1934. Near Norris Dam site, Tennessee
Monday, January 29, 2018
"The Secret Society"
Via Ol' Remus
Boston Herald - The “Secret Society,” as the plotters call themselves,
is now desperately trying to cover up how they attempted to rig a
presidential election on behalf of the most corrupt candidate in
American history, Hillary Clinton, using Kremlin-generated
disinformation that Hillary Clinton paid millions for to violate the
civil rights of American citizens. And now the G-men claim they’ve
“lost” the evidence, just like the Deep State “lost” Hillary Clinton’s
33,000 emails and IRS crook Lois Lerner’s hard drive. It’s time to put
the FBI out of business, throw as many of these corrupt G-men into
prison as possible, raze the J. Edgar Hoover Office Building in D.C.
Linkfest January 29, 2018
Trump in Davos: 'The Single-Best Anti-Poverty Program Is a Very Beautiful Paycheck'
On Friday morning, President
Donald Trump delivered a powerful speech to the World Economic Forum in
Davos, Switzerland. He encouraged foreign countries and businesses to
invest in America, and explained why the future has never been brighter
for the United States.
Here are 5 gems from his speech.
More @ PJ Media
& even more @ Red Pill Jew
"We will never forget. We will never forgive. We will never submit."
Via Susan
After spending the day cleaning up our page of vulgar, hate-filled, and profane comments from monument haters, I am reflecting on a truth that is absolute, but not universally acknowledged. Those that attack us, our monuments, and our Confederate ancestors are almost ALWAYS left wing, Godless radicals, who hate us because our heritage is deeply rooted in our Christian faith. A quick peek at their social media profile will almost ALWAYS reveal a liberal who hates everything conservative and is still throwing a temper tantrum over the fact that Trump won the election.
Because WE put him there, they decided to go after what they knew would hurt us the most...our history and heritage...our kin.

After spending the day cleaning up our page of vulgar, hate-filled, and profane comments from monument haters, I am reflecting on a truth that is absolute, but not universally acknowledged. Those that attack us, our monuments, and our Confederate ancestors are almost ALWAYS left wing, Godless radicals, who hate us because our heritage is deeply rooted in our Christian faith. A quick peek at their social media profile will almost ALWAYS reveal a liberal who hates everything conservative and is still throwing a temper tantrum over the fact that Trump won the election.
Because WE put him there, they decided to go after what they knew would hurt us the most...our history and heritage...our kin.
More @ Virginia Flaggers
Top 10 Cities by Homeless Population All Have Something in Common

Reality doesn’t care about politics. No matter how good a policy or political program looks on paper, the ultimate test is whether it actually works in real life.
There are plenty of “good intentions” that turn into disasters. It’s the job of the entire country to take a hard look at real-life results, and avoid denial when the evidence shows that something might be wrong.
One piece of that evidence is homelessness. It’s not a comfortable topic, but living on the street is an unfortunate reality for over a half-milion Americans. If you listen to the left, it’s greedy, money-grabbing Republicans who hurt the poor — but what does actual reality show us?
More @ Conservative Tribune
FBI Deputy Director McCabe ‘Removed’ Day After Bureau Reads Memo
Via Billy
McCabe’s roles in both the Clinton email investigation and Russia probe came into question after it was reported last week that he, in addition to former Director James Comey and Rod Rosenstein, is named in the 4-page memo drafted by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) alleging “shocking” revelations of collusion and corruption.
McCabe’s removal comes the day after acting FBI Director Christopher Wray read the memo on Capitol Hill on Sunday.
Donald Trump Jr. sparred with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Twitter over the suspicious timing of McCabe’s departure.
“Yeah right, that’s why he stepped down a day after the FBI saw the FISA memo and the day the House votes on its release. Sure. That’s it,” Trump tweeted Monday. “Now the other media sheep have their talking points. Go spread the gospel. Who do you think you’re kidding at this point?”

Memo said to reveal corruption, collusion between Obama admin, Clintons and Justice Department
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has been “removed” from the bureau following FBI Chief Christopher Wray reading the secret FISA memo alleging wrongdoing by the Justice Department and Obama administration.
McCabe’s roles in both the Clinton email investigation and Russia probe came into question after it was reported last week that he, in addition to former Director James Comey and Rod Rosenstein, is named in the 4-page memo drafted by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) alleging “shocking” revelations of collusion and corruption.
McCabe’s removal comes the day after acting FBI Director Christopher Wray read the memo on Capitol Hill on Sunday.
Donald Trump Jr. sparred with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Twitter over the suspicious timing of McCabe’s departure.
“Yeah right, that’s why he stepped down a day after the FBI saw the FISA memo and the day the House votes on its release. Sure. That’s it,” Trump tweeted Monday. “Now the other media sheep have their talking points. Go spread the gospel. Who do you think you’re kidding at this point?”
More @ Info Wars
Sectionalism Returns

