Saturday, November 16, 2013
NC: Winston-Salem State QB 'viciously' beaten by Virginia State players on eve of title game
Via Horace
The conference announced that the title game set for Saturday in Winston-Salem in North Carolina has been canceled.
Rudy Johnson, the starting quarterback for the Rams, was “viciously
beaten” by members of the Virginia State team, Winston-Salem State
Chancellor Donald Reaves said in a statement. He said one Virginia State
player admitted his role in the beating.
A bathroom fight Friday among football players from Winston-Salem State and Virginia State during a CIAA championship game luncheon left the WSSU quarterback beaten and charges filed against a player from the other team.
The conference announced that the title game set for Saturday in Winston-Salem in North Carolina has been canceled.
Rudy Johnson, the starting quarterback for the Rams, was “viciously
beaten” by members of the Virginia State team, Winston-Salem State
Chancellor Donald Reaves said in a statement. He said one Virginia State
player admitted his role in the beating.
More @ New York Daily News
Man killed after allegedly breaking into apartment
Jackson police say man has been shot dead after breaking into an apartment and another man was being treated for gunshot wounds.
Police tell The Clarion-Ledger that a 36-year-old man forced his way into an apartment at Southside Terrace at approximately 1:30 a.m. Saturday.
The suspect allegedly started firing, hitting a man already inside the apartment. That man returned fire, killing the alleged intruder.
Police say the man already in the apartment was shot twice and taken to University Medical Center for treatment. His current condition was not known.
More @ Sun Herald
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Seattle Elects Socialist Candidate to City Council
Seattle voters have elected a socialist to city council for the first time in modern history.
Kshama Sawant's lead continued to grow on Friday, prompting 16-year incumbent Richard Conlin to concede.
Even in this liberal city, Sawant's win has surprised many here. Conlin was backed by the city's political establishment. On election night, she trailed by four percentage points. She wasn't a veteran politician, having only run in one previous campaign.
But in the days following election night, Sawant's share of the votes outgrew Conlin's.
"I don't think socialism makes most people in Seattle afraid," Conlin said Friday.
While city council races are technically non-partisan, Sawant made sure people knew she was running as a socialist — a label that would be politically poisonous in many parts of the country.
More @ Newsmax
The Problem with Win First
As the debate between the planners and the ‘doers’ forges right ahead, we’ve seen plenty of win first statements. ‘Win first’ specifically refers to winning the revolution before planning for the needed governance to follow; revolting before they even plan how resistance or revolution is executed after the first month. I admire that camp’s enthusiasm and vigor in wanting to re-introduce Constitutional principles back into Constitutional government; however, it’s not one that I can support right now. Simple revolt produces second- and third-order effects for which they need to plan.
Lincoln had a favorable and lenient approach to the Reconstruction of the Old South until he was assassinated. What followed was a ‘second-order effect’ that produced a less desirable, unforeseen, and down right vindictive outcome. The Federal government under Johnson and Grant punished the South instead of simply allowing the States to be readmitted into the Union. What are the likely second- and third-order effects produced by the ‘Just Do It’ crowd? Probably not too great for the Liberty movement. In fact, I’d argue that it would bring more regime surveillance and action over those who espouse Liberty as their quasi-religion.
I see several critical shortcomings in their strategy, if you can call it that. To restate that strategy, it’s two fold: leave our country, or get killed.
More @ Guerrilla America
Legalizing illegal immigrants is the solution to Obamacare: Democrat
Gee, can't believe I never thought of such an obvious solution........
Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights.
The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans that have been canceled under Obamacare, but Mr. Polis, a Colorado Democrat, said the chamber should instead be looking at ways to make sure everyone in the country is covered by the Affordable Care Act — including illegal immigrants.
More @ The Washington Times
'Gay' columnist blasts same-sex marriage: Claims state has no right to redefine meaning of family
An openly homosexual columnist in Ireland has written a piece blasting his country for considering same-sex marriage, warning the state has no business reinventing the family and undermining children’s “right” to a mother and father.
Paddy Manning, writing in the Irish Daily Mirror, tells of being arrested for hitting on a male police officer, but warns the solution to persecution of homosexuals isn’t to have government carve up traditional marriage.
“Same-sex marriage is not some warm, fluffy equality bunny; it’s a bare-faced state power grab,” Manning writes. “The state gets to entirely remake marriage, not as the man/woman/child model we’ve inherited from 10,000 years of history and across all cultures, but as an anything-goes irrelevant partnership agreement between adults.”
Manning explains same-sex unions will render marriage “irrelevant” because “for the first time, children and parenthood [will have] no place in marriage.”
“Only a man and a woman have children, despite every fantasy the gender-busters want us to believe,” Manning writes. “Every child has a right to that natural life. Same-sex marriage asks us to ignore reality and children’s rights to a mother and father.”
