Friday, May 2, 2014
No Country for White Children
Via Nancy
As White children are bullied, beaten, and murdered at the hands of
non-Whites, we are continuously told that "diversity" is our greatest
strength. These local news stories are some of the things you missed
while the national news media covers stories like Trayvon.
Maryland gun store drops plans to sell 'smart guns' after threats
A Maryland gun shop owner has dropped his plan to be the first in the United States to sell a so-called "smart gun" after a backlash that included death threats.
Andy Raymond, co-owner of Engage Armament in Rockville, a Washington suburb, said he was trying to protect his business by reversing his decision to sell the Armatix iP1 .22-caliber handgun, which electronically limits the ability to fire the weapon.
"I can't have my shop burned down," Raymond said on Friday. "I have people to look out for."
He said late Thursday on his Facebook page that he would back off the planned sales.
More @ Townhall
Wilmington's 1898 Racial Conflict
The following trascription is provided to help better understand the
unsettled political climate that helped cause the racial conflict of
November, 1898 in the city of Wilmington. The conflict is also
known as the "Wilmington Race Riot," "Wilmington Race Revolution," and the "Wilmington Rebellion."
This account was published 40 years after the event.
1898 Wilmington Race Riot
Pictorial and Historical New Hanover County and Wilmington
North Carolina - 1723-1938
Edited, Complied and Published by William Lord deRosset,
Edited, Complied and Published by William Lord deRosset,
Wilmington, N.C. 1938
The Wilmington Race Revolution:
The True Story from Official Records
The Wilmington Race Revolution, November 10th, 1898, was the
direct result of ill-advice given Negroes by unprincipled white
leaders. This scurrilous influence, supplemented with recognition given
Negroes, through minor political offices such
as magistrates, police duties, etc., had made the darkies impudent,
and insolent. The situation finally developed to the point where
white women and children were being insulted, pushed off the
sidewalks into gutters.
The racial break came at the time mentioned above. As a result,
The racial break came at the time mentioned above. As a result,
within 48 hours, it resulted in the white race asserting itself and
regaining absolute control of the municipal and county governments.
Thug Sucker-Punches Business Owner – Then Gets Surprise
Maen Mdanat has become something of a neighborhood hero since taking ownership of the Axis Food Mart in Tuscon, Arizona, about five years ago.
“He really cares about his community and giving back,” Peter Norback, creator of the nearby One Can A Week food donation program, told KVOA-TV in Tuscon. “People come up, don’t always have the change (to pay for an item), he just lets them slide. No convenience store does that.”
But more than that, Norbeck writes on his blog, Mdanat quickly jumped in to help Norbeck “clean up our neighborhood” and even do some crime prevention to the point where “peace and civility is the norm.”
More videos @ Top Right News
Goodies from Ol' Remus
Migrant packinghouse worker. Notice the school bus converted to a
mobile home in the background.
Sixth and ninth grade Chicago students will discuss the book “The Black Athena” and an accompanying full-length Youtube
documentary claiming ancient Greeks stole much of its civilization from
Egypt, which, Bernal asserts, was populated by blacks. Chicago fifth
graders will study Ivan van Sertima’s “They Came Before Columbus” which
theorized Africans populated the Americas before Columbus. The eighth
grade literacy section unit, titled “Being an Advocate to Social
Justice,” includes a poem titled “Racism is Around Me Everywhere” and
Tenth graders are introduced to “critical race theory,” which holds that
institutional racism and white privilege are pervasive throughout
society, says Chuck Ross in this article, See what they’ll be teaching in the Chicago public schools, at The Daily Caller.
Remus says - It was both comical and
depressing to see some Bundy supporters and "conservative" congressmen
run like scalded cats when this phoney boogeyman was tossed in front of
'em. Really? After all this time? Some plain talk? Some creative
editing by
Media Matters
and the NY Times? That's all it takes? If so, Reid's people own them. Own
them. They say they're going to take on the Evil Empire but they
scatter when the usual suspects pull the lamest trick in the book. Back
to Mayberry RFD with 'em, as this comment puts it:
The Left will come after you and the other nice people just as they will persecute anyone they see as a threat. The Left will lie about their enemy and nice people on our side will stand aside and watch the target destroyed simply because the target may/may not be in violation of some Mayberry Code of Conduct. You can just as easily be isolated, slandered, and destroyed. The facts won't protect you.
Scott M, via Gerard Vanderleun at
Try try again -
Maybe the reason why Bloomberg joined forces with Watts and Moms Demand
Action is due to his waning membership in Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
From 2013 to February 2014, the group had already lost 50 members. At
the end of 2013, the group had less than 1,000 members.
