  I'm telling you, you cant make this crap up ! Also, if you watch, note the calm, collected thoughts of the attendees vs the aggressive and incoherent craziness of the protesters who want to stop the speech of those whom they disagree with.  The contrast is telling. All speech these protesters disagree with they label as "hate speech" and then they wrongly claim they have the right to shut it down."

USA Today & CNN on Impeachment

Just like with the left’s two-year Russia collusion chase, the facts do not match Democrats’ narrative. “Now, Democrats have moved from their earlier charge of ‘quid pro quo’ to wild allegations of ‘abuse of power,’ ‘extortion’ and ‘bribery.’ When the proof falls short, they continue to shift the goal posts from one unsubstantiated allegation to another,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) writes in USA Today.
“Adam Schiff’s opening statement reminded me that Ukraine is a problem for the United States today because Russia invaded it during the Obama administration.” In 2014, Russia invaded the Crimean peninsula on President Obama’s watch—after he promised Russia “flexibility” in his second term. For the next two years, the Obama administration refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine despite Kiev pleading for help, Scott Jennings writes for CNN.

H.R.4219 - To amend title 28, United States Code, to provide that an appeal of an order granting a nationwide injunction issued by a district court of the United States shall lie to the Supreme Court.

Via Terry "I'm proud to say that my local Congressman came up with this."

Adam Schiff is wasting the nation’s time ( & Money) with impeachment hearings

 Since the Democrats have already decided President Trump is guilty, the impeachment hearings are meant to convince the public — but so far, they're only giving Americans more reason to be skeptical.

In their first day of public impeachment hearings, Democrats made clear just how weak their case is.

In beyond-dull testimony, the Dems’ first witnesses, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent and US Chargé d’Affaires in Ukraine Bill Taylor, noted their displeasure with the fact that there were “two channels” (a “regular” and an “irregular” one) to Ukraine, and at some point the goals of the two diverged.

Taylor and Kent complained that President Trump conditioned US aid on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announcing that his country would investigate corruption, specifically:

Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election and payoffs to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Adam Schiff’s dull impeachment hearings are a flop

Via John

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff

Is that it? Is that all they’ve got?

Day One of impeachment was not exactly must-see TV. Sure, it was interesting and substantive at times, which would be compliments if this were a graduate school seminar about the lonely lives and confusing experiences of far-flung diplomats.

But this was a congressional hearing to determine whether to file charges against and ultimately remove the president of the United States. By that standard, the Adam Schiff show was a flop.

Rasmussen: Trump poll rises two points after first day of Impeachment Hearings + Fundraising & Volunteer Rolls Rising

Via Billy

Image result for Rasmussen: Trump poll rises two points after first day of Impeachment Hearings

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 36% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -5. (see trends).

Trump Fundraising and Volunteer Rolls Swelling Thanks to Dems' Impeachment Sham

WATCH: Rep. Elise Stefanik’s full questioning of George Kent and Bill Taylor

Via G.W. Long

20 "Facts" About Guns (and Their Owners)

Via Iver