Monday, December 5, 2016
Via Billy
Donald Trump pulled offone THE of the greatest political feats in modern history
by defeating Hillary Clinton and the vaunted Clinton machine.
The election was a complete repudiation of Barack Obama: his fantasy world of political correctness, the politicization of the Justice Department and the I.R.S., an out-of-control E.P.A., his neutering of the military, his nonsupport of the police and his fixation on things like transgender bathrooms.
Since he became president, his party has lost 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 14 governorships.
The country had signaled strongly in the last two midterms that they were not happy. The Dems’ answer was to give them more of the same from a person they did not like or trust.
Preaching — and pandering — with a message of inclusion, the Democrats have instead become a party where incivility and bad manners are taken for granted, rudeness is routine, religion is mocked and there is absolutely no respect for a differing opinion.
This did not go down well in the Midwest, where Trump flipped three blue states and 44 electoral votes.
Here is a short primer for the young protesters.
If your preferred candidate loses, there is no need for mass hysteria, canceled midterms, safe spaces, crying rooms or group primal screams. You might understand this better if you had not received participation trophies, undeserved grades to protect your feelings or even if you had a proper understanding of civics.
The Democrats are now crying that Hillary had more popular votes. That can be her participation trophy. :)
A bottle of Trump champagne at the Dowd Thanksgiving dinner table
Donald Trump pulled off
The election was a complete repudiation of Barack Obama: his fantasy world of political correctness, the politicization of the Justice Department and the I.R.S., an out-of-control E.P.A., his neutering of the military, his nonsupport of the police and his fixation on things like transgender bathrooms.
Since he became president, his party has lost 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 14 governorships.
The country had signaled strongly in the last two midterms that they were not happy. The Dems’ answer was to give them more of the same from a person they did not like or trust.
Preaching — and pandering — with a message of inclusion, the Democrats have instead become a party where incivility and bad manners are taken for granted, rudeness is routine, religion is mocked and there is absolutely no respect for a differing opinion.
This did not go down well in the Midwest, where Trump flipped three blue states and 44 electoral votes.
Here is a short primer for the young protesters.
If your preferred candidate loses, there is no need for mass hysteria, canceled midterms, safe spaces, crying rooms or group primal screams. You might understand this better if you had not received participation trophies, undeserved grades to protect your feelings or even if you had a proper understanding of civics.
The Democrats are now crying that Hillary had more popular votes. That can be her participation trophy. :)
Calls Out General David Patraeus on Anti-Gun Stand
Via Billy
"Gun Owners of America has called, in the strongest terms, for the rejection of anti-gun zealot David Petraeus as a candidate for Secretary of State," said GOA Chairman Tim Macy.
Although Petraeus seldom speaks publicly on domestic issues, he hates guns so much that he teamed up with anti-gun leader Mark Kelly and his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, to co-found the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense, an anti-gun organization devoted to "do[ing] more to prevent gun tragedies" by "urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws."
Not surprisingly, the Leftist media is elated that a gun-hater like Petraeus might be awarded the top Cabinet post by Trump. This is true even though Petraeus, in November 2012, resigned as CIA Director and pleaded guilty to leaking classified information to a biographer with whom he was having an extramarital affair.
But Petraeus' “Clinton-like” disregard for American security is the least of his problems. Macy ticked off the ways in which Petraeus' anti-gun animus could affect his performance at State.
"Gun Owners of America has called, in the strongest terms, for the rejection of anti-gun zealot David Petraeus as a candidate for Secretary of State," said GOA Chairman Tim Macy.
Although Petraeus seldom speaks publicly on domestic issues, he hates guns so much that he teamed up with anti-gun leader Mark Kelly and his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, to co-found the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense, an anti-gun organization devoted to "do[ing] more to prevent gun tragedies" by "urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws."
Not surprisingly, the Leftist media is elated that a gun-hater like Petraeus might be awarded the top Cabinet post by Trump. This is true even though Petraeus, in November 2012, resigned as CIA Director and pleaded guilty to leaking classified information to a biographer with whom he was having an extramarital affair.
But Petraeus' “Clinton-like” disregard for American security is the least of his problems. Macy ticked off the ways in which Petraeus' anti-gun animus could affect his performance at State.
