Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin Court-Martial Live Coverage Update

This is the long-form birth certificate that Obama is concealing containing information that's not on the short-form Certificate-of-Live-Birth
Dear Listeners,

We are attending the Lt. Col. Terry Lakin trial at the Fort Meade army base. We regret we are unable to file a report today because we are not allowed to bring cameras and recording devices into the courtroom. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin did plead guilty to a minor charge regarding disobeying a direct chain of command order. We met with Dr. Orly Taitz, famed Birther attorney, Maureen Dowd of the NY Times, and a reporter from World Net Daily. A full report of today’s proceedings will be filed tomorrow promptly on the Manning Report at 3pm EST at atlah.org. After which, each days proceedings will be filed the day of the event.

In His Royal Service,
A Natural Born Citizen,

Dr. James David Manning

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