Saturday, August 8, 2020
Justice for Assyrians: A Kurdish Perspective: Time to right the historical wrongs against these persecuted Middle East Christians.
Via Προστάτης Καντονεζικός
August 7th marks Assyrian Martyrs Day, a time when we Kurds should focus on how we can help secure justice for the victims of the crimes committed against this persecuted community.
Assyrians, also known as Syriacs and Chaldeans, are an indigenous people of the Middle East, and heirs of the oldest civilization of the region. They are the first converts to Christianity. Their society has nurtured the Christian faith with its own cultural roots, and created original denominations.
However, Assyrians are also the nation that has lost the most territory in the Middle East. Throughout history, they have experienced the most dreadful massacres and genocides. They have severely suffered from persecution as a result of Islam’s expansion by the sword.

August 7th marks Assyrian Martyrs Day, a time when we Kurds should focus on how we can help secure justice for the victims of the crimes committed against this persecuted community.
Assyrians, also known as Syriacs and Chaldeans, are an indigenous people of the Middle East, and heirs of the oldest civilization of the region. They are the first converts to Christianity. Their society has nurtured the Christian faith with its own cultural roots, and created original denominations.
However, Assyrians are also the nation that has lost the most territory in the Middle East. Throughout history, they have experienced the most dreadful massacres and genocides. They have severely suffered from persecution as a result of Islam’s expansion by the sword.
More @ The American Conservative
An Open Letter of Thanks from a Deplorable to Antifa and BLM
Via G.W. Long
I don’t typically give the devil his due but these are not normal circumstances and I think I must.
In our hyperpolarized 50/50 America the economic and social disruption caused by the Wuhan flu should have been a very serious obstacle to an incumbent president’s re-election prospects. Not that it would have made it impossible for the incumbent but rather that it would have given the challenger a great point of attack. The loss of many jobs and businesses can easily be politicized during a campaign to the challenger’s advantage. And that is why the President was so invested in restarting the economy as soon as possible. This would allow enough time for the economic picture to be on the rebound by the November election.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the campaign. When it became apparent that Bernie Sanders was not going to be the Democrat candidate for president, his most radical followers seemed to have pulled out Plan B. And based on actual circumstances Plan B seems to have been a race war.
Unfortunately for their plans, the blue states, instead of quelling the riots, have instead embraced the radical racialist philosophy of BLM and have begun the process of demonizing the white population, dismantling their police departments and eventually setting up a network of warlord drug fiefdoms where their inner-city ghettos are currently situated. Once these free-fire zones have been in place for a few years all the honest people will be forced to flee the cities and these former metropolises will join Detroit and Baltimore as third world hellholes and cautionary tales for Democrats who think they know how not to waste a crisis.
I don’t typically give the devil his due but these are not normal circumstances and I think I must.
In our hyperpolarized 50/50 America the economic and social disruption caused by the Wuhan flu should have been a very serious obstacle to an incumbent president’s re-election prospects. Not that it would have made it impossible for the incumbent but rather that it would have given the challenger a great point of attack. The loss of many jobs and businesses can easily be politicized during a campaign to the challenger’s advantage. And that is why the President was so invested in restarting the economy as soon as possible. This would allow enough time for the economic picture to be on the rebound by the November election.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the campaign. When it became apparent that Bernie Sanders was not going to be the Democrat candidate for president, his most radical followers seemed to have pulled out Plan B. And based on actual circumstances Plan B seems to have been a race war.
Unfortunately for their plans, the blue states, instead of quelling the riots, have instead embraced the radical racialist philosophy of BLM and have begun the process of demonizing the white population, dismantling their police departments and eventually setting up a network of warlord drug fiefdoms where their inner-city ghettos are currently situated. Once these free-fire zones have been in place for a few years all the honest people will be forced to flee the cities and these former metropolises will join Detroit and Baltimore as third world hellholes and cautionary tales for Democrats who think they know how not to waste a crisis.