More @ Freedom Outpost
Black Woman who Saw Cop Get Murdered: ‘I Don’t Want to Hear Anything About Black Lives Matter.’
Via Billy
A police sniper was eventually forced to kill the gunman after an 11-hour standoff in which the man used his two young children (6 and 8) as human shields. Now the homeowner, Ms. Croskey, is speaking out to praise the Tacoma police and to make sure that the professional race-baiters don’t get involved in the story.
A horrible situation unfolded in Tacoma, Washington this past week when police arrived at a home in answer to a domestic disturbance call.
The police arrived at the house in question with the owner, Kristi Croskey, to check on the welfare of the children. As the police entered the home, the renter, a man named Bruce Randall “Zeus” Johnson II opened fire on the officers. One officer, Reginald “Jake” Gutierrez put himself between his partner, the homeowner, and the gunman in an effort to get everyone to safety. Gutierrez yelled for the others to “Get out!” of the house even as the gunman opened fire. Gutierrez was hit, but his partner and the others were able to escape.A police sniper was eventually forced to kill the gunman after an 11-hour standoff in which the man used his two young children (6 and 8) as human shields. Now the homeowner, Ms. Croskey, is speaking out to praise the Tacoma police and to make sure that the professional race-baiters don’t get involved in the story.
More @ Eagle Rising
Roger Stone: “Trump-Hating” Landlord Wants Him Out of the Building
Via Billy
Republican political consultant Roger Stone went on with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV to discuss the ongoing meltdown of the liberal left to Donald Trump’s election victory.
Stone told Malzberg his Hillary-supporting landlord wants him out of the building.
This is liberal fascism at its worst.
Republican political consultant Roger Stone went on with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV to discuss the ongoing meltdown of the liberal left to Donald Trump’s election victory.
Stone told Malzberg his Hillary-supporting landlord wants him out of the building.
This is liberal fascism at its worst.
More with video @ The Gateway Pundit
NC Governor Pat McCrory Vanquished by Cooper & Clinton's Illegal Immigrant Voters
Via Billy
Republican North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory conceded his race today after failing to challenge ineligible voters that included illegal immigrant voters that cost him his race against Democrat Roy Cooper.
"Governor McCrory won't be the last Republican victim of illegal immigrant voters in NC unless the NC Legislature takes immediate action to get the illegals out of our voter registration files and election totals," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Very sad to see that McCrory was not the man who did America a huge service by dispatching bilingual surveyors to interview and identify illegal immigrant voters in the Democrat crime infested stronghold precincts of Durham, Charlotte, Raleigh, and Greensboro where they stole this election from him. Their goal was to steal NC for Hillary against Donald Trump, but we Americans were more motivated to vote than the illegals this year."
Republican North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory conceded his race today after failing to challenge ineligible voters that included illegal immigrant voters that cost him his race against Democrat Roy Cooper.
"Governor McCrory won't be the last Republican victim of illegal immigrant voters in NC unless the NC Legislature takes immediate action to get the illegals out of our voter registration files and election totals," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "Very sad to see that McCrory was not the man who did America a huge service by dispatching bilingual surveyors to interview and identify illegal immigrant voters in the Democrat crime infested stronghold precincts of Durham, Charlotte, Raleigh, and Greensboro where they stole this election from him. Their goal was to steal NC for Hillary against Donald Trump, but we Americans were more motivated to vote than the illegals this year."
Hillary Supporter Bashes Elderly Woman Over the Head with Chair
Via Billy
An argument over the recent election ended with one Donora, Pennsylvania, supporter of Hillary Clinton charged with assault after hitting a 69-year-old woman over the head with a chair, according to police.
Matthew Pugh, 27, was arrested on November 30 on charges of attempted homicide, aggravated assault, simple assault, and reckless endangerment, after allegedly attacking the elderly woman in the lobby of a high rise, according to the Observer-Reporter.
An argument over the recent election ended with one Donora, Pennsylvania, supporter of Hillary Clinton charged with assault after hitting a 69-year-old woman over the head with a chair, according to police.
