Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Color Caste System

A self-segregation of the South’s black population was present prior to 1865 whereby skin-pigmentation and being free or slave dictated one’s social status. That this social caste system survived well after 1865 is underscored by segregated housing, such as “Crescent Heights, [a] High Class Colored Development” of August 1941 located between Queen and Dawson Streets in Wilmington, North Carolina. White and lower class black people were not allowed.
Its restrictive covenants require buildings to be single family homes “and a private garage of not more than two cars and servant quarters.” It was specifically noted that “No persons of any race, other than the Negro race shall own, use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.” The Great American Political Divide
The Color Caste System
“The Southern Negro’s strong sense of social distinctions (which he may have absorbed from the white master class) extended into social relations among the slaves and free Negroes.
Horace Fitchett in a Ph.D dissertation entitled “The Free Negro in Charleston, S.C.,” has observed that the mulatto segment of the free Negro population of Charleston emphasized the difference between themselves and darker slaves or free Negroes. They formed an exclusive social and fraternal organization called the Brown Fellowship Society; qualifications for membership were that one be free, light-skinned, economically independent, and “devoted to the basic tenets of the social system.”
The excluded Negroes of dark color formed a rival society named the “Society of Free Dark Men,” headed by Thomas Small, a carpenter who owned eleven slaves.
William Tiler Johnson, a mulatto barber of Natchez, Mississippi, seems also to have been strongly influenced by the color caste system, for he never attended “darkey parties, dances,” or other social occasion, and apparently did not mingle socially with the slaves.”
(The Mind of the Old South, Clement Eaton, 1964, LSU Press, excerpt pg. 172)
9 Reasons James Comey Might Be in Real Legal Jeopardy

Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey might be in some real legal jeopardy now that Attorney General William Barr has assigned a prosecutor to investigate the Russia Hoax investigators, of whom Comey was the ringleader.
Comey’s emerging sins appear to range from possibly illegal to outright unethical to obviously partisan. In no particular order, here is a handy rundown of all the controversial issues [updated to nine] surrounding Comey that have yet to be settled, properly investigated, or explained.
1. Comey Conducted High-Level Investigations out of FBI Headquarters
More @ Breitbart
Nat Turner’s Massacre Apologists

Nat Turner's Rebellion, A Gruesome Tale |
The Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Commission of the Virginia General Assembly announced that it will spend taxpayer money to erect a statue honoring Nat Turner who was the leader of a drunken slave rebellion that massacred fifty-five whites in the Southeastern part of the state in 1831. Most of the victims were women and children hacked to death with hatches and axes. Thirty-one year old Turner was the slave of a white family headed by Joseph Travis whom Turner considered “a kind master.” Nonetheless, on Sunday 21 August Turner gathered six other male slaves in the woods near the Travis household where they feasted on roast pig and apple brandy. By mid afternoon he announced that the group would “rise that night to kill all the white people.”
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Border Patrol's busiest region hikes spending to $20M to care for asylum-seekers

The U.S. Border Patrol's busiest region on the southern border now expects to spend more than $20 million on consumable items and services for asylum-seekers, up from the $12.5 million it had budgeted for the year due to a continued surge of families illegally crossing into the United States, according to federal data obtained by the Washington Examiner.
The extra money to aid asylum-seekers along the Rio Grande Valley Sector, the eastern-most region of the 2,000-mile southern border, will go toward "medical, shower/laundry, food, caregiver, etc.," a Border Patrol official told the Examiner on condition of anonymity.
More @ Washington Examiner
Trump to unveil immigration plan Thursday calling for new merit-based points system

Under the Trump plan, the share of legal immigrants permitted entry based on job skills would rise from 12% to 57%. Family bonds as a justification for legal entry would fall from 66% to 33%. Asylum and diversity admissions would fall from 22% to 10%.
President Trump Thursday will unveil a detailed new vision for legislation overhauling the U.S. legal immigration system, rewarding skills and education as part of a new points system.
The reform would radically change the makeup of lawful immigrants but would keep the overall volume steady at around 1.1 million every year.
More @ Washington Examiner
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