Suzanne at
Suzanne at
Anti-gun -
They lie because if they told the truth, they would not have an issue to complain about.
Miguel G at
Miguel G at
Gearing up - According to ATF
records, a total of 512,790 machine guns were registered across the
country in 2014, more than 571,000 silencers, 2.2 million so-called
destructive devices which include grenades and other explosives, 137,201
short-barreled rifles and 131,951 short-barreled shotguns.
Kevin Johnson at
Kevin Johnson at
Half a century is enough
- The American public has woken up to the folly of trying to end racial
discrimination by practicing it, dooming affirmative action to a slow
death, and the racialist left is not taking the news very well...
Justice Sotomayor’s dissent was actually longer than all the other
opinions in the case combined. But she was faced with a difficult task
in explaining why refusing to treat races differently is actually racial
Thomas Lifson at
Thomas Lifson at
Remus says - Piffle. Affirmative Action is immoral and illegal on its face. Ol' Remus is not surprised the Supreme Court disagrees how much immorality and illegality to allow if the immorality and illegality itself is okay with them. Nor, given the caliber of its members, is he surprised the Supreme Court conducts itself like a small claims court deciding matters retail rather than on principle. As for Sonia Sotomayor, why wouldn't an Affirmative Action judge wave the Affirmative Action bloody shirt? Dance with the one what brung you, right? As above, piffle.
Unintended consequences -
The problem with destroying the education system is that the citizens
who are produced may no longer even be able to understand propaganda
aimed at them.
Texas Arcane at
Texas Arcane at
Unusual Chicago 'business as usual' -
Reporter Dave Savini decided to stop by a South Side Subway sandwich
shop for a meal. Savini was struck by the fact that the counter of the
store at 116th Street and South Halsted was encased in bullet-proof
glass... An internet search also found a few bulletproof Subways in
Oakland and Detroit.
John Dodge at
John Dodge at
CCW to the rescue: Man charged in construction site shooting was former employee
Via Bearing Arms
Two people are injured and police have charged a man with aggravated assault after a shooting at a downtown construction site on Wednesday.
Austin-Travis County EMS officials said it happened at 1901 Rio Grande Street. According to an arrest affidavit, Jesus Delarca-Reyes assaulted the foreman at the construction site.
The affidavit says Delarca-Reyes was a former employee at the construction site and was fired about two weeks ago.
On Wednesday, Delarca-Reyes returned to the site and demanded money. The foreman told him he had been paid in full and took out his cell phone to take photos of Delarca-Reyes trespassing on the property. Delarca-Reyes hit the cell phone out of the foreman's hand, and when the foreman pushed him, Delarca-Reyes pulled out a gun, shooting the foreman's leg.
The foreman, who had a concealed handgun license, fired back at Delarca-Reyes, hitting him in his stomach.
Two people are injured and police have charged a man with aggravated assault after a shooting at a downtown construction site on Wednesday.
Austin-Travis County EMS officials said it happened at 1901 Rio Grande Street. According to an arrest affidavit, Jesus Delarca-Reyes assaulted the foreman at the construction site.
The affidavit says Delarca-Reyes was a former employee at the construction site and was fired about two weeks ago.
On Wednesday, Delarca-Reyes returned to the site and demanded money. The foreman told him he had been paid in full and took out his cell phone to take photos of Delarca-Reyes trespassing on the property. Delarca-Reyes hit the cell phone out of the foreman's hand, and when the foreman pushed him, Delarca-Reyes pulled out a gun, shooting the foreman's leg.
The foreman, who had a concealed handgun license, fired back at Delarca-Reyes, hitting him in his stomach.
More with video @ KVUE
A Deadly Recipe For War With China and Russia
Via Jonathan
Not only has America under the faux-leadership of Barack Obama lost their marbles, it would appear the EU has as well. The world seems to be skipping merrily down the bloody apocalyptic path to war with China, with nary a care — except for lining their pockets of course. America is busy displaying their military weakness and gaps for all to see and the EU is busy arming China so they can get their dynastic conquest on. Forget fiddling while Rome burns, we’re lighting the fuse and fanning the flame.
Let’s start with some semblance of sanity, shall we? The Aussies have uncovered a whole nest of Chinese spies in their universities. They are here in the US as well, but we cuddle with them, while the Australians are actively hunting them down. Any wager on who will fare better?
From The Sydney Morning Herald:
Not only has America under the faux-leadership of Barack Obama lost their marbles, it would appear the EU has as well. The world seems to be skipping merrily down the bloody apocalyptic path to war with China, with nary a care — except for lining their pockets of course. America is busy displaying their military weakness and gaps for all to see and the EU is busy arming China so they can get their dynastic conquest on. Forget fiddling while Rome burns, we’re lighting the fuse and fanning the flame.
