Thursday, December 13, 2018
French Generals Accuse Macron of “Treason” Over UN Migration Pact Open letter says French citizens have another reason to "revolt"
A group of French military generals have written an open letter to Emmanuel Macron accusing the French President of committing “treason” by signing the UN migration pact.
The pact, which was signed by 164 nations on Monday, including France, is not legally binding but greases the skids for unlimited migration to be treated as a human right and criticism of mass migration to be treated as hate speech.
A letter written by General Antoine Martinez and signed by ten other generals, an admiral and a colonel, as well as former French Minister of Defense Charles Millon, warns Macron that the move strips France of more sovereignty and provides an additional reason for “an already battered people” to “revolt”.
More @ News Wars
McCarthy: I’m 100% Sure We Have Votes to Pass $5 Billion in Wall Funding
On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) expressed 100% confidence that he has the votes to pass a bill that has $5 billion in border wall funding.
Host Martha MacCallum asked, “[A]re you guys going to be able to pass a bill that has $5 billion in wall funding before you leave for the holidays, or are you going to be here throughout Christmas, and perhaps throughout New Year’s?”
McCarthy answered, “Well, the answer here is yes in the House. The question is, it takes 60 votes in the Senate, would Senator Schumer (D-NY) want to have another shutdown like he had before?”
More @ Breitbart
The Joint Committee on Reconstruction–or do you love Big Brother?
Many Southern folks were, quite naturally, bitter after the War of Northern Aggression was formerly (if not actually) over and the Marxist/Abolitionist cultural pogrom called “reconstruction” was foisted upon them. They’d seen their country pillaged and burned by Yankee/Marxists during the war and now they were seeing the last ounce of blood being wrung from it via “reconstruction.” Although I’ve mentioned it before it’s worth noting again–the term “reconstruction” is really a Marxist term. When Karl Marx lavished praise on Abraham Lincoln, one of the things he praised him for was that he was fighting for “…the reconstruction of a social world.” So please, get it fixed in your minds that “reconstruction” in the South was really nothing more than Marxism in living color
More @ Revised History
New York State Issues Ultimatum To Faith-Based Adoption Agency
Via Billy
A religious adoption provider that has operated since 1965 and placed more than 1,000 children with families is being told by the New York state government to either changes its operating procedures – and go against its faith – or shut down.
Founded by local Christian ministers, New Hope Family Services (NHFS) opened its doors 53 years ago, serving the women, children, and families of Syracuse, NY. In 1986, the organization opened a pregnancy center for women in need, providing pregnancy tests, referrals, and counseling

A religious adoption provider that has operated since 1965 and placed more than 1,000 children with families is being told by the New York state government to either changes its operating procedures – and go against its faith – or shut down.
Founded by local Christian ministers, New Hope Family Services (NHFS) opened its doors 53 years ago, serving the women, children, and families of Syracuse, NY. In 1986, the organization opened a pregnancy center for women in need, providing pregnancy tests, referrals, and counseling
More @ The Daily Wire
Boy Scouts of America may declare bankruptcy
Via Cousin John
The Boy Scouts of America is mulling declaring bankruptcy amid flagging membership and an avalanche of costly sex abuse allegations, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Leaders have hired Chicago law firm Sidley Austin for help in a potential Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, sources told the outlet.

The Boy Scouts of America is mulling declaring bankruptcy amid flagging membership and an avalanche of costly sex abuse allegations, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Leaders have hired Chicago law firm Sidley Austin for help in a potential Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, sources told the outlet.
More @ New York Post
Putin Unveils Huge Solzhenitsyn Statue with Christian Imagery in Moscow, Urges Young to Read Him
Via Billy
Putin is a huge Solzhenitsyn fan, and made this very clear while the writer was alive by publicly meeting him and praising him, (pictures below), and attending his funeral.
Significantly in his speech, Putin criticized the “totalitarian system which brought suffering and severe trials to millions of people”, and praised Solzhenitsyn for criticizing it and for calling for morality.
Solzhenitsyn was a staunch Christian in his later years and urged his countrymen to look to their traditional religion for moral strength.
More @ LRC
Government Indicts Ham Sandwich: Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty
Via Billy
This week, I will provide readers with a FREE excerpt from Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind in order to prove that if you'd bought the book two months ago, you'd already understand the rules of the game. Now that Democrats are about to take control of the House, this is the only book you'll need until President Trump is out of office.
Boring facts can be used to prove big crimes, but in the case of Trump attorney Michael Cohen's payment to a porn star, what we have is a boring fact being used to prove a boring crime: an alleged violation of the campaign finance laws zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... Worse: They're trying to prove a reporting violation.

This week, I will provide readers with a FREE excerpt from Resistance Is Futile!: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind in order to prove that if you'd bought the book two months ago, you'd already understand the rules of the game. Now that Democrats are about to take control of the House, this is the only book you'll need until President Trump is out of office.
Boring facts can be used to prove big crimes, but in the case of Trump attorney Michael Cohen's payment to a porn star, what we have is a boring fact being used to prove a boring crime: an alleged violation of the campaign finance laws zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... Worse: They're trying to prove a reporting violation.
More @ Townhall
Trump Cancels White House Christmas Party For The Press

In his continuing war against the media, President Trump has decided to cancel a White House Christmas party for the press, ending a decades-long run in which the media hobnobbed with the president over eggnog and cookies.
"The White House made no announcement that it was dropping the press party, Howard Kurtz of Fox News writes.
More @ The Daily Wire
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