Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Franklin Graham: Halt ALL immigration to U.S.

Via Billy

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham, who heads up the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the worldwide charitable Samaritan’s Purse nonprofit, went on CNN television and doubled down on previously expressed views that America should halt immigration for the time being.

He also asked for those of faith to join him in praying for the safety and future of America.
But first on immigration, Graham said America needed to walk carefully and think twice about letting strangers into the nation.

“I think we should put a halt on immigration because our borders are broken, until we have a proper system to vet people,” he said to CNN’s Carol Costello. “I think all immigration, but especially those coming from the Middle East right now.”

More @ WND

Trump’s “Fascism” Is Just White America Finally Hitting BACK

Via Michael 

 Trump supporters at a rally--no one is wearing a "Black Shirt."
Trump’s supporters are beginning to understand politics is about who, not what, and seem to trust that he use the state to protect them from perceived enemies, rather than unleashing it on them, as Obama has done. The rise of Trump isn’t “fascism,” but long overdue resistance and self-defense from an occupied people tired of being treated like enemies of the state in the country they built.

On the eve of the final GOP presidential candidates’ debate, Conservatism Inc. still hasn’t decided whether to denounce Donald Trump as a RINO or a fascist. But the Left is voting for “fascist” and Conservatism Inc. notoriously ends up doing what the Left wants.

George Orwell famously wrote, “[A]s used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless.” But to the Main Stream Media, fascism has an obvious meaning. A “fascist” is anyone who supports Donald Trump.

More @ VDARE

ISIS Smuggled Sarin Gas Through Turkey – Terrorists Captured With Poison Gas in Switzerland

Via sauced07

Earlier this week Turkish lawmaker Eren Erdem, from the opposition Republican People’s Party, revealed on Russia Today that ISIS had smuggled sarin gas through Turkey to chemical labs in Syria and Turkish officials did nothing to stop them.

Barbaric: ISIS Used Body Hair to Determine Which Boys to Slaughter

Via Billy

iraq refugees

A ten year-old Yazidi slave boy told a Western reporter this week he was spared death from ISIS because he was too young to have armpit hair. 

Islamic State soldiers lined up the boys from Kocho, Iraq and murdered all of the children with armpit hair. The younger boys were turned into child soldiers.

It’s Donald Trump’s Party Now

Only voters can now stop businessman Donald Trump’s march to the White House. Last night’s Republican debate seemed a tacit acknowledgement of that, with only the long-shot candidates willing to take Trump head-on.

More @ Rasmussen

Goat kidnapped, abused and raped in Gothenburg

Via comment by Anonymous on Joys of Islam


A goat was kidnapped Sunday night from Slottsskogens Zoo in Gothenburg, and it was then subjected to abuse and rape.

- It had been abused, burnt, and we also found injuries in the vagina, says Per Åberg, who is head of the zoo.

It was when the animals were counted on Monday morning the zoo staff discovered that a goat was missing. They searched everywhere without finding the goat.

After a while the staff got a tip from visitors who seen a goat nearby, and it was found, abused and raped.

The mixture of injuries and abuse was so severe that it had to be killed.


Cape Carteret to Fallbrook

John's Island, SC

Frenchman's Wilderness, Breaux Bridge, LA


Segovia River Valley, Junction, TX

                                             Saddleback Mountain, Saragosa, TX

New Mexico Rest Stop

Two above: Lunch courtesy of gentleman and scholar Brian Edwards at La Posta de Mesilla, Mesilla, New Mexico. Brian graciously invited us to his New Mexico and Texas Ranches, but unfortunately we haven't made one yet, though we shall! :)

Four above: Picacho Peak RV Resort, Picacho, AZ. Just wonderful.  A sparkling campground with friendly people and an excellent black bean burger with accompanying beer or wine.  Spend a night if you have the chance. Definitely a must stay for snow birds.

 Arrival at Virginia's and Paul's in Fallbrook.

Christmas, by Henry Timrod (1828-1867) the Poet Laureate of the Confederacy

How grace this hallowed day?
Shall happy bells, from yonder ancient spire,
Send their glad greetings to each Christmas fire
Round which the children play?

Alas! for many a moon,
That tongueless tower hath cleaved the Sabbath air,
Mute as an obelisk of ice, aglare
Beneath an Arctic noon.

Shame to the foes that drown
Our psalms of worship with their impious drum,
The sweetest chimes in all the land lie dumb
In some far rustic town.

There, let us think, they keep,
Of the dead Yules which here beside the sea
They’ve ushered in with old-world, English glee,
Some echoes in their sleep.

How shall we grace the day?
With feast, and song, and dance, and antique sports,
And shout of happy children in the courts,
And tales of ghost and fay?

Is there indeed a door,
Where the old pastimes, with their lawful noise,
And all the merry round of Christmas joys,
Could enter as of yore?

Would not some pallid face
Look in upon the banquet, calling up
Dread shapes of battles in the wassail cup,
And trouble all the place?

How could we bear the mirth,
While some loved reveler of a year ago
Keeps his mute Christmas now beneath the snow,
In cold Virginian earth?

How shall we grace the day?
Ah! let the thought that on this holy morn
The Prince of Peace — the Prince of Peace was born,
Employ us, while we pray!

Pray for the peace which long
Hath left this tortured land, and haply now
Holds its white court on some far mountain’s brow,
There hardly safe from wrong!

Let every sacred fane
Call its sad votaries to the shrine of God,
And, with the cloister and the tented sod,
Join in one solemn strain!

With pomp of Roman form,
With the grave ritual brought from England’s shore,
And with the simple faith which asks no more
Than that the heart be warm!

He, who, till time shall cease,
Will watch that earth, where once, not all in vain,
He died to give us peace, may not disdain
A prayer whose theme is — peace.

Perhaps ere yet the Spring
Hath died into the Summer, over all
The land, the peace of His vast love shall fall,
Like some protecting wing.

Oh, ponder what it means!
Oh, turn the rapturous thought in every way!
Oh, give the vision and the fancy play,
And shape the coming scenes!

Peace in the quiet dales,
Made rankly fertile by the blood of men,
Peace in the woodland, and the lonely glen,
Peace in the peopled vales!

Peace in the crowded town,
Peace in a thousand fields of waving grain,
Peace in the highway and the flowery lane,
Peace on the wind-swept down!

Peace on the farthest seas,
Peace in our sheltered bays and ample streams,
Peace wheresoe’er our starry garland gleams,
And peace in every breeze!

Peace on the whirring marts,
Peace where the scholar thinks, the hunter roams,
Peace, God of Peace! peace, peace, in all our homes,
And peace in all our hearts!

Joys of Islam


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What Was the Confederacy After All?

 Jefferson 3

In all the recent fuss over symbols of the Confederacy, whether to honor them or get rid of the lot, not much attention has been paid to what that Confederacy was, after all, and why it might  be something that anyone would want to commemorate.

Of course one side doesn’t care.  It is sufficient for them that among the attributes of that government was a devotion to the defense of slavery, and about that there is no possibility of rational discussion or gradations of judgment.  What difference do any other attributes make?

And the other side is not very articulate about why the Confederacy matters any more, except to say that their ancestors fought nobly for it back then and they should still be remembered today.  And getting excited about a lot of people dying a century-and-a-half ago, no matter how honorably, doesn’t seem all that important to many people today.

But I have just come back from a conference sponsored by the Abbeville Institute at Stone Mountain Park in Georgia, devoted to discussing what one speaker called “the cultural genocide being waged against the South,”  during which a number of speakers made very clear what the Confederacy represents and why it is still important for us—all of us, regardless of region or color—to  remember today.