Let’s start with some semblance of sanity, shall we? The Aussies have uncovered a whole nest of Chinese spies in their universities. They are here in the US as well, but we cuddle with them, while the Australians are actively hunting them down. Any wager on who will fare better?
From The Sydney Morning Herald:
More @ Noisy Room
NC: A Southern Reader Calls Out North Carolina Treason Lobby Tool Thom Tillis
Via Mike
John McCain and the Koch brothers’ financing of Thom Tillis’s US Senate campaign ought to remove all doubt of where Tillis will stand on amnesty and the immigration surge bill, S.744.
Of course, it will be another case of saying amnesty is not really amnesty, etc.
In 2013, Tillis strongly backed North Carolina house bill H786, which initially included a provision to give NC Drivers permits to Illegal immigrant workers. That part of the bill was too much for most of the Republicans in the legislature, but Tillis did manage to keep in a provision that made a huge hole in the state's E-Verify law, exempting seasonal workers from E-Verify for 9 months. You could park the whole Iranian Army in NC in 9 months.
John McCain and the Koch brothers’ financing of Thom Tillis’s US Senate campaign ought to remove all doubt of where Tillis will stand on amnesty and the immigration surge bill, S.744.
Of course, it will be another case of saying amnesty is not really amnesty, etc.
In 2013, Tillis strongly backed North Carolina house bill H786, which initially included a provision to give NC Drivers permits to Illegal immigrant workers. That part of the bill was too much for most of the Republicans in the legislature, but Tillis did manage to keep in a provision that made a huge hole in the state's E-Verify law, exempting seasonal workers from E-Verify for 9 months. You could park the whole Iranian Army in NC in 9 months.
More @ V Dare
"White Privilege" as the Neutron Bomb of Moral Warfare
The growing popularity of "check your privilege" and "white privilege" at Universities and in political debates is interesting.
Why is it interesting? It's not a force for progress or positive change, it's a form of moral warfare.
That means it's not a constructive remark that improves the debate, rather, it's an attack that does damage the target. However, it doesn't damage the target directly. Instead, the damage is done by weakening or breaking the moral bonds that allow the target to function in a social context.
More @ Global Guerrillas
Putin: Washington behind Ukraine events all along, though flying low
Via Nancy
The US has been behind the Ukrainian crisis from the beginning, but was initially flying low, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. He added that if sanctions continue, Russia will have to reconsider who has access to key sectors of its economy.
“I think what is happening now shows us who really was mastering the process from the beginning. But in the beginning, the United States preferred to remain in the shadow,” Putin said, as quoted by RIA Novosti.
Putin stated that since the US has taken a lead role in resolving the political crisis in Ukraine, it is “telling that they originally were behind this process, but now they just have emerged as leaders” of it.
The "Maidan cookies" policy paves the way to a broader crisis, Putin warned, referring to US officials showing up in central Kiev and encouraging protesters during demonstrations.
“It is necessary to understand that the situation is serious and try to find serious approaches to the solution,” he said.
Putin said that he has called on Kiev to start an all-Ukrainian dialogue, adding that other countries should not be blamed for the crisis.
“[They should] treat equally the rights of those living in other areas of Ukraine, first of all, I mean, the east and southeast, establish a dialogue, find a compromise," he told journalists while speaking about the measures necessary to put an end to the crisis. “Here's what you need to do; searching for the guilty outside Ukraine is wrong.”
The US has been behind the Ukrainian crisis from the beginning, but was initially flying low, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. He added that if sanctions continue, Russia will have to reconsider who has access to key sectors of its economy.
“I think what is happening now shows us who really was mastering the process from the beginning. But in the beginning, the United States preferred to remain in the shadow,” Putin said, as quoted by RIA Novosti.
Putin stated that since the US has taken a lead role in resolving the political crisis in Ukraine, it is “telling that they originally were behind this process, but now they just have emerged as leaders” of it.
The "Maidan cookies" policy paves the way to a broader crisis, Putin warned, referring to US officials showing up in central Kiev and encouraging protesters during demonstrations.
“It is necessary to understand that the situation is serious and try to find serious approaches to the solution,” he said.
Putin said that he has called on Kiev to start an all-Ukrainian dialogue, adding that other countries should not be blamed for the crisis.
“[They should] treat equally the rights of those living in other areas of Ukraine, first of all, I mean, the east and southeast, establish a dialogue, find a compromise," he told journalists while speaking about the measures necessary to put an end to the crisis. “Here's what you need to do; searching for the guilty outside Ukraine is wrong.”
More @ RT
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