Matthew Pugh, 27, was arrested on November 30 on charges of attempted homicide, aggravated assault, simple assault, and reckless endangerment, after allegedly attacking the elderly woman in the lobby of a high rise, according to the Observer-Reporter.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
General Nathanael Greene takes over the Southern Department
Via Cousin Colby

On this day in history, December 3, 1780, General Nathanael Greene takes over the Southern Department of the Continental Army after the Americans suffered a string of defeats in the southern states. General Robert Howe lost the city of Savannah, Georgia; General Benjamin Lincoln lost the city of Charleston, South Carolina with over 5,000 soldiers; and in August, 1780, General Horatio Gates' army was destroyed at Camden, South Carolina with almost 2,000 men killed or captured. These losses left South Carolina and Georgia completely in British hands. British General Charles Cornwallis then turned his sights on North Carolina and his ultimate goal, Virginia. After these defeats, morale was at an all-time low in the southern colonies. There was virtually no army remaining. Congress needed to turn something around before the South was completely lost.
Congress had bypassed George Washington's authority by appointing all three failed generals in the South. This time, they deferred to Washington's judgment as Commander-in-Chief, who immediately selected General Nathanael Greene to take over. Greene had already proved himself in battles at Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth and Newport and had shown an enormous talent for organizing and logistics as Quartermaster General at Valley Forge. Nathanael Greene was the owner of a foundry in Coventry, Rhode Island and had trained himself in the art of war through books. He was appointed a Major General in Rhode Island at the outbreak of the war and soon became a Brigadier General in the Continental Army, becoming one of Washington's most trusted advisers.
Greene took charge of the Southern Department at Charlotte, North Carolina on December 3, 1780 and things immediately began to turn around. Greene first concentrated on rebuilding the forces with the help of his legendary organizational skills and ability to procure supplies and garner local support. He began making strikes against Cornwallis, but would pull back and outrun the British pursuers, often using swollen rivers to keep distance between them. Cornwallis' army began to wear out as Greene drew them further inland, away from their supply depots on the coast. Greene gathered all the forces he could to Guilford Courthouse in Greensboro, North Carolina and fought a battle there that was extremely costly to the British, who were forced to return to their base at Wilmington on the sea. Cornwallis decided to abandon his attempt to conquer North Carolina and he turned north to Virginia instead, setting up the surrender at Yorktown less than one year later.
Rather than follow Cornwallis into Virginia, General Greene turned south and aided the local militias in driving the British back from the interior toward the sea. By the time the Treaty of Paris was signed to end the war, only a few southern coastal cities remained in British hands. The remainder of their territory was securely in American hands.
General Nathanael Greene is usually regarded as the most talented military mind of the American Revolution after George Washington, even though he never won a single decisive victory. All the major battles he fought in the South were draws. However, his strategy of dividing and weakening the British lines, separating them from their supply lines and forcing them to a chase on long marches eventually wore them out and returned the South safely into American hands. Nathanael Greene is truly one of the great geniuses and heroes of the American Revolution and deserves all the praise he usually receives.
Congress had bypassed George Washington's authority by appointing all three failed generals in the South. This time, they deferred to Washington's judgment as Commander-in-Chief, who immediately selected General Nathanael Greene to take over. Greene had already proved himself in battles at Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth and Newport and had shown an enormous talent for organizing and logistics as Quartermaster General at Valley Forge. Nathanael Greene was the owner of a foundry in Coventry, Rhode Island and had trained himself in the art of war through books. He was appointed a Major General in Rhode Island at the outbreak of the war and soon became a Brigadier General in the Continental Army, becoming one of Washington's most trusted advisers.
Greene took charge of the Southern Department at Charlotte, North Carolina on December 3, 1780 and things immediately began to turn around. Greene first concentrated on rebuilding the forces with the help of his legendary organizational skills and ability to procure supplies and garner local support. He began making strikes against Cornwallis, but would pull back and outrun the British pursuers, often using swollen rivers to keep distance between them. Cornwallis' army began to wear out as Greene drew them further inland, away from their supply depots on the coast. Greene gathered all the forces he could to Guilford Courthouse in Greensboro, North Carolina and fought a battle there that was extremely costly to the British, who were forced to return to their base at Wilmington on the sea. Cornwallis decided to abandon his attempt to conquer North Carolina and he turned north to Virginia instead, setting up the surrender at Yorktown less than one year later.
