Karl Lessing, Return of the Crusader, 1835

Unz Review - Slipping Backwards On Immigration—Get On It, Mr.
President! ... John Derbyshire says illegal aliens assumed that the new
U.S. administration would clamp down firmly on illegal crossings. Nobody
assumes that now
Town Hall - We are watching a real-time elite coup to undo the
election. Our rights to free speech, freedom of religion and the right
to keep and bear arms are under vicious attack by liberals and their
cultural and corporate cronies. The elite is no longer even hiding its
belief that Normals have no right to govern ourselves. And the Normals
feel it. Being prepared, which means having the means to physically
defend yourself and your rights (that means guns, folks), is the
rational choice. It is also your legal duty – and moral duty – as an
American citizen. Or you can be defenseless. Helpless. A subject instead
of a citizen.
Red pill,
Return Of Kings - Liberalism made white people hate themselves, their
culture, and their very existence. Liberalism also made whites weak and
apologetic, to the point where some of them are now utterly suicidal. Go
to any major city in America and look on in horror at how browbeaten
and pathetic many white men have become as a result of liberal
indoctrination in the education system and the media. Not to mention the
success the elite have had at using liberalism to confuse men and women
about sex roles, biology, and rendering them both increasingly
Air power,
Warfare History Network - "The advocates of strategic bombing and
carrying the war to the civilian population had argued that these
campaigns would bring the Third Reich to its knees without the need for
brutal, bloody combat on the ground. They were wrong. A post-V-E Day
survey estimated that Germany lost less than 4 percent of its productive
capacity, and even a devastated city like Hamburg recuperated to 80
percent of its output within a few weeks". That said, the Allied ground
forces operated without interference from the air, the attacks on fuel
sources destroyed the vaunted mobility of German armor, and the
battering of rail and road nets strangled supply lines.

Fox News - Mormons to end long association with Boy Scouts of America ... 19 percent of the 2.3 million in the organization

Daily Mail - Shootout between cops and two brothers at a Mississippi
gas station that leads to death of one of the suspects ... video

Daily Mail - Father stabs his two-year-old daughter and her mother in front of cops for calling the police ... video