The Supreme Court didn’t even hear the case. It isn’t like they
heard the arguments or allowed for the public to be a part of
understanding the complexity of the Paxton suit. Instead, they refuse
to hear it because States are allowed to set and follow their own
election rules, even when those rules are unconstitutional or ignore the
Constitutional process. The dissenters, Alito and Thomas, both felt
there were merits to the case that warranted the case being heard. The
seven other Justices, including the three Trump appointees, all vote
against hearing the case.
This decision should have been 9 to 0 in favor of hearing the case,
and later, 9 to 0 in favor of striking down all edicts, orders, and
rules that were changed outside of the Constitutional process, and
invalidating all of the ballots cast under such rules.
Since the founding of our Country, there’s been a process for
everything. In March 1976, Schoolhouse Rock taught us about the process
for a bill and how laws are made. Routinely, people are destroyed on
“Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader,” with questions about the
legislative process. The United States Constitution as well as many of
the States’ Constitutions and Charters, all contain instructions of the
process. That process includes the passage of bills out of both houses
of the legislature (in the 49 bicameral states, I’m looking at you
Nebraska), those bills to be signed by the Executive, and the Courts
decide whether or not those laws follow and are in line with the
Constitution, should they be challenged.
More @ Red State

Did Chief Justice John Roberts Really Scream at Conservative Justices Over the Texas Challenge to the 2020 Elections
..... the words that were heard through the wall when Justice Thomas and
Justice Alito were citing Bush vs. Gore, from John Roberts were “I don’t
give a…about that case, I don’t want to hear about it. At that time, we
didn’t have riots.
So what he was saying was that he was afraid of what would happen if
they did the right thing. And I’m sorry, but that is moral cowardice.