Rather than follow Cornwallis into Virginia, General Greene turned south and aided the local militias in driving the British back from the interior toward the sea. By the time the Treaty of Paris was signed to end the war, only a few southern coastal cities remained in British hands. The remainder of their territory was securely in American hands.
General Nathanael Greene is usually regarded as the most talented military mind of the American Revolution after George Washington, even though he never won a single decisive victory. All the major battles he fought in the South were draws. However, his strategy of dividing and weakening the British lines, separating them from their supply lines and forcing them to a chase on long marches eventually wore them out and returned the South safely into American hands. Nathanael Greene is truly one of the great geniuses and heroes of the American Revolution and deserves all the praise he usually receives.
Liberals Mock Victims of Wildfire in Tennessee Because They Voted for Trump
Via Billy
As Tennessee battles raging wildfires, forcing an evacuation of thousands of people, a number of people on Twitter are mocking their plight, suggesting residents there deserve it for voting for Donald Trump.
Some of the tweets, instead of expressing horror, are declaring “let
them burn” and “too bad it’s not the whole state burning.” The tweeters
are also accusing residents of showing their “white privilege”
because they want more news coverage of the fires.
As Tennessee battles raging wildfires, forcing an evacuation of thousands of people, a number of people on Twitter are mocking their plight, suggesting residents there deserve it for voting for Donald Trump.
Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, the epicenter
of the wildfires because of their proximity to Great Smoky Mountains
National Park, are popular holiday resorts for conservative and
Christian families from the region. The towns have a number of
attractions and wholesome family activities, including Dollywood.
More @ Heat Street
Via Billy
All the talk about ‘Hope and Change’ and here we are in post-Obama America.
A Republican President will be in White House.
We have Republican control in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
A Republican President will be in White House.
We have Republican control in both the Senate and House of Representatives.
More @ Clash Daily
NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale
Via Billy
For two months, using, we have been monitoring the
movements of ships owned by a couple of NGOs. Using data from, we have kept track of the daily arrivals of African
immigrants in Italy. It turned out we were witness to a big scam and an
illegal human traffic operation.
PA: Of 20,736 absentee ballots cast, 18,467 went to Clinton— This is highly suspect.
Via Billy
Massive voter fraud in Pennsylvania has been identified. The final certified results in Pennsylvania show Donald Trump winning the state with 2,961,658 votes, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won 2,913,903 votes. The difference is 47,755 votes. This is what is now reported after absentee ballots were counted as reported on Friday, December 2nd.
Before the recounts on November 29th, the New York Times reported that Donald Trump was winning the state with 2,959,839 votes, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won 2,895,436 votes. The difference was 64,403 votes.
In addition, there were 41,120 more votes cast for President than for the Senate race in Pennsylvania when looking at the final tallies. This too is suspect.
Massive voter fraud in Pennsylvania has been identified. The final certified results in Pennsylvania show Donald Trump winning the state with 2,961,658 votes, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won 2,913,903 votes. The difference is 47,755 votes. This is what is now reported after absentee ballots were counted as reported on Friday, December 2nd.
Before the recounts on November 29th, the New York Times reported that Donald Trump was winning the state with 2,959,839 votes, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won 2,895,436 votes. The difference was 64,403 votes.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Man in country illegally pleads guilty to Russellville rape
Via Jeffery
A man whom police say is in the country illegally has pleaded guilty to first-degree rape.
Don't think he'll make it out of there alive.
A man whom police say is in the country illegally has pleaded guilty to first-degree rape.
Court officials said Ramiro Luz Ajualip, 29, 310 Plum St., Russellville, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Police said Ajualip is accused of raping a 10-year-old girl.
Franklin County District Attorney Joey Rushing said as a part of the plea agreement, a sodomy charge was dismissed.
More @ Times Daily
Why we still Revere our Confederate Ancestors
By Lewis Regenstein
Speech to the Gainesville, Georgia Kiwanis Club
Thank you, I am honored to be here today with the Gainesville Kiwanis Club, and to speak before such a distinguished group, on the occasion of Confederate History and Heritage Month.
