1942 Northwestern University girls go through a Home Guard rifle drill on the campus in Evanston, Illinois.
We'll take one step at a time, and the first is necessarily—given the
political realities—very modest. We'll have to start working again to
strengthen the law, and then again to strengthen the next law and again
and again. Our ultimate goal, total control of hand guns, is going to
take time. The first problem is to slow down production and sales. Next
is to get registration. The final problem is to make possession of all
handguns and ammunition (with a few exceptions) totally illegal.
Pete Shields, founder of Handgun Control, 1976, via SprinklesAndGumdrops, comment at cnn.com

Legislators in Connecticut voted for a ban so-called "assault"
weapons, a ban on private party
sales of used guns, creates a new
"ammunition eligibility certificate," and mandates a ban on the
manufacture or sale and a registry for high capacity magazines. Do these
buffoons have any concept of how many millions of magazines larger that
10 round capacity exist, or that virtually none of them carry a serial
number?, says James Rawles in this article,
Connecticut Gun Owners Betrayed by Their State Legislature, at
Survival Blog.
I hope that Connecticut gun owners as well as gun, ammo and magazine
makers vote with their feet. There are a lot of gun-related companies
there: Colt, Winchester, Marlin (which recently shut down after 141
years of operation in Connecticut), Mossberg, Sturm-Ruger,
H&R, Stag Arms,
A.H. Fox,
US Fire Arms, Wildey, Shelton Ammunition, Okay Industries, Ronan/
C-Products, Mec-Gar,
G.T.B., and many more.
James Rawles at survivalblog.com

It's hard to resolve a tax on the purchase or transfer of all firearms
with the concept of a "right to keep and bear arms that shall not be
infringed." Taxing the exercise of a right is a clear infringement upon
it, as any discussion of poll taxes would swiftly make clear. In fact,
Eric Holder's Justice Department has a habit of arguing that even minor
incidental expenses incurred in the course of obtaining voter
identification are unacceptable infringements upon voting rights, says
John Hayward in this article,
Beware the gun tax, at
Red State.

Arrogant progressives who delight in the assault on gun rights seem to
think they can impose any indignity and infringment they want without
repercussion... They don’t understand asymmetrical warfare in the
slightest, much less how it would be waged here. Let me give you just
one small example of how a lone wolves or small teams can strike well
beyond their size against a near defenseless leviathan, says Bob Owens
in this article,
Just one example of how the government could lose a civil conflict, at
Bob Owens.

Initially, the Obama Administration dealt with the difficulty that
blacks were committing murder so much more often than whites by not
updating the Homicide Trends website. For years,
the Bureau of Justice Statistics
web page was stuck on 2005. Rather than solve the problem of blacks
committing a disparate number of murders, the Obama Administration has
instead deleted the offending web page, says Steve Sailer in this
Guns and Race, at
Taki's Magazine.
Leftist repents of forced diversity -
I have learned since what a spiteful, self-righteous, snobbish and
arrogant person I was (and most of my revolutionary comrades were, too).
I have seen places that I knew and felt at home in, changed completely
in a few short years. I have felt deeply, hopelessly sorry that I did
and said nothing in defence of those whose lives were turned upside
down, without their ever being asked, and who were warned very clearly
that, if they complained, they would be despised outcasts, says Peter
Hitchens in this article,
How I am partly to blame for Mass Immigration, at
Mail Online.
The civil rights movement is dead. In place of any real urge for
equality is a determination to perpetuate inequality in order to keep
the movement going. It's as if everyone wanted to keep the great feeling
of winning
WWII alive by landing at
Normandy, shelling random tourists and then invading Paris to liberate
it from the Nazis while refusing to listen to the Parisians when they
insist that the Nazi armies are long gone.
Daniel Greenfield at sultanknish.blogspot.com.au
Connecticut - The
owner of Stag Arms, Mark Malkowski, said he has had numerous, lucrative
offers to relocate to gun-friendly states that he is more seriously
considering, particularly if his brand is hurt by passage of the law...
Located in New Britain for the past 10 years, he said he has 200
workers with 20 states vying for him to relocate with good deals.
The same analysis was repeated by Jonathan Scalise, president and owner
of Ammunition Storage Components...
Scalise manufacturers magazines, selling them to box stores, gun
manufacturers, dealers and distributors across the country. He said 52
of his products would be illegal here, which represent 80 percent of his
Mary O’Leary at middletownpress.com
There are cases which cannot be overdone by
language, and this is one. There are persons, too, who see not the full
extent of the evil which threatens them; they solace themselves with
hopes that the enemy, if he succeed, will be merciful.
Thomas Paine