Recently Michael S. Greve of George Mason University Law School wrote an insightful article which contends that sectionalism has reared its head again. This new sectionalism is dividing the states along the lines of economic interests, which also happen to be aligning nicely with current ideological and partisan fault lines as well. Professor Greve rightly points out that the states are in a war to see who can impose the most and the highest “rival costs” upon their sister states. Greve views this new emergence of sectionalism as hopeful, the only way perhaps that one can limit the power of the central government in a federal republic. He is further encouraged that the new sectionalism is not about “race” anymore, though I have a few cousins-in-law in blue states who might disagree. Nevertheless, Greve’s article chronicles well how the limitation on the SALT deduction has brought the issue of sectionalism once more to the fore.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
McConnell: ‘2017 Was the Best Year for Conservatives in the 30 Years that I’ve Been Here’

McConnell said, “2017 was the best year for conservatives in the 30 years that I’ve been here. The best year. On all fronts. And a lot of people are shocked. Because we didn’t know what we were getting with Donald Trump. He was doing fundraisers for Chuck Schumer three or four years ago.
But this has turned out to be a very solid, conservative, right of center, pro-business administration.
And we’re seeing the results of it.”
House Intelligence Committee Votes to Release the FBI Memo
The House Intelligence Committee voted Monday to release a classified memo to the public detailing alleged abuse by senior Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations officials in their investigation of the Trump campaign.
The committee voted on a party line, according to the Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA), who gave a press conference after the decision.President Trump now has five days to object to it. White House lawyer Ty Cobb told Politico in a statement:
“No decision will be made on the release unless and until the Congress, after the required vote, provides it to the White House.
“There it will be subjected to appropriate and serious review before a decision is made.
The President strongly favors transparency for the American people and has urged the Executive Branch to cooperate with Congress to the fullest extent appropriate.”The memo reportedly details — among other things — how senior officials abused FISA to obtain a surveillance warrant on Trump foreign policy campaign adviser Carter Page.
NC: Comment on the Relocation of Monuments
Via Jonathan
Earl L Ijames,
Curator NC Museum of History speaks on NC blacks: slaves, free, slave
owners, and Confederate soldiers, facts they don't teach you in school.
At their Sept. 22, 2017 meeting, the N.C. Historical Commission voted to postpone until their April 2018 meeting any decision regarding a petition from the N.C. Department of Administration to relocate three Confederate monuments from the State Capitol grounds in Raleigh to the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site in Four Oaks, N.C. The commission voted to appoint a committee from commission members to study the issue and seek advice and legal opinions from appropriate entities. Original motion establishing committee

At their Sept. 22, 2017 meeting, the N.C. Historical Commission voted to postpone until their April 2018 meeting any decision regarding a petition from the N.C. Department of Administration to relocate three Confederate monuments from the State Capitol grounds in Raleigh to the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site in Four Oaks, N.C. The commission voted to appoint a committee from commission members to study the issue and seek advice and legal opinions from appropriate entities. Original motion establishing committee
Members of the public may submit comments regarding the relocation of these monuments using the form below. All comments are subject to release under the N.C. Public Records Law.
How Trump’s Immigration Proposal Could Be Trouble for Democrats

The latest White House immigration proposal seems to be going nowhere fast. As laid out by the famously restrictionist White House adviser Stephen Miller, it offers DACA-type protections and even a “path to citizenship” for 1.8 million Dreamers — more than double the number covered by President Obama’s DACA program. But, in exchange, the deal would involve significantly beefed-up border security and internal-enforcement resources, as well as big changes to the legal immigration system. Hard-core conservatives (including Miller’s boon companions at Breitbart News) hate the “amnesty” offer. Immigration advocates hate everything about it except for the Dreamer protections. Both Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi rejected the proposal out of hand.
More @ NY Mag
Cartridge Showdown: 9mm Versus .45 ACP