More @ Orion's Close Fire
Thomas Jefferson on Alexander Hamilton's errors.
Via Koty
The second quote is a
particularly insightful attack on Hamilton's cosmopolitan assumption
that America, an agrarian republic, should simply abandon its
traditional customs and emulate the liberal commercialism of London and
Amsterdam by embracing an ideology of mass immigration:
"[Alexander Hamilton is] a man whose history, from the moment at which history can stoop to notice him, is a tissue of machinations against the liberty of the country which has not only recieved and given him bread, but heaped it’s honors on his head."
"[Alexander Hamilton is] a man whose history, from the moment at which history can stoop to notice him, is a tissue of machinations against the liberty of the country which has not only recieved and given him bread, but heaped it’s honors on his head."
"[Hamilton], man whose mind was really powerful, but chained by native
partialities to every thing English: who had formed exaggerated ideas of
the superior perfection of the English constitution, the superior
wisdom of their government; and sincerely believed it for the good of
this country to make them their model in every thing: without
considering that what might be wise and good for a nation essentially
commercial, and entangled in complicated intercourse with numerous and
powerful neighbors, might not be so for one essentially agricultural,
& insulated by nature from the abusive governments of the old world.
The exercise by our own citizens of so much commerce as may suffice to
exchange our superfluities, for our wants, may be advantageous for the
whole. But it does not follow that, with a territory so boundless, it is
the interest of the whole to become a mere city of London, to carry on
the business of one half the world at the expence of eternal war with
the other half.
The agricultural capacities of our country constitute it’s distinguishing feature: and the adapting our policy & pursuits to that, is more likely to make us a numerous and happy people than the mimicry of an Amsterdam, a Hamburg, or a city of London. Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of it’s association, & to say to all individuals that, if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles, and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral & Pseudo-citizens on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease. Such is the situation of our country. We have most abundant resources of happiness within ourselves, which we may enjoy in peace and safety, without permitting a few citizens, infected with the Mania of rambling & gambling, to bring danger on the great mass engaged in innocent and safe pursuits at home."
The agricultural capacities of our country constitute it’s distinguishing feature: and the adapting our policy & pursuits to that, is more likely to make us a numerous and happy people than the mimicry of an Amsterdam, a Hamburg, or a city of London. Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of it’s association, & to say to all individuals that, if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles, and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral & Pseudo-citizens on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease. Such is the situation of our country. We have most abundant resources of happiness within ourselves, which we may enjoy in peace and safety, without permitting a few citizens, infected with the Mania of rambling & gambling, to bring danger on the great mass engaged in innocent and safe pursuits at home."
Back when we were Negroes

The young people attending this Harlem cotillion in 1954 did not aspire to be 'hootchie mamas' or thugs, suggests the author.
Date published: 10/12/2011
--There was a time until the early 1960s when the terms to describe those of African decent, like me--African-American or black or Afro-American--were almost unheard of. I remember a distinct conversation with a friend discussing descriptive terms for ourselves in 1963 or '64. The term "black" was just coming into vogue and he didn't like it one bit.
"Call me a Negro," he said, "but don't call me black." Now, the word "Negro" (publications used a lower-case "n") has almost become a pejorative, so I was a little surprised when my pastor, the Rev. Willie Reid, used it during a Thursday night revival.
"Back when we were Negroes," he said, and listed several things that were different about black life in America back then. That got me to thinking.
Back when we were Negroes in the 1950s, "only 9 percent of black families with children were headed by a single parent," according to "The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies" by Kay Hymowitz.
Black children had a 52 percent chance of living with both their biological parents until age 17. In 1959, "only 2 percent of black children were reared in households in which the mother never married."
But now that we're African-Americans, according to Hymowitz, those odds of living with both parents had "dwindled to a mere 6 percent" by the mid-1980s.
More @ Hacienda Publishing
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