The observance of this month has generated some controversy and misunderstanding, and I’d like to explain why so many of us are proud of our Confederate ancestors, based on the experiences and writings of members of my own family.
Before I begin I’d like to emphasize that while I am very proud of my ancestors, I‘m not bragging about anything. I can claim no personal distinction for their heroism, which reflects what was common among the hopelessly outnumbered, outsupplied but not outfought Confederate troops, something in which we all take much pride.
Our ancestors often ran low on food, ammunition, and other supplies, but never on courage.
I write and talk about all this because I am proud of our heritage and committed to helping keep its memory alive and honored, amidst the ongoing campaign to rewrite history and discredit the valor and honor of the Confederate soldiers and their Cause.
The Valor of the Confederate Soldiers

By Lewis Regenstein
Speech to the Gainesville, Georgia Kiwanis Club
Thank you, I am honored to be here today with the Gainesville Kiwanis Club, and to speak before such a distinguished group, on the occasion of Confederate History and Heritage Month.
The observance of this month has generated some controversy and misunderstanding, and I’d like to explain why so many of us are proud of our Confederate ancestors, based on the experiences and writings of members of my own family.
Before I begin I’d like to emphasize that while I am very proud of my ancestors, I‘m not bragging about anything. I can claim no personal distinction for their heroism, which reflects what was common among the hopelessly outnumbered, outsupplied but not outfought Confederate troops, something in which we all take much pride.
Our ancestors often ran low on food, ammunition, and other supplies, but never on courage.
I write and talk about all this because I am proud of our heritage and committed to helping keep its memory alive and honored, amidst the ongoing campaign to rewrite history and discredit the valor and honor of the Confederate soldiers and their Cause.
The Valor of the Confederate Soldiers
More @ Confederate Digest
SlideFire SSAR-15 MOD Review - A Professional Bump Stock
have been waiting a long time for the bump stock to come of age. When I first encountered the SlideFire SSAR-15 back in 2011, it was relatively unknown. My article actually sold more stocks in one day, and picked up more dealers, than all of the other press that SlideFire had received prior to that, combined. It was the beginning of full auto speeds for the masses, no NFA tax certificate or 6 month wait required. Back then the stock was $350, for what really was just two pieces of plastic, but we all bought them, and for good reason.
As my original article explained, the original product did come with a “BATFE letter,” but none of us knew how long that would last, and we all wanted one before “they banned it.” Well, they never did lol. And go figure we now have a much more mature product, with a rock solid feel, great ergonomics and excellent fit and finish. When I first wrote this article, the price had been reduced too $239, and that was in the title of the article, but it is back up to $299. This is still a worthy buy recommendation, and I suspect they are going to still run out at that price. If you want one in the near term I would not hesitate to buy it for full price.
More @ Guns America
Obama Appointed Judge Orders Hand Recount in Michigan. Also Update on WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, PENNSYLVANIA and NEVADA
Via comment by cav med on Front-Page Bogeyman
Presidential candidate Jill Stein's fight to force ballot recounts in three states focuses Monday on Pennsylvania, where her Green Party is seeking an emergency federal court order for a statewide recount, and Michigan, where a federal judge has ordered a hand recount to begin by noon.
The recount is underway in Wisconsin.
President-elect Donald Trump narrowly defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in all three states. The recounts were not expected to change enough votes to overturn the result of the election.

Presidential candidate Jill Stein's fight to force ballot recounts in three states focuses Monday on Pennsylvania, where her Green Party is seeking an emergency federal court order for a statewide recount, and Michigan, where a federal judge has ordered a hand recount to begin by noon.
President-elect Donald Trump narrowly defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in all three states. The recounts were not expected to change enough votes to overturn the result of the election.
More @ The Enquirer
Nigel Farage on Italy's Referendum: Seemed to be "more about the euro than constitutional change".
Not for the first time, Italy is in political turmoil. The
prime minister, Matteo Renzi, has resigned after voters overwhelmingly
rejected a referendum on constitutional change that was widely seen as a
plebiscite on his leadership. While there are complex and dysfunctional
politics at play – the incoming caretaker government will be the 64th
in 70 years – the decision is more a reflection of economic
More @ The National
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