“Trying to stop a bad guy with a nine mm is like trying to stop a charging buffalo with a twenty-two. Might as well use a fly-swatter”. Such statements were common when I was a kid, and at the time there was some truth to them. Many experienced shooters, veterans, and L.E. officers still preferred the hard-hitting .45 ACP, (Automatic Colt Pistol) to the 9mm with its smaller, lighter and more streamlined projectile. Their opinions were founded on the battlefield and in the streets, and it was hard to argue with them.
More @ Guns America
A California city is launching the first US experiment in basic income — meet the 27-year-old mayor behind it
Via John
Stockton, California made national news last October
when it announced it would host the first US experiment in basic
income, a system of wealth distribution in which people receive a
standard salary just for being alive.
The plan, spearheaded by Stockton's 27-year-old mayor, Michael Tubbs, will likely begin sometime in August 2018 and involve at least 100 people of varying income levels getting $500 a month for three years.
Ever since it declared bankruptcy in 2012, Stockton has been in recovery-mode, and Tubbs sees basic income — a growing topic of discussion around the world over the past couple years — as one way to rehabilitate the city.
The plan, spearheaded by Stockton's 27-year-old mayor, Michael Tubbs, will likely begin sometime in August 2018 and involve at least 100 people of varying income levels getting $500 a month for three years.
More @ AOL
Donald Trump Jr mocks Hillary Clinton's Grammys appearance: 'Great consolation' for losing election & ratings hit all time low
Via Billy
Donald Trump Jr. mocked Hillary Clinton’s appearance at the Grammys reading an excerpt of controversial book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House as “a great consolation prize for losing the presidency.”
“Getting to read a #fakenews book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency. #GrammyAwards,” Trump Jr. tweeted Sunday night.
Donald Trump Jr. mocked Hillary Clinton’s appearance at the Grammys reading an excerpt of controversial book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House as “a great consolation prize for losing the presidency.”
“Getting to read a #fakenews book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency. #GrammyAwards,” Trump Jr. tweeted Sunday night.
More @ Washington Examiner
Grammy Ratings Hit All-Time Demo Low; Draws 19.8M Viewers
Grammy Ratings Hit All-Time Demo Low; Draws 19.8M Viewers
New Book: McCabe Initiated White House Meeting That Led To Leak
This story gives a glimpse into how the original Russia narrative may have been spread around to overly compliant journalists and other members of the 'resistance.'
Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe asked to speak privately with White House chief of staff Reince Priebus following a February 2017 intelligence briefing. The scene is described in “Media Madness,” Howard Kurtz’s new book on the press and its relationship with the Trump administration. McCabe said he asked for the meeting to tell Priebus that “everything” in a New York Times story authored by Michael S. Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo was “bullsh-t.”
More @ The Federalist
The FBI's deputy director is stepping down
Two government officials familiar with the matter confirm to ABC News
that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down immediately.
He had long been expected to retire from government in March, when he
was eligible to receive his benefits for his years of service. Now, he
is vacating his post atop the FBI and taking time away from the agency —
but he will technically remain an employee of the bureau until his
official retirement in March.
And the award for most sexist, misogynist bunch of vile hypocrites goes to… the Grammys
Via Billy
There was no doubting the highlight of last night’s Grammys.
came when Kesha gave an emotional performance of her single “Praying”,
about the alleged sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her former
producer ‘Dr Luke’ Gottwald.
She was introduced by Janelle Monae who delivered a powerful speech to the star-studded audience.
‘We say time’s up for pay inequality, discrimination or harassment of any kind,’ Monae declared, ‘and the abuse of power.’
More @ Daily Mail
Golden boy Robert Mueller's forgotten surveillance crime spree
Via Billy
When Robert Mueller was appointed last May as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, Politico Magazine gushed that “Mueller might just be America’s straightest arrow — a respected, nonpartisan and fiercely apolitical public servant whose only lifetime motivation has been the search for justice.”
Most of the subsequent press coverage has shown nary a doubt about Mueller’s purity. But, during his 11 years as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mueller’s agency routinely violated federal law and the Bill of Rights.
When Robert Mueller was appointed last May as Special Counsel to investigate Trump, Politico Magazine gushed that “Mueller might just be America’s straightest arrow — a respected, nonpartisan and fiercely apolitical public servant whose only lifetime motivation has been the search for justice.”
Most of the subsequent press coverage has shown nary a doubt about Mueller’s purity. But, during his 11 years as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mueller’s agency routinely violated federal law and the Bill of Rights.
More @ The Hill
Trump Trolls The Fools For Fools Once Again
Via comment by JWMJR on Trump: Amnesty Offer Intended to Expose Democratic...
Recall if you will the psychic meltdown in the conservative blogosphere when the President said he would sign a bi-partisan immigration bill during the White House meeting with staff and Congressional leaders. The screams of "betrayal" were all but deafening. Recall also how those concerns disappeared in the wake of little Dickey Durbin's "shithole countries" accusations.
If Trump did say it or something like it, it was a rhetorical move that was played perfectly. Twits like Durbin and the talking head fools were guaranteed to jump on it and totally miss that their phony outrage exposed their total lack of interest in finding any real solution to the immigration problem. In short Trump trolled them.
Subsequently there was of course no actual bi-partisan proposal to come out of Congress. The extremest elements would never have allowed one to come to a vote never mind pass. The President cast out the bait.

Recall if you will the psychic meltdown in the conservative blogosphere when the President said he would sign a bi-partisan immigration bill during the White House meeting with staff and Congressional leaders. The screams of "betrayal" were all but deafening. Recall also how those concerns disappeared in the wake of little Dickey Durbin's "shithole countries" accusations.
If Trump did say it or something like it, it was a rhetorical move that was played perfectly. Twits like Durbin and the talking head fools were guaranteed to jump on it and totally miss that their phony outrage exposed their total lack of interest in finding any real solution to the immigration problem. In short Trump trolled them.
Subsequently there was of course no actual bi-partisan proposal to come out of Congress. The extremest elements would never have allowed one to come to a vote never mind pass. The President cast out the bait.
More @ Joe Martin's Ghost
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