More @ WND
"Regarding schools,
the U.S. has managed to do the most amazing thing. We once had the greatest educational system on the planet, a system that taught even the poorest among us and which brought children to levels that far surpassed many college graduates today. Consider the one-room schoolhouses of pioneering days, which taught students how to be literate, critical thinkers who then built America into a world power of agriculture, technology, medicine and science.
But once the federal government got its grimy paws involved, test scores plunged and immorality not only increased but was actively celebrated. Schools no longer were answerable to parents, either in matters of curricula or discipline. If a parent complained, he was marginalized and told he was the “only one” to have an issue. Bullies were rewarded, peer pressure became the driving behavioral force, discipline became nonexistent, and academic excellence went down the toilet. What an accomplishment!
Proof? Employers are having a hard time filling vacancies in their businesses because graduates are too ignorant to read, write and speak in an educated and civilized manner. William Ellet, an adjunct professor teaching writing at Brandeis International Business School, notes, “Recruiters and companies are saying, ‘Send us a writing sample, and if you don’t meet our standards for communication, we are not hiring you.’”
(To be fair, many parents worked hand-in-glove with this decline, unquestioningly turning over their children to the schools to raise and then browbeating teachers when Johnny failed his math test because he didn’t study. The blame runs both ways.)
I know of no other country in the civilized world – with the exception of despotic regimes – where education has been so actively and deliberately dumbed down and which seems to take pride in the production of stupid, uneducated, unaware and ignorant citizenry.
More @ WND
Thousands of Doctors Dropped by Insurer After Obamacare Funding Cuts
UnitedHealth Group has dropped thousands of doctors from its networks in recent weeks, leaving many elderly patients unsure whether they need to switch plans to continue seeing their doctors, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.
The insurer said in October that underfunding of Medicare Advantage plans for the elderly could not be fully offset by the company's other healthcare business.
The company also reported spending more healthcare premiums on medical claims in the third quarter, due mainly to government cuts to payments for Medicare Advantage services.
More @ Newsmax
The mysterious tale of a lost Revolutionary War cannon and how it was found in Alabama
Via Billy
One of John Burgoyne's cannons is finally back where the British general and his redcoats lost it more than 230 years ago: the Saratoga Battlefield, scene of one of American history's most important battles.
After spending the past 40 years at a museum in Alabama, the cannon has been returned to the upstate New York landmark, thanks to a chance remark four years ago - and some dogged investigative work by U.S. Army and National Park Service employees.
The rare, 555-pound artillery piece, known as a six-pounder for the weight of the ball it fired, disappeared in the early 1960s from a barn near the battlefield, officially known as the Saratoga National Historical Park.
"The long-timers here at the park had always heard about this cannon that was legendary among park staff," said Christine Valosin, the Saratoga park's curator.
One of John Burgoyne's cannons is finally back where the British general and his redcoats lost it more than 230 years ago: the Saratoga Battlefield, scene of one of American history's most important battles.
After spending the past 40 years at a museum in Alabama, the cannon has been returned to the upstate New York landmark, thanks to a chance remark four years ago - and some dogged investigative work by U.S. Army and National Park Service employees.
The rare, 555-pound artillery piece, known as a six-pounder for the weight of the ball it fired, disappeared in the early 1960s from a barn near the battlefield, officially known as the Saratoga National Historical Park.
"The long-timers here at the park had always heard about this cannon that was legendary among park staff," said Christine Valosin, the Saratoga park's curator.
More @ AL
A war veteran died with nobody to attend his funeral. What happened next was astonishing (15 Photos)
Harold Jellicoe Percival, a veteran of Bomber Command in WWII, died last
month aged 99. The death notice in his local paper said that there was
nobody to attend his funeral.
More @ The Chive
Anti-gunners play dirty tricks in Colorado recall: Warning neighborhoods that petition gatherers may be criminals
Several weeks back as two Colorado legislators were recalled over their anti-Second Amendment votes during the most recent legislative session, WND reported recall backers charged that Chicago-style thug tactics were being used against them.
Apparently it’s happening again, according to local reports.
Not surprising, because the stakes now are higher. Earlier, when Democrat Senate President John Morse and Democrat Sen. Angela Giron were thrown out of office by voters, to be replaced by Republicans, the changes just reduced the Democrat majority.
The current recall effort, against Democratic Sen. Evie Hudak, if successful would change the balance of power and give the GOP the majority, throwing a wrench in the surging leftist agenda under Democrat Gov. John Hickenlooper and the Democrat majority in the state House.
More @ WND
The Skyraider

(How well, I remember.)
(How well, I remember.)
South Vietnamese Air Force A-1E (AD-5) Skyraider |
More @ Old